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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: RP Edition

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Reid didn't flinch at Endymion's enraged reply, nor was he fazed in the least when the dark-type disabled his capabilities to protect himself. It had been too long since he had been in a losing fight...one where he could..

"Don't get yourself killed, Reid. He won't use a mortal attack but I wouldn't doubt your ability to make it deadly..." the voice in his mind had managed to scrape enough anger together to make Reid feel bad. Or...assuming that he should feel bad.

The Espeon took to his paws one more upon Endymion's eerie attack, assuming that the Umbreon that resembled him had already initiated his psychic-killing...defeating...technique. He felt weak, and realized dismissively that Soriin was funneling the black Pokemon's psychic powers into his own reserves; his leader wasn't one to do that except in the most necessary of moments, and Reid didn't care. He was about to be out of the show anyways. He let the after-images of Endymion flash before his half-lidded eyes and tried to feel the wind buffeting his fur - sometimes, just sometimes, he thought he missed those natural feelings and emotions that connected a Pokemon to the world around it.

Wondering if Soriin had already sent lackeys to pick up Jiin and himself from the battleground, Reid tried his best not to be ready for the attack - pain was something he still felt, after all. No, not a masochist at all - just willing to do what it took to help Soriin.


Jaime wondered grudgingly why he had been sent, alone, to try his luck at stopping the near-invincible gaggle of Pokemon that had infiltrated his team's base. It was a huge, near-infinite team, and yet he found himself tromping desolately down the forboding cavern maze; Jaime wasn't even an average-ranked psychic-type, and wasn't much for thinking either.

The lazy-eyed Abra nearly dove headfirst into the assemblage of chipped, broken, and cracked granite that blocked his path. This was what happened when an Abra got less than their eighteen or so hours of sleep, after all...why couldn't they have sent them when he was a Kadabra?

Jaime (he always had to tell peers to pronounce it like "Jem") clambered half-heartedly over the accumulation of rubble and collapsed on the other side, hung up on various jutting rocks. There, lo and behold, stood the wearisome collection of Pokemon, just like he'd been told. A ranting Aerodactyl, grim-faced Charmander, completely cheery Skitty, and a serious-eyed Ninetales. In the Charmander's grip was his target, a Pikachu that looked like he had been through the mill one too many times.

"Hello...'m J'aime an' 'm s'pos'd ta'...um...recover tha' Pi-ka-chu." he said in a droning, ditsy voice. Talking always made him tired. "So...s...s...so...."

Before he got any farther, the Abra's hardly-open eyes grew round. His fox-like body was surrounded in a suspicious aurora, and the Pokémon's eyes glowed with an otherworldly purple light. A sheer wave of pure psychic energy flooded the cave momentarily, making Yakiharau whip his head around and, with a large intake of breath, bow his head. The Abra's body flickered with a transparent purple light, but other than that (and its similarly glowing eyes) the confused look had vanished.

Soriin looked around the cavern through the Abra's eyes, frowning a bit before telekinetically adjusting the Pokémon's poor vision. Now everything was much clearer, and he shifted his attention to Yakiharau.

"I always dismiss what you do because, although you are young, you hold many abilities that make many tasks less difficult - but I sincerely hope that you train more earnestly after this, Yakiharau." an entirely-different voice said politely, in a soft and unaccented tone.

The prehistoric Pokémon paled and nodded vigorously, not trusting his mouth to convey the right words.

"Kazan, young Charmander. I will ask first, of course, but it is an unanswerable question I'm afraid." Soriin's voice continued, and the eyes shifted to observe the young male Charmander, Shiden's figure held firmly in his grasping claws. "I need you to give Shiden to me. Otherwise I have to subject you to brief telekinetic vibrations. They'd render you unconscious with no pain, but you would be unconscious. Shiden is, in case you have not yet noiced my fiery friend, a possibly-priceless asset to this team of mine. His voice was sincerely apologetic, but held a firm sense of truth in it as well.

Soriin concentrated on watching Reid's battle as well as maintain the base's many illusions, as well as wrap his hold on this body more securely. Not too much of a task, but each of the jobs were vitally important - for one, once Endymion's team was in, he'd have to back off. He needed to be able to face them head-on if he wanted them out of his way, and now wasn't the time. He regained his imposing, strangely leader-like (despite his temporary weak body) figure, and waited on the motley group's leader to respond, all the while expecting Endymion to burst in on the scene. I owe Jiin and Reid apologies. he thought, gazing intently into the fire-type's brilliant blue eyes.

[OOC - What kind of all-powerful psychic-leader CAN'T possess peoplez, I ask you? *cough*rhetorical m'kay?*cough* :p :-X]
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Tallen woke suddenly, but adjusted quickly. she had been put to sleep in battle before. Her deep, unfathomable eyes snapped open, and she saw an Abra adressing the group. She caught glimmers swirling around the Abra, ebbing and flowing like some darksome tide. She squinted, and thought she could make out an ever so faint outline of a creature much unlike the Abra imposed behind it. . . It was clear it was no normal Abra. With her eyes narrowed, she could see everything more clearly, even herself. . .she looked down at her paws and saw they were vague and indistinct. She didn't worry about that, with all the psychics about, But was she still. . .herself. . . enough, that she could risk an encounter with a ghost pokemon? She was so weak. . .

No one seemed to have noticed she was awake yet, as she was a bit away from the group, though relatively close to Kazan. She ran through all of her tricks. She knew exactly what she could do in this situation, but she could never risk it.

Instead, she very slowly began to untie the mottled purple handkercheif from her neck, so slowly, she hoped, that no one noticed. . .
Ayumu's eyes quickly focuses. They had been previously out of focus, since she decided there was nothing that needed attention on the battle field after she realized her Song just wasn't working. After she realized Tallen had fallen asleep because of her, but nobody else did (especially not Yakiharau, the one who she was aiming at, and who was wide awake during every second of her rendition of "Moments"), she just shut up.

After she realized the newcomer had suddenly gotten all weird-and-purply, though, she paid attention.

Shifting her body so she was once again on all four of her stubby little legs, she slowly turned to face the Abra. If she was slow enough, maybe he'd stay focused on her amazing little fire-breathing leader, and would ignore the insignificant little pop-star-wannabe Skitty in the corner.

Then she swore; silently, of course. I'm BRIGHT PINK! She wailed mentally. There's no WAY anybody with eyes'll not see me, even if it's dark...

Shortly after, she found herself reaching another conclusion. Psychic...oh great...can that thing read thoughts, too? Ah! I wonder what I sound like to other Pokemon when I think - NO! FOCUS, AYUMU! Shikkari, shikkari! Furrowing her furry brow, she tried to come up with some sort of plan (while remaining focused and on-task). It took her awhile to even get it to the point where she was thinking about the task at hand, and not about some random thing.

I gotta get it together and help. She began to give herself a mental pep-talk. I haven't been much of a help, and I can't do much of anythin', but...aw, come on! This guy's an ABRA! I always lost all my battles in the past...but an Abra? It's like trying to beat a grade schooler at running the...hundred...meter...dash...aw, man! Giving herself a mental Double Slap, she painfully recalled when she lost to a sickly kitten in a race when she had been going all-out. There's no way! I can't Sing, cuz the only one who'll go ta sleep is Tallen, and my other attacks aren't gonna do much.

"What am I gonna do?" Ayumu muttered, before she realized it was no longer a mental monologue. Looking around, she muttered a sheepish "oops" before, in a fit of...something or other, launching herself at the Abra, her tiny-and-pretty-much-useless claws out.

