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Private/Closed Pokemon journey through all regions

Daniel looked around his house and yawned today was the day he would get a Pokémon. He went into his drawer and took out a shirt and jeans. He put them on and ran off into the hallway closing the door. He came back a minute later grabbing his Pokemon book and ran downstairs. Daniel sat down at the breakfast table and found some pancakes on his plate, they were formed as an aerodactyl. His sister came into the Dining room and tried to sit on a chair. Too small. Daniel jumped off and lifted his sister onto the chair. She smiled and passed him a toy of a jigglypuff.
"Goodbye mum," Daniel said waving to his mum, he left the house and ran to the professor's lab.
"You got everything?" Marina's father interrogated. "Yes." She returned, rifling through her bag again to make sure. A few pokeballs, snack bars, and other things were inside, satisfactory to the owner to be enough. "Well then, good luck." The parent told her, getting ready to give the girl a hug. His plans were dashed when she mumbled a "Goodbye." and sped outside, already knowing what the adult might do.

Marina stepped outside, scanning the buildings nearby for the lab. Some other person was standing in front already, so she took her place behind him, assuming there was a line to go inside.
"Good luck on your journey. Give it your all." Max reread the note his parents had left for him this morning as the boat arrived in kanto. His parents both had to work through the night so they left him a farewell message instead of sending him off in person. It was a short walk from the dock to the center of pallet and saw two other people standing outside what looked like the lab. Max waited in the line that they made as he took a set on the ground.
Sorra heard her alarm go off, and rushed to get up quickly. She could hear her grandmother calling for her to wake up, and after a brief inspection of the room, Sorra zipped around her room, changing into her usual outfit. "Coming!" sliding down the stairs, Sorra looked at what she had for breakfast. "Are you sure you'll be alright with your Pokémon out there?" sighing, Sorra replied with a nod. "I'll be fine! This is my chance to have my own partner!" She spoke quickly as she reached for her breakfast. After finishing a ham and cheese sandwich, she got up. "Bye! I'll call, okay?!" Slipping on her boots, the morning sun hit her face as she opened the door. Excitedly, she spotted the professor's lab and ran over.


Previously LunaLuma
Elijah got ready for his journey, adjusting his hair and putting his backpack on. Elijah was about to walk out of the house when he saw his father get up and without saying anything, his father hugged him.
"Destroy Team Rocket for me," Elijah's father said quietly. This took Elijah by surprise. Elijah never knew his father wanted the same thing as Elijah however Elijah's father didn't really talk that much to Elijah. Elijah hugged a bit tighter and headed for Pallet Town to where the Professor's lab was. Luckily Elijah was quick and made it to the lab on time.
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A blue, seal-like Pokémon was quietly dozing off in a bush that lied near the Laboratory, as he snored along with the gentle breeze that cuddled around his small body. He continued to snore about, until he heard multiple, nimble movements that were approaching towards the Laboratory. He quickly aroused from his slumber, as he slowly peeked his head out and noticed several people that were within the area.

His attention was fixed on a boy that had made it to the Laboratory in time; the boy had a backpack on. His attention was primarily focused on a small skull tattoo that the boy had on his arm. He glanced over at the black hair that was short in its length, as he looked over at the boy's eyes that were in a shade of grayish-blue. He hesitantly came out of the bush and slowly waddled over towards the boy while his body trembled about with his amassing nervousness. He attempted to maintain a consistent speed in his movements, as it was harder for him to maneuver around on land.

He poked at the boy's right leg in a frightened motion, as he hesitantly said to the boy in a rather quiet tone, "Kur... K- Kur... Kurusu?" [Translation: Not Understandable] His unnerved eyes slightly looked up at the boy, as he felt rather intimidated from the boy's size. He attempted to keep his cool in front of the boy, as he resisted the urge to let off a water gun off at him. He toddled over towards the entrance doors that had a glassy look towards him, as the doors gave off a slight reflection of light that would give way towards his new start.


Previously LunaLuma
Elijah felt a small poke on his leg. He quickly looked down to see a small seal like pokemon stare and waddle closer to the door.
"Uh, Hi, Are you lost?" Elijah asked curiously. Elijah had never seen a pokemon like it. Elijah was curious of the small blue Pokemon. He tried not to stare and divert his attention but he couldn't stop thinking about the Pokemon.
"That little guy yours?" Max ask the boy who's leg the small seal-like pokemon poke. He had never seen a pokemon like it and assumed it was just was something common in this region. He could tell it was nervous so Max didn't try to approach it, he just continue to sit on the ground staring at the pokemon.


