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Ask to Join Pokemon: The Island

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
discussion: https://pokecharms.com/threads/pokemon-the-island-discussion.17323/
Please post all requests here.

G.K. leaned on the railing of the ship, watching nothing but ocean. He heaved a sigh, just waiting to see the small islands that were the Alola region. It had been months, and he was finally going to finish the island challenge. He had left his Z-Ring and Z-Crystals back at his apartment, and was going to pick them up the first thing. He had seen everything on the ship.
He went to the pool. He tried the water skiing class. He tried the indoor skydiving. He went to the three restaurants on the ship, even the tiny sandwich place on the bottom floor. He had only one thing to wait for; the destination. After what felt like forever, He finally spotted something on the horizon. He leaned, looking out. It wasn't the Alola region; what was it? He looked closer. His eyes widened as he ran to get someone.
Jett was with his pokemon as usual. Well three of them, he had left his other pokemon back at his house in Kalos, becuase he though he'd need more space to catch new ones in Alola, he had left behind his Luxray, Beedrill, and his Scizor. But he made due with his three strongest pokemon, Gallade, Zoroark, and Noivern. "Alright guys is everyone set for Alola?" Jett asked them as they all nodded happily when suddenly he heard someone yelling rock field. "What?! A Rockfield?! Gallade, Zoroark, Noivern, return!" Jett yelled as he went towards the trainer that was yelling and grabbed him. "What's going on?!" He asked him.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. broke free. "I was at the front. There's a rock field right in front of us; at the speed we're going we should hit it any moment unless someone does something-"


That was the last he could get out of his mouth before the ship crashed. The two trainers fell, along with everyone else.
Jett heard a loud crash and he realized that the ship had crashed and he fell along with the boy he was talking to. The first thing he thought of was his pokemon and he quickly put all of his pokemon inside of his satchel. "If I don't live this, I hope Gallade, Zoroark, and Noivern get to shore." He thought to himself.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. got up. "We gotta do something! The ship's sinking!" The boat started to tip, and the two started to slide as the boat tilted enough to make it almost impossible to stand. G.K. whipped out a Swiss Army knife from his pocket, pulled the knife out, slammed it into the deck floor, and caught the hand of the other trainer before he could slide down and hit a wall or something. The strain pulled on G.K.'s arm, which could be seen because of the face he made.
"Hang... On...!" he managed to grunt.
Jett was barely caught by the other trainer just before he fell and he remebered something. "Hey! Kid! Let go! I can get Noivern to fly us to the top part of the boat that hasn't tipped yet! " He yelled. "Go Noivern! C'mon!"
Noivern caught them and managed to fly them to the top of the unsunken part of the ship. "Welp we're gonna die." Jett said as he sat on the railing of the tipped part of the ship with the other trainer. "Noivern, return." Jett yelled. "Well if I'm gonna die I have some stuff to say, my name isn't Jett it'd Jason Elliot Tyler Thompson, I've had Gallade since he was a Gallade, uh, uh!" Jett said as he gave up on speaking and froze.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. hung on to the other railing, forcing Jett to look him in the eyes. "Hey. You listening? Huh? Good, 'cause we are NOT gonna die. You hear me? We are NOT gonna die. Got it? We are going to LIVE, alright? I don't know how, but we are gonna LIVE. GOT IT?!" Somehow, even though they were fighting for their lives, a small part of G.K. still believed they would survive. He knew it was next to impossible for them to live, but he still knew it.
On the other side of the boat people and Pokémon alike were panicking and screaming. This was terrible. Serena, a teenage girl, who was around the other two's age was trying to get people to calm down, but the tension and adrenaline in the situation was getting to be too much for her. On this trip to Alola by herself, Serena was a fish out of water, being used to social situations, and better quality than this floating hunk of metal. Trying to cling onto her last bit of cell phone reception, she called her father, hoping that if somehow she survived, they'd know what happened and come to find her... Then there was the loud sound of a crack, and she was in the water. Everything going dark as she desperately clung to the bag she carried, which contained her three precious Pokémon.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. witnessed all of the chaos around him in horror, clinging to his belief that he and Jett would survive. Admit the destruction, he noticed the first person fall into the water; it was a girl. G.K. turned to Jett. "I don't know about you, but I'm going to make sure that others can survive too!" With that, he released Paka, his Decidueye. Paka turned around to face his trainer. G.K. pointed to the girl in the water. "Go get her out of there and bring her here!" he shouted. Paka rushed down and scooped up the girl that had fallen into the water. Paka then brung the girl to the rail that G.K. and Jett were clasping onto. G.K. turned to face the girl. "You okay?"
Jett sat there in shock, internally screaming, he had no idea what to do or who this was going to end and then he realized that the only way this could end would be if the water took him. "We're not staying on this ship forever." Jett whispered. "The ship is going to go down, and when it does, what then?" He said.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. looked around frantically. The ship was well into the rock field, giving G.K. more room to look around. He finally saw something in the distance. It was an island; the rock field seemed to be surrounding it. It was about a kilometer away. He gulped.
"I have an idea," he said, looking to the two of them. "But I don't know if you'll like it."
"As long as it involves me living! I'm up for it." Jett said as he internally gave up all hope of survival. "But if you have a plan, go ahead and try it." He said.
Serena kept silent, too dazed to speak for a few moments, even when she was dragged from the water, but hearing this 'plan' that really didn't sound like a plan at all so far was making her on edge. "No! No no no, whatever it is, no!" She snapped, still shivering from the freezing cold water. "I'm sure one of the adults in the shop will figure something out, and looked back. All the others were running around frantically, like pidgeys with their heads cut off. "Never mind..."

