After searching for a while, Rufus eventually settled on an evolution book by Professor Darwin. "I suppose this'll do for now..." He murmured, checking out the book. Rufus left the library, his Pokemon in tow, and to his dorm to gather his papers and spirals.
Later, he returned all his Pokemon to their capsules except his Lycanroc. Attatching the Pokeballs to his belt, Rufus then hooked all of his spirals and notebook paper into a large binder. Lycanroc stood pawing at the door, eager to go to the classroom. "All right, all right Lycanroc! I just need to actually get ready for class first..." He said, now putting on his glasses. "... Now we leave." And with a turn of the knob, the door was open and Lycanroc ran out and to the classroom with Rufus stumbling behind.