Meanwhile, a battle was waging between two trainers and their Marowaks, one was Alolan and the other not. They dodged and battled almost like a flowing river, almost like they knew the others thoughts. In fact, they did. The two trainers were siblings, only two years apart.
The one with the Alolan variant was the older sister. She was of average height, dirty blonde hair pulled up in a messy ponytail, and hazel eyes. The girl wore an off-white tank top and a orange-red jacket around her waist. She had a navy blue pair of jeans along with black tennis shoes that had little gray spots here and there.
The other trainer, as you could guess, was the younger brother. He was only slightly shorter than his sister, light brown hair, and the same hazel eyes. His attire consisted of a gray hoodie from Sinnoh, a dark red shirt underneath, the same jeans as his sister yet lighter from ware, and red tennis shoes with a white bottom.