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
"Okay," G.K. said. "You guys see that island over there?" He pointed. "I don't know what's over there, but it's gotta be better than this."
"Huh?" Jett said as he squinted in the direction he was pointing in. "We'll need flying types. I've got Noivern." Jett said as he released his Noivern. "Bud, you see that island?" Jett asked him as he nodded. "Great, think you can fly us over there." Jett asked as the Noivern shook his head in disagreement. "Darn, Noivern can only carry two people at a time!" Jett said.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. shrugged. "It's okay. Both of my Pokemon can fly. You two take Noivern. I can fly on Decidueye." The boat then tilted again, the front facing straight up. Now they were hanging from the bar. "We better go quick!"
"Noivern!" Jett yelled as Jett fell onto Noivern's back and he flew over to where the other trainer was waiting for her to get on his back. "C'mon, you gotta jump!" Jett yelled as he stuck out his hand

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. pushed off from the boat and onto his Decidueye's back. He turned back, noticing that the ship was tilting even more. "Guys! The ship is about to flip over!!! YOU GOTTA MOVE NOW!!!!!"
Noivern and Jett had given up on waiting for the girl and Jett pulled her onto Noivern's back. "Maybe she's in shock, Noivern, full speed!" Jett yelled as the Noivern blasted towards the island.
Lucas saw the boat begin to tip, since he was at a lake, fishing. "Whoa. we gotta save them." He threw the Premier Ball with Charizard (a.k.a Blaze) who helped his trainer up. He saw a kid on a Decidueye. "How did this happen?"

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K.'s eyes widened. "How far is it to the town? We might be able to make it..." Suddenly, a sound came fro the ocean. Gyarados, Sharpedo, and other dangerous Pokemon leaped at them. A storm rang overhead, threatening to zap them into oblivion. G.K. jumped. "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!" He raced for the island, seeming to be his new prison.
"Wait up!!" Lucas yelled. He and his Charizard chased after them, Gyaradous then grabbed his tail. "Blaze, use Flamethrower!!" he yelled. Charizard shot literal flames at his foe. Gyaradous shot water(Hydro Pump) at the flames, causing smoke. So Charizard and Lucas escaped with their lives.
"Noivern! Land!" Jett yelled as he saw the storm incoming. Noivern landed and Jett, the girl, and Noivern waited for the other trainer to arrive. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked the girl.
Lucas arrived. "Hello." He says ,landing with the gang of trainers. He saw Noivern. "Whoa, who's that pokemon?" He pulls out is pokedex, revealing the sound wave pokemon. "Whoa. A Dragon type."

