These are the Pokemon I loved to journey with. Might not be the strongest team out there, but I still love them.
I became Bulbasaur in every PMD I played, so Venusaur earns its place on this list.
My Metagross just was inredibly strong and leveling this stupid Beldum was a hard and long task. But the Reward was great, so I remember it quite well. Still use it when I play Pearl every now and then.
Pidgey was the first Pokemon I caught in my life, and it never left my side. (Damn, this happened about 10 years or so, Pokemon Silver for the GBC. Those were the times.
My friends and I all had Wailords, don´t know why. I had one in every Pokemon game I played. It is one of my favourites for sure, can´t remember why though. Just for "reasons", I guess.
Swampert was my starter in my favourite Pokemon game, (also the first one I bought from my own money) Emerald.
Mightyena was always cool, I always wanted to have it as my Companion if Pokemon was real.
If I´d make a roleplaying card, Mightyena and Pidgeon would be in my team for sure, not sure about the rest. Will think about that later.
I never had a friend code. I could have had one in Pearl, but I was unable to set it up.
I also have the (probably weird) habit of using girls as avatars, despite being a guy. Don´t know why.