• A reminder: If you want to ask an RP thread creator if you can join their RP, do so in private - via conversation or profile messages - or via the thread's discussion thread, if one exists. Do NOT ask if you can join an RP on the RP thread itself! This leads to a lot of unnecessary OOC chatter and that's not what the RP boards are for.

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Open Pokemon Safari Zone

Welcome to the newly Re-Opened safari zone! Where you can adventure to your heart's content. This zone is massive, accommodating a desert, forest, many mountains, a snowy forest and a volcano (Which is definitely not active) You cannot bring any Pokemon into the zone, but you can capture Pokemon while inside. Spend time at our State of the Art Pokemon Centers and Pokemarts, and stay in our cabins, which are completely free*

*all prices for Cabin maintenance will be included in the entry fee of $2000.

Welcome to the Grand Reopening of my safari zone RP. Due to some complications, my old one closed so I am starting it fresh. Anyone can join, just read the rules and fill out this form. Once ten people come, i am making it Closed because this Safari zone is very expensive and only for the most privileged of trainers. You can use Fakemon. Ask someone before capturing their OC. For anyone who was in my old Safari Zone RP, this RP is Canon with that one, with this being a Re-Opening after the events in the old RP.

Trainer: (1 trainer spaces left)

Pokemon/Fakemon: (1 Pokemon/Fakemon space left)
Moves: (Can use more than 4)
Creator: (If using a fakemon)

This is mine:

Name: Richard Whitman
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Personality: Kind and always willing to help, a bit reckless and always gets himself into trouble
Appearance: A short boy of asian descent. Dark hair and eyes.
Other: His father and uncle co-founded (Or whatever) the zone.


Richard Whitman entered the newly opened Safari Zone. "The memories in this place" he said. He was even bigger than he remembered. Mountains and rivers, trees and bushes. It was amazing. If not for the Glass dome around the outside, the zone could be mistaken for the environments it was trying to emulate. He ran to a map and read it. There was a Pokemon Centre and A Poke-Mart near the entrance, as well as a section of staff cabins. There were multiple cabins in all of the areas, which included a Forest and Mountainous area, as well as many others.
"hey champ" he heard someone say "How is it?"
he turned around and saw his dad, Alex Whitman. "Dad?" he said "I haven't seen you for years!"
"I know right?" Alex said "I was adventuring in Kanto, collecting badges and things like that. 'm pretty sure your uncle thought I was dead!"
Richard laughed "he did! Wait till i tell him!"
"I already did" Alex said "You should have seen the look on his face! Run along now, I have important staff work to do, there is a broken cabin in the forest area which needs repairing"
Richard ran into the forest area and began to search for Pokemon.
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Name: Hayden
Species: Hydopup
Age: ~23 Months old
Gender: Male
Personality: Likes to hunt a lot, shy around strangers, is very defensive in combat.
Appearance: Has sky blue fur that is smooth, a dark bluish shield like emblem marking on his right side, short claws on paws, short tail that can propel in water, blue eyes, and tiny gills near his head that are not noticeable.
Moves: Scratch, Sprint Cry, Tactical Cover, Wave Cannon, Resentment (Yes he's having five moves here.)
Ability: Hydrotic Break (While the user is in battle, the user will store HP if they deal damage. When the user deals damage, the user will gain back HP equal to the stored amount every other turn. The maximum amount of HP stored is double their maximum HP, and stored HP is lost if the user switches out, faints, or the battle ends.)
Other: He had been brought into the Safari Zone due to critical endangerment.
Creator: Me (I'm still working on him since there are time barriers in my way.)

Hayden woke up below a tree, as he looked around while he took in some deep breaths. He didn't seem to notice he was in a forest, as he looked around while he saw the bushes, and the tree that he was below.

