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DPPt/HGSS Preparing to Enter the Meta-Game -- Rate My Team?

Hi, everyone! (Forewarning: Loquacious Newbie Alert - Code Orange and a Half!)

I've just finished scraping past the Elite Four, and am currently scurrying about plushing up my Pokedex with the National Dex -- but I have to admit I am crazycakes curious about how I'd hold up in the new and terrifying world of actual PvP combat if I get my paws on some WiFi action. This team's gotten me through the game itself, but could they stand up to an attack from actual human players? (Probably not.) They're largely held together with sentiment and luck, but input on any way to bulk them up for the battles to come would be much appreciated!

Honchkrow (Blue; Female)
Nature: Hardy (Loves to Eat)
Item: Razor Claw (Because some of us can't HAVE Super Luck - nyeh!)
Ability: Insomnia (although I do love having this around in the event of Spore)
Night Shade
Dark Pulse
Night Slash

I know it's such a waste of space to have Dark Pulse and Night Slash in there; I've been meaning to replace one with Roost or Aerial Ace (because Honchkrow's speed is... really, not the best EDIT: Whoops! Had this confused for another move, I think -- one that always strikes first -- although having a move that never misses is helpful, too!). But choosing between them is making me tear my hair out. Dark Pulse is a smidge stronger, with a Flinch chance that's saved my hide before. But Night Slash with the Razor Claw has the potential to be murderous (and, considering how neither Honchkrow's Attack or Sp. Attack stats are anything particularly worth writing home about, the fact that her Attack is slightly higher helps here). Any advice here?

Apparently Fly is no good for competitive battling, either... which I guess makes sense. Honchkrow's not really fast enough to take advantage of the avoidance it provides, actual human opponents are smart enough to switch out when this sort of thing happens, and there are better Flying-type moves available; but I can't deny that it's convenient in-game, haha.

( Wow. I've managed to pick on Honchkrow's Speed, Attack, and Special Attack. I still love you, Honchkrow! ;_; )

Infernape (Icarus; Male)
Nature: Naughty (Likes to Thrash About)
Item: Focus Band (it hung on by the skin of its teeth!)
Ability: Blaze
Flare Blitz
Calm Mind

Nothing too exciting here. Calm Mind, in particular, is filler -- I love Infernape, but he's so fragile that it seems pointless (I had Close Combat here before, but shied away from having only two types of predictably STABBY moves on him; but it's not like he's going to be using the defense that Close Combat saps out of anyway, right?). Flamethrower is really just there in case I need a strong, reliable, Fire move (and when Flare Blitz's recoil is too much; Infernape's HP isn't bad, but it isn't great -- throw him up against a sponge and he's stuck with either Close Combat, and becoming even glassier than usual, or this).

I was thinking about replacing Calm Mind with Stone Edge, though -- it seems like it'd be positively yummy coming from his monstrous Attack stat, plus it'd mean he'd at least get a good hit on some Flyers (maybe even a OHKO if they're delicate, but I'm not holding my breath XD). Thoughts?

Raichu (Dallas; Male)
Nature: Hardy (Somewhat of a Clown)
Item: Wise Glasses (although, I'll admit, the idea of a clownish Raichu wearing glasses into battle makes me snicker)
Ability: Static
Thunder Wave
Rock Smash

Typical Raichu set, I'd imagine. I know Iron Tail should probably be up here, for Rock Types, but I'm ignoring it for the same reason I got rid of Slam for Rock Smash -- because moves without 100% accuracy haunt my dreams at night. I like Dig because Raichu is fast enough to duck out of the way in the event the opponent can take advantage of his rather poor Defensive stats (and, I guess, in my magical dreamland, the opponent doesn't have Earthquake on every one of their Pokemon, aaargh) and it makes use of his (apparently) reasonably sturdy Attack stat (actually higher than his Sp. Atk. -- whoda thunk?). Or does that just mean that his Attack and Special Attack are awful? XD;

Gastrodon (Marv; Male)
Nature: Careful (A Little Quick-Tempered)
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Sticky Hold (do you have any idea how long those Leftovers took to steal? XD Haha.)
Ice Beam
Body Slam

