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Private/Closed Pokemon Life RP

Name: Mercy
Class: Pokemon
Gender: Male
Species: Corphish
Personality: Loud and proud, with a short fuse.
Appearance: Normal
Friends: Two Krabby and a Carvanha
Crush: none
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Personality:Quirky and bright.
Appearance:wears a bell around her neck
Crush:Ri (when she meets him)
Other:Was a trainer's pokemon was a banded.BumpaDump
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Also... Almo, Ri, and Ki all hate each other. Almo hates Ri and Ki for pulling the prank, Ri hates Ki for coming up with the prank in the first place, And hates Almo for overreacting, And Ki hates Ri for coming up with the idea to keep doing the prank, and Hates Almo for making her cry (She hates people who make people cry)
@Cutepikachu Sorry, I was waiting for continuing the story :\=|: It's true that Twiggy helped us, but I was waiting still a bit...
Ax is trying to prepare a "natural potion" using some berries and herbs for Twiggy. Then, Ax would give it to Twiggy and let him explain why he did that thing. And, after that, Twiggy could tell us his past for a better understanding. Then, (in my case), I make friends with Twiggy
Well, The potion he's mixing would still be great. After all, Twiggy isn't sleeping by will, he's forced too. he's too weak to stay awake. After all, he almost died.
In my case, I will be around here most of the time (I normally leave this page in another window and i continue doing other things; so don't worry if I am online and I don't answer)
*Nods* Welp, i have to go! See ya later! Also, Twiggy will remain mostly Non-verbal until he warms up to everyone. After all, he just had that stem thing knocked off. And a sprout grew in it's place...