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Open Pokemon Trainer RP

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Hunter walked out of the Hex Forest towards the Pokemon Center, once he arrived he gave his Pokemon to the Nurse who healed his Pokemon he then ran back towards where he left Nathan & Olivia to find they had gone. He looked around & caught a glimps of them up ahead & sprinted after them screaming "Hey, wait up!"
Nathan then started running again. The forest was very dark, because of the leaves of the trees covering the sky. When Nathan saw light, he knew Route 34 was on the other side. "Come on! It's over here!!"
When Olivia and Hunter caught up, Nathan seemed to walk through the route, probably because this route was short. Nathan saw an Ursaring about to cross paths with him, so he let it walk by. Behind the Ursaring were five baby Teddiursas marching.
"How queer. I've never seen Teddiursas march together in such a formation..." She looked at the Teddiursas and began to think, therefore, humming ensued.
Hunter walked with the two other trainers "So Nathan. Whats with the whole no need to speak battle thing? It's a tad, creepy." Hunter then shivered a bit.
"Like how you don't need to say your moves to make your Pokemon do them?" Hunter looked put his hands in his pockets & kept on walking forward
"How strange. You must truly have a strong connection with your Pokemon. Not even Alice and I can do that." She said. slightly jealous.
"Maybe so." Nathan just started wondering how this could have happened. At first he just, went with it. But now somebody asked about it, he was wondering about it more and more.
"Oh, okay." Hunter said with a some what scared face "So do you like take control of them or is it like a just say into their mind...?" Hunter then wondered 'what if he's magical'.
"I, actually don't know." Nathan kept on thinking about it, making his head hurt. "I think this only works with Pokemon I know and love. Like my Greninja and Breloom."
"Abras are most commonly found on route 34. Didn't you know?" She smiled, taking out one of her many books from her bag with a title of 'Pokemon and Where to Find Them: Jhonto Edition'.
"Oh." Nathan seemed pretty excited to finally see one! "Hopefully they're as common as that book says!" Nathan said, walking back to Route 34. "The only things I know about Abras is that their mostly sleeping, but can teleport when sleeping. This should be hard to catch, Or even see for that matter! Even if they are common."
"Yes. I haven't been home in Kalos for... Well... Years." Umbreon emerged from his Pokeball and jumped onto her shoulder. Her eyes began to get a bit misty. "I miss my mother, my friend Shauna. God it's been forever." She chuckled remorsefully.
"Your from Kalos too?" Nathan seemed surprised. He's never seen anybody in Kalos looking like Olivia. "Well, I'm feeling pretty homesick too. If only my brother came with me here."
"To bad I can't say the same." Nathan then kept walking, trying to find some Abras. Then suddenly, a Pikachu pounced onto him! "Agh!! What the- Wait.." Nathan then saw a leaf tied around the Pikachu's ear. "This is... my brother's Pikachu!" Nathan seemed surprised seeing it here. Yet, Nathan couldn't find his brother anywhere near.
"Well, I'm gonna go explore Goldenrod. I'll met you guys at the Pokemon Center in an hour." Hunter said walking off too explore the city. Hunter remember being told that Goldenrod was the largest city in Johto his first stop was a place to eat after all this walking Hunter was starving.
"If my brother's Pikachu is somehow here, then my brother has to be here. In other words, lets go find him!" Nathan put the Pikachu on his shoulder and started looking for where his brother could be. "I think that my brother would probably be where his Pikachu got ready to pounce on me. So Pikachu, lead the way." Pikachu jumped off of Nathan's shoulder and sprinted into Hex Forest. "Hex Forest? Well okay. Follow that Pikachu!"
Nathan followed Olivia into the forest. A little while after following the Pikachu, it stopped by a Pokemon that Nathan couldn't tell from a distance. When Nathan got closer, the Pokemon revealed itself as a Chesnaught! "My brother's starter! It's also here."
Nathan tried looking around but he couldn't see his brother. Nathan thought that he might be deeper in the forest. Nathan tried to walk away to find his brother, but Chesnaught stopped him. Nathan tried again, but Chesnaught stopped him. "I think Chesnaught wants us to wait here."
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