MY GOD, I hear you say, what a waste of perfectly good TM's (especially considering I only had one EQ to play with -- how people get this move on every Pokemon in their arsenal, I'll never know)! But Gastrodon is big pink squishy love, and I'm a sucker for the Water/Ground dual-type (if only because personal experience has taught me that everyone knows Electric moves don't work on them, but that sometimes Gastrodon gets lucky and people are dumb. Which is really my only real strategy for legitimate battling and the survival of Gastrodon, I think. "Hope other people are not engaging their entire brain".). Ice Beam isn't particularly strong on him, and it's really only there to give him a fighting chance against Grassy foes (although a lot of the popular ones are going to be faster than him, these days; poor dear). Earthquake, because I can't deny its siren song, and Surf because a) it's handy, and b) it's apparently actually a strong, viable move in live PvP. Body Slam is because I've loved this move and the Paralysis chance since Nidoqueen (who I'll get to later -- sentiment strikes me hard, I'm afraid). I could replace it with Recover, but it doesn't seem like Gastrodon would have the Speed or the necessary Defenses to make good use of it. Any ideas?

Machamp (Tarja; Female)
Nature: Impish (Alert to Sounds)
Item: Quick Claw
Ability: No Guard (haha, okay, it's probably unspeakably horrible in-actual-person battle; but I admit I wanted it just because -- 100% accurate, PP-up'ed, Dynamic Punch, when facing the Elite Four? YES, PLEASE.)
Seismic Toss

Such a boring, boring moveset on poor Tarja. Ah, well. Machamp isn't really overflowing with options, from what I can gather. I considered Rock Slide (for what, if the Quick Claw does its job, might be a fighting chance against Flyers) instead of Strength, or Payback (instead of Revenge, since they're sort of the same move, only Payback gets no STAB, and is super-effective against Psychics, who Machamp shouldn't otherwise be able to touch.)

(Unless said Psychic is, say, from the Abra family, because that line's got all the Defensive stats of a wet cookie, meaning that if Machamp lucks out with Quick Claw again, Strength should be able to break them in half -- her Fighting moves aren't any good at all against types like this, so Strength and Seismic Toss are really just me shamefully covering my ass).

The only really glaring problem with either of those moveswaps are that Machamp's slow (so slow, good gravy); Payback's really at its most useful when the Pokemon in question's already taken a hit, and if Machamp takes a hit from a Psychic, she's not going to be able to use this move, anyway (as she will be deader than dead). Same story with Rock Slide. I've heard Flamethrower can be good here, but considering her extraordinarily lackluster Sp. Atk., Machamp's really not going to be impressing anyone with it (even if I DO manage to find another Flamethrower TM somewhere). Earthquake would be delicious, but I'm afraid unless I find a way to duplicate TM's I've already used (or transfer them from Pokemon XD, or something), that train has, shall we say, sailed. When she's good, she's very good, but if she can't outright tank something, she's a sitting duck. Think you can help her out of this STAB rut she's in?

(I still love this 100% accurate Dynamic Punch, though. It is the small, meaningless, victories in life.)

Nidoqueen (Roxie; Female)
Nature: Timid (Likes to Run) -- too bad she can't actually use this Speed Boost. Sentimentality, you fail me again! (Adamant's probably the nature I'm looking for here, right? Nidoran-F is somewhat tricky to breed for nature, though, and I'm a lazy bum. It's why nobody on this team has Hidden Power, either. Aheh.)
Item: Expert Belt
Ability: Poison Point (all right, so it's lame, and if I go the Toxic route it's completely useless; but at least she won't get an Attack-lowering Rivalry in battle with male Pokemon, right?)
Body Slam
Earth Power


This is what utter, unabashed, sentiment gets me. I'm so sorry. But I've adored Nidoqueen since her first incarnation back when I was a kidlet, which means I keep her around for reasons that surely wouldn't hold up to expert scrutiny (which probably makes me easy pickings on the PvP circuit).

Body Slam is boring, but it's here for the same reasons it's on Gastrodon -- it's reasonably strong, reasonably accurate, hits Flyers (and some Levitators), and I do love that chance of Paralysis. Earth Power is my replacement Earthquake (and in the event that Roxie finds herself in a Double Battle, it won't completely destroy her ally, either -- I'd love to say that was planned, haha); a nice, STABBY, hit on Steel-types, Rock-types, Electric-types, and anything not specifically resistant to it, and Superpower is there to tank out tenacious Normal-sponges, or Rock-types who are resistant to Ground-type moves. Crunch helps deal with those pesky Ghosts (and Psychics, if Nidoqueen can miraculously survive/outrun them); she's not part Dark, and her Attack is nothing special, but Ghosts and Psychic-types don't tend to be very sturdy, and with the Expert Belt, there's a chance that this could leave a reasonably-sized dent. (Or else I'm just scrambling to defend poor Nidoqueen because there's apparently nothing she can do that other UU Pokemon can't do better. XD; Alas.) Am I missing something obvious here? I know Sludge Bomb's the signature Poison move, but is it worth the STAB, considering the horrendous type coverage Poison-type moves get? Am I a bad person for wanting to put Surf on Nidoqueen?

