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Ask to Join Pokemon Life RP

Almo was out cold. He was dreaming about a Pokemon, although he couldn't make out the Pokemon. It appeared to be his soulmate that he wished for. He thought this because they were hugging, holding hands, and all that lovey-dovey stuff.
Mercy looked at the Grovyle who was standing over the Chespin. "He okay? I saw something going down, and one of his friends took a dive. He pulled them out, then drifted off. It's not that bad, is it?"
Almo woke up and began coughing and sputtering for. "Ugh, am I dead?" Almo asked, rubbing his eyes, it's a bit dark..." Almo realized where he was. "Ah, the real world, eh?" He said, looking at everyone. "Uh, why is everyone looking at me like that?" Almo asked, confused.
"Well, you had a lot of water in your lungs. Normally I wouldn't call that a problem, but you're not a water type." Mercy sarcastically replied. "What where you doing in the lake anyway? You know how to swim, right?"
Grovyle was relieved to see the Chespin okay. "What's your name?" He asked the Chespin. As he walked away. "My name is Grovyle" He told the Chespin. He wanted to be friends with another grass type.
Almo looked disappointed. "Well, I hope her and Ri are okay..." He muttered to himself. "Well, you guys better get home." He stood up, wobbled, then fell back down. "Well, maybe not me..." He said, chuckling.
"Later" He waved back as the Grovyle walked away. Since he was alone with an injured pokemon, he decide that his stockpile of Sitrus & Leppa berries would make a great breakfast whenever the Chespin decided to wake up. Pulling some of the bush over the sleeping pokemons form, he went to his stockpile to grab some.
Violet was watching the whole thing, she stayed as far away as she could.After a couple of minutes she walked over to Ki and asked, "Are you okay?"She also turned to the chespin and asked quickly, "What happened?!?"
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Ki heard a voice. She tried to ignore it. She needed to get home. One problem. She had a bit of memoery loss. She felt all weird. That was until she collasped in front of a cave, waking a Turtwig up.

Twiggy woke up to the sound of someone waking up. He saw a Tyrouge lying on the Ground. He stood up. He ran over to Ax and Targa. "G-Guys! Wake up!" he said. His voice was weak, but stronger.
Ax was still very tired, but he opened his eyes slowly..."Oh... Good morning Twiggy". He said while he was getting up, stretching his arms. Ax was on his own world, as always when he got up. *Are you better?". He ignored what the Turtwig was saying. Then, he went to a near rock, looked behind it, and took a pair of berries. Then, he ate them. "He looked at Twiggy; he looked worried, yet still, he didn't notice the Tyrogue yet. "It looks like yesterday I found a lot of berries". It was not truth at all, there were only about fourteen berries, yet still, it was not a bad number. "We have one bluk berry, two sitrus berries..." Then, more focused on the real world, he noticed the Tyrogue. "Twiggy, just serve yourself", Ax said while approached the Tyrogue. "Hello! I am Ax, how are you?"
As Violet stood there,she didn't know who was doing what."Well, I should just get back to what I was doing."She thought,she looked at the waterfall trying to see what caused the Tyrouge to do what she did.She sit there staring at the waterfall.
Targa woke up, and saw Ax talking to some Pokemon. "Hey, Ax." She said, smiling at him. "Who is this Tyrouge?" She said, examining the new Pokemon. Heh, cute bow, loser... She thought, looking at the bow the Tyrouge had on, sneering at the foolishness of it.
The two dinosaur Pokemon woke up from their sleep in the mountain cave. One was a Deino, one was a Tyrunt. The Tyrunt yawned. "Good morning Ally" he said to the Deino. Ally woke up. "You to Tyler" she mumbled. They stepped outside the cave, and realized it was mid-day. "Uh good afternoon?" Tyler said.
"I...I don't know". Ax said. "I just found her here. Well..." He looked at Twiggy, standing, tired, in the middle of the cave. "Maybe, Twiggy was trying to say me that the Tyrogue was here before." Then, he approached Targa, he gave her a little kiss, and said: "And of course...Good morning; I think I can take care of this. She doesn't seem to be dangerous." Then Ax pointed a rock. "I went out of the cave very late yesterday to find some ingredients for a... Natural potion for Twiggy. I brought all the berries I could. You can have some, they are behind that rock". Then, Ax approached the Tyrogue even more. "Are you alright?"
"Thanks, Ax." She gave him a kiss on the cheek then went to go make some breakfast for herself. She grabbed some Roseli Berries, her favorite, and a couple Sitrus Berries. She mashed them up in to edible bites, then ate them. She kept eyeing the Tyrouge, staring at her. With her somewhat limited ability to determine people's feelings, the Tyrouge looked confused and frightened.
Violet stopped staring at the waterfall."What was I doing in the first place?"She asked herself,she REALLY wanted to find out how that happened she didn't want to loose herself.She looked back at the cave she started in."That's what led me into this."She muttered angrily to herself.
Cale was sweating, he was trying to finish the fourth and final floor of his tree fort. "Glad I was able to find a tree as big as this one!" He said as he was building the balcony. He decided to take a break, and continue the final stretch later. He went to visit the cave. He spotted Axew Gible Turtwig and a Tyrouge. He thought it was the same Turtwig from before, and went to greet the Pokemon.
"Mmm..." Ax started to analyse the Tyrogue more closely. "Something is bad... Very bad". He turned around, looking at Targa. "Targa, can you look those rocks with water? Maybe there is some of the potion left..." Ax put his head on Tyrogue's chest... "Mmm... She does have heart beat, but it's very weak. No doubt she is a fighting type after all".
"Thanks Targa" Ax added. "I'll explain this in another moment, but let's say that one of the few friends that I had during my journey taught me some... Natural treatments". Then, Ax opened Tyrogue's mouth and made her drink the few liquid that was in the rock. "Well, I hope it's enough". Ax raised Tyrogue and carried her into the cave. He still ignored (well... he didn't saw) Cale getting near.
Twiggy felt something. He was still weak. He ran as fast as he could (Which wasn't very fast). But, he tripped over Cale's foot. "Ow ow ow..." Twiggy muttered as he struggled to get up.

Ki opened her eyes. "Ri? Ri? Ri..." she muttered. She fell back asleep
Cale thought something was wrong, he wanted to help but he didn't think he should get involved. "Go Shinx!" He called. Shinx came out of her pokeball. "Shinx!" She called. Cale wanted her to see if Turtwig needed help. Shinx ran behind Turtwig.
Ax was a little angry. It was obvious at this point that he didn't like humans... But Cale was becoming an exception. One human can't be as good as him... Maybe he was a Pokemon in another life". Yet still he was not going to tolerate the fact that he could appear there whenever he wanted: it was their home, and maybe he could attract more humans there. But there was no time to reply him, because he started to hear the Tyrogue talking. "Eh?... Ri? Who's that?". Ax said. "Is that your name?" He stared at her. At least she was going to recover.
Targa rushed outside, still eating her breakfast. "We never get a break, do we?" Targa said, irritated. Hmph, that trainer again. Targa thought, looking at the trainer. "What are you guys so scared of, anyway?" She said, stumbling across a Torracat that looked terrified. "Uh, you okay?" Targa asked, eating her last piece of mashed berries.
"Almo.... Ri... don't.... Why?" Ki said in her sleep. She was stressed.

Twiggy didn't notice the Shinx following him. He arrived at a bush. It didn't look like a home... Twiggy walked in. But... there was no Floor. He fell through the hole. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Twiggy screamed.