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Ask to Join Pokémon: Myths of Arkhaios

"What I want? I originally wanted to make an acquaintance or two." he stared at the shadow, suddenly feeling like he was being watched. I may have made a mistake in approaching these two. "As to eavesdropping, your hearing gets sharp when in the wilds for long enough." his tone changed to a very genuine tone. But his eyes, they seemed to swirl in a kaleidoscope of colours as they locked on the the witch. The gaze. It often confused or stunned people, but it also had a secondary effect. It formed a weak link between minds. No direct words, just feelings, pictures and surface thoughts. "To be honest, I did not truly know your intentions, and I feel I was a bit exessive with my statement earlier." the same images that Thorn had showed him were brought to the front of his mind, transferred through the gaze. two truths and a lie. In addition to that, thoughts of the augurite dagger strapped to his wrist, stabbing a temple guard in the throat with an egg under one arm, his banishment. Approaching the pair and overhearing their conversation. The dread when he heard "Don't you know it's dangerous, volunteering your name like that to a stranger? You never know what intentions they may have." Again: Two truths and a lie. The end of a note he had written to his mother before leaving: "I HAVE LAID MY MIND BARE TO YOU"
He broke eye contact, cutting off the gaze. The impressions he had gotten back were chaotic, ominous, laced with frustration, and maybe a hint of fear.
"However, you still did not answer my question. Who is ice girl, here?"
@Captain Cardboard and @Draco Nightshade

You aren't from this region, are you? Zephyr asked the Indeedee, though she suspected it was true regardless. Yes, I am a Ponyta. My name is Zephyr.
Licht felt something soft under his palm. "Hello?"


It seemed that Freya and Wuijah were attracting a lot of attention from their surroundings. A young man named Alax seemed to be getting on Wuijah's nerves while also inquiring about her own name. Freya placed a calming hand on Wuijah's shoulder as she faced Alax. "You may want to work on your introductions. People can get the wrong idea."
Just then, Freya felt a tug on her pants. Looking down, she noticed another Arctibax trying to get her attention, a white lily in its claws. "Well, hello there. Where'd you come from?"
Meanwhile, Blade raised his head looking at the other Arctibax. He sighed. What are you doing?
@Captain Cardboard @Alaxes
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He ran after Eira until she came to a stop and grabbed ahold of the chief's daughters clothing. He took a moment to catch his breath before he spoke.

"Eira....don't run off like that...."he said as he straighted himself.

Eira looked to the other Arctibax as for the moment she didn't answer him. She looked to Frost who had caught up with her.

"Arc! Arctibax!" She said as she used her claws to sign him what she wanted to say.

His gaze fell on her as she signed what she wanted to say.

"You want me to ask her...."he sighed. "Your something else aren't you...." he added.

His gaze looked back to the chief's daughter. "Apologies mi lady....but, would u mind lowering your head for her..."he asked.

Eira smiled as she turned to the lady.

"Bax!"she responded.

"Again....apologies my lady for her grabbing your cloth like that...."he said again.

Eira was going to come back to the other Arctibax to answer his question but, showing him was the better way.


Lufian nodded to the ponytail named Zephyr. "-Yes, we are not from here, we can from an unfamiliar place. I was going to ask for some assistance but, since he is blind like my trainer than we are back to the beginning...-" he said. Aria could sense Lufian communicating with another pokemon about helping her. She decided to call out to him.

"Lufian...did u find someone...?" She asked.

Lufian turned to Aria who had called his name. Her took the young man's hand off his hand and gently let it go. He saw her get off Rina to approach him.

"Indeedee...." "-I'm sorry Ari but this man is blind just like u so, he won't be able to help...-" he told her.

"Oh....just like me...thats rare...can u lead me to him please..."she asked.

Lufian nodded as he took her hand gently. He lead her to the man in front of him. He looked to Zephyr. "-I hope i have your permission....she communicates with touch to know what is infront of her...-" he said.
Lufian lead her to where he was standing before she spoke gently. "E...Excuse me?"she said. "May I have permission to touch u?"she asked. "My apologies...its just how I communicate with my touch....". Lufian moved the man's hand to Ari's as he placed it on her head to show him she was right in front of him.

@Draco Nightshade


Marketplace - Heading towards the Oracle Pillar
Mentioning: Freya & Blade @Draco Nightshade , Alax @Alaxes

The witch scoffed at Alax's explanation to his eavesdropping.
"That may be the case, boy." Wuijah said. "But just because your senses are enhanced, doesn't mean you can use them to listen in on people's conversations."
He was looking at her, quite intently. Wuijah did not back down, looking at Alax right back. As she did, she began to feel... strange. There was something unusual about his eyes. Yellow... Green... Blue... The longer Wuijah looked at his eyes, the more they seemed to change. What color were they, exactly?