Previously LunaLuma
"It's not mine. I don't even know what pokemon it is, I think i've seen the species once before but I can't really remember anything about it," Elijah told the boy. Elijah looked at the boy and then at the Pokemon.
"This journey must be about seing new things as I see a Pokemon i've never seen before and a trainer/Soon to be trainer," Elijah said to himself in his mind as he waited for the Lab to open and for Elijah to get his first Pokemon.
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The professor walks out and says "Next please!" Daniel realised this meant him so he walked into the lab. "Ah Master Rondrick! Ok you have a choice between five pokemon. And here have your pokedex and poke balls," Daniel takes them and picks up the poke balls one by one. After a few minutes he grabbed a poke ball and sent the Pokemon out.
"I choose this one!" Daniel said.
"Ah squirtle well good luck master Rondrick!" Daniel waves at the professor and leaves.
Max jumpped up from the ground and walked into the lab, with a hurried pace. "Ne....well your already here, you must be Master Dragoon, please pick on of the remaining four pokeballs. Max looked at each one and grabbed one, releasing the charmander that was inside. "Charmander, fine choice. Good luck on your..." Max didn't wait for him to finish before he grabbed the pokedex and returned his charmander. Max quickly ran out the lab towards route 1, running passed the other trainers. Max didn't want to waste a moment of his first day as a trainer, his usual relax demener replaced with excitement and impatients.
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Daniel saw Max coming his way. He must be going to route 1 as well, Daniel thought. "Hi!" He said to the boy. Then he heard a pidgey. Daniel turned around and sent out squirtle. "Use bubble!" Squirtle obeyed and hit the pidgey with water. Daniel threw a pokeball. One... Two... Three... Caught! Daniel made a silent cheer and turned back around to face the boy. "I'm Daniel, what is your name?" He asked the boy.
Max jogged in place not wanting to lose momentum, "Max." He's answer wasn't the best he realised, but he had never been the best at talking to people. He saw him a moment ago catch a pidgey but didn't pay it any mind.
Daniel ran into route 1. He saw a pikachu. Daniel smiled and kept running until he saw a weedle. "Go squirtle! Use tackle!" The squirtle hit the weedle and then Daniel threw a pokeball. It broke free straight away and Daniel threw another pokeball. One... two... three... caught. Daniel high fived squirtle.

The boy made it to viridian city. He sprinted to the pokemart. A woman came outside and stopped when she saw him. "Do you have any rare Pokemon?" She asked suspiciously.
"No," Daniel answered nervously. She pushed him away and jumped onto an arbok. Daniel held up his pokedex. Apparently (Daniel didn't know) the Pokemon's name was arbok. Walking up to the desk, Daniel noticed a hot air balloon outside. "Can I please buy some poke balls," he said to the shop keeper.
"Certainly. How many?" Asked the shop keeper.
"10 please."
"Ok that will be two thousand poke dollars." Daniel passed the man the money and took the poke balls. He opened the door and ran outside. He went to the gym. A weird man was standing guarding the doorway.
"Kid you are not allowed in this gym. Come back when you get 7 badges." And with that Daniel left the now-dull gym.


Previously LunaLuma
Elijah walked into the lab. He saw that there were 3 pokeballs left. Luckily for Elijah, the starter he wanted wasn't chosen. He exited the lab with Bulbasaur's Pokeball in his hands and then Elijah headed for Viridian City, battling wild Pokemon as he went along the Route to get to Viridian City.
Marina scowled, furrowing her brow to appear as enraged as possible. "A Charmander?" She exclaimed upon discovering the only starters left. "Is there any possibility I could get a Squirtle instead?" The soon to be trainer inquired in a anger-suppressed tone. The adults inside with her, who had flinched, dropped papers, and made other startled movements on hearing the shout, nodded and gave her a net ball hastily.

