So, we are in need of something to push the closed topics into the obscurities of page 2...
Which Team Rocket Motto was your favorite?
Well, the first time I watched Pokemon was the american version, So I grew up loving the original motto. I don't really appreciate the new motto, or perhaps its because I haven't heard it long enough, but personally, it didn't sound as "Team Rockety" and was lackluster in comparison to the original.
Altogether now, "prepare for trouble..."
Which Team Rocket Motto was your favorite?
Well, the first time I watched Pokemon was the american version, So I grew up loving the original motto. I don't really appreciate the new motto, or perhaps its because I haven't heard it long enough, but personally, it didn't sound as "Team Rockety" and was lackluster in comparison to the original.
Altogether now, "prepare for trouble..."