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. returned Paka, staring at the horizon. The storm raged, trapping the four of them on the island. G.K. sighed. He turned to the others. "It doesn't look like there's anything here," he said. "Judging from all of this, I guess it'll be a while before we can leave his heckhole."
"This is Noivern, fastest pokemon on my team, and the guy who just saved me." Jett said as his Noivern rubbed up against him like a cat. "But thats not important right now, whats important is to check to see if all of our pokemon are still in their pokeballs." Jett said as he pulled out two of his pokeballs. "Zoroark, Gallade, go!" Jett yelled as his two other pokemon appeared. But then Gallade rushed towards the Charizard, but Zoroark managed to stop him before he could get a hit off. "Uh, Gallade, no! That's not Gawain's Charizard!" Jett yelled as his Gallade calmed down. "Sorry about that, you see a while ago, we were entered into a tournament and Gallade lost against a Charizard named Gawain, and I guess he's still sore even though we still won." Jett explained as he sat down.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. decided to do some stuff if they were going to be on the island a while. He released Decidueye. "Paka, can you cut that big tree over there into some boards?" G.K. asked, pointing to the nearest palm tree. Paka nodded, using Leaf Blade to slice the tree into many boards. G.K. used the leaves to slap together the boards, and in almost no time with the help of his Pokemon, had made a makeshift good-sized lean-to shelter to take cover from the storm.
"Hey guys," G.K. yelled from the inside of the shelter. "You might want to get out of the rain!"
"I can survive out here, I'm heading out we're gonna need food if we don't know how long we'll be here." Jett said. "Anyways I'll be back in at least an hour with some type of berries or food." He said as he walked away.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. checked his backpack for what had on him. He pulled out a fabric lunch box he had brung with some candy and stuff for himself. But in this situation? Food had to be rationed for everyone.
"Okay," G.K. started. "I got about six Pokepuffs, four RageCandyBars, and a jumbo-sized bar of chocolate. Oh, and my hydration pack is full of Soda Pop. I don't know how long we'll be here, so I'll try to ration the food as much as possible. Sorry, but this is all the food I got. Oh, and also I got this Swiss army knife." He laid out everything in front of everyone so they could see. "We just need to figure out how to ration this stuff."
"Gallade, go find some berries, Zoroark, search the area for any signs of human life, Noivern, fly up and make sure that there are no incoming pokemon that may be a threat to us, got it? Go!" Jett said as he and his pokemon all split up.

*A few minutes later*

"Alright guys, Gallade found, twelve oran berries, three Sitrus berries, two pecha berries, and five rawst berries that makes a total of twenty two berries, Zoroark any humans?" Jett asked as the Zoroark shook his head no. "Alright Noivern, anything?" The Noivern nodded. "There are pokemon here?" Jett asked as they followed the Noivern, to what probably was the east side of the island to see a group of wimpod and one Golisopod. "Noivern good find, as long as we don't scare them we won't have to worry about them." Jett said as they began walking back when Zoroark accidentally stepped on a branch that cracked and made the group of pokemon look up. "Zoro! C'mon buddy!" Jett said as the Golisipod slowly came closer to them. The Golisipod stood in front of them, practically breathing on them and walked away becuase he saw nothing. "Good job on the illusion, buddy." Jett said as he gave his Zoroark a high five that got rid of the illusion revealing them. The Golisipod stared at them, both Jett and the Golisipod not moving, until it broke the silence with a loud screech. "Gallade, Noivern, close combat, and Dragon Pulse!" Jett yelled as the attacks hit the Golisipod only angering it more. "Alright plan B, RUN!" Jett yelled as they began running and the Golisipod chased them. "Zoroark! Fury attack!" Jett yelled as Zoroark hit the Golisipod that still didn't give up on chasing them. "You knwo what! Screw it! Go great ball!" Jett yelled as he threw a great ball towards the Golisipod and managed to catch it. "What?! I just! Yeah!" Jett yelled in Victory as his pokemon sighed in relief. "Well back to the group I guess." Jett said as he walked back to where the group was.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. had just been to separate the food he had on him when Jett got back. G.K. perked up. "Did you find anything? Food? Water, Pokemon?...
"Gallade found some berries, there's a lot of water pokemon here though, but no humans." Jett said. "Also check this out." He said as he pulled out the great ball he caught the Golisipod with. "I caught him earlier by accident.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. stood. "Alright. I'll go take Paka and check the island for some vines and wood to improve the shelter. Do you guys think you and Fawkes can start a fire?" G.K. released Fawkes, his Fletchinder.
"I think we can mange, hey leave a trail wherever you go!" Jett yelled towards the other trainer. "It's easy to get lost out there, also watch out for pokemon!" Jett yelled as he began trying to start a fire

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
G.K. left Fawkes to help with the fire while he searched the island. He found more wood, vines, and leaves. Soon, he came across a clearing. He looked into it, astounded. There was a lake, a cliff, and a waterfall. There were also a bunch of Cutiefly, a small adorable Pokemon that buzzed around. G.K. shrugged. He reached into his bag, pulled out a Great Ball, and chucked it. Cutiefly went into the Great Ball, it rocked three times, and it was caught. G.K. decided to share his discovery with everyone else, and decided to get back to the shelter.