She left with a sinister looking smile. On leaving the building, she let out the turtle and the two began walking down the route together while discussing the future. Somewhere before reaching Viridian, the trainer spoke of the present. "Your name is Mach. I'll tell you why when you're a Blastoise." Mach only grunted as confirmation, occupied with copying Marina's pace.
Max stopped his run as he looked at the large city in the distance and released his charmander from his pokeball. "This is where we'll start your training...Wild Fire. Now let start by having you scratching that tree." Wild Fire complied and started to attack a near by tree.
Sorra waited for all the others before going inside to receive her Pokémon, then headed in. She looked around, and there were two left. She grabbed the one with an Eevee inside and smiled. "I'll call you Rusty." Still smiling, she let the Eevee follow her and picked up a Pokédex, then dashed off to route 1. Once she had arrived, a Rattata leaped out at Rusty. "Now's our chance!" just moments after the Rattata had encountered Rusty, Sorra gave him a command. "Quickly, use Tackle!" He backed up a bit and then leaped towards the Rattata. Once the Rattata got back up, it used Tackle. Rusty shot back with one last Tackle before the Rattata was left weakened, and then Sorra threw a Pokéball at it. 1. 2. 3! The Pokéball remained still. "You okay, Rusty?" The Eevee nodded. "Then let's go. Viridian City isn't too far ahead, we can make it."
The young boy arrived at the forest. Pidgey had been sent out to look for some Pokemon. It came back all damaged. "Ok pidgey come back," Daniel said, spying on a caterpie. "Weedle this one is yours!" Daniel Sent out weedle. It knew what to do so it poisoned the caterpie.


Previously LunaLuma
Elijah arrived in Viridian City but instead of heading for the gym after healing his pokemon, Elijah headed for Route 22 as it was a route Elijah knew well. He ran into the grass to capture a pokemon. He found a pokemon he liked in the trees. Elijah scanned his pokedex

"Extremely quick to anger. It could be docile one moment then thrashing away the next instant. An agile Pokémon that lives in trees. It angers easily and will not hesitate to attack anything. Quick to anger, it will begin brawling on the slightest provocation. It is unsafe to approach as it is very nimble," The Pokedex said.

"Bulbasaur, Tackle go!"
"Bulba!" Bulbasaur knocked one of the Mankey out of the Tree. Elijah was about to catch the Mankey when another Mankey Jumped onto Elijah and stole his bag and ran away. Elijah returned Bulbasaur and tried to catch up to it.
"COME BACK HERE NOW!" Elijah screamed, infuriated. Elijah cornered him at what appeared to be the entrance to the Pokemon League.
"Stun Spore now!"
The Mankey that stole Elijah's bag was paralysed and could not move. Bulbasaur then tackled it which was fine to Elijah.
Elijah threw his pokeball.

Elijah ran to the Viridian City Pokemon Center to heal his pokemon and then to the Viridian Gym which to Elijah's disappointment, was closed for kids without 7 gym badges. Elijah Sighed and then headed to the Viridian Forest.

Wild Fire had striped the tree of a good amount of bark before an angry pidgey swooped down and pecked him. "Use scratch," Max said as Wild fire did as instructed. The bird pokemon countined to peck at Wild Fire before he launched a stream of fire at the pidgey, fainting it. "Good job, now lets give a quick sprite to the pokemon center this city and heal you up." Max said jogging into town not wanting to run to much faster then Wild Fire.
Daniel gave up on the caterpie and left to Pewter city. He got there and ran to the gym. The gym leader was standing there. Daniel walked forward and sent out squirtle. "I am here for a battle!" Daniel shouted. Brock the leader sent out geodude. "Use watergun!" The squirtle blasted out water. It was super effective. The geodude fainted. The leader sent out onix. Squirtle used the same move and hit the onix. Onix used tackle and knocked squirtle out. "Go pidgey! Use gust!" The onix couldn't keep its balance and fainted.
"I guess you are the winner here have the Boulder badge!" Brock said passing the challenger a badge as a sign for victory. Daniel placed it into his badge holder and left the gym.


Previously LunaLuma
Elijah saw many trainers in the forest and many annoying weedles and caterpies. Elijah entered the Viridan Forest feeling bad and his pokmeon on perfect health, Elijah exited the forest feeling bad with Mankey poisoned and Bulbasaur very tired. Elijah quickly hurried to the Pokemon Center.
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Sorra explored every nook and cranny of Viridian City, only to discover she couldn't challenge the gym there and would have to move ahead to Pewter City. Aww, c'mon. She picked up Russet, her new Eevee. "We'll challenge the gym leader of Viridian City one day. For now, let's head over to Pewter. After a bit of wandering, she got lost and ended up on Route 22. Pulling out her Pokédex, she scanned for any Pokémon, and a Mankey was detected. "Okay Rusty, try this!" she let Rusty use Tackle on his enemy, before he fell down, weakened. The Mankey got up and yelped in pride. Rushing over to Rusty, Sorra cuddled him in her arms. "Are you okay?!" she asked, frantically. Quickly climbing onto a tree holding the Eevee, she looked through her bag and found a potion. Thank goodness... Rusty got back up and charged at the Mankey, catching it off guard while it was dancing in victory. Sorra quickly hurled a Pokéball at it. 1... 2... it stopped for a moment, but then... 3! Mankey had been caught! Rushing back to Viridian City, she stopped at the Pokécenter to heal before going to the 'mart to buy some items. She had encountered a few youngsters who wanted to battle, which was where all her money came from, and her allowance.

