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Pokémon Mystery Dungeons! Mythical Edition!

Since this is a written work series, and not a RP. It's perfectly fine with the charms rules to use mythical pokémon. What's going on? Why are mythical pokémon playing an important role in this story? Good question! For some reason, all sorts of problems have been occurring across the land. Some places have been experiencing frequent earthquakes. For others, its hurricanes, or blizzards, or volcano eruptions. Many pokémon across the land panic and are afraid of what will come. For some reason many legendary pokémon have disappeared. Perhaps their disappearance has something to do with all the natural disasters that occur. Some pokémon have taken to investigating. Other pokémon, not strong enough to investigate look to stronger pokémon to do it. Many look towards mythical pokémon as they seem to be still around. Surely someone great enough to be considered mythical could solve these problems.


Sidenote: Your character doesn't have to be a mythical pokémon, but mythical pokémon will more than likely play a bigger roll. No legendary pokémon please. Your free to make however many pokémon you want, but I will limit one mythical per person.

pokémon species:
distinctive features(optional):
Where is your character from: (The map has the list of potential locations)
What is your character doing prior to the start of the series?:
moves: (8 max)

My character;

pokémon species: Deoxys
nickname: Roswell (Kinda like the UFO incident)
distinctive feature(s)(optional): Roswell has a birthmark on his cheek shaped like an 'X'
Where is your character from: Shimmer Hill (In pokémon explorers of sky, that is where you find deoxys)
personality: Roswell is a reserved, and somewhat distant pokémon. Roswell has a difficult time relating with other pokémon hence his reserved attitude. Despite this Roswell can be nice, and tries to have the best of intentions. However he's also skeptical at the best of times which leads him to avoid acting before being fully committed to an action.
goal: Roswell's goal is to figure out the cause of the frequent occurrences of the natural disasters.
likes: large open areas, clear night skies, starf berries(Due to their sour, sweet, and spicy flavor).
dislikes: sitting idly for long periods of time.
backstory: Roswell wasn't born on the planet he now calls home. Roswell came from far away, and likes to travel around his new home, and seeing all sorts of new places so that he might feel better accustomed to his surroundings. In doing so Roswell took pleasure in adventuring. Though Roswell's adventuring for the most part was purely for the thrill of seeing all sorts of sights and scenery. Roswell occasionally travels back to space. One day it occurred to Roswell, that he was no longer having encounters with rayquaza. While these encounters were not often, they happened just enough to keep Roswell on his toes, whenever he was in space. It didn't take long for Roswell to start noticing the string of natural disasters occurring. First his nemesis disappears, and now this? Roswell wanted to get to the bottom of things, and fast.
What is your character doing prior to the start of the series?:
moves: teleport, nightshade, pursuit, psycho boost, hyper beam, cosmic power, low sweep, and aerial ace.


I figured I'd tag you guys to see if you wanted to make a character. It's no big deal if you say no. I figured I'd ask, just in case.

@Red Gallade , @DarkHydraT , @Gamingfan , @<Inkscape>
Hopefully this will do.

Pokemon species:
Hoopa (Confined form)
Nickname: N/A
Distinctive features: When he gets angry, he can change in to his Unbound form.
Where is your character from: Treasure Town
Personality: Hoopa is seen as rather lazy at times, very laid back and carefree and relying on his hoops for even mundane tasks. Despite his laziness, he isn't afraid to properly do things himself or help people he likes out. He enjoys travelling and doesn't rely on his hoops for them so he can properly see every ounce of beauty the environment has to offer, mainly using his hoops during then for emergencies... or boredom. However, he can get angered quite easily, although he does his best to keep it under wraps and shrug it off with a bit of sass, angering him enough can make him turn Unbound and go berserk while in that form, often requiring his friends to calm him down if not pummel whomever angered him.
Goal: To get this world back to how it was so he can go back to being lazy.
Hobbies: Relaxing in tree branches while using his hoops to reach for food without getting up.
Likes: Eating, sleeping, donuts, his friends... or people that don't mind doing things for him, clear sunny days.
Dislikes: Loud noises, rain, being woken up early, anyone who angered him enough to turn Unbound.
Backstory: Hoopa spent his early days in Treasure town where his daily life mainly consisted of eating and sleeping, often at times, he would battle with other Pokemon only for him to summon other Pokemon to battle for him, much to their annoyance. Things changed when natural disasters began to occur more and more frequently which started with an earthquake in his hometown, while he did his best to get people to safety, these disasters came almost as often as rain. Hoopa intended to call upon the legendaries and get them to fix what happened, but as he created rings connected to the homes of the Legendary Pokemon, there was no answer, even as Hoopa traveled through to find them, but they were nowhere to be found. Hoopa eventually decided he needed the help of other Pokemon like himself as he hoped their combined power could help them find the legendaries and gain their aid in these trying times.
What is your character doing prior to the start of the series?: Most likely travelling from hoops to hoops to go to different areas and find other mythicals, or recuperating in between hoop travels as using his hoops can take up a bit of his energy, especially when connecting to the homes of legendary Pokemon. (That way we won't have to cheat using his hoops.)
Moves: Hyperspace Hole (Confined only), Hyperspace Fury (Unbound only), Psychic, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Brick Break, Double Team.
Not bad. I like it. I'll more than likely use his unbound form in a really tough fight. It's hard to think of a boss fight since the protagonists are mythical pokémon. Legendary pokémon seem to be missing. (Maybe they are trapped in the distortion world).


