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Open Pokemon Safari Zone

Hayden took the bait that Jully had thrown earlier, as he hesitantly held it, while he took in rapid breaths. He went to the Riolu, as he whispered to her, "Run.. they're gonna hurt us... I can't bear just being around them..."

The shield marking on his body started to glow brightly, as it was an indication that his energy was through the roof now! He felt a burning sensation that coursed through his body, as he thought to himself while some tears fell from his eyes, "I must engage at them if they are gonna do harm... engage the enemy, or flee the scene, as my mother had said."
Freya scooted away from the bait, as it was not worthy of her trust. She heeded Hayden's advice and got up to run, but she was curious about the humans' motives. "I don't think they're gonna hurt us," the Riolu whispered, slightly hesitant. "I think they're just going to throw this stuff at us."
"I can't believe that the Riolu won't take the bait!" She went to get the bait and put it next to the bush where the Riolu is hiding. "Here, just eat it if you didn't mind!" Jully cheers as she puts another bait for them. "Here, it is for your friend."
Freya bit Jully's hand. "Leave us alone!" She snarled. Then, she ran away, tearing through the underbrush. The humans were too loud. Too disruptive. Freya growled to herself. The Pokemon were doing just fine without humans. She eventually stopped running and sat down on a small rock, panting.
"Ouch! That was rude. Well I guess I'm gonna find some other pokemon that likes this food." She walked into the forest again without remembering what happened to her before.
Name: Kiri Kelain
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Naive, Confident, Ambitious
Appearance: Kiri has pure black and spiky hair, covered up by his signature black PokeHat since he's somewhat self conscious about it. He has an attire which would consist of a blue jacket and pants
Other: Kiri lost in the Sinnoh Leauge, coming in the top 8 with his previous Pokemon including his Pichu, his mother then offered him a voucher from his dad that would allow him to enter the safari zone. To catch some new partners and hopefully gain some expierence as a trainer
The gate leading to the safari zone, slowly opened with a large creak revealing a young boy, he slid in his fingerless gloves with a loud grip "All right" Kiri walked in with a bag holstered on his back with various items he would use, the door shut loudly scaring some of the Pokemon to flee in the other direction
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Freya was starting to wish she had eaten some of that food, though it probably tasted horrible. She consoled herself with that thought. Then, she got really hungry. The Riolu decided it was in her best interest to go back. She started trudging along, back to the place where she first saw the humans. Then, she tripped and stumbled into the open. Again.
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Hayden sat near Jully while he didn't know what to do, as he still cried. He was frightened, as he walked beside her while he tried to keep his cool. He saw the Riolu trip, as he went over to her and helped her up. He thought to himself as he grabbed her hand gently to lift her up, "I'd better find out what this place is and fast, I have no clue where in the world we are right now."
Freya nodded. "Thanks. I don't know either. We should get away from these humans." She said, indicating to the path that she had just created accidentally. "I know of a cave. We could go there." The Riolu started walking on the path she'd created, pausing to check if Hayden was following. "You coming?"
Kiri was at a list of what to do he heard so much of this place but didn't know where to start, he walked along a path which unknowingly was the same path Freya and the others were about to take, Kiri sticked out like a tourist admiring the sights but not doing any of the work ironically
Hayden brushed his fur while he didn't know where to go, as he was lost. He looked around while he saw Kiri walking around, as he quickly hid in the bush when he noticed something odd. He turned around, as followed Freya soon after, while someone else unknowingly followed him. He nodded at Freya, while he went to her with slow steps.
Kiri heard a rustle of a bush and looked begin him, the bush remained shook for a solid second before it came to a stop "Could that be a Pokemon?" Kiri said intrigued and began to slowly creep to the bush
Freya started walking down the path, accidentally rustling some bushes. Nobody would notice… right? The Riolu hadn't been with another Pokemon ever since her parents disappeared, so she tried to strike up some friendly conversation. "Um, what's y-your name?" She managed to stutter. "Mine is F-Freya."
Jully was just looking around to find some pokemon and she were... well, pretty far enough. Again, she felt that she was lost so he began to panic. She ran to nowhere and she then found a human figure in a distance. It was a boy and he was... looking at a bush? She doesn't care, all she knows that she won't be lost if she found a human. "HELP!" she yelled.
Kiri heard some type of rambling going on in a bush, Kiri raised his pokedex as he got closer and closer to wonder what the hell that was

"O-Oi is anyone there?" Kiri asked curiously being somewhat cautious of who or what might come out
Jully approaches Kiri from the back and she immediately sat on the ground due she was tired. "I-I thought that I was lost!" she said while grabbing her water bottle and drinks it.
Freya stopped suddenly. "Shh!" she hissed. "I hear humans!" The Riolu dove into a bush, but tumbled out, right in front of Kiri. "Uh, um, hi?" She stuttered. "Crap." Freya tried to get up and run away, but tripped in the mud and landed face flat.
Kiri chuckled a bit, he walked towards the mud after using his pokedex to find out it was a Riolu, he stared at the Pokemon curiously and crouched in front of it "Oi, you gotta be careful with the terrain I should know I used to fall down all the time" Kiri chuckled to himself as he offered a hand to the Riolu