"Now let's get going!" She ran off, Rusty following behind her and two Pokéballs on her belt. After scaling the trees in Viridian Forest, trying to find other trainers, and actually getting out of the forest, she was finally there- Pewter City. From what she'd heard, the leader of the gym specialized in Rock Types, so the Mankey she had caught would be a huge help. Finally, it was time to challenge Brock, the gym leader. Only moments before she got there, another kid ran off, already owning the badge. Soon, the battle had begun. Brock sent out a Geodude. Sorra sent out her newest Pokémon, Mankey. "Okay, Mankey use Karate Chop!" The Mankey stuck out its tongue at Sorra and didn't realize it was being attacked until Geodude used Tackle. Infuriated, Mankey used Karate Chop, and landed a critical hit, knocking out the Geodude.
"Alright, Geodude. Return." a wisp of light sucked Geodude back into its Pokéball. "Go! Onix!" The large snake Pokémon let out a roar, and Mankey jumped around trying to look fierce. "Mankey! Low Kick!" instead of following commands, Mankey defiantly used Scratch, which the Onix just deflected. The Onix crushed Mankey with a Rock Tomb, leaving it weak. Struggling to get up, Mankey used Low Kick, knocking the Onix down. Then, Mankey fainted. While the Onix was still on the ground, Sorra sent out Rusty. "Here's our chance!" Even though Tackle wasn't very powerful against Onix, the Low Kick Mankey used left it weak enough for a few Tackles to take it out. Finally, Onix was defeated.

"You have defeated my team of Pokémon. Congratulations, and to prove your victory..." Brock then brought out the Boulder Badge. "Yes!" Sorra exclaimed, and Rusty jumped up and down, excited too. "Here is the Boulder Badge." Once it was in her hands, Sorra put it in her badge case and ran off to the Pokémon Center, to heal her Pokémon. "We'll train a bit after, then we'll head forward."
Daniel watched the girl win her badge. He followed her to the Pokemon centre. The Pokemon centre was huge, massive! The lamps were hanging on the wall, which Daniel thought was weird, but a haunter came out of the lamp, he was probably playing tricks! The young boy sent out pidgey to use peck. It went through haunter but it didn't hurt it. Daniel thought this was because he is a ghost.

Daniel retreated and ran back to the girl. "Hi," he said "I'm Daniel, I saw you in that gym," Daniel sounded excited.
Sorra nodded and showed him the Boulder Badge. "I just beat Brock!" she smiled and asked him how far he was on his journey. "We can go to the next town together, and there's probably other kids on their way too." pausing for a moment, she continued. "Anyway, I'm Sorra."
"Well, that took longer than expected." Marina smiled down at her starter, having gained friendly terms with him on the trek through the forest. Mach was waddling along next to her and admiring the buildings. "You're probably hungry or something from that walk." She registered, and motioned toward a bench while walking there herself. The two sat together by the pokemon center, and Marina handed a protein bar to her pokemon, meanwhile eating one herself and planning a battle strategy to fight Brock.
Max stopped by the pokemon center in Virdian City and head off towards the Virdian Forrest after asking the nurse joy for directions. The pokemon in the forest seemed to be agitated, the signs of battle everywhere. Many weedle and even a beedrill or two fell to Wild Fire's powerful ember attack before he was hit with a electric shock from a bush. A pikachu jumped out of the bush and seemed very upset, before launching another thundershock, this time at Max. Max quickly ducked out the way, "Whats your problem, Wild Fire use scratch." Wild ran up and landed a good scratch on the pikachu, who slowly stood back up and fired more electricity at Wild, who seemed to be having trouble moving as he was hit hard. Max noticed the pikachu wasn't moving from in front of the bush but realize he needed to wrap this up. Max grabbed one of this three pokeballs and lobbed it a the pikachu. 1...2......3 click! Max returned Wild who seemed to be paralyzed and waked over to the bush. The bush had a few oran berries growing and what looked like a small nest with a strange orb in the center this seemed to give of static. He grabbed it and two oran berries and left the forest quickly before more pokemon came looking for a fight.
Max quickly ran to the pewter city pokemon center to heal his pokemon. Once he got his pokemon to nurse joy he pulled the orb out of his bag and scanned it with his pokedex and it read aloud 'Light orb, some pikachu's uses them when building there nest. Boost the power of pokemon close to it.' So he was just being territorial. Max thought to himself as he noticed the center was full of people he saw back at the lab. He thought about introducing himself but failed to find the words so he simple found the nearest chair and took a seat.
"Sure," Daniel said to Sorra. He had healed his Pokémon and had looked back at the lamp. It wasn't floating anymore. Daniel looked outside and saw a pikachu. Perfect, Daniel thought. He rushed outside pulling Sorra with him. Throwing a poke ball, Daniel hoped that he could catch the pikachu and evolve it with a thunder stone. 1... 2.... 3.... Caught!