He got up on his feet, as he noticed that a shield like marking on his body glew brightly in a sky blue light. He patted it, as it felt a little warm to the touch. He had not realized that he wasn't the only one in the area, as he sat near a bush and picked some oran berries on the sides.
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Name: Talon
Species: Garchomp
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Looks like a normal garchomp but the blades under his arms are actual blades
Appearance: the blades under it hands are actual blades and he is black instead of blue
Moves: Earthquake, Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw, Giga impact
Other: He was taken into the safari zone because of it being extremely rare but they lost track of its where abouts in the zone
Talon flew over the safari zone, Watching over pokemon and humans until he saw a pokemon he had never seen before but then he saw someone enter the zone "Gar.... Garchomp (I must return.... the colony needs to stay safe)" Talon said as he flew to a cave next to a lake, Inside the cave were Gible's gabite's and garchomp's all living in peace

"Gar gar, garchomp (Close up the cave entrance, a human has entered the area)" Talon said to the Garchomp guarding the gate, The guard closed the entrance with rock tomb and the cave was filled with darkness.
(Garchomp can FLY!?)
Richard ran through the forest, and reached the ruined cabin. "This place" he thought "So many memories here too." he turned to another area in the forest. "The cave should be around this way somewhere" he ran through until he reached the side of a mountain. "thats strange" he thought "Has there been a cave-in?"

He tried to push the cave open, to no avail, and then looked up to the mountain. "Hmm..." he thought "there should be more entrances in the mountain" he began to climb the mountain, going up a rocky trail and reaching an entrance. He entered the cave, which was completely dark, and took out a flashlight and began to walk in
(Yea garchomp can fly but I really do not know how)
The sounds of Garchomp and Gabite were coming closer and closer until the sound was gone and the sounds of a dragonite filled the cave
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"Sounds like Garchomp" Richard said "And Dragonite..." he looked around "This could be dangerous" he thought "I think is should go"
He turned to leave when he remember something. "wait..." he said to himself "Where am I?"
He tried to backtrack but was completely lost. He got a bit scared, the Dragonite noises weren't going away
Hayden noticed a boy that went over to a cave, as he quietly followed him. He heard the cries of some Gabites and Garchomps that came nearby, as he went up to the boy while he looked scared. He patted his leg still, as it felt rather warm from his nervousness. He cautiously approached him, while he heard a different noise now. He went up to his leg, as seemed rather frightened since he was much smaller than him. He still decided to follow him though, as he got away from the cave.
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Garchomp sounds started following him again... then the dragonite sounds stopped then the sounds of a battle started then two figures appeared in the sky. Talon and Dragonite, they were fighting alot talon was winning but dragonite was not giving up until talon used giga impact sending it flying to the ground

Talon flew back into the cave and closed the entrance and started to sleep

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
MegaCharizardZ: A reminder - you cannot make someone else's character hear anything. That's autoing, and that's no good.

I've edited your post to make sure there were sounds but it is up to the other character's RPer to determine if they heard it or not. And you need to review the rules.

Next time, it'd be an official warning.
Richard finally got out of the cave and looked up. He saw the Garchomp and Dragonite fighting. "Oh no!" he thought "Thats not good"
He watched the Garchomp retreat back into another entrance to the cave. Then he walked up to a cabin nearby. Night was drawing near and he needed to sleep. He entered the cabin and locked the door, then went to sleep on the bed.
Name: Freya
Species: Riolu
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Personality: shy, often scared, is looking for someone she can trust, hates battling
Appearance: just a normal Riolu

Freya was just wandering around in a trance. She had fallen from a good size tree and landed hard. Now, after she'd eaten some berries, was continuing onwards, in the hope to find shelter. The Riolu did find shelter, a cave that many Garchomp were in. Freya didn't care. She found a empty space, laid down, and passed out.
Name: Destiny
Species: Eevee
Age: 7
Gender: Female
Personality: Some pokemon fall in love with her, and she blushes. She is though, always talking to herself. Destiny is sometimes very shy, hiding behind everthing.
Appearance: Is normal Eevee
Moves: (Can use more than 4): Dig, Hidden Power, Tackle, Sand Attack
Other: Destined to maybe evolve into Sylveon.