((OOC: For those of you who don't know, Osaka, the character Ayumu is based on, was in the racing-the-grade-schooler situation. It inspired this post! *waves flag* That, and the fact that the only one who ever falls asleep is Tallen (unless I'm controlling Kazan)! GUAH! *juggles some melon bread*))
[OOC- Hihi, didn't see you had claimed the page in the name of Sweden, Stel! Lemme just say: "Yeah!" *waves Swedish flag*:p]

Kazan took a few precautionary steps backwards, careful not to loose grip of Shiden. He didn't know what was happening to that Abra, but there was clearly another Pokémon controlling it... and it knew his name.
"I'm not giving you no one!" growled Kazan, "If you want Shiden, you have to rip him out of my cold dead hands!"
The Abra frowned slightly, and then took a step closer. Kazan took a step backwards, trying not to let the psychic type gain any ground on him. It just felt more comfortable keeping his distance, even if Kazan was fully aware of the fact that psychic attacks would work from quite a distance away.

"I'm sorry to hear that... But of course, I understand that you can't make such a decision" said the Abra in a calm, collected voice.
Suddenly, the Abra's eyes lit up slightly, and the purple light surrounding it increased in power. Kazan backed off more, dragging Shiden desperately, while watching the Abra as it prepared itself to put Kazan to sleep.

Kazan closed his eyes, trying to remain calm and think of a solution. He had to stop this... thing from rendering him unconscious. It had mostly been luck that they had managed to find Shiden in the first place and if they lost him now, they might never see him again. Besides, he was not about to fall asleep a second time during this mission.

Wait... maybe if I attack it first I can stop it from using those telekinetic vibrations... thought the fire-type. Suddenly, Kazan threw open his eyes and inhaled, preparing for a flamethrower attack, as powerful as he could muster up. However, just as he was about to release it, he felt a numbing, heavy force- almost like a really low frequency sound wave. Oh no! It's... he managed before he fell to his knees. His grip on Shiden unwillingly loosened.

Within a second, Kazan lost all consciousness, his last thoughts only vague feelings of fear not having been given enough time to fully formulate into words. He fell, face first, onto the ground and remained there.

[OOC- Powerful attack, huh? ;D Looks like Kazan's back to where he started from]
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Actually, it was probably the combination of hypnosis and the singing that knocked Tallen out ^^; Or perhaps her sensitive hearing had something to do with it? *laughs* Ayumu could definently do some good with that mind of hers, Any psychic pokemon in the area would be overwhelmed with her racing thoughts.

Just as the charmander fell forward, Tallen lept up behind the Abra and threw the bandana over the Abra's eyes, dropping, and administering a quickattack from behind. She hoped that whatever was possessing the Abra was strengthening the Abra in mind only. . .
Frowning slightly as his physical sight was impeded, Soriin resorted casually to the vision created by telekinetic waves - the entire base was pulsing with them, powered by him at all times. The brave Ninetales's Quick Attack hit thin air as Soriin teleported himself several feet into the air, utilizing his psychic wavelines once more.

"I wish you would just hand him over...I have no liking for knocking out innocent - if meddling - Pokémon... He said wearily, and sent out one of his effortless telekinetic vibrations at the Ninetales. Unless she was an adept in completely neutralizing elite-level psychic attacks, she would join Kazan instantly.

"Are you going to object as well, Ayumu? He asked rather coolly, feeling Reid's psychic signature disappearing. The Abra's eyes narrowed, giving him a curt and serious feel.

Damn that Endymion...if that already-powerful dark-type figured out Shiden's gifts - they might still be developing for all Soriin knew - then he'd make a formidable opponent. The temporarily-Abra Pokémon hung haughtily in mid air, the purple aura around him making a faint humming noise.

[OOC - *l13k im s0 t1r3d* *yawns* *goes to post in Journey topic*]
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Ayumu coughed. "I kind of already did...but...uh...I guess I object?" Ayumu said in a wistful tone. Her (as she thought of it) brave and courageous attempt to take down the Abra in a physical manner, trying to go with matter over mind (since her mind had very little going for it)...and completely missed.

It wasn't even as if she had come CLOSE to hitting the Abra. One second she had been lunging for it, her rather unimpressive claws out, and the next...well, she was a few meters to the right of the Abra...and nobody noticed. Nobody noticed! It wasn't as if the Abra teleported her or anything...she just...missed. And nobody even saw her attempt at a violent overthrow. First her singing not going at all right, now THIS?

There wasn't a whole lot going on in Ayumu's head - well, there was a lot going on, but none of it really had any sort of value - but this was just going too far.

Or at least, she had almost decided it was going too far, before a funnily-shaped rock kind of got her off on a tangent about mechanical pencils (and how she could try to use them, being opposable-thumb-less).

Then Ayumu saw the Abra narrow its - his? - eyes...and not at her.

"Uh...Mister Abrera...if you're gonna ask somebody a question..." She raised her tail, and lunged. "YA SHOULD PAY ATTENTION TA THEIR ANSWER! YAAAAAAH!"

Ayumu's attack extravaganza, attempt number three: Doubleslap. Third time's the charm, right?
Tallen was assulted by heavy waves of psychic energy. She felt them pass through her, shaking her being to the core. She collapsed, using all of her strength to hold her self together. she hadn't been completely knocked out, but she might as well have been. Until her very essence had stopped vibrating, resounding with the force of the attack, she was down for the count. the cavern swum before her eyes. She saw a pink blur swim before her.

"Good Old Ayumu," She thought.

Another thought occured to her. For Psychics, they weren't overly brilliant. They hadn't found her out quite yet. The attack had been targeted to put out a far simpler mind then hers. Her arrogance flared. Didn't they know who she was? No, obviously not.

Her world kept spinning from the floor of the cave.
[OOC - *remians quiet* I know exactly what happedned, really! *runs*]


Soriin didn't teleport himself out of the pint-sized Skitty's path, he merely gathered his own psychic energies around himself in a lazy shield, and watched as the normal-type rebounded off of it. For a brief second the not-an-Abra felt a signature from the Ninetales, but it was weak enough for him to dismiss it. Reid was immobilized, and he had to get Shiden NOW.

"Maybe we'll meet again some other time, but I have no time to spare here. Endymion is coming, and the mountain itself is in an uproar. So much to do, all thanks to miniature rodent...but first..."

Soriin shook his Abra head, eyes closed as he considered the genuine weight behind his words. Without a single change in expression, the psychic-prodigy flared with his own telekinetic energies, stimulated by Reid's contributed power. The cavern was flooded with overpowering telekinetic vibrations, working to shut down even the most substantial of minds. Several turns away, a patrolling Zubat dropped out of the air, affected by the unforgiving waves. Only a protected mind, or one trained in defending such assaults could withstand such a barrage.

Feeling his heart bearing the weight of those he had caused to become injured in this battle, the psychic-type drifted eerily towards Shiden, and reached out one thick Abra-claw to grab hold of the Pikachu's tufted fur. At the last second he paused, and swept a look around the destroyed cavern. Yakiharau lay sprawled over a vast area, having keeled over with the sheer strength of the most recent vibration, and the other members of Kazan's band appeared to be defeated as well. Soriin sighed, gaze drifting over the wreckage created by Shiden's uncontrolled electricity, to the luminous-moss attached naturally to the granite walls, and finally back to his ward. Kazan still held the undersized Pokemon in his grip, albeit with no conviction.

Soriin reached out again, one claw touching the Pikachu's ear.

[OOC - Convienient pause for somat to happen, as I intended for Shiden to be rescued here~ *goes to do loads n' loads o' French homework*]
((OOC: Wasn't exactly sure what to post...but I might as well make Ayumu stay up-to-date?))

Ayumu suddenly was it with a huge headache, billions more thoughts than she usually had, and a strange desire to drink peach-flavored soda.

She recognized the soda-thing. Usually, Ayumu wasn't too crazy about peach soda, but whenever she got hit with a Psychic attack...somehow, she always wanted peach soda. The more powerful the attack, the more intense the craving got.

