Right, I decided to draw a very basic map to