The strange sensation grew stronger. In her mind's eyes, Wuijah found images appearing in her head. This boy and his dragon Pokemon. Fighting. What was this?! Was he... was he cursing her?! HER?! A Wandering Witch of the Specter tribe?! Wuijah's body felt slow to react. How could she have allowed this to happen?! It was so obvious! Staring into his eyes like that. She had underestimated him because he was just a simple-looking boy, but clearly this was some sort of powerful wizard!

Freya placed her hand on Wuijah's shoulder as Alax broke the connection. The moment it was gone, Wuijah hissed and stepped back. She could move again! A shadowy hand appeared on Wuijah's opposite shoulder. The witch reached into a pouch and threw some dust into the air, muttering an incantation as she did.
"However, you still did not answer my question. Who is ice girl, here?" Alax asked. As if nothing had happened! As if it had all been a fluke!
"How dare you, boy?!" Wuijah exclaimed angrily. "You think you can place a spell on me?! I am Wuijah of the Specter Tribe, you overgrown brat! I'll show you magic!"

Wuijah reached into another pouch and threw a handful of leaves at Alax, chanting loudly as she did so!

As long as she doesn't do anything strange. Zephyr teased Lufian.
Licht reached out to Aria, managing to lightly grasp her hand as he brought it to his face before introducing himself. "I'm Licht, from the Sky Clan. My companion is Zephyr."


"Shoot." Freya turned back to Alax, Wuijah casting some sort of curse on him. "Oi, Rock Worm! Did it never occur to you to ask me personally?"
Her hand rested on her dagger, ready to draw if needed.
Blade sighed. Here we go again. He turned to Eira. Are you trying to hook up my lady with your human?
@Alaxes @Captain Cardboard

Eira looked to the other Arctibax with a bit of confusion in in her face. "-Apologies but, u have the wrong idea....i was going to give the flower to her and put it in her hair...i just thought it would look nice on her...besides....my trainer looks just as confused as me as u can see-" she explained as she looked to Frost. She noticed a fight start between his trainer. This only confused her even more. "-....Does this...happen often?-"she asked as she moved to stand next to the Arctibax.

Frost could see a fight start between the chief's daughter and the boy with green hair. He felt his scar starting to bother him as he thought of the sight of blood showing. He moved his hand to cover her own where she grabbed the blade.

"Please calm down mi lady....there is no need to resort to violence... there are people around" he said trying to calm down her down. "Also, sir just ask for her name instead of calling her ice girl....its impolite..."he added correcting him to as he had a painful look on his face. Eira immediately noticed.


She didn't expect him to gently grab her hand and place it on his cheek. His hand covered her small ones, definitely. "I'm Aria, it's nice to meet u....or Ari if that's comfortable with you to say" she answered. "The Indeedee u just felt is Lufian....he often assists me with a lot of things...and behind u is Rina the Girafarig....she is my eye seeing Pokemon..."she added. Rina approached to Licht and nudged him gently to let him know she was behind him. "....I am in no clan unfortunately...just a wandering performer..."she paused. "...Lufian told me....your blind like...me.....its rare to even see or hear some else without their sight....".

Lufian only chuckled to Zephyr's teasing comment. "-She's blind...and hardly has a mean streak in her to do something like that so he is safe...unless it's you that will try something on Ari-" he teased back.

@Draco Nightshade @Alaxes
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I’m probably going to die or something. What had made him think that the gaze would help? Obviously it wouldn’t. “ Whatever you think I have done, it’s not a spell.” He stepped back, trying to avoid the leaves. “I gave you the location of my weapon, the reason for my arrogance, and probably a whole lot more. Meanwhile You gave me a headache and a reason to fear you.” He directed his next sentence at the girl, “I never asked you because you probably shouldn’t be talking to a murderer.” He didn’t look her in the eyes. “I hoped that talking to the person currently trying to curse me would be a better alternative to me snapping and killing someone. And when I try to do that, I accidentally offend them, try to explain in the worst way possible, which doesn’t work. I then try to explain without the constraints of words, using my mind. Now I’ll probably be more cursed than normal.” “It’s called the gaze, by the way. My greatest gift and my worst curse. I guarantee, there is probably nothing you can do that will be worse.” I mean, she could kill me. I wonder where Duna is. At least she won’t see me die.
Amidst the fairly unpleasant atmosphere around her, Twila wasn't exactly pleased when the Grand Oracle-announcing bells seemed to start their chiming. If it did anything, it just made this even more of a sensory... experience. "O-Oh. I... I suppose I should, um..."