She swore as she realized how much she WANTED peach soda. The world swayed before her, she knew she was losing consciousness...and there was NO PEACH SODA ANYWHERE IN SIGHT! If she was going to lose...couldn't this "Abrera" offer her some peach soda as a consolation? She was in major craving-mode, here!

As the world faded to black (or, more black than it already was, since they were in a cave), she saw the Abra reach out and grab Shiden's ear...

"Shiden..." she muttered as she hit the ground. "Shiden...please..." Her eyes closed. "Get me some...peach...soda..."

Then she was lost to the world of unconsciousness.

((OOC: FYI...I luv peach soda. Peach Fanta, specifically. I haven't had it for years, though, since I can only get it in Japan. But I still have an empty can of it displayed in my room. ^_^;; ))
[OOC- And here's my long overdue post!]


Kazan suddenly felt something. It had all been numb; empty, but now there was something. Just a hint of something, but it was there. Kazan tried holding onto it as best he could, and as he tried, he started getting a clearer picture of it. It felt like.... Shiden?

Kazan tried his hardest to hold on to whatever it was. It was almost like a presence in his mind, but it was still too faint to be definable. The dark oblivion around him tried it's best to suck him back in though; back to the realm of complete unconsciousness. Holding on to that faint presence was the only thing the Charmander could hope for.

He felt as if the longer he held onto it, the clearer it became, and the more "awake" he became in his mind. He just had to struggle a little more. Suddenly he retained full conscious thought from what had just been feelings before.
I need to wake up he told himself, Shiden is in trouble.

As Kazan struggled to get closer to the strange presence he couldn't help but wonder what Shiden was all about. It became clearer and clearer that Shiden was somehow there, in his mind, helping him wake up. And what was up with that weird supercharged flamethrower attack from earlier? Whatever these Pokémon wanted with Shiden, Kazan was slowly starting to understand why the Pikachu had sparked such an interest.

".....wake up....." ringed a voice through Kazan's mind. It was horribly faint. It didn't feel like Shiden's voice; it was ore like it was powered by Shiden, "......open your eyes.......". And so Kazan did.

[OOC- Meh, crummy post. I've been having a terrible posting day :(]
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[OOC - More post-y-ness to stall for Emdymion to run around the dungeon. xD]


Soriin had one claw, irregular and awkwardly-sized, holding onto the scruff of Shiden's neck when he sensed a flickering barrier, trying to reject him. The force couldn't be called psychic, but it was stubborn and powerful nonetheless. The Abra's eyes glowed brighter as he fought against the forcefield, but the source of energy diminished without a fight. Soriin's eyes narrowed in instantaneous suspicion, but the barrier was gone without a trace.

The Pokémon frowned, but had no time to investigate what the barrier had been protecting. He lifted the scrawny Pikachu up, holding him much like a cat. The unconscious electric-type twitched, but remained deep within his dreams. Soriin grimaced, wondering how Shiden's powers would be able to be utilized without him being willing and awake. The psychic-type turned around, then stopped when a small claw wrapped itself stubbornly around his leg.

Soriin blinked, his mind already reaching the conclusion that it was the Charmander that had been protected. Either one of Endymion's group had gotten within a close vicinity, or Shiden's abilities functioned even when he was comatose. In other words, gratifying news or information he could do without. The temporary-Abra looked down quietly at the dedicated Kazan, keeping a firm hold on Shiden's figure.

"Why are you so determined to save him?" he asked, genuinely curious. "Unless you have a reason to want his abilities, you have no reason to risk your life for his - he holds no affection for anyone in his heart. Or are you merely being a model citizen - doing the honorable thing?"

Shiden was his for the taking at any time; Soriin could afford to learn a little a bit about the noble Charmander.

[OOC - Slight auto on Kazan's behalf? :-\]
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*cuddles Kazan, as he is feeling cuddley.*

As If things weren't bad enough already, suddenly, they got a lot worse.

The world was suddenly consumed by purple flames, everything was burning. . . But no, these flames had no heat, flickering and dancing, they blinded Tallen. She was dazzled.

She heard Kazan cry out, and she tried to stagger to her feet. Immediately, she felt herself being pulled, her essence was being ripped away. She felt herself growing fainter and more indistinct. Hoping no one was looking in her particular direction, she dropped back down, and mentally dug her claws in, fighting with all her mental power to hold on. She couldn't be taken off to who-knows-where! They needed her, what little help she may be. And. . .she needed them. . . But she just. . . couldn't. . . help!

Blind and indistinct, she staggered up, standing next to Kazan. The world swam before her eyes. She stared at the Abra blindly but with fire in her eyes, purple or otherwise.

Tallen can't really do much right now, but you can't blame her for trying. er. . . there's a reason she's reacting so poorly to the psychic energy.
[OOC- No prob with the autoing, buddy!]


Kazan almost felt the presence of his closed eye-lids now. It was as if he knew they were there, and that they were closed, but he just couldn't open them and rid himself of the strange dream of darkness he was having.

"Why... ...so determined to save him?" came a voice suddenly, growing clearer with each syllable. There was no doubt that it was the Abra talking, or at least whatever controlled the Abra. "Unless you have a reason to want his abilities, you have no reason to risk your life for his - he holds no affection for anyone in his heart. Or are you merely being a model citizen - doing the honorable thing?"

Kazan looked around in the darkness. He didn't know what to do. Perhaps the questioning was all a ploy to make him let go of his mental (and physical) grip on Shiden, and thus let himself fall back into the darkness.
"It is not. I am curious as to your motives. They delude me." came a reply to the questions he hadn't asked.

The whole situation was starting to creep Kazan out, reminding him more and more of his reoccurring dreams about his parents. The only thing it was missing was the tunnel and the slithering beast in the darkness.

"Can you hear me?" called Kazan.
"Yes." came an instant answer.
"Then you listen to me, whoever you are!" he growled angrily, "Somebody has to take a stand against pokémon like you. I care for Shiden, and I know deep inside he cares for me too. Now let me wake up and you leave Shiden alone, because you can't take him. I won't let you."

With every ounce of his strength, Kazan struggled to wake up. His grip on Shidens leg tightened and slowly but surely, his eyelids started trembling. Suddenly, they flew open, and Kazan, now fully awake, stared menacingly at the Abra, ready to fight for his life if he so needed to.

[OOC- And Kazan is back in the game!]
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Soriin studied the dedicated Charmander and relatively incapacitated Ninetales, both determined to stop him from taking a Pokémon that would only turn out to be a burden to them. Despite Kazan's courageous response, Soriin held the belief that the young fire-type was only attempting this rescue because it was the 'right' thing to do. Shiden had no traits worth saving, other than his powerful attack-booster. The Abra tightened his grip on the Pikachu.

"You might not let me take him, but if you have no choice, then it doesn't matter, does it young Kazan?" Soriin asked haughtily, searching telepathically for whatever triggered the limp electric-type's power-booster, hoping to end this abruptly.

Almost instantly, the psychic-type met a barrier in the Pikachu's mind, impenetrable; the Abra's expression darkened. If he couldn't tap into the electric-type's powers by force, how would it come in handy? Thoughts for later - as for now...

"As for you, Tallen, although you don't react to psychic attacks as well as you should, you are as much a threat now as a wounded Caterpie. I suggest you stand down, and convince your fiery friend to do the same. I am short on time...and thus short on manners!"

Suddenly the psychic-type struck out, slashing viciously at Kazan's midsection. Not waiting to see the results, the temporary-Abra pivoted, balling his claw into a fist and swinging powerfully at the weak Ninetales. This body wasn't meant for fighting...Soriin would've been untouchable in his normal form. The Abra bared a fang in impatience, sensing Endymion's presence wandering aimlessly, but swiftly, throughout the base's levels - all the while getting inevitably closer to the destroyed battleground.

