I didn't see the original, but I appreciate you reposting it.
First off, I'm glad you're enjoying the comic. It's always nice to put a smile on someone's face.
As for homosexuality, I have nothing against homosexuals, in fact, two of my friends are homosexual, it's merely a fact of where I grew up, the words gay and fag aren't associated with homosexuality. It's just, and I know this sounds incredibly bad, a somewhat derogitary term thrown around by most people.
It's like 'shit' and 'crap' no longer have anything to do with excriment.
I know it isn't much of an explanation and I do apologise if you find those words have been overused or consider them to be offensive.
Right, now, I suppose I should repost the issues that were lost to the hackers/ losers before posting ...
A BRAND SPANKING NEW ISSUE (well, it's already on Drunk Duck, but you guys were still down when I released it there)
Recap/ Lost Issues (Grr hackers)
New (to you guys) issue
There'll be a new issue up by Monday (well, possibly by the end of tonight actually) and I'll be unveiling the identity of the Rocket Commander they're fighting!