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Open Pokémon: Warlords and Kingdoms

"Nana," Ai made grabby hands at her again. Hoshi looked at Gini to ask if she wanted to hold the prince, the boy looking at her with a grin. Kibo watched her carefully and stood, telling a maid to send a letter to Yanagi who was in the dark kingdom for the diner that had been moved to today, "nana! Nana awake"!
She takes Ai in her arms and snuggles with the adorable child. Axew jumps onto the bad and hugs her tight. Altaria follows and leaps onto her. Meanwhile, Kogeyama sat at the dinner table with Yanagi and chatted with her. He excused himself for a moment and knocked on his daughter's door. "Get out here! We have guests" the family Pokémon Houndour, Shiny Murkrow, and Krookodile sat at the table too. Vivian had them arrived at the dinner as well. The mail man rushed after Vivian and handed her the note. She read it carefully. Her eyes widen and she walked into the dining room. "The queen is awake!" She yelled. Kogeyama had returned and heard the news
Kingdom: Dark
Appearance. She has long Dark red. She wore a full black kimono with dark purple wave like stripes. She wears a golden ring with a piece of moon stone in it. It represented her mom who had passed. She also has dark golden eyes and wears a bow matching her kimono on the back of her head.
Link: Umbreon, Braviary, Mawile
Backstory: She grew up wih her mom for most of her life. When her mom was finally married she never accepting her father. She is usually depressed and prefers to be alone in her room. Her Pokémon help her though. She disobeys a lot but rarely talks to her father. She had trained to fight for years under her fathers teachings. Although she never used his techniques. She would mix them up and create her own.
Yanagi stood abruptly and groaned, pressing a hand to her round now swollen stomach. She looked at Vivian to make sure she had heard him right, "really? Is she awake? Oh this is great! We have to go home"!
Her eyes were wide and she wore a large grin.
Ai giggled and hugged her tightly. He babbled baby talk and giggled loudly.
Ziche stood listening around the corner. Umbreon sat at her side listening as well. She turned and went to her balcony where Braviary perched. She hopped on his back and they flew off. Umbreon sat in front of her as Mawile's stomach was wrapped in Braviary's claws. They flew towards the Dragon Kingdom. Vivian helped up Yanagi and they all got aboard the blimp.
"Thank you vivian. I hope that Ai is not causing to much trouble," she took a seat on one of the chairs provided and let out a content sigh. She looked around, barely containing Her giddiness. She looked down at her stomach and rubbed it gently, "your nan nan is awake and I bet she can't wait to meet you".
Kibo sat back beside the bed and made sure Gini was properly cared for. Glaring at the door when a noble peaked his head in to see the commotion, "my lady, I made sure no one saw the inheritance scroll. Many nobles thought your time of weakness was a good time to strive for the throne".
"I want those nobles at my throne in 20 minutes..." she said as the noble walked out retrieving them. She held Ai in her arms as she got out of the bed. Several tried to stop her but she pushed her away. She changed in the bathroom and grabbed her katana. She stormed into the throne room observing the nobles carefully
Ai cheered loudly and hugged Gini with a small laugh. A maid ran over to Kibo to tell him the Yanagi and Vivian were on their way. Kibo caught up with his queen and tapped her shoulder, "I would just like to say this now. I know you see Yanagi as a daughter and many see her as yours. Other nobles placed Yanagi on the throne in your absence. The girl stayed faithful to you though, believing the when you woke up she would step down and you take your rightful place. Please don't kill her for that".
"I trust her... if a noble takes my place or even tries. They will experience bloodshed." She storms off and sits in her throne. "You have all tried to over throw me. Well if you wish to die here on the throne... so be it." Guards each had a noble and they stood behind them. The nobles were confused about what she meant. "Don't mess with your queen!" She yelled furiously as the guards impaled each and everyone with their spears. She commanded them to clean up and she stormed to her room
Ai's eyes widened at the bloodshed and he let out a scream in fear. Yanagi, who had just landed, rushed into the throne room and a mouth flew up to her mouth. She looked at Gini with wide eyes and rushed passed the to get to her son who had pushed his face into Gini's shoulder, crying, "what are you thinking? You just slaughter them infront of a child, and infant"!