Even as his claw flew at Tallen, the psychic-type unleashed another powerful pulse of energy - one that was weakened ridiculously before striking Kazan. The damned Pikachu was still having some sort of effect on the Charmander.

Shifting his attention fully to the fire-type, Soriin pulled powerfully on Shiden's caught claw.

"Let go!" he yelled frustratedly, "You should get your team out of here before it's too late, Kazan. "

Shiden's eyes twitched, and the Pikachu started to awaken, only to be greeted by a wrenching agony in his head. The electric-type gladly dove back into the folds of sleep...unconsciousness...whatever.
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Kazan prepared for the worst and closed his eyes, but he was surprised to find that he'd been hit with a simple physical attack. He opened his eyes slowly, afraid that he might be getting hit again; this time for real, but alas, all he found was an Abra looking at it's claw in frustration. The psychic type had lost it's edge, somehow.

"Let go!"
it yelled, "You should get your team out of here before it's too late, Kazan. "
"I will not let go." Kazan said, now much more sure of himself. He grabbed Shiden more securely and got up on his knees, gaining more leverage. The last bit of drowsiness from the previous attack was wearing off now, and Kazan felt as strong as ever.

"I guess you lost your magic touch, huh?" taunted Kazan as he used his free paw to brush some imaginary dust off of the place where the Abra's attack had hit.
"It seems we're on equal ground. I don't know how, but we are... so how about you let go of Shiden?" demanded the Charmander. The Abra leered at him angrily and instead tightened it's grip. Soriin was not used to having to deal with trivial matters such as this.
"Ok then, how 'bout you feel my punch, instead?" continued Kazan and charged up his best mega punch. He let it loose on the Abra, assuming it would knock the psychic type a bit away, but the effects were quite different.

First of all, Kazan felt as if the attack was supercharged; just like the flame-thrower he had tried earlier. As he was about to release the attack, he also noticed just like before, that Shiden was glowing. The punch hit harder, much harder than usual; but unexpectedly, though the Arba was thrown back a few feet, it wasn't thrown as far as Kazan had imagined. It seemed as if the Abra was being protected somehow. Perhaps the psychic energy wasn't fully gone from it after all.

The purple light that surrounded the Abra momentarily lit up, startling Kazan quite a bit. It looked ready to attack. Kazan prepared for battle, and this time he was going to win. He slowly loosened his grip on Shiden and got up, trying to gain as good of a stance as possible before the battle he knew was coming.

"Heh, you're not very intelligent, are you, young Charmander?" said the Abra, "I'll give you one last chance to leave, Kazan. I suggest you take it."
"Bite me." hissed Kazan in reply, not aware of the mistake he had just done.

[OOC- Uh oh... Kazan is in trouble!]
((OOC: It's kinda hard to do much with Ayumu unconscious, and all, but oh well. Might as well keep her up-to-date, or whatever...^_^;; ))

Ayumu was still unconscious. She really had no idea what was happening. She just lay there, drooling, on the cave floor while there was much drama going on between Kazan and Abra-Soriin.

Well, when the next wave of psychic energy, however weak, it Ayumu as it ricocheted off of Kazan's mind, it kind of canceled out any possible means Ayumu might have had of waking up.

It also pushed her all the way to the other side of the cave...where a small, half-eaten Oran Berry happened to be. Her mouth landed close to it, and her head squashed the rest of it. The juice of the berry dribbled out of the remains, and much of it flowed into Ayumu's open mouth. A few drops made it down to her digestive system...and...

Ayumu sat up groggily, and with a huge headache. Glancing around dizzily, she realized standing up would be a BAD idea.

I don't think I healed much... She thought. Strangely enough - her head was a mess, but she was able to think clearly through the random psychic-runoff-muck. Oh well, she thought, leaning against the rock wall. I'm not gonna be any help...might as well just hope the psychic thing doesn't notice me. If I wait long enough, I'll probably heal enough to, like, MOVE.

So she waited.

((OOC: Meh, whatever, she's awake. Barely though - in gaming terms, she'd have less than five hit points (cuzza the half berry not quite making itself all the way in). She's not very strong, is she? ^_^;; ))

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
It was at that moment that the chamber began to rumble, as the softly glowing rocks began glowing even more powerfully, as if a power inside them was intensifying. The dark bolts of energy that seemed to flow across the walls, like an ominous crack forming over the rocks themselves, eating away at whatever psychic influence was still within them left no doubt what was happening.

The Vortex has reached the chamber.

Luckily for the possessed Abra, he was still floating overground. Unluckily for him, however, was the fact that seconds later, he was knocked into a wall by a Winged Umbreon from Nowhere, a faint attack that was followed by a shadow ball from point-blank range, to prevent any shielding from popping into existence by surprise. The Abra's eyes widened as its small, quasi-armored body stuck to the wall, convulsing, having its psychic essence drained by the raging vortex overhead. The purple glow vanished from around him the moment he was hit. Endymion muttered something under his breath as he gracefully landed on the ground, gazing for a moment at the fainted Abra. Soriin has left his unlucky host moments before the attack has hit. But a fainted host was of no use to the mind-controlling being, whatever he was, and Endymion was counting on it.

He surveyed the scene morbidly, dashing over to Kazan, the unconcsious Shiden and the nearly-unconcsious Tallen, looking at them.

"Sorry it took me so long, but I've had some difficulties getting here... We have to get out of here, STAT. There's no telling how long this power drain from the mountain might take, and there's DEFINITELY no telling what might happen to the stability of this chamber when all illusions are gone... Although judging by the state you're all in... I don't know HOW we're going to do it."

"Worry not, brave ones." a voice echoed through the cavern all of a sudden, ancient and yet familiar though unfamiliar, resonating through the rocks, the mountain's life essence flowing through its every melodious tone "For what you have done for Luscent Ridge today, the mountain is grateful. It may take a while before we are fully powered, but now that the psychic influence has been lifted, we may be able to reverse it and use it to regain our own lost strength and the ridges shall flourish again. But we still have enough psychic power still within us to recall you to safety. Farewell for the present, Kazan, Shiden, Tallen, Ayumu and Endymion. May the balance be with you.

What happened later did not feel like a psychic teleportation. A cloud of twilight-purple, tinted with glowing azure lights, suddenly wrapped itself around the room, and Endymion felt like he had no mass, no form, no figure, and that he was moving exceptionally fast across a line. He could feel the presences of those he has come to rescue.

Ley-Teleportation? It couldn't have been.

For a second though, the azure sparkles took the form of a Gengar, who winked at him. Shiryo was part of whatever it was that talked to them, obviously fused to it throughthe dark vortex. His essence was not lost - but it became part of something greater.

The Umbreon smiled. He may have not lost his friend after all.

... Then the clouds dispersed and Endymion's eyes snapped open, scanning the surroundings. They were in a grassy clearing, on the edge of the forest, not too far from Team Elysium's base. Midori, Senshi and Akari were already there.

"Looks like you started the party without us." Akari murmured softly, blushing.

"I didn't intend to... Trust me. It's a long story... Midori, I think that our friends here could really use a few berries..."

"One step ahead of you." The Bulbasaur purred, reaching into a bag of berries she had hanging on one of her vines with her other vine and producing a few berries for each of the escapers, placing the berries by them, and smiling. Akari smiled too a little shyly.

"Hey... Where's Shiryo?" Senshi asked. Endymion shot him a quick look that indicated that it was best not to ask. The fighting-type winced, nodding in understanding, and, taking a quick bow, left the area.

