Name: Zupas "Bell"
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Species: Eldritch Fae
Guild: None
Class/Job: Eldritch Mage, assistant
Element: Eldritch cosmic magic
Height: ~3'7"
Weight: ???
Hair: A slow moving gradient of Midnight blue, violet, turquoise, and white colors. it's long, flows, and acts somewhat like its floating in water.
Eyes: Resembles a spiral galaxy where her pupil is the center black hole, a very light pink sheen could be seen over the surface of her eyes
Personality: Often seems to be on the 10th gear of excitement and ecstatically excited over almost anything of the slightest interest to her. Constantly loves to talk and seems to be able to hold a conversation with nothing, overly obsessive about keeping things clean and cleaning. At times overly friendly and seemingly has an attention span that would lose to a goldfish. Wite seems to be the only person who's able to hold her attention for any reasonable amount of time.
Appearance: She has 3 very large expressive almond shaped eyes (one on her forehead), her hair is longer than her entire body, but she never seems to touch the ground anyways. Its very nicely kept and mostly all pulled back behind her with a few bangs that cover her left and third eyes slightly. She has three sets of wings that flap constantly like a humming bird. She makes no noise at all with her flight oddly enough and has extremely dexterous flight abilities. Her build is very slender and frail looking like a very young adolescent girl with a very fair complexion. Overall fairly cute, but slightly off-putting.
Clothing: She was dressed in a dark blue tube top with five bright red circles on the side and some holes in the back for her wings, she has a loose short black skirt with the same matching five red circle designs on the side. She appears to be wearing heavy rounded plate boots and greaves with heavy plate gauntlets all made of black metal and etched with pulsating blood red tentacle patterns and iconography.
Skills: Not a conventional mage, she can summon black shadowy tentacles that looks like space to grab, restrain, or strangulate things nearby, short ranged teleport, flicker in and out of existence for a 1.5 seconds, create very compelling illusions and mirages including sounds and smells, but can't actually hurt you. Physically she moves lightning quick, and her primary offensive attacks is basically Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse. She is most powerful at night, in darker places, or at locations with lots of negative, unstable, or psychotic emotions and mental states. She can to mix Eldritch potions that can give individuals or Pokemon "Cool Effects"
Weakness: Light Magic, it will actually temporarily disable her and cause her to retreat, dispels her grabby tentacles as well if its strong enough.
Background: Little is known about Zupas, except for that she prefers to be called Bell, and has been with Wite before Wite was summoned and bound to the current world. She is Wite's personal summon and assistant. She does most of the cleaning, washing, and cooking for Wite when they are back at home, Bell does this with great pride, joy, and energy. She can hold her own in combat but not all too well preferring more of a support role. Wite is often annoyed by her enthusiasm and overall chattiness, but she seems to put up with it to an extent depending on her overall mood.
Does not have Pokemon, kind of one herself, when she sustains enough damage she returns to the other realm