That's the lot of them -- a teamful of glass cannons (without the legendary-level attack power most cannons get) when one really stands back and looks at them, and likely relegated to UU at best (sentiment, and my seething disdain for overused Pokemon and most Legendaries, as well as my burning hatred for Metagross, aren't doing me any favours in combat, am I right?); but is there a way to salvage them for WiFi combat, or even to just straighten them out for in-game hijinks?

I don't tend to mess about with EV's or specially-bred Hidden Power, because I'm something of a lazy bum (ignore the fact that I was enough of a masochist to raise a Nidorina to level 43 in order to get Crunch, please), but if there's some obvious alternative movesets, better coverage (upon taking a look at them, this team could really use a stat sweeper), or glaring weak spots that I'm missing (Ground and Psychic-type Pokemon would appear to be my mortal foes; which is a huge hurdle, given the prevalence of Earthquake), please, do let me know!

(Apologies for the overly-long post, as well. You have a newbie's undying gratitude and admiration if you bothered to read all the way to the end, though!)
Hey, no worries, that's why everyone asks.

How about reading this topic by clicking here. It's a great link and should get some stuff rolled out. Fix you team using this and then post again with the changes. More will help when you get some basics down.

But, I will assign some natures.
Honchkrow: Adamant
Infernape: Jolly/Timid/Hasty/Naive
Raichu: Jolly/Timid/Hasty/Naive/Modest/Adamant
Gastrodon: Calm
Machamp: Adamant
Nidoqueen: Adamant

You can get TM 26 at the Battle Tower for 80BP. That's now people get mor Earthquake TMs.
Don't worry about Infernape not being able to take hits. Using a Choice Band/Life Orb Sweep will destroy teams. Infernape can outspeed most common Pokemon (Salamence, Tyranitar). So Flare Blitz and Close Combat are great if you want to go Physical. Special, that's different.
burning hatred for Metagross
I can tell that we're going to be friends.

First of all, if you're super-serious about metagaming, you'll probably want to raise up a new team entirely. EVs and natures can really affect how strong a Pokemon is, and egg moves can also provide quite an edge. I'm going to offer some suggestions that may not technically be possible with the current team as a result, so I hope your sentimentality forgives me my love of egg moves. ;]

Honchkrow @ Scope Lens/Razor Claw
(Super Luck really is ideal; the only Spores you have to fear in the metagame are Brelooms, and it isn't likely to risk sporing a flying type -- especially if there's the possibility of Insomnia. XD)

Drill Peck/Pluck/Aerial Ace
Night Slash/Sucker Punch/Payback
Steel Wing
Thunder Wave/Haze

Honchkrow's attack stat is where it definitely shines -- base 125 is a pretty lovely number. Drill Peck is an egg move, Sucker Punch can only be learned as a Murkrow, Aerial Ace, Thunder Wave, Steel Wing, and Payback are TMs. The first two moves are for STAB, Steel Wing is for ice-types, TW compensates for Honchkrow's rather meh speed, and Haze wrecks Baton Passers, though you don't see them around as much with the threat of three kinds of spikes. XD

Infernape @ Life Orb or Choice Band
Fake Out/U-Turn
Flamethrower/Flare Blitz
Close Combat/Brick Break
Stone Edge/Grass Knot

Infernape can be a special, physical, or mixed sweeper -- he's special that way. Fake Out's an egg move, and U-Turn, Stone Edge, and Grass Knot all require TMs. Whichever you want to use depends on which of his weaknesses you're most worried about. Rock Slide is also acceptable instead of Stone Edge if accuracy makes you nervous. U-Turn also hits psychics, and it has the advantage of getting your glass cannon out of harm's way if something nasty does turn up. I know you're leery of Flare Blitz having recoil and Close Combat lowering stats, but Infernape is delicate like a newborn. It probably won't be around long enough to get in any buffs like Calm Mind unless it has a Focus Sash, and with stats like his, the downsides to CC and Blitz really don't make that crucial of a difference.

