Just one week after it launched on the Nintendo Switch, Pokémon Unite is adding its first additional Pokémon character: Gardevoir.
Prior to release, it was announced that Blastoise and Gardevoir (both previously available in the mobile beta test) would be the first of what's likely to be many additional characters added to Unite. Surprisingly, Blastoise is not the first, but we don't expect it to be too far behind.
Datamining from the Japanese Network Test on the Nintendo Switch version of the game back in June indicated that Chansey/Blissey will also be joining the roster. This seems to have been backed up by a more recent datamine that included Blissey's moveset.
Similarly, from datamining and the previous test data, we know that Gardevoir - a ranged Attacker type - will include its Ralts and Kirlia forms and will have a particularly strong Offense stat, but not great Endurance, Mobility or Support (although any of this data might change for the character's release tomorrow).
Ability: When an opponent inflicts decreased movement speed or damage-over-time condition on the Pokémon, the same is inflicted on that opponent. This ability goes on cooldown after it is triggered.
Its attacks are:
- Basic Attack: Becomes a boosted attack every third attack. When this boosted attack hits, it deals damage to the opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and decreases their Special Defence for a short time.
- Confusion: Attacks straight in the designated direction.
- Psyshock: User warps to the designated area, increasing the damage dealt by one basic attack after warping. Upgrading increases the damage this move deals each time one of its attacks hits.
- Future Sight: Sets a delayed explosion. When the explosion hits an opposing Pokémon, it shortens this move's cooldown. Upgrade: When hit, removes cooldown.
- Teleport: Has the user warp to a designated area, increasing the damage dealt by one basic attack after warping.
- Psychic: After hitting an opposing Pokémon or travelling its maximum distance, creates a circle that deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect, decreasing their movement speed for a short time. Upgrading decreases the cooldown.
- Moonblast: Has the user attack while moving back to create distance. When this move's blast hits, it deals damage to opposing Pokémon in a cone and leaves the opposing Pokémon closes to the user unable to act for a short time. Upgrading the move reduces the cooldown.
- Unite Move: Fairy Singularity: Warps space in the designated area, drawing in opposing Pokémon. Shoves and deals damage to opposing Pokémon the instance the warped space appears.
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