Previously LunaLuma
"Congrats on the Pikachu," Elijah said as he quickly ran to where the boy just caught his very own Pikachu. Elijah wasn't as impressed as he had previously caught his own Pokemon. Elijah looked at his Bulbasaur's Pokeball. It was already dirty and Elijah hadn't been travelling for that long. Elijah wiped off all the dirt on the Pokeball.
"Thanks," Daniel said to the boy. "Are you on your way to cerulean city? "Daniel asked. He had looked at the pathway to mt. moon and then turned back to the boy. Daniel sent out all his Pokemon to show the boy. A squirtle, pidgey, weedle and pikachu.


Previously LunaLuma
"I will be after I beat the Pewter City Gym which is where I was about to go," Elijah said, trying not to sound like a complete pessimist that he actually is. Elijah looked at the acquaintances' Pokemon and compared them to his. Elijah's starter had the type advantage but the boy's Pidgey beat his starter and his Mankey. Elijah sent out his Pokemon, which are Bulbasaur and Mankey.
Max retrieved his now healed pokemon from nurse joy and left the pokemon center and released his new pikachu. "Piiikaaaaaa" The pikachu looked at him angry, static sparking from his cheeks as Max reached into his bag. "Don't shock me, is this what you want." Max pulled out the light orb and tossed it to his pikachu, who quickly grabbed it. Max then sent out Wild "Let's train a bit before the gym...." Max notices the group of pokemon surrounding two fellow trainers. He didn't have many social skills so he simply did a quick waving motion before focusing one his pokemon. "Wild practice your metal claw, and...Surge...yeah Surge, practice your thunder wave." Wild did as instructed but Surge was very reluctant to listen to his new trainer as it seemed more interested in protecting its orb.
Daniel started walking to mt. moon. He was tired and thought about taking a rest on the cave's wall. Sending out squirtle, Daniel put his back on the wall and slept for fifteen minutes. When he awoke, a zubat started shreaking, Daniel thought it was using super sonic. "Squirtle head for that zubat and use water gun!" The squirtle used water gun, but the zubat turned to the squirtle and started using astonish. The two moves hit and the zubat was confused by the two moves combined together. Once it figured out what happened, Daniel threw a pokeball. One..Two... Gah! It was so close! "Ok now squirtle head for the wall behind the zubat, then jump and kick the wall, after that use water gun two times but don't hit the zubat until I say so. Ok?" The squirtle made a noise in agreement.
And so it ran past the zubat and jumped at the wall, it then kicked off and shot two water guns on either side of zubat but not hitting it.
Daniel punched the air, "ok now!" The squirtle used water gun and finally hit the zubat. One.. Two... Three. Caught!
"Alright!" Daniel shouted to no one. Squirtle punched the air.
"It should be a breeze fighting the next gym!


Previously LunaLuma
Elijah waved back to the boy who waved at him and stepped into the gym. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. There was a huge battlefield at the end of the gym, covered in rocky terrain. Elijah then noticed all of the gym was rocky terrain except for the windows and a path to get to the gym in the first place. Elijah then noticed two Rhydon Statues. Engraved on it were the words,
"Pewter City Gym, Recent Victors: Daniel, Sorra" It looked cool and Elijah didn't know they did that at gyms but he thought it was peculiar of all Pokemon he chose a Rhydon. Elijah rushed to the battlefield, eager to start, when Elijah arrived, The Gym Leader was waiting.

"Hello Challenger, I am Brock, the rock type Gym Leader, are you here for a battle?" Brock asked in a confident tone.

"I am Elijah and I am here for a battle so let's begin," Elijah said while throwing his first pokemon out, Mankey appeared.