Endymion sighed, wrapping his wings around himself and looking at the nearly fainted fledgeling rescue team before him. He couldn't help but smile a little in spite of his quiet sadness. He was quite surprised, however, to find Kazan looking healthy and energized to the extreme, even though he did seem like he has taken quite a telekinetic beating - and even before the others seemed to be starting to come to.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Endymion asked, looking at all of them "I'm not sure how to explain what just happened right now - but I think that Soriin would take some time to re-muster his forces before he makes another attempt at Shiden. He underestimated you - and us. And I suppose that that is why he failed today. But, for now, we're all safe."
-[[OOC - Ah~ Sweet Shiden is alive once more. Uh-oh.]]-

The dusty yellow Pikachu skewered his eyes shut, trying to block out the blazing sunlight that abruptly greeted his figure. In a remote way, he felt something in his mouth, a blend of multiple vibrant tastes; the feeling was distant though, and easily conquered by the overwhelming headache pulsing behind one of his...his...ears?

With a spastic start, the electric Pokémon's bottomless mauve eyes sprang open, accusing and foreboding. The undersized scrawny Pikachu scrambled onto his hind legs, swaying precariously as he fought to grasp the current situation. Namely, how he had sprang instantaneously from electrocuting a Machop to laying in the midst of the very Pokémon he had been diligently avoiding.


Shiden's eyes narrowed into a baleful look as he glowered specifically at the velvety-black Umbreon and recuperating Charmander several feet away from him; scattered around the clearing were various Pokémon, undoubtedly members of Endymion's infamous team - Shiden recognized a couple other prone figures, but hated them all the more for it. Hell, he was supposed to be a human again..

"Why are you here?" he said in a sick voice, his attempt for scorn and disdain failing to make it past his throat.

If sleeping had failed to restore him to his original form, what now? His small claws tightened until they bit into what passed for his palms, and still he clenched them tighter. Why couldn't they leave him alone, and just mind their own business? Kazan, Endymion - all of them! None of them liked him, so why did they have to come rescue him?

Just as he opened his mouth to release a tiny fraction of his anger and frustration upon them, an uncontrollable eruption of pain behind his left ear sent him back to the warm green grass. The black-tipped ear had started to lay back in the basic anger-position, touching the clotted wound behind it.

"Oh..ow..." he hissed and, grimacing, placed one claw over the wound in case anything else could provoke it.

Instantly, he put the pain he was feeling on the counters against everyone in front of him, loathing them even more...what right did they have to sit there while he fell over helplessly?

Shiden lunged illogically to his feet once more, stumbling to the right and left before managing to balance himself out, still hiding his injury in a defensive way. One of his eyes squinted to block out the way-too-bright, piercing sunlight, and he tried to find some route to leave by. So long as he was away from this collection of...of...Pokémon.

It was then that he realized he had an insane urge to cry, which only caused more misdirected anger, this time at himself. Why couldn't he just go back to the way he was? Why was he stuck unwillingly in this weak, clumsy body, where he knew nobody and those he did know most-likely hated him. Breathing heavily, not nearly recovered enough to be journeying, Shiden tried to back away from the group.

"Why don't you just...just let me alone!" he managed, one claw clasped over his head-injury and the other placed wearily on his forehead.

-[[OOC - Shiden, Shiden, he's our man~ If he can't be emo., No one can!!!*brandishes pompoms*]]-
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Ayumu's berries were gone in a flash - she figured if she was going to keep the role she had sort of assumed during that whole thing, she should be able to fend for herself.

...Pfft. Like SHE was going to be able to do that.

Glancing over at Shiden, she fought back the urge to tell him off for being immature...as well as the urge to pretty much do the same thing.

Stretching, and making sure everything worked despite her splitting headache (that had lessened a bit, which was good), she stood up shakily. Looking around, she realized she was gone from the nicer cave lighting, into the bright sunlight (she's a slow one).

Well, I guess I'll leave soon. I have some friends back...uh...at my hometown...aw, why in the heck? What was that town called? Aaaaaaaah... Narrowing her forehead, she once again realized she was completely and utterly lost. Um...this is bad...

She looked around blankly. If Kasuga were here, I wouldn't be in this mess...

Taking in a breath, she hummed a few bars of some random J-Pop styled song before stopping. "How did that song go again?" Ayumu asked the air, not exactly facing anybody in particular. "I think I forgot...musta been all that psychic energy...never was good at handlin' that sorta stuff."

She paused, then tried actual singing. A horrible screeching, out-of-tune wail escaped from her mouth, and she stopped immediately. "I think I forgot how to sing."

She then turned to Shiden, a blank smile on her face, and slowly trotted over to him. "Hi there, Shiden. Ya woke up! Tha's great." Inwardly, she was fighting back every single insult she wanted to yell at him. She wasn't an Osakan or anything! She didn't even know what "Osaka" was!

Ayumu suddenly remembered she was lost. She turned over to Endymion, ignoring Shiden. "You're name is Endymion, right? Well, if you're a rescue team leader...then you must know where I am! Can you show me back to...to...toooooo...aw, I forgot where I came from again! Aw...it's part of a town, I think...or did we move to one of those "dungeon" places? Aw...now I'm never gonna get home."

Then she ignored Endymion, and got up, slowly walking away from the group. "I want some melon bread..."

She also wanted to sing something, but she didn't remember ANY of the lyrics she memorized, or many of the tunes...she liked singing, and she was disappointed she couldn't sing anymore.

"But now I can learn how to do helpful attacks!" Ayumu giggled, sitting down happily. "I can probably still do Double Slap okay..."

((OOC: Ayumu really doesn't respond well to psychic energy, does she? She forgot how to sing! That's pretty lame. I think she's the weakest character I've ever used. But I like RPing with her, so I guess it's okay? ^_^;; ))

((Edit: w007 100th post! I claim the cent-post and the fifth page in teh name of...of...OF MERON PAN! (Melon bread.)))

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
OOC: We all love Ayumu. XD Also, is Endymion's emo-ness spreading? XD

When he heard Shiden's first words, the Umbreon's face fell, and it seemed like something within his eyes faded. It was as if he wilted and dried up in an instant. His figure slumped in a gesture of utter defeat. Even after being saved from a dire situation, the Pikachu's mind was unchanged about everything. True, he was injured, but that didn't seem to be the reason.

Was saving him really the right thing to do? Should he have just allowed Soriin to have the Pikachu and leave him to his own devices? Was Shiryo's sacrifice worth it?

Don't be a fool, Endymion. he mentally scolded himself Of course it was the right thing to do! Kazan, Tallen and Ayumu were there too, and they were equally threatened! And anyway, Soriin, however loyal his minions were to him, had no right to force the Pikachu into his service against his will! You had to step in!
But he hates you. came the voice in his mind again, the voice of his own doubt Maybe he would have been happier mindlessly serving that... Soriin.
Happy or knowing nothing better? Stop fooling yourself, Endymion. You KNOW what psychics are like. And you know Shiden's touchy about his supposed transformation. What if Soriin tried to use that knowledge to use him for whatever his purpose is?'
He probably wanted to escape on his own.
He was hopelessly outnumbered! He would have been overrun! And what Soriin did to Tallen and Ayumu... And indubitably Kazan... It was the right thing to do and that's what Team Elysium is about!
... Then why do you feel so empty?
He had no answer to himself this time. With the voice of one who aged a millenium in an hour, he finally said, softly but clearly, not looking directly at anyone.
"I do not expect gratitude or appreciation. That is not why we go out there and do the right thing when we are called to. But I would have expected you to learn not to hate those who care about you."