In pokémon super mystery dungeon's the main villain is this entity called "Dark matter". Perhaps it wasn't completely gone by the end of the game, and is simply healing. With it's strength returning it might have strong pokémon like garchomp or metagross. Maybe the dark matter and other pokémon are just a minor villain role. The dark matter could be in a very weakened state, and thus not nearly as strong as it was in game. Perhaps ultra beasts are the real antagonists. Thoughts? Anyone else got better ideas?
i am too qualified for this
also i didn't recieve ping as usual fun

Pokémon species: Zeraora
nickname: Gunvolt / GV (yeah i made the haha funny reference)
distinctive features: scratches on his right shoulder that resemble "13"
Where is your character from: Concealed Ruins
personality: He is a natural comedian, and tends to crack jokes a lot. Always ready for a fight. Really loves competitions.
goal: to fix the world so he doesn't have to keep on being called on to fix things
hobbies: Throwing rocks as fast as he can to see if he can snipe other pokemon out of the air
likes: Competitions, Battles, practicing his pitching, fighting
dislikes: pokemon who DONT enjoy competing at every chance, responsibility
backstory: GV lives in the Concealed Ruins, but he originated from the Temporal Tower. He usually traveled all along the lands, looking for a good challenge. He would face any pokemon, regardless of what they could do. When the natural disasters started, he actually had to go out and survey the damages and help with the clean up, something that he had not done voluntarily, but was roped into it. He just wants to be able to continue perfecting his skills without interruptions, so he's now investigating the disappearance of the legendary pokemon.
What is your character doing prior to the start of the series?: Scouring the Temporal Tower for any sign of Dialga, who once resided there.
moves: Charge, Thunder Punch, Close Combat, Thunder, Blaze Kick, Laser Focus, Focus Punch, Plasma Fists

i was wondering how this would work if it was also a conversation RP, since those technically dont have to follow the legendary/mythical rules but im not sure how possible that would be
This is a written works series I plan to make. If this were an RP, it would be against rules.

Technically, a discord RP would work.

Sidenote, you don't mind me using your character in my written works series, do you?

After posting my written work, I'll link it here. If I do something or say something your character might not do, let me know!

Thanks in advanced.
Awesome, enter the thieves.

Pokemon species: Kirlia
Nickname: Adam
Distinctive features: His 'hair' and 'skirt' are both shorter and he wears a brown, lightly tattered cloak big enough to cover his body.
Where is your character from: Unknown.
Personality: He is very laid back, loves gambling and will always talk back to anyone regardless of the consequences. He is also a cunning thief who likes to outsmart his opponents or help him escape in case a theft goes wrong or find extreme or fun ways to make escapes. However, he is kindhearted as well as he tends to give some of his 'earnings' to poor Pokemon that need it more than him and he cares about the lives of anyone he sees as his comrades, mainly his partner in crime. While he hates many rich people, he does respect those who use their riches to actually help others.
Goal: Get rich enough to retire in luxury, enjoy as many thrills as he can while young and find out what happened to his mentor... and help people so people know he's still nice.
Hobbies: Stealing, relaxing in quiet serene areas, talking back to and/or roasting anyone who's ego is as big as their strength and/or status, giving money to poor people.
Likes: Successful plans, stealing, making fun of rich people, getting richer.
Dislikes: Failure, seeing Monica get hurt, getting his stuff stolen.
Backstory: Not much is known about who his family used to be, given how he was taken in by a once notorious Blaziken thief who raised Adam as his own, teaching him how to survive in this seemingly unforgiving world and those who would wish to harm him. One day, Adam's mentor left suspiciously and never came back, the only thing he left behind was a little note which only said. 'Now you're ready.' Now Adam roams the world for riches to steal and ways to get even stronger as well as find out what happened to his mentor.
What is your character doing prior to the start of the series?: Stealing something with Monica.
Moves: Psychic, Draining Kiss, Magical Leaf, Double Team, Teleport, Protect, Fire Punch (Taught from his mentor)

