She and Blue smiled before Blue finally hit fatigue as she finally fell but her partner caught her and gently lifted her up. "Thank you Blue, you have done well at teaching our student now you can rest partner" she told her gently petting her. "Umbre.....("-
Your calm and patience ways of battling has helped me grow and that was something I really looked up to when training and never back down without a fight in battle..-") Blue said giving a gently smile to JC before she had approached Ryder and Circuit who was still hugging Blue. "I am glad to have taught a trainer such as yourself Ryder about being strong, believe me I have enjoyed our battle today and so have Blue and the other girls your Pokemon faced. But let me teach you something, yes I may be strong but I had to work hard to get where I had to be, I had my losses as well which is how I learned. I wasn't strong from the start including Blue since I had raised her from an Eevee to and Umbreon and I had to even train moves like Hyper Beam to Blue for her to use it properly. She had to learn my battle style carefully to observe it. Even the girls I have as teammates started like Blue and had to work hard to get where they are today."
"Don't always rely on strength but the strongest of bonds in sync like Blue and I. Always follow your heart in battle Ryder and don't let emotions of negativity cloud your judgement in what you feel is right. If you do that, the bond between you and Circuit will only grow stronger and so will Circuit's true power within him will only grow stronger. Circuit still has much to learn but with you guiding him through training and he perfects it well then maybe someday, you will defeat me and Blue in battle but that's only if you can figure out my strategic battle which is very hard to figure out. Searching me won't work out either since I barely talk about my battle style" she explained giving a smile as she gently patted his head. "Don't feel dishearted, you did well and you didn't hold back and that I am pleased to see" she added. Blue hugged Circuit back wagging her tail a bit. "Umbreee..."("-
You did well were almost at the level of Ash's Pikachu...I am glad to have battled a friend like you and not hold back my power...and my apologies friend for hitting you so hard....but you did give me I will well....might feel it in the morning...-") she said as she gently patted his head with her paw. JC moved Blue to rest on her shoulders until she was now holding Circuit. "As for you Circuit, you had Blue literally on the end of her paws in that battle, I saw how persistent you were with your attacks...which really impressed me and Blue...but either way...even if you lost don't feel dishearted...losing is how you only grow stronger with your partner until your bond is in sync with his then the power of electricity with shock any opponent you face...but that being said well done in battle..." She said rubbing his head with her hand before handing him back to Ryder. Suddenly Ghost had appeared into the forest room suddenly with a look of worry in her eyes.
"Ghost? Is everything alright? You seem concerned about something?" She asked the shiny female Decidueye. "Deci!("-
Finally found you two! Lusamine as been looking everywhere for you two! It's very urgent that it only involves you two which she needs!-") Ghost said. "Lusamine is looking for us? Ok lead the way Ghost, let's go Ryder quick!" She added looking to him as Ghost lead the way flying out of the forest room.
@Ghostryder30 @Abra Kadabra Alakazam!