The crestfallen dark-type said nothing more, turning away and walking off towards the waterfalls in the not-quite-great-a-distance. Akari followed him quietly. She hated to see him like this, after all...
Tallen lay out of the way, halfway under a bush, watching the whole affair passively. She was still fighting to keep herself under control. She didn't understand why she hadn't been ripped away by the portal, though she had felt it tugging at her to the point of falling apart. The Gengar that had been with Endymion had apparently been captured by it. She had seen him for only a second, perhaps less, as they had been teleported, or what ever had happened, and by his eyes, she understood he knew. She didn't know if the portal had to do with one's connection to the land, or being psychic, or poison type. But she knew she didn't want to run into one again.

But there was nothing she could do now, and hopefully the Gengar would stay gone. Perhaps she'd go somewhere far away again.

All she could do for the moment was collect herself and her strength. She dozed quietly in the warm sunlight under the bush, with the warm scent of berries floating pleasently about her.

Tallen doesn't really feel like part of the RP at the moment.
((OOC: Neither does Ayumu. But Ayumu is Ayumu, so Ayumu must be posted with regularity.))

Ayumu stared after Endymion. Has he lost something, too?

She lost things all the time, be it items, friends, or her way. Mostly she lost her way, which was strange, considering she had a built-in mental compass and could track things pretty well.

The Skitty yawned, and bounded over to Tallen. The bounding didn't help her headache much, so she slowed down. "Hi, there, Tallen!" She greeted pretty happily. Ayumu didn't exactly want to talk to Shiden, since she didn't really like the stupid emo Pikachu much, and didn't have much to talk about to Kazan, and the entire Team Elysium seemed to ignore her (well, she didn't exactly know them, but still).

"Hey," she began, trying to bring up some sort of normal-for-her topic to ease the tension she felt. "Yanno, I've been thinkin'. You know how sometimes, if ya got ya some disposable chopsticks...ya split them perfectly? I've always want'd ta be able ta do that, yanno?" Smiling blankly, she stared at her two front paws, and held them up. "But I don't got any opposable thumbs...so I can't..."

((OOC: I wuv Shiden. I want to hug him. Ayumu-chan just doesn't because she thinks he's annoying. ^_^;; ))
Tallen opened one bleary eye and smiled at the Skitty. Lying in the sun really was making her feel much better.

"I used to know some humans that couldn't do it very well even with opposable thumbs. Would you care to take a nap with me in the sun?"

Kitties like that sort of thing, don't they? Thought Tallen. Sleeping in the sun. She had to admit, it really was quite relaxing to be able to drift off and not worry about being in the middle of a battle.

"I'm actually rather fond of pie myself," Tallen begun, and ended it with a pronounced yawn.
Ayumu suddenly jumped up, shocked. "SLEEP?"

She paused, the shocked and horriffied look frozen on her entire body.

Suddenly, she grinned happily, and flopped down on the grass next to Tallen.

Soon she was snoozing away, the happy grin still on her face.

((OOC: Osaka always falls asleep...so Ayumu would, too! ^_^ ))
Kazan sat still on the grass, trying to collect his thoughts on the whole ordeal. He took a deep breath and sighed, happy at least that they weren't in that dungeon anymore. His feelings of joy were suppressed however, by sadness. Kazan had done everything he could to save Shiden, and he truly did care for the little Pikachu, but it didn't seem as if his efforts were worth anything.

Kazan gazed into the grass, his eyes locked at the emerald green strands. He wished now that he had never met Shiden in the first place. Kazan was very open to making new friends, and they meant everything for him - thus there was nothing he hated more than being abandoned by those he cared for. Ever since his parents had disappeared, Kazan suffered from an enormous fear of abandonment; a fear that kept causing him agony, but nevertheless one that he couldn't rid himself of. To make things worse, he was ashamed of it, and thus refused to talk to anyone about it.

Kazan took support from his arms and pushed himself off the ground, still not taking his eyes away from the grass. He stood silently for a while, almost trying to hide from the others by remaining quiet. As he stood there, he felt he had to leave. He just couldn't be there anymore. Not while Shiden was there.
"Shiden... I'm sorry. I won't... I won't bother you again." he managed. Then he turned away from the yellow pokémon and the others and headed towards the woods.

Kazan parted some branches in front of him and disappeared amongst the pines and oak trees. Once he had gotten out of sight from the others, he slowed to a stop. He felt empty inside. He felt a deep sadness that seemed to be eating away at his heart. He couldn't cry, he couldn't scream - he just had to deal with it. Kazan decided to go home, back to the team base and back to his friends. There was nothing for him here, after all.

[OOC- Oh noes! Kazan is sad!]
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[OOC - *is in too much of a hurry to make a looong post*]


Shiden watched the various Pokémon's reactions, emotions warring within him as he backed slowly away from the relaxing congregation.

I knew it, everyone hates me...Endymion, Tallen, Ayumu,...Kazan..all of them! None of them wanted to rescue me, they just did it!

Then why are you so angry, if you're right?

I...I...if they just left me alone I wouldn't be where I am now, I'd-

You'd be back in that cave, with that bad-tempered Aerodactyl keeping you under 24/7 surveillance.

Shut up...

In fact, if Kazan hadn't saved you in the first place, you'd be in that river still, and nobody would've ever known you-

I said to shut up!

And everything - everything that's happened to you is your. Own. Fault!


Shiden threw himself backwards, landing heavily on all fours and streaking chaotically into the deeper forestland. As soon as he had cleared the sparse trees, delving into a section of trees that was tightly-knit, he felt salty tears piercing his cheeks again, and dug into the padded forest floor with his scratched yellow claws. He hated everything, everyone. Why couldn't he just....wake...up!?

[OOC - AAnnnd gotta leave for lunch now, plus my teacher suddenly decided to tsk repremandingly as she looked at my computer screen. *ingores fact that the psot is VERY short, in all reality* :-\]
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This one's for you, FireFox! ^^

"Like. . . Pie. . ." Tallen rolled over and mumbled.

She was having a dream. It was a dark dream. All around her, nothing but darkness. She herself was vague, blurry, indistinct, nothing more then essence loosely formed into the shape of a Ninetails. she didn't let it bother her here, however. she was safe inside her own mind.

Something purple, in the distance. . .It looked like a burning mountain. Suddenly, she was there. The flames roared, and she leapt back. She could feel the heat from them, scorching her. Flash Fire should've protected her from that!

A pair of blazing purple eyes hung about at random, watching her. It was rather over dramatic, and she couldn't quite be afraid of them. They narrowed. "You!" She felt herself being tugged towards it. Not with the force the mountain had pulled her away, but. . .

. . .And suddenly, a purple being lept into existance, charging her. It looked at for a moment, grined and winked. It was the Gengar! from before! She was hit by a raging shadow attack of some form, and was consumed by it. all was quiet in darkness again. She couldn't tell if it was a dream, or something more, but she decided to play it safe and wake herself up anyway.

She slowly pulled herself awake, and looked around her. A good deal of the pokemon from earlier had left, It was mainly her and Ayumu. And it was getting dark.

". . .Not good," She muttered.

Fudged a post! Because nobody else was bored enough to do it, and FireFox wanted summore action. *giggles* All of you stumbled off into the woods, leaving me and Ayumu to fend for ourselves. Now we have to gather you all up? That's no fair. *pouts*
As Kazan moved deeper into the woods, he felt that he was slowing his pace little by little until finally, he found himself standing still. Maybe he was being too rash with this running away... Maybe Shiden didn't mean what he said?
"No." said Kazan aloud to himself. He knew that thinking along those lines was nothing more than denial. Shiden had betrayed Kazan's friendship and there was nothing more to it. As long as Shiden was there, Kazan refused to go back to the others. It was better that way-

Yet he felt compelled to return. Kazan thought back at the powerful attacks that he had been able to give in the dungeon. Shiden had helped him, somehow... so on some deep level, the Pikachu must have thought of Kazan as someone worth saving? A friend? Then again, whatever had helped him could simply have been like Shiden's electricity - uncontrollable.

