Since Pokémon Bank is still not yet available for us to abuse, I'm curious to hear which Pokémon you guys have been IV breeding on your X and Y games. 
Originally I wasn't going to bother with properly breeding anything until obtaining my Ditto collection from Gen V but once I started seeing the positive results of Destiny Knot I couldn't resist trying harder to get perfect IVs. So far I've bred Charmander and Houndour (specifically for Mega Houndoom) and I'm amazed by how little time it actually took to obtain the stats that I'd wanted. The Charmander I settled on to train could be a tad better but my Timid Houndour ended up with 31 IVs in everything but Attack. Couldn't have asked for better than that.
These latest games really have made it easier than ever to breed for a nice team. ♥

Originally I wasn't going to bother with properly breeding anything until obtaining my Ditto collection from Gen V but once I started seeing the positive results of Destiny Knot I couldn't resist trying harder to get perfect IVs. So far I've bred Charmander and Houndour (specifically for Mega Houndoom) and I'm amazed by how little time it actually took to obtain the stats that I'd wanted. The Charmander I settled on to train could be a tad better but my Timid Houndour ended up with 31 IVs in everything but Attack. Couldn't have asked for better than that.
These latest games really have made it easier than ever to breed for a nice team. ♥