Raichu @ Shuca berry
Grass Knot
Thunder Wave/Nasty Plot
Fake Out/Brick Break

I totally copy/pasted this from another thread, but ssh. XD I know you're not big on Hidden Power, so Grass Knot's really your 'chu's only choice for dealing with ground-types. Like Fly, Dig is useless in competitive, as it's just an invitation for the opponent to switch to something else. Nasty Plot can only be learned as a Pichu and Fake Out's an egg move. Brick Break's a TM, but I'm sure you know that by now.

Gastrodon @ Leftovers

This guy is fine the way he is. :> Though if you wanted to breed one it does have several tempting egg moves.

Machamp @ ...Um... I don't know. XD I've never paid Machamp much mind, really. It might benefit from a Life Orb, if Infernape's not using one.
Bullet Punch/Return
Stone Edge/Ice Punch/Thunderpunch

Payback's a TM, as are Stone Edge and Return. Bullet/ice/thunderpunch are all egg moves. I'm not wild about having two Pokemon with the same type on a team; if I were you I'd consider a replacement. If you're set on using her, though, then I have to admit that I like the No Guard/Dynamicpunch combo, too. XD I don't think Machamp's defenses are necessarily terrible, but you can try a Focus Sash or whatever berry weakens psychic attacks if you're worried about her going down too easily for Payback to be viable. Stone Edge is probably the best choice for taking down birds, but if you don't have No Guard, then breeding for punches works too. Bullet Punch is great when you're as slow as Machamp is, but if you're not breeding, Return's always nice for filler.

Nidoqueen @ ...again I got nothing. XD
Poison Jab

Sad but true: there's not much you can do with poor Nidoqueen. I'm sure Plapti will have a better moveset than this. Again, more than one Pokemon of the same type on a team doesn't really sit with me, personally, and I don't really think Nidoqueen has the stats for metagame battling. In spite of that... I had a Nidoqueen on my first team ever back in the days of Blue version, and I do believe she had Surf. x3

(Edit: Too slow, Snap. xD)
Oh, gosh -- such helpful responses! And so quickly, too!

(Especially considering the somewhat... er... difficult nature of the team described -- I really appreciate it!)

I'm just leery about breeding for specific Natures on Pokemon whose movesets I'm not sure I'll be able to duplicate: Gastrodon, Raichu, and Infernape, in particular, just because they've been neatly decked out with TM moves (Ice Beam, Earthquake, Thunderbolt, and Flamethrower, respectively). Although, a baby Pokemon of the same species - Ditto Pimp Crow, engage! - can inherit TM moves from the male parent, yes? I might be able to transfer all those lovely one-time TM moves to an offspring, after all, since the most modified movesets in my squad happen to be sitting on my male Pokemon. @_@ Could this be doable, after all?

(Of course, I could be uber like everybody else and earn my Earthquakes the hard way. I'm just not sure my battle chops are sharp enough for eighty points' worth of prizes apiece, at least, not without some serious rearrangement. xD; Gurk.)

The only trouble I'd have with breeding a new Honchkrow (it does seem like it'd be well-worth it -- Blue's the right gender to make a plethora of eggs, so I can pick and choose for nature and ability, without having to line everybody up to have a go at poor Ditto; and, you know, I'm pretty sure I have a Skarmory that I bred for Drill Peck around here somewhere ...) would be finding a new Dusk Stone to evolve the baby Murk with; but I've heard tell that you can find them lying around in Victory Road and... well... I'd been meaning to use that rosterful of Phanpys and Zizagoons and Pachirisu for something, anyway. XD Haha.

Steel Wing would be great against Rock Types, too; its iffy accuracy leaves me a little wobbly, but it's almost assuredly a step up from Night Shade (or should I opt for Shadow Ball here? It seems a little redundant to keep a Ghost-type move in here when the only things it'd be Super-Effective against are already covered by the STABariffic Night Slash. Hmm...). Thunder Wave's never done me wrong before, and Honchkrow could definitely do with some fleetness of foot. It gets tidy double-damage on Fighting-types, but so many of them are faster than it (Primeape, Heracross, Lucario - although Honchkrow really has no business going into battle against Lucario under any circumstances - even the comparatively poky Medicham and Hitmonchan) that she's usually missing big old chunks of health before she even gets a chance to attack, geh. xD;

I've got a huge soft spot for Honchkrow, though, so even the chance of making it into a viable actual-combat-with-humans Pokemon is wonderful! Thanks so much!