Kazan sat down in the grass, not really knowing what to do. He suspected that he was trying to make up some explanation that would fit him, but then again - there was a chance that he wasn't. I haven't gone too far yet... thought Kazan quietly, Maybe I'll just wait here and see if anyone comes looking for me. That way, if there really were friends back there, whether it was Shiden or Endymion, Tallen or Ayumu, or anyone else, he'd know for sure.

[OOC- Sorry for the short post (and it feels pretty disorganized too)... didn't really want Kazan to leave, but I didn't want him to go back either :-\]
Tallen sighed and prodded Ayumu, who was still sleeping peacefully.

"Hey, Hey. Looks like it's up to us to round everyone up again. . ." She sighed. It was getting dark. . . Kazan was the one with the most sense, so they should proabably go after him first. . . He wouldn't have bolted very far. . .
(OOC - Raa, might as well try to get out a post before lunch~ *glances cautiously at teacher*)


Shiden slowed only slightly when a pair of thick vines impeded his pathway, but even those snapped grudgingly when he lunged forwards illogically. Cuts and scratches from a wide range of severity danced across his course dirty fur, the deeper ones staining the bright yellow with faded crimson. The Pikachu's breathes were short, the effort put into his running sapping the breath from his lungs, but he never stopped. Whenever his frantic, hopeless running was interrupted by an uncrossable object, say a river, he would throw himself around in a random direction, and start sprinting forwards again, claws digging up clods of loose jade grass.

For some unfair reason, all of his anger had converted back into overpowering misery, and his sharp eyesight was clouded beyond perception by salty transparent tears. Somewhere deep in his mind he hoped that if he just ran enough, all of the problems - ones he had created and otherwise - would be left behind. So far it had only succeeded in making him thirty, slashed, and exhausted on top of everything else.

As the pad of his claw sunk into a particularly thorny shrub, he limped several headlong paces, then simply resumed his unending pace, the pain numbed as the small burr sunk deeper into his soil-clogged claw.

Without so much as a thinning of the jungle-like forest to give him warning, Shiden launched himself at a breakneck pace out into a clearing, and collided forcefully with a clashing red amongst the shades of green. Despite his light weight, the Pikachu's momentum knocked both of the two tumbling, Shiden stopping abruptly when his head knocked into the knobby base of an ancient, unnamed species of tree.

Head throbbing dully, Shiden lifted himself back onto all fours, swinging his head around and trying to see past his blurred vision. Only one thing he could think of had red, rubbery-like skin, and that was...

"K...azan?" he asked, his voice altogether different from his previous sulky, accusing tone.

Entirely confused and off guard, Shiden dropped his sceptical barrier, his normal, rather tentative voice coming out, albeit thick from his crying. The electric-type started to back away, seeing his own faults reflected in the Charmander's expression. Shiden hated it, and his claws clenched on the emerald-colored blades that sprang up in front of him, waving placidly in the timid winds.

The small, yellow rodent crouched down, and turned to run again - away from it all.

[OOC - And, guess what, gotta go. ;D Daxx0r (or anyone) feel free to auto him running off or being stopped. I would, but gotta get to lunch. :p]
The last one Kazan expected to see was Shiden, and the collision caught him completely off guard. He toppled over, landing in a sitting position on the thick forest bed. He couldn't quite believe that Shiden actually had come to apolagize and bring him back. The yellow pokémon did have a heart after all!

Kazan's relief and happiness faded quickly however, as Shiden uttered a single word.
"K...azan?" asked the electric mouse. Kazan's face grew solemn again. Shiden hadn't come out here to find Kazan. Shiden had simply been running away and just happened to crash into him, purely by accident. Kazan lowered his eyes to the ground and reattached his gaze to the emerald grass penetrating the forest's thick covering of pine needles.

Kazan refused to raise his eyes, even a little, and remained that way for quite some time, even as Shiden turned and disappeared again. He couldn't stay here. Even out in the woods he wasn't safe from Shiden. But there was something different about the Pikachu.
His voice... thought Kazan as he slowly dared to look up again. There was something different about Shiden's voice. It hadn't sounded menacing like before; merely surprised and rather timid as opposed to the way it usually sounded. It hadn't sounded like this since Kazan had pulled Siden out of the water and they were trying to calm him down.

Kazan was reluctantly drifting back to thinking of Shiden as a friend, but yet again, he stopped himself. It was difficult to tell himself that it was a hopeless cause to think that a friendship could emerge, and he wanted it to be otherwise, but it just couldn't. He had to forget about everything that had happened - about risking his life, not only to save Shiden from the river, but from the dungeon too. He felt himself grow angry at the scruffy looking little rodent. He almost felt as if he hated Shiden. Kazan was too good for him anyway!

He determinedly pushed himself back to his feet and narrowed his eyes on the trail leading home. This time, he wouldn't stop. This time he'd leave this whole day behind him - forever.

[OOC- omgz, Kazan hates Shiden! :'(]
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Unaware of the commotion behind him, Endymion sat, wings curled around himself, gazing absentmindedly at - or mayhap through - the waterfall, his fallen ears swaying in the wind, his eyes blank. Lost in thought, or lack thereof. He stiffened when he felt something warm curl around him, and shivered slightly when he realized it was Akari.
"Endymion?" he heard her voice call out to him timidly, breaking through layers of mental fog. He turned his eyes to hers sadly, gazing into them - or through them. Akari winced when she saw the emptiness in his eyes, closing her own eyes and lowering her head.
"... I'm sorry..." she whispered in a tiny little voice, and moved away, creating some distance between herself and the fallen Umbreon.
"No. I am." he said to her, just as softly. "Thank you..."
"For what?" she asked.
"For reminding me that I'm never alone."
The Vulpix said nothing. Rather, she curled up around him again and softly rubbed her cheek against him. This time, he wrapped a wing around her. They sat like that for a while, closing their eyes. Just there for each other, lulled to sleep by the waterfall's murmur.

OOC: REALLY tired so short post ahoy...
And in THIS post, Tallen ponders the merits of kidnapping and torture!

The small Skitty remained asleep despite Tallen's prodding, so she left her to her nap with a faint sigh. She was exhausted, but sleeping in the sunshine wouldn't really help. Oh, it made her feel better, but she wouldn't truely heal with anything other then time.

But she was thirsty.

Following Kazan's trail into the forest, she eventually came across a clearing, speckled by the late afternoon sun. Peering into it, ghosting through the dark, dense underbrush without a sound, she watched him. He was just sitting. Nothing more. The ground beyond him was torn up and blood spattered. He was probably upset about Shiden's behavior. . .still. The only way they were going to work THAT out was if she were to lock the pair of them in a room together. . .It was all Shiden's doing. If he would just CALM DOWN for a minute. . . . She was widely travelled, perhaps if she could talk to him, or mayhap Kazan could talk some sense into him. . . There had to be SOMETHING that would knock some sense into him. . . Now THAT sounded like a plan. He could use some roughing up. She growled low in her throat and shook her head.

Stepping into the clearing, she called lightly to Kazan in her airy voice.
Kazan, who was just about to march away again, stopped and turned around. There, from behind some foliage, appeared Tallen, softly calling his name.
"Ta... Tallen?" asked Kazan, truly surprised that someone had actually come to look for him, "What are you doing here? Did you come to find me?"

Kazan had already made up his mind, however. It was too late for anyone to bring him back. He was leaving and that was final.
"Tallen, it's nice that you came and looked for me, but you shouldn't have bothered." he said drearily, "I'm not coming back with you." He parted some dirt on the ground with his foot distractedly. There was no point in going back - He would only attach himself to another supposed friend, maybe even Tallen, and then they would abandon him too. That's they way it happened with his parents, that's the way it happened with Shiden, and that's the way it happens with everyone.