Twila sighed at Rita's quiet check-in. "Geez, look, sorry... This feels way out of my comfort zone. Maybe if I... stray a bit from the crowd, I can... no, but what about the risk of crowd-crushing if an accident occurs? I'm pretty sure there's a pose for that, right? I'm certainly not a runner..."

She was interrupted by her Ribombee humming somewhat, before offering her a yellow-ish ball - she had just used Pollen Puff, right? None of her other moves matched that kind of descriptor. Twila just sighed, gently pushing the ball away. "...sorry, Rita. I guess it won't be AWFUL if I just... stay put here, right? I'll probably catch wind of what the Grand Oracle's got to say through word-of-mouth."

"Ribom...? Bom, bombee!"

Well, sure, Twila was aware of the fact that this could probably make her come off as 'insensitive' or some similar malarkey. But she did come here on her own volition, and she wasn't planning on sacrificing her personal comfort - especially after this whole mess was for the sake of her own self-confidence, right? Probably.


Marketplace - Heading towards the Oracle Pillar
Mentioning: Freya & Blade @Draco Nightshade Alax @Alaxes

The leaves fluttered to the ground in front of Alax, not seeming to do anything but have a sharp, bitter scent. In fact, despite Wuijah's chanting and incantations, there didn't seem to be any changes to Alax. Wuijah didn't seem to take notice of Alax's attempted explanations at all, finishing her incantations.

With her casting seemingly finished, Wuijah smirked and crossed her arms.
"Your worst curse? You've seen nothing compared to the curse I've placed upon you." Wuijah said smugly. "I'm not sure what will be more fun, telling you and watching you agonize over it, or not telling you and watching you fumble in the dark."

The Grand Oracle (Shiera)​

Oracle Pillar​

Crossing the courtyard with precise, poised steps, the Grand Oracle never looked more dignified. Her white dress ebbed and flowed like the passing clouds, silken and divine. Her handmaidens attended to the train. That part of the dress was kept unnecessarily long to attract attention and, as Shiera was told, to symbolize the long line of seers who came before her. Two girls about nine or ten years of age were needed to keep it from dragging on the ground. Shiera heard the tattering of their little footsteps as they struggled to keep up with the procession.

Four acolytes, not counting the two handmaidens, accompanied the oracle as she marched through the busy streets. Two stood on either side. The two in the front rang bells hanging from long poles that resembled Chimechos. The two in the back carried burning incense meant to entice the local Pokémon to the Oracle Pillar.

Once gathered beneath the strange obelisk structure carved with runes of the Unown, the acolytes departed from the Grand Oracle's side and stood facing the crowd. People gradually trickled into the courtyard, their voices hushed and intrigued. When the crowd was deemed sufficient, the Grand Oracle threw back her veil and addressed the congregation.

"PEOPLE AND POKEMON!" Her words were formal and pronounced. "Citizens of Arkhaios! The time has come for your prophecy."

Murmur stirred within the crowd. The oracle caught sight of Gladius, her ever-vigilant partner, levitating in the distance. The Alakazam showed no sign of concern. The oracle's shoulders relaxed.

"Many of you have granted us your wishes and prayers for the future." Her hands swept over the clay vases on the ground as she spoke.

"These questions and desires shall fuel our reading."

"Not all of you will find the answers you seek," she warned. "But all of you will find the answers you need."

Shiera paused and took a deep breath. As the Grand Oracle, she knew the people expected to hear something profound. Her clairvoyance, while infallible in the past, occasionally stirred up conflicting images. Events and warnings that seemed to contradict each other, such as the time she predicted a child with white hair would bring chaos to the region. Yet a subsequent vision showed her the child would only bring chaos once they had died. She had decided not to mention it, divulging only partial information to the leader of the tribe that the child in the vision was supposed to have been born. Nothing became of the vision to her knowledge. Still, there was always that risk.

The Grand Oracle began chanting, praying to Lugia for guidance. The world around her began to fade. Her head spun, and the ground beneath seemed to plummet and turn inside out. These sensations were not new to her. She welcomed them. A parade of images began to flash through her mind.

A man with a sword...the number twelve...what did it all mean?

She was still trying to piece it all together, oblivious to the looming figure of the ice/ghost-type Pokemon that suddenly appeared behind her. Its two winglike hands outstretched.