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Private/Closed Pokemon:Tokens of Power Discussion Thread


Previously Swirled
Well I'm leaning more towards the dark one due to the mental image that @Glaceon trainer painted in my head. I'd even keep the Tyranitar but if they would destroy the artificial artifact then what would become of it? What did it become a new artifact like a flying type artifact for some reason?


Previously Swirled
Makes sense and if everyone is ok with that then all we need now is for people to reply to the RP *looks at what @Glaceon trainer said* wait how can the discharge of Power be unstoppable yet at the same time only be stoppable by the artifacts, it makes no sense.


Previously Swirled
... Ok so I guess since the thing is already in place we could do one of two things, we could reset the RP or I could just take over Halt, that way you can just be the evil boss.

I just replied to the RP and @Glaceon trainer if you don't have any objections I will take over Halt the Sneasel for you so you can only RP as the evil boss.
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