Pokemon species: Gothorita
Nickname: Monica
Distinctive features: Nothing different from average, but she wears a short cloak and a belt with several bags to carry things.
Where is your character from: (The map has the list of potential locations)
Personality: Monica is somewhat happy go lucky and almost views everything as a game. She is very supportive when it comes to helping Adam who she secretly harbors feelings for. When it comes to treasure, she will do whatever she can to steal it but is aware of the limits of how much she should steal or what she should steal. Although she is aware about how the world works and how some people behave, promising herself not to be too naive.
Goal: Live the good life with Adam.
Hobbies: Stealing, counting her money, many things as long as Adam's with her.
Likes: Money, shiny things, successfully stealing from "no good snobs", Adam.
Dislikes: Seeing Adam down, failure, getting dirty.
Backstory: Monica was rejected by her parents and had to either beg or steal to survive, she mainly focused on the latter as her Psychic abilities yielded better results... even if it made her hated by people. One day she attempted to pickpocket a hooded figure who was none other than Adam who caught her in the act, instead of hating or punishing her like everyone else, Adam taught her how to do it right and stole together ever since.
What is your character doing prior to the start of the series?: Stealing something with Adam.
Moves: Psychic, Hypnosis, Thunder Wave, Rock Slide, Protect, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse
Looks good.

Funny enough... I know just the items that would be perfect for them to ideally steal.

In pokémon explorers of sky there are tons of exclusive items for all pokémon in generations 1-4. 5-8 came after explorers of sky.

What are these exclusive items? Exclusive items have a rating. 1, 2, and 3 stars. One being meh, and three being stupid good.

Rank 3 items are super hard to get though. Think shiny hunting in early pokémon games hard. But super worth it unlike shiny pokémon.

Here's a rank 3 item that anyone in the ralts family can use; caring scarf. What does it do? The wearer gets hp when they are hit by dark type moves. A weakness turned into a benefit... Nani?! Super useful...

Theres also the psyche globe. This is a weaker version of caring scarf. Psyche globe merely protects one from dark type moves... minus the healing. Still very useful though.

None of the characters will be running around in battle with any of these items, but would look good in a collection or something a thief stole.
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Finished part 1. I just posted it. I think I did your characters justice. Feel free to correct me, if you think otherwise. I don't mind editing it.

I plan to add a few ultra beasts in part 2. They will meet them at Waterfall Cave. I chose Waterfall Cave because that was one of the first important places that the protagonists in pokémon explorers of sky run into. Also Torkoal is a character in Explorers of sky. So is marowak from marowak's dojo, as well at Wigglytuff's guild. I will reuse many characters from the game itself. Scizor will make an appearanc since he is a famous explorer.

(Here's a list of the NPC teams in explorers of sky, if your curious)
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Team (Team - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia)
* Some of these teams may also make an appearance. Not all of them, but maybe some off them.
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That would be a good idea actually. Maybe they see the wormhole close, but were too late to see any ultra beasts. I might even send the three on three different missions. They are mythical pokémon after all so they would be strong enough to handle themselves. Three cool locations for them to visit would be the three lake guardian locations.

You need to go through foggy forest and steam cave to get to mesprit.
You need to go through crystal cave and crystal crossing to get to azelf.
You need to go through quicksand cave and shimmer desert to get to uxie.

This could make two episodes. Since legendary pokémon have disappeared, They won't find them cause, legendary pokémon disappearing.

I like to think nihilego would be the ring leader of the ultra beasts that the protagonists fight. Also, maybe the unidentified floating figure that went through the wormhole was Nihilego. Maybe it wasn't. I always like the idea of final bosses making early appearances in video games. Sometimes you don't even know they are the final boss until the game starts dropping hints in the later half of the game.

Maybe have a filler episode on a few occasions. The fourth written work might be a filler episode. Zeraora might even get to fight one of the other two mythical pokémon, what are your thoughts Red Gallade? It could be hoopa, or it could be deoxys. Maybe someone else makes another mythical pokémon, and they decide to fight them. Wigglytuff guild was very important to pokémon mystery dungeons: explorers of sky. The protagonists did live there during most of the main storyline. Great place to go for a filler episode. Shayman Village might make another filler episode. Shaymin village isn't on the map. Its north east of Mt. Horn and south west of Mt Travail. It was an exclusive side mission in explorers of sky. Time and darkness didn't have it.

(Potential future plot idea)

Perhaps later on after they defeat the last of the ultra beasts, they will have to find all the legendary pokémon, and calm them down(In explorers of sky the protagonists need to calm dialga and palkia).

I like to think the characters in the written work will legendary pokémon relevant to the plot. There were more legendary pokémon in explorers of sky, but only dialga and palkia were main plot characters in the core missions of the game. The rest of the legendary pokémon are optional to fight. We got plenty of time to come up with content for the legendary pokémon since fighting the ultra beasts comes first.

If theres anything I said in this post, that you would like to be done differently, let me know! I might agree with you.

Thanks in advanced.

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