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Ask to Join Pokemon Life RP

"I don't know..." Twiggy replied. He remembered. "Wait, Ax, don't you remember? One day, we couldn't find anything to eat. I went to the city to see if i could find something. I never returned though... because that stupid trainer caught me! I'm Your brother... I think. Because now that I think about it... My last name is Tark too!" Twiggy exclaimed. He was happy that he might have just found his long lost Brother.
She had built the walk in room she put a check mark next to walk in room on her list.Then she found an old carpet and cleaned it."This could be one of my furniture."She said happily building her tree house,she put the cleaned carpet in the walk in room.Then she started to work on the kitchen,she was out of the things she needed so she got more and went back to work.
Cale didn't know what the two Pokemon were talking about. He wanted his Pokemon to be friends with eachother. "Lets go Sneasel!" Cale said as he released his Pokemon. Sneasel tried to make friends with Ax and Twiggy. "What are you talking about?" Sneasel said. He didn't want to interfere, nor make to much friends. He just wanted to please his trainer.
Violet found some descent vine and made it as a rope to climb up the treehouse,she was done with the kitchen so she made a table for furniture.And she found something that was shaped as a bowl and put berries in that,and put it on her table.
Ax closed his eyes and tried to remember everything. "The truth is... That I am starting to remember. Yeah, a rainy day. Totally truth. I stayed far away from the city due to my "human phobia" and... So that's what happened. i tried to go and find you, but... I was scared of all of them." He started to cry as he approached Twiggy. Then, he hugged him as strong as he could. "Brother!! I promise that I will not let anything bad happen to you never again!" Ax said between sobs.
Cale realized they weren't pleased with Sneasel. "Sorry" Sneasel told them. He still didn't care for making friends, his only friends were his team. Cale returned Sneasel. "Noibat, come on out!" Cale tried a Pokemon Gible and Ax knew. "Hey guys, how is it going?!" Noibat asked them. She tried making friends with Tiggy also.
Twiggy started to cry a little too. He wanted to hug back, but he couldn't really. He stepped back. "Hey Noibat." Twiggy said. He looked back at ax, then to Targa. "Be Quiet Targa! What did he ever do to you?!" Twiggy asked Targa.
Targa looked at Twiggy. "Sorry... I just..." She she turned back to the Noibat. "S-Sorry... They just found out they're long-lost brothers, they're hugging, you know." Targa said apologetically to the Noibat.
Noibat felt flushed down. "What did I do wrong?" She thought. Holding back tears, she let herself inside the Poke ball. Cale started walking home, then saw a Torracat. "No way!" Cale said as he went to great her. He looked at her soon to be tree house. "You are making this?" He asked.
"Yay!"Said Violet "Will you help me?"She asked she gave Cale her list of rooms to look at.Violet was sweating and didn't know what else to say she put the pebbles into a path going right in front of the cave.
Ax stopped hugging Twiggy. He was too happy that he didn't noticed Cale or nothing more. He had his lost brother Twiggy, and her girlfriend Targa too. He remembered what Twiggy told him before. "This may sound a little too abrupt but... We have to defeat E.Z. Nobody messes with my family: blackmailing, neither capturing.This is personal now."
Tiberius was just flying around. He noticed a trainer near a tree with a Torracat. "Oh, this is looking like something interesting to see". He landed in a near branch and started to watch them.
"It's not possible for us to beat him though. We have a trainer, Axew, Turtwig, Gible, and Torracat. He has an army!" Twiggy said. "We at least need to train, or we WILL fall." Twiggy nodded. He hoped His brother would agree with him.
Cale looked at what Torracat gave him. "Scribbles?" All of his Pokemon came out of their Poke balls. "Guys, what are you doing?!" His Pokemon all helped build the tree house. Cale followed what they were doing and helped out. "Glad my Pokemon understand what you wrote Torracat!" Cale said, and continued building. His team was working hard.
E.Z. walked through his lair. Nenjja and Mercy were both there. "It's taking a little too long for that Turtwig to "Do." I bet he meant "Die."" E.Z. said. "We'll launch an attack later." E.Z. Said.
"Well... You are right, I guess". Ax was a little disappointed, but Twiggy was right: they had to improve their skills and be stronger. Only through training they could have his sweet, sweet revenge. Then, he turned to Targa and then, he looked at Twiggy again. My family pride's been tainted, but I'll... No... We'll recover it again.
Twiggy looked straight at a very far away Dummy. He used Razor leaf. The leaves didn't quite reach. "We would be safer fighting from a distance, only get up close if needed. If my Razor Leaf can't reach that Dummy, we're totally doomed." Twiggy said.