Kibo intercepted her and nodded for Hoshi to lead her away. He then strode up to his queen and reached out to Ai, "may I take him off your hands".
She slammed the door shut. Vivian stepped over a body and laughed. "That's why she is my favorite." Gini got into a steaming bath and let out her anger by screaming and kicking the wall. Her mouth and nose sink under the water as it begins to bubble.
Zillith peered past the two of them as Audino sat at her side. "Deer lord..." she said scurrying past them both. She knocked on Gini's door. "My queen? Are you alright!" She asked. Terra stood there observing the dead bodies as Drake played with the children in the garden. The sun began to slowly disappear behind the snowy mountains.
Kibo sighed and went to go find Yanagi with Ai. The unofficiall Princess to the kingdom talking with Kibo's old slave. The two had taken a liking to eachother and not matter how much Kibo bugged him about it the man didn't tell her how she was feeling. He gave Ai over to Yanagi's suited and told her of the queen's behavior. She nodded and walked to the queen's quarters, barging in like she owned the place, "I would like to apologize for my actions earlier and say that I'm very moody because of the baby so I snapped at you".
Gini Gini sat in the bed with her Pokémon and glanced over at Yanagi. She hung her head in shame. Meanwhile, Ziche flew into the top of the Royal tower. They looked up at the stars as Kogeyama approached her from behind. Umbreon let out a hiss as Mawile stepped in front to defend her. Ziche turned to him and stood there without saying a word. "Your mother wouldn't want this honey" Kogeyama said with a sigh.
Yanagi strode forward and hugged to queen. She lifted her chin and smiled, taking one of her hands to lay it on her stomach, "please don't beat yourself up. You still have another grandchild that would like to meet you. Do you want me to sing you a song my lady"?
Yanagi was of course reference the song she had sung to put Gini to sleep all that time ago when she was first bought. She sat at the edge of the bed and smiled at the queen, " I have also met someone who cares deeply for me and my children".
Gini sat up and got close to her. "Who's the guy?" She asked with a smile. Axew and Ralts played a game of chess as Altaria decided to fly around the village for a bit. Meanwhile, Vivian and Lucia walked around the castle chatting about the future. Klefki followed them as the others waited for them in the bedroom
"His name is Arashi. He was a. Slave like me but Kibo let him go. He's an absolute sweet heart and still learning that he's not a slave anymore," Yanagi grinned with a sigh and pressed her hands to her face, feeling her face warm up, "I sound so love struck right now! It sickeningly sweet mushy stuff".
Kibo made the announcement about Gini and the kingdom rejoiced. He did notice a few people immediately disappear and sent guards to make sure they weren't up to anything funny. Hoshi had went to her mother's for a bit.
Gini sat with Yanagi and smiled "Well I gotta meet this king man!" She said trying to act intimidating. Gini giggles and relaxed on the bed. Terra returned to her room where Drake met up with her. Wigglytuff sat with Delphox and they chatted over a cup of tea. The others played with the children as Drake and Terra fell asleep in bed
"He's with Ai right now. I am here to see if your alright," Yanagi giggled and flipped back on to the bed. She rubbed a hand over her stomach and smiled at it. She looked over at her queen then back at her stomach, "do you think it will be a boy or a girl? I really don't care as long as it's healthy".
Gini turned and faced her. "Hmm... maybe you will have more then one!" She said jokingly as she yawns. Ralts curled up next to Gini after Axew won the chess game. Axew did a victory dance on the floor. Altaria flew down from a night fly and went straight to a small bed in the corner for Altaria. Ralts gets angry at Axew for bragging and hits him with a disarming voice. Axew slams into the wall as Ralts spins around and lays down once again. Gini giggled at the sight of it
"Maybe. I should get back to my room so I can put Ai down for bed. I'll see you in the morning," Yanagi googled before bowing the best she could and walking out of the room. She went to her chambers where she got Ai back from Arashi. The man kissed her hand like a gentleman before heading to his own room. Yanagi placed Ai down as he was already sleeping and curled up into her bed.