However, for some reason, even if he justified it in his mind, he couldn't justify it in his heart. He felt terrible for telling Tallen to go home and not bother with him. He felt like he was the one betraying a friend, and as he put it into perspective he realized that this really was the case - he was acting just like Shiden. The thought appalled him; he didn't want to turn into the very thing he was running away from.

He raised his eyes slowly to Tallen, hoping, without saying a word, that the message would come across and that she'd understand that he didn't mean what he had said. Or did he? Chances were that the others would in fact abandon him. The confusion bubbled up inside the Charmander and Kazan felt like screaming, though he realized that this wouldn't help the situation either.

Finally, now utterly confused by the conflict in his mind, Kazan turned away from Tallen, unable to face her until he had come to some resolve and sat back down on the ground, once more returning his gaze to the green strands of grass.
The Charmander looked at her with his eyes full of pain and confusion, turned and sat down, his back to her.

Kazan looked so small and lonely, in fact, he looked exactly how Tallen felt. She had thought maybe she had found friends in this big empty world.

"Coming back with me? Good heavens no, In fact, I was hoping I could come with you. I. . . I don't exactly have. . . anywhere else to go." She could see her self, a ragged cutout of a Ninetails, greyed and fading 'round the edges. . . She paniced for a moment, she didn't really look like that, did she?

But, maybe to really have friends, she'd have to be honest. Maybe she shouldn't hide what she was anymore? True, other places she had hid it and when it had come out she had been shunned and even driven out. . .She opened her mouth, trying to form the words, but no sound came out. She sat down with a sigh, hanging her head, vexed. She had kept it a secret for too long. She resolved to say nothing about it, ever.

She trotted up to him, reaching out with this simple action, but she did not get to close. After all, he might not want her there, he had told her to leave. . . But, she couldn't just go. She couldn't quite tell him how much she needed this, this friendship, she couldn't say why she felt so attached to him and the ragged, delusional Pikachu. (She could understand why she loved simple, clever little Ayumu now.) So she sat close behind him, hoping he would turn and show some sign. . .perhaps, and this may have just been a wild fantasy, but perhaps they would even go find Shiden somewhere in the forest, and he would be asleep, and they would take him back for the night, and he'd wake up, reasonably sane. . . Maybe they could form a rescue team, and be best friends, help others, have adventures, maybe someday, she could tell them about her life, and they'd understand. . .

Until then, she waited for the Charmander to turn, to show some sign of coming around.

Awww, Tallen/Kazan bonding moment. Does Tallen have some deep, dark secret? Is she trying to come out of the closet to Kazan?!?!?

Haha, sorry. ^^;;;;;; *is shot*
((OOC: Arrrgh, I haven't posted in awhile. At least, this time, the MIA-ness is in character...Osaka can never wake up...why should Ayumu? X3 *brick'd* Ow. X_X ))

"NO MOMMY, STOP!" Ayumu sobbed as she woke up, jerking up into a sitting position. Sniffling, she wiped her nose - Skitty lacked tear ducts, so they found other ways to cry. Mostly they cried with sound, so she wailed a bit before finally regaining what little composure she could have after that dream.

Sighing, she looked up at the late-day sky, thinking back to her horrible, horrible nightmare.

"Mommy...Mommy, why?" she sniffled, her voice cracking.

Her mother...she...

It had been a normal March day - not quite as cold as the beginning of winter, but still a bit chilly. The sun was out, and Ayumu happily was going to go sit under her kotatsu...

But then her mother took it away, saying she was going to put it away. Apparently, it was warm enough to not need it, and since it was just taking up space...

Ayumu began to Skitty-cry again. But-but that kotatsu was so WARM! How could her mother DO this to her? She thought her mother loved her...but...maybe not!

Suddenly, Ayumu realized she was alone. Thoughts of her "horrible nightmare" quickly lost from her stream of consciousness, the pink cat glanced around her.

"I wonder...where'd ev'rybody go off to?" She mused, wandering into the forest. "I hope they didn't go to get some melon bread without me...I like melon bread a lot, and y'all would be so mean to go get some w'th'out me," she chided, even though she could see no one.

And so she rambled on about whatever, once again walking through the forest.

((OOC: Yeah, the kotatsu "nightmare" was taken from Azumanga Daioh. -_-;; And y'all can auto Ayumu coming up to you in the forest, I really don't care who she comes across as long as she eventually comes across SOMEBODY. ^_^ ))

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Endymion woke up a little later, a distant wail vaguely reaching his ears. He passed it off as a trick of the wind. He couldn't sleep anyway. Not well, at least.

He gazed down at Akari - the Vulpix was still asleep, curled up around him - almost protectively, he thought. Her breathing was slow and relaxed. So peaceful... He didn't move. He didn't want to wake her up.

She was a mystery to him ever since they met, when he saved her from that rogue Jolteon. He was still an Eevee then. She was always shy and unconfident and worried she may be imposing on his - and his friends' - hospitality. And yet at some moments, she saved him from doubting himself and all he believed in just by being there. She reminded him that he was never alone. And he... He admired her - for that and more. He could see through her unconfidence and find beauty and compassion shining just under the surface. He always felt protective of her - maybe a bit more than the rest of the team. And her presence now was even more comforting - as with Shiryo's passing...

Endymion winced - the Gengar was the life of Team Elysium. Its sense of humor. Sure, he had moments of being a nuisance, but... Well, he was their nuisance, and they wouldn't have him any other way.

And it was my bloody fault. he thought The vortex went out of control. He shouldn't have been there! It was too close!

His eyes went empty again. There is no feeling more terrible, for a leader, than the feeling of being responsible to the death of a friend.

But that would not stop Team Elysium. He would work twice as hard now. To make sure no one else gets hurt by his decisions. That is what Shiryo would have wanted.

His mind drifted to the afterimage in the mountain's Leylines. Luscent Ridge suddenly flashed in his mind. What if Shiryo was not dead, but, in some way part of the mountain's essence now? What sort of effect will it have on him? Can he be restored?

Can he keep Soriin at bay?

His thoughts were interrupted by a faint murmur from the distance. A murmur about... Melon Bread?

Ayumu. the Umbreon sighed Lost again probably.

The murmurs were getting closer, and Akari stirred a little. He wrapped his wing tighter around the Vulpix, who softly relaxed again, burying her face in his shoulder. He smiled a little, awaiting the Skitty's perdicted arrival.

OOC: W00t! Endy/Akari moment. And incoming random kitteh! XD
As Tallen approached, Kazan slowly and very reluctantly turned around; just enough so that he could see the Ninetails out of the corner of his eye. His feelings of sadness and confusion were slowly fading away, being fought back, both by Tallen's comforting approach and by his own wish to redeem his old cheerful, confident spirit. Tallen wants to come with me? he thought to himself. He felt a wave of relief rush over him. If Tallen was willing to come with him, that meant she at least wasn't intending on abandoning him... probably.

"Do you really want to come with me?" he asked, wanting to assure himself of what he had heard, for otherwise he would have had a hard time believing it. Tallen looked worn, but in a good way. She looked as if she had a lot of life-experiance and had seen more than Kazan could dream of. In fact, Kazan felt humbled in her presence - Why would she possibly need him for anything?

He sighed and wheeled around until he half-faced the creamy-white Pokémon.
"Tallen, I need you to tell me something." he started, staring blankly into the woods, "Tallen, do you really want to come with me, or are you going to leave me, like everyone else?" He now glanced up at the Ninetails with eyes filled with both hope and apprehension, hoping for the right answer, and that Tallen would tell him the truth if the answer wasn't right. Deep inside though, Kazan felt a tiny flame, telling him that it was going to be ok this time.

[OOC- Awww! Tallen is making Kazan happy again!]
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