Brock smirked and sent out Geodude.

"Now Mankey use scratch,"

Geodude had fainted to Mankey's karate chop. Brock knew Geodude would likely lose due to a type disadvantage but Brock was confident in his next pokemon. He sent out Onix. Immediately, Elijah was overwhelmed. This pokemon wasn't the average small size, no, this pokemon was tall, much taller then Elijah. "No wonder why the roof is so high," Elijah said.

"Mankey, Karate Chop now!" Mankey Charged at Onix. He jumped and fainted to Onix's Rock Tomb. Elijah wasn't surprised, His Mankey was tired after battling Geodude. He returned Mankey and sent out Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur was excited to battle. He wasn't overwhelmed because he knew his grass type moves were very powerful against a rock and ground type.

"Bulbasaur, leech seed!" Bulbasaur used Leech Seed, wrapping powerful vines around the big pokemon, pulling it's head to the ground.

"Onix, get out of there with rock tomb!" Onix used rock tomb but The Vines that was draining Onix's health was too strong however it did hit Bulbasaur, inflicting massive damage. They would eventually break.

"Now Bulbasaur, vine whip!" Elijah said, excited to take down the rock serpent. Vinewhip didn't finish Onix and Onix got out of the leech seed and used rock blast on Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur dodged and slapped Onix along the face with vine whip, fainting Onix.
Brock and Elijah were shocked at the victory.

"Congratulations, here is proof of your victory at the Pewter City Gym, the Bolder Badge," Brock exclaimed. Elijah smiled with excitement which hadn't done for a while. He ran to the Pokemon Center to heal his Pokemon, excited to battle the Cerulean City Gym.


Previously Snappy
Waking up to his alarm, Samson jumped out of bed when he realized it was the day to become an official pokemon trainer. As he raced downstairs, he ran to his Uncle with excitement. He reminded him of what's happening, then was shocked by the info he was given, "I forgot to tell you, Kanto's time is ahead of ours in Aegean, so your 4 hours late!" Hearing this, Samson returned Growlithe to his pokeball, and darted to the door, "Stay safe." his Uncle said as Sam raced for the docks. Completely tired from running, Sam was relieved that he made it in time to catch a ferry to Kanto.
A few hours later, he arrived at Vermillion City, not having time to enjoy the scenery, he immediately headed for Pallet Town. As he arrived, he entered the lab, the professor said, "Welcome Sam, here is your Pokedex and 10 pokeballs, and you better hurry, the other trainers have possibly made it to Pewter City by now." Sam thanked the professor and ran out the door and headed to Route 1. As he walked through the tall grass, he spotted a Weedle climbing a tree, "Use ember!" The ball of fire hit the Weedle and it fell off the tree and into the grass. Sam threw a pokeball at it, 1..2..3.."Click!" Samson was very happy to catch his first pokemon. Continuing he arrived at Veridian City, Sam ran to the pokemon center and healed his pokemon. At the corner of his eye he saw a gym in the distance, he ran over to it only to hear that the leader hasn't returned in a long time. A little disappointed at this, Sam smiled and headed into Veridian Forest.
Finally making it to cerulean city, Daniel rushed to the Pokémon center, once he had done that, the boy sprinted over to the Pokémon gym. He walked inside, and became amazed by the floor, it was all water except for some islands! Daniel jumped onto the first island, then the next, and so on. On the last one, Daniel wobbled as he was about to jump, the island he was about to jump to was moving! He quickly jumped and then realised that the island was moving away from him. All was a blur after that. Hanging onto the edge of the island, Daniel climbed on and looked at the gym leader.
"Ah so you got through my challenge, but to claim your victory you have to go through me!"


Previously Snappy
Samson now entered Veridian Forest, looking excited to see what he will find, Sam walked through the grass only to find a bug catcher looking for a battle. "Let's battle" the Boy said as he sent out a weedle, Sam let out his Growlithe, "use ember!" it was very strong against the weedle, but it still had energy in it, the weedle used a string shot and slowed Growlithe down a lot. Sam told him to use ember again, but that string shot made his attacks easy to dodge, he used ember once more and it finished the weedle off. Sam then healed Growlithe and continued toward pewter city. Along the way his weedle evolved into kakuna, and he finally made it to pewter city, he rushed to the pokemon center and bought potions from the poke mart before taking on Brock. After all that, Sam felt confident to earn his first badge, he walked up to the gym and entered to see two trainers and Brock on the other side of the room.

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