Destiny was sitting, trapped in top of one of the tree. She was daydreaming about she returning to her own family, she missed it. Destiny sighed, sadly. She was took away in a pokeball and was released in the Safart. Destiny hoped not to be caught by anyone, and not to encounter any humans much. She loved her family, but hated humans very much.
Hayden snuck in the cabin with Richard, as he had went through the door before he had closed it. He ran and hid under a bed, hoping he didn't hear anything, as he stayed slient. He curled in a ball to warm himself, as he had wanted to tell something to him, but he just couldn't say it. He cried sliently under the bed, while his paws covered his face that were flooded with tears.
Finally morning came and Richard woke up. He unlocked the cabin door and left. He look out into the zone, and looked up into the sky, a spot where a good friend of his once escaped the zone. He sighed "Wherever you are" he said "good luck"
(OOC: Don't ask me, ask Charlespark. It was his OC in my old safari zone RP)
Bic: Richard looked back at the cave. He now knew that there was a Dragonite and a Garchomp somewhere in there, and decided that he needed to get as far away as possible just in case.
He walked back down the mountain trail, and then walked through the forest. The forest was teeming with life, Pokemon were everywhere.
Name: Jully
Age: 16
Gender: Female/Girl
Personality: Caring, Alert to sounds and helpful.
Appearance: She wears a red headband, a black bodyfit shirt, a green vest with four front pocket, a short skirt and a pair of pink boots.
Other: She likes Safari as she likes her parents

As she enters the zone, she was a bit lost in a forest and she couldn't find a way back even the forest trails. She then saw a human figure from distance and she quickly ran to the figure as her scary feeling begins to filled her brain.

It's a guy and he seems to be a very experienced guy. She crashed with the guy and he quickly hugged him while she cries on his shoulder. "I'm scared!" she shouted while keep crying on this guy's shoulder.
Name: Raj
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Shy, smart, funny.
Appearance: Tan skin, black hair, and brown eyes. He wears a blue shirt, a navy blue jacket (which is usually worn unzipped), jeans, and navy blue shoes.
Other: Is known to be a pretty decent trainer when it comes to training and battling.

Raj had gotten lost in the forest. He heard some Pokémon, but they were too far away to identify them by their voices. Raj finally came to two human figures. One was crying on the other's shoulder. He approached them. "Are you okay?" Raj asked the girl that was crying on the guy's shoulder.
(OOC: Am I allowed to have another character, and if so, is a OC sheet required for it?)

Hayden went out of the cabin after he woke up under the bed, as he went out of the window and walked around in the forest, as he saw some Pokémon and some humans. He quickly hid in a bush when he saw a girl that cried, as he had not realized that he wasn't the only one that hid inside the bush.

He heard some quiet sparks that came from his left, as he thought to himself, "Oh no... someone else is here too! I'd better run!" He tried to get out of the bush, but the Pokémon dragged him inside the bush! She whispered to him as he looked teary eyed, "Hey shh... we don't want to be encountered by them okay? I'll introduce myself later handsome, I love the shield that's on your body, but you don't look like any Pokémon that I've seen before."
Talon escaped from the cave and looked around, He saw some pokemon eating and some battling but he saw something in the sky
A Salamence
He flew into the sky to see what it was doing but as he got closer the Salamence would fly away, So he flew to the Salamence as fast as he could but the Salamence attacked him, Talon flew back into his cave, He was still wounded from the battle with the dragonite
but he wondered what would happen with the salamence?
"I got lost! I'm scared and I don't want to get in there back." She just keep crying on the guys shoulder.
OOC: Talking to Raj...
Suddenly, she dropped her Safari Ball into a nearby bush. He stopped and went to get it.
A little white paw pushed the Safari ball back out of the bush. "Okay. That was weird." Raj whisper-muttered to himself. He shook his head and picked up the Safari Ball. Raj walked up to Jully and handed her the Safari Ball. "Here you go." he said to her.
"Hey umm... I think that there was a pokemon in the bush. Should we check it out?" She takes the Safari ball from Raj's hand. "I think I should throw some bait and see what we got." Jully throws a bait near the bush and a white paw took it at the speed of light. "I knew it!"
"From the size and color of the paw, I'd guess it's a Pachirisu."Raj said. He threw some bait a few inches away from the bush. The paw reached out, a little further this time, for the bait. A Pachirisu's head popped out of the bush. The electric type cautiously left the bush and approached Raj to sniff him.
"Pachi?" the Pachirisu said. She gave Jully an odd look. Then the electric type pawed at Raj's hand. Food was hard for her to find at times. And Pachirisu thought that this boy might have more, or could take her to a place with more food.
"Huh? What's wrong? It doesn't like me, right?" Jully unwear her headband and expose her brown straight hair. She then took out a few bait and puts it in her headband. "Here, six food for you! Enjoy!"
Hayden noticed the Pachirisu going to a human, as he quickly ran out of the bush! He thought that they were gonna do something bad to her, judging from the bait that they threw. He quickly used sprint cry, as he his shield shined brightly in the sky blue light! His speed began to rapidly increase briefly, as he tried to run from the humans that were around, while he also cried.