Oh, Infernape.
Actually, Fly is an invitation for Thunder, Dig is an invitation for Fissure. Believe me, I thought Thunder would miss if the target used Fly, but instead itr seemed like its accuracy increased. Dig doubles the power of Earthquake and Magnitude, and ensures that Fissure always hits the target.

Anyway, Snapdragon is right about the attacks. They are what I would choose for competitive, but if you plan to use Fly anyway, give it to a Golbat that knows Mean Look, Trust me... that move will help in the long run in Competitive.
More fixes, great now I can do what I do best:

Honchkrow@Scope Lens
Jolly/Adamant Nature
Super Luck
-Night Slash
-Drill Peck
-Steel Wing

Exact Same as Snap's but with an explanation.
Night Slash for STAB and High rates of Critcal Hits.
Drill Peck rules and Steel WIng hits its weaknesses.
T-Wave can help its Speed Problem.

Now for the Special moves.

Honchkrow@Life Orb/Expert Belt
Timid/Modest Nature
Super Luck
-Nasty Plot
-Dark Pulse
-Shadow Ball
-HP Fighting

This set packs a punch and hits everytype for at least neutral damage.
Dark Pulse for STAB.
Shadow Ball for some coverage.
HP Fighting to hit some of its weaknesses.

Infernape@Chocie Band
-Flare Blitz/Fire Punch/Flame Wheel/Blaze Kick
-Close Combat/Brick Break
-U-Turn/Thunder Punch/Shadow Claw
-Stone Edge/Thunder Punch/Earthquake/Rock Slide

Huge movepool with great Stats.
First moves all have their strengths and weaknesses.
-Flare Blitz is powerful but has a huge recoil.
-Fire Punch and Flame Wheel are less suicidal but have considerably less power.
-Blaze Kick is the next strongest attack but laks a reliable accuracy.
Close Combat has PP Problems, but Brick Break is considerably too weak as well.
U-Turn for Hit-and-Run. Thunder Punch is to hit Water-Types. Shadow Claw and U-Turn both hit Psychic-Types.
Stone Edge and Rock Slide hit Flying-Types.
Earthquake is just a reliable move, but has little use to Infernape, but it is reliable.

Raichu@Life Orb (Shines for a mixed set)/Expert Belt
Hasty Nature
-Brick Break
-Grass Knot

Thunderbolt gets STAB.
Brick Break to hit Steels.
Grass Knot to hit Grounds.
Return cause it's got a Base power of 102.

Bold Nature
Sticky Hold
-Mirror Coat

I'm annoying. Recover heals any damage taken from Counter and Mirror Coat. Surf provides STAB.

Machamp@Foucs Sash
Adamant Nature
No Guard
-Dynamic Punch
-Stone Edge
-Ice Punch
-Thunder Punch

Ice Punch and THunder Punch give it great coverage.
Stone Edge hits Flying-Types.
Dynamc Punch with No Guard rules.
BTW, Machamp can't learn Reversal.

Clefable@Life Orb
Lonely/Naughty Nature
Magic Guard
-Meteor Mash
-Shadow Ball/HP Dark
-Psychic/Magical Leaf/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Water Pulse/T-Wave/HP Flying
-Brick Break/Focus Blast/Flamethrower/Wish/Return/HP Ground

Godly movepool but Meteor Mash is its strongest 9fairly reliable attack) attack.
Shadow Ball and HP Dark hit Ghost-Types.
Psychic hits Fighting-Types.
Magical Leaf hits Wishcash and other Water-Types.
Ice Beam hits Dragons and Flying-Types.
Thunderbolt hits Water and Flying-TYpes.
Water Pulse hits Fire, Ground, and Rock-Types hard.
HP Flying hits Fighting, Bug and Grass-Types.
T-Wave can help overcome its Speed problem.
Brick Break and Focus Blast hit Steel-Types.
Flamethrower and HP Ground hits more Steel-Types.
Return gets STAB.
Wish gives it good way of healing.
Magic Guard also prevents damage from the Life Orb as well.

Anymore problems, post them here. Just watch out for 3 of your Pokemon being weak to Ground Attacks.

Hope that helped.