Nathan then saw past a few trees, a Heracross getting attacked by some Noctowl. he then sent out his two Pokemon, Breloom and Greninja. "Okay. Protect that Heracross!" Breloom quickly jumped in front of the cowering Heracross, And threw two Mach Punches, fainting two of the Noctowl. Greninja was in a tree, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Greninja then used Night Slash on one of the Noctowl, then jumping to the other Noctowl, hitting it with a Smack Down! Heracross noticed it got rescued, and excitingly thanked Breloom and Greninja. When it saw Nathan coming, it already knew that the Pokemon that saved him, were his Pokemon. He never got asked to, but he joined Nathan's team.