Kiri was caught off guard by Jully as he jolted a bit and turned behind to see Jully "Oh you came out of no where damn" Kiri said as he sighed and looked at her on the ground "I have a few snacks in my bag if you need it I just arrived so I'm probably in the same position"
Freya tried to get up, but she failed. It seemed that she hit her head on something. The world started fading to black. "Someone… anyone… help…" she croaked, before fainting.
(OOC: The other character I'm going to introduce is here, and I've already gotten approval from @SMRPG64. As usual, including an OC sheet along with my other Fakemon.)

Pokémon/Fakemon #2:
Note: All unknown parts will be revealed soon in the RP when he reveals his secret to someone.

Name: Unknown
Species: Virtutot (Virtural Avatar Pokémon)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Type: Normal
Personality: Deceptive, Mischievous, Cunning, Patient
Appearance (Cyber Forme): Has a green, circular-like body, as the top of his head has an antenna that appears like a thick green line, that is used for abilities.
Appearance (Avatar Forme): Is a human toddler, as he has on green tribal clothes with dark green feathers on his head, along with green sandals and a tiny part of his antenna that sticks out of his head still, all for the purpose of camoflaging amongst humans.
Moveset: Tackle, Cyber Shell, Data Pulse, Thief, Data Drain (Has more than four moves known.)
Ability: Cyber Change (Virtutot is able to change types at will in the field of battle. However, this does make him vulnerable to all incoming attacks, as he can't do anything in the process, and this requires time for the process to work.)
Other: He had escaped from the Safari Zone earlier, and he had returned by traveling into Cyberspace. His partner is coming, as she does have to wait before being brought back into the area, due to her safety being jeopardized.
Creator: Me (I have created this Fakemon myself, though I am still doing my ortographic drawing on him, since this is a better way to draw something for me.)


Hayden approached Kiri while he looked up at him, while he rubbed his chest. He helped him lift up the Riolu from the ground, as he thought to himself, "Well... I suppose not all are b- bad right? I guess I have to look for myself before I just judge like that." He stood next to Kiri, as he still helped and watched over the Riolu.

Meanwhile, someone else had gotten in the area, as he appeared beside the bushes! He quickly transformed into his avatar forme when he had gotten to the Safari Zone by traveling through Cyberspace. He knew that he couldn't be detected by anyone as a Pokémon, as he decided to act it out, hoping it would sell.

He got out of the bushes, as he adjusted his feathers on his head, while he attempted to walk to Kiri. He looked very silly while doing it, as he wasn't used to walking around like a human would. He almost tripped, as he hugged the bushes to maintain his balance. He stood alongside Kiri, as he tried to cover up his antenna, hoping no one noticed.
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"O-Oi!" Kiri shouted to the non responding Riolu, Kiri looked around for something that might help he saw a couple of berries, unknowingly it was a Sitrus berry Kiri plucked it with easy and raised the head of the Riolu as it held the berry with the other hand "Have a berry, I'm not really a specialist with these so sorry if tastes bad" Kiri said having no knowledge what so ever about berries

Kiri looked at Hayden, he didn't see anything unusual so he let Hayden look over it would probably help him when he needed it as Kiri explained the situation "Riolu's health is low I gave it this berry but I don't know if it'll be enough"

Kiri heard the rustle of leaves in the distance he wanted to turn his head around but was too fixated on the task at hand leaving him vulnerable
"No thanks, I don't really like sweet things. I just.... wanted to rest a bit." Jully then grabbed her pokedex from her pocket and tried to find what type of pokemon is in the bush.
Hayden decided to go with Richard, while the other Pokémon also decided to walk alongside of him, trying to maintain his balance. He tried to tell him something, using his antenna to communicate with him, since he couldn't really talk. Hayden looked at him, as he said, "Huh, you look familiar. That antenna just reminds me of something."
The Pokémon nodded at him, while he tried to camoflage his appearance amongst the other humans, as he went to Richard while Hayden followed along behind him.
Name: Genja
Species: Dredonigi(The Protection Dragon Pokémon)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Kind, Tends To Protect The Weak, Powerful, Cocky
Appearance: This:

Moves: (Can use more than 4): Solar Beam, Draconic destruction(Deals 99 Percent of opponent's Hp), Dragon Claw, Leaf Blade, Leaf Claw(Dragon Claw+ Grass Type), Fly
Creator: (If using a Fakemon): @Fraseandchico


Genja Sat Up, And Hopped Off his Tree, He Had Just Woke Up, He Walked, And Saw Some Trainers, He Hid, Not Wanting To Be Caught.