"And Nenjja, You aren't leaving this lair, or you're fired." E.Z. said.
"Well, I guess that's it can work for you... But in my case I prefer attacking directly to my enemy. The only distance attack that I know is my Dragon Rage". Then, he saw Twiggy attacking to the dummy. "Don't worry, we'll practice". Then, Ax approached Targa and asked her: "Well, honey. It may see like it's dangerous, but we can end the tyranny of that E.Z soon. Do you imagine? We'll become famous all around the forest".
"HEY! I was using that!" Twiggy said to Targa. "Now where will i get another Dummy..?" Twiggy asked himself. He ran off, looking for something that wasn't alive he could fight.
"Hehehehe, good one, love" Ax stated to laugh. "Soon, they'll have no chance against us". Ax was determined to carry his family to the glory. For them, for the forest...They may have an army, but they won't be able to defeat us. We have special bonds between all of us: blood bonds, friendship, love... We may be weaker alone, but together, we can't be defeated. And then, Ax smiled. He was alone for a long time... And now, he had friends, family, a girlfriend... He even had an objective. This forest, definitely, was the place that he was hoping for. Then he whispered for himself: "Yeah, they won't have a chance. They don't know right now, but they are defeated". Ax said to Twiggy: "Brother, if you want, you can stay here. I don't know what they will be doing, but at this point, I would have send a small group to find you. You will be safe here."
Twiggy was already long gone. Twiggy then heard something. He walked over to a bush. He peeked inside. A little Pichu was in there Crying. Twiggy took his head out of the shrub. The Pichu didn't notice him. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAX!" Twiggy yelled.
Ax didn't notice that Twiggy left. He was in his own world of future plans of revenge and all of that. Then, he heard Twiggy outside. He went outside with Targa, following the shout. "What happened?" It didn't take too long to notice the Pichu crying. "Oh dear, what happened to you?" Ax said in a very calm tone.
The face of Axew changed completely. "Eh... The potion, eh? Funny story but... We ran out of potion" Just... Leave me some minutes, right?" He came back to the cave, grab the last berries he had there and prepared a natural potion. "Mmm... This should do, at least for now... Two Oran berries, one Leppa Berry and a Starf Berry... Well, better this that nothing." Ax was instructed some long time by a Servine that taught him to prepare some of these natural potions. He knew the properties of the most important berries, and even knew some combination with seed that made them more effective. "He mixed them and poured the liquid into one of the rock they owned. He went again to the position of the Pichu, grabbing in the way some leaves. "Here, take this, it should relieve some of the pain and make you feel better. Any injury too?" Ax said while he gave the Pichu the potion. Then, he turned to Twiggy and Targa and commented: "E.Z is so cruel... How can they do this to someone like this? It's almost harmless. It was helpless" Said angrily.
"Didn't you know? It's rude to talk about someone who's listening..." A voice said. It was E.Z.! He was holding Twiggy by the sprout of his head. Twiggy stayed quiet. You could see the fear in Twiggy's eyes.
Ax stood there. So... He is the famous E.Z. He is way more imposing than I thought. Ax was a little bit scared, yet he tried not to reveal it. He knew that if he showed fear or insecurity, this could end really bad for all of them. "And you don't know that mess with other Pokemon is rude too?" Ax said that in a very hesitant way. "Put my brother down right now!"
Violet saw E.Z. "YEA!Put Twiggy down now!"She said,and she used blaze on him."Cale try to fight with one of your pokemon!She said trying to get Twiggy.
"We have a deal though. Do or Die. He said Do, but he didn't do. He must have meant Die. Say goodbye to your brother." E.Z. said. "And move, and you die too." Twiggy launched a Razor Leaf at E.Z., stinging him. He dropped Twiggy and and glitched. "You're lucky i'm a Hologram!" "E.Z." said as he faded.
Tiberius just stood on the branch. He was a nice guy, but he preferred not to get in trouble. He knew that messing with E.Z. was very dangerous. He wore the bandana he had. Just in case I have to help them. Tiberius had a good heart, and could not see any other Pokemon suffering. But Twiggy attacked, and E.Z disappeared. "SAID WHAT...?" He shouted. "What has just happened?"
Ax stood there, ready to attack, but Twiggy attacked first, and then, E.Z. vanished. He approached Twiggy. "Are you Okay? How did you know that he was an hologram?"
"Ha ha! Good one, Mr. E! I could see the fear in those little Pokemon's eyes..." Nenjja said, smiling cruely. "What's our next move?" Nenjja asked.

Targa glared. "Rrrrrrr..." She snarled. "How dare he! Does he not think we're worthy of his presence?! I'm gonna..." Targa said, angrily, intent on defeating E.Z.
"He was a hologram? How did i attack him? He just... Oh gosh oh gosh.... Oh gosh this hurts my head..." Twiggy responded. Twiggy's sprout grew bigger by the second. "Hey... My head feels heavier." Twiggy said. "I think my sprouts growing again! It only seems to happen when i'm brave..." Twiggy got up. The Pichu ran up to him. "Wow, sir! That was great!"He exclaimed.