He took cover behind some other bushes, as he prepared to use wave cannon. He took a few deep breaths behind the bushes that weren't too far from the humans, as he thought to himself, "Oh my, I guess Pachirisu fell for the bait didn't she? Well, guess I'd better run or something... I've heard that humans are bad, since I had to run away from some others that tried to hurt me." He still hid behind the other bush, cowering in fear, as he still cried like the baby he was.
"Woah! What was that! I don't think that's a normal Pokemon but I'll catch it anyway!" Jully tries to track the HidroPup by looking in the bushes. Suddenly, she heard a Pokemon cry at a nearby bush and she went to the sound. She saw a HidroPup but it seems that the HidroPup doesn't notice her yet.
Richard saw the two trainers with a Pacharisu and a Hydropup. He walked up to the group. "hi" he said "welcome to the safari zone. My dad owns this place so I know a lot about it, do you have any questions?"
"Oh yeah!" Jully left the Hidropup alone and went to Richard. "Hi! Ummm... I have a few. What is the rarest pokemon that can be found here?" She smiles while she wears her headband.
(OOC: Please note that it's Hydopup for the spelling.)

Hayden shyly looked at Richard, while he tried to maintain a sharp posture, as his legs shook like chiming bells. He still cried, as his face was flooded with tears now. He looked frightened, as he curled up and used his arms to cover his face. He scooted over to another bush, as it was right next to Richard.
OCC: Ooppss! Sorry... Hydopup, get it!
BIC: She noticed a movement at the bush. "Maybe it is the Hydopup. I'll give some food to it." Jully took out a bait and throws it near the bush waiting for the Hydopup to take it.
(OOC: I'm still assuming that it's required for permission to capture Hydopup here, so... he can only be befriended as of now. Capturing is only if he is very open and trusts the person like his own mother.)


Hayden scooted away from the bait, as he approached Richard, while he tried to resist the bait, thinking it was a trap. He tapped on his leg with his right paw, as he still cried in a quieter tone. He tried to say something to him, as his babbling made it almost impossible to understand him. He looked teary eyed, as he tried to look normal, while he wiped his face using his left paw.
OOC: She just wanted to know what kind of pokemon is in the bush
BIC: She just waiting for the pokemon to came out but it seems that it won't. Eventually, she ignored the pokemon in the bush and went to the nearby hill for further searching. "I hope I can hug the cute pokemon!"
The Pachirisu gave the Hydropup a funny look. 'I wonder why the Hydropup is acting like that. Maybe it doesn't like humans. Or has heard bad things about humans.' Raj thought. The Pachirisu took the food and ate it. Then she jumped on top of Raj's head. The eyes of a mostly white Pokémon watched the group. The Pachrisu waved him over. The other Pachirisu cautiously approached Jully and sniffed her.
"Oh! A Pachirisu! Hi there!" She handed over a bait to let the pokemon eat it. The Pachirisu ate its meal but it seems that it wants more. Jully gave it more and more.
Hayden looked at the Pachirisu that went onto Raj's head, as he continued to cry like a baby. He went into a defensive position, as he thought that all humans were bad, due to a traumatic, past event that occured. He tried to get the Pachirisu's attention, as he still cried.

Babbles came out of his mouth, as he thought to himself, "They're gonna hurt that Pachirisu most likely... I've gotta protect it if I can... or just run, yeah run." He tried to tell the Pachirisu something, as his crying made it almost impossible to understand him.
The Pachirisu jumped on Jully's shoulder and the pachirisu requested for more food. Jully gave it more bait and it tooks it and ran towards the bush where the Hydopup is hiding. "Wait! Don't go!" Jully shouted while looking at the Pachirisu.
Freya woke up, stretched and yawned. She slowly walked outside into the bushes. Unfortunately, she tripped and went tumbling into the midst of a group of humans. The Riolu looked up at them with fearful eyes.