Gini layed in bed wih Ralts in her arms as she began to glow. Ralts evolved into a beautiful Kirlia. Gini was speechless and so was Ralts. Kirlia hugged Gini and they both dozed off. Axew layed on the ground unconscious. Vivian walked through the library with Lucia explaining everything to her. Azurill hopped into her arms and snuggled up to Lucia's neck.
Snorunt put the book she was reading down and curled up beside Yanagi. The pregnant woman pulled her Pokemon partner closer and cuddled with her. She let out a small hum in her sleep but didn't wake, dreams not haunted by the nightmare last of Kurodo. There was a small pain in her stomach that she had fortune used to, the baby saying goodnight.
Yanagi pulled herself from her bed. She checked on Ai to see her son was still fast asleep. She wandered into the bathroom and drew a bath for herself. Placing a hand on her stomach, smiling as she felt the baby kick, "good morning little one".
Kirlia danced around the room. She turned to see Gini awake. She paused in embarrassment and scurried out of her room. Gini got up and went to the throne room where she ordered some tea. Vivian joined her for tea. They talked about the future children of the kingdom and how they could grow up to be
Yanagi got up and saw that Ai was also up, playing with dratini. She picked up her son and strolled out after dressing. She walked into the throne room and saw the two queens. She bowed and asked if she could join them. Ai saw Gini and made grabby hands at her, "nana! Up"!
Gini picked up Ai and held him tight to make sure he wouldn't fall. She scooted over and placed him next to her on the throne. Dratini sat with them making sure Ai was secure. Vivian smiled as she watched the child and queen unite
"He sat next to you while you were out. Telling stories," Yanagi giggled pouring herself a glass of tea. She nodded to Vivian, "how is your kingdom by the way? I hope we'll".
Kibo sat in his room, the warlord looking over reports and statistics. He looked through reports from spies, scouts and everything in between.
"It's been great lately!" She said with a laugh. Gini played with the baby that set next to her. Kirlia danced through the halls cathching Vivian's eye. "Was that a Kirlia?"
"I believe so," Yanagi nodded and laughed when Ai sneezed before he broke into wild giggles. The prince played around with Gini and hugged her as tight as he could. His blue eyes looked up at her and the hair he got from his father partially covered them, "nana"!
She gave him a big hug and picked him up. "How about me and you go out for a fly my prince?" Gini said with a smile. Vivian's Togekiss walked out and had several straps on her back to secure Ai.
"Just please be careful with him," Yanagi smiled at Gini before standing up to give her son a kiss on the head. She backed off and Ai let out a squeal of excitement at the idea. He made grabby hands at the togekiss , "up! Up! Nana up"!
Gini strapped Ai in safely make sure nothing could knock him off. Gini got on behind him and hugged him tight. They took off out the doors and flew high into the sky. They flew over the village observing the beautiful town
Ai cheered loudly and his eyes were wide. He laughed and giggled, looking back at his nana with a large grin. Yanagi watched them leave and laughed before turning she attention to Vivian, "you had two children. Do you have any tips"?
"The baby is really kicking my butt some days and Ai won't stop bothering me about meeting his new sibling," Yanagi laughed gently and took a sip of her tea. She brushed a hand through her hair and looked down at her stomach, flinching when there was a particularly hard kick, "I know. You don't like to be insulted".
Gini and Ai swooped down into the palace and she brought Ai back to Yanagi. "Was the fun darling?" Gini said to Ai. She tickled him a bit. Vivian laughed at the sight of Ai and how excited he looked
"Fun," Ai cheered before giggling loudly. He grasped at her hands and laughed loudly. Yanagi smiled at the two and rubbed her stomach softly, she looked outside and watched as some bird Pokemon flew by. Ai looked at Vivian and made hands at her, "fawiry"!
Hours had past and it was dusk once again. Gini decided to go to her room where she found Kirlia curled up on the bed with Axew. Gini went to her desk and pulled out the inheritance scrolls. She opened it to see Kibo was next in line for throne. Gini nodded as it was the right choice. She put the scroll away