My three player Characters.
Name: Ashley Lina Silver
Age: 23
Guild: Stormbreakers
Class: Bard
Element: Wind
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 155 Lbs
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Baby Blue
Clothing: She wears a light blue blouse, silver breeches, boots and an overcoat of the same color as the the breeches, she also wears chainmail under her shirt.
Skills: She can cast some magic from her songs, and has skill in use of a rapier. She also has High social skills.
Weaknesses: She still doesn't sleep well, and can be too flirtatious at times (this is being worked on).
Kato (Male Greninja)
Ability: Torrent
Personality: Much like it's trainer, minus the flirtatiousness.
Windchime (Female Chimecho)
Ability: Levitate
Personality: She is friendly to the point of appearing in front of people's faces on first encounter.
Background: She was the daughter of a minor Lord, who died in the last war, she was trained in the use of a Rapier when she was six, and has been using one ever since, when she was thirteen, she travelled the world, learning Bardic magic under the Earth Bard Tobias the Orange. When she was 17, she wandered into a Stormbreakers mission and has been with the guild ever since.
Tempest's Character sheet
Name: Tempest Silver
Age: 20
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 264 lbs
Class: Druid
Appearance: Wears a lot of brown cloths, normally, but for this dance, he wears a brown formal robe, nice shirt and pants under it, and a silver cloak with the clan symbol on the back.
Personality: A very shy kid, but serious, and has his uncle's analysis skills along with the strategic abilities of his father.
Abilities: He is a druid and has the ability to summon up to twenty wild Pokemon at once, as long as they are within one mile, he knows some healing, not as much as Maira,
Weaknesses: outside of Nature, he can't do much of anything.
Background: He is Ashley's nephew, and Jason's son, he was born when Ashley was about two and a half years old. When he was six he, along with Ashley were targeted for a Kidnapping, his grandmother (Ashley's mother) died protecting them, and the kidnapper was killed. His father died in the last war in the events of season one.
Leafeon with Chlorophyll (Female)
Personality: Leafeon is very sweet, and is highly protective of younger Pokemon.
Meganium with Leaf Guard (Male)
Personality: He is Much like his trainer, but less shy.
That wraps up Tempest's sheet and here's the new one who I came up with, the Heir to the Dancing Polaxes
Name: Rocco Silverwing
Age: 18 (13)
Gender: Male
Class: Barbarian
Guild: Stormbreakers
Element: Water
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 190
Hair color: Red
Eye color: silver
Personality: Very serious, more so than even his predecessor, and protective. He is decently educated, due to training with Ashley's father, he is rather bulky, and would rather focus the enemy on him.
Skills: Can swim, wields a special technique, known as The Dancing Polaxes, which is Darryl Silver's fighting style, he isn't very Agile.
Weakness: Long range, along with his Agility.
Blastoise (Turret)
Ability: Torrent
Personality: He is exactly like his trainer.
Tyranitar (Shiny)
Ability: Sand Stream
Personality: Much like his deceased trainer, he is a strong fighter, and assists his new trainer with the fights, since he knows the style.
Background: He is the heir to The battle Style Dancing Polaxes, a dual wielding Poleaxe fighting style, he was trained to use this style when he was eight, due to his massive strength. That strength came from a pact he formed with a being just below the Elemental King of Water, The Leviathan. He met one when his family was attacked. It spoke through a Gyarados and gave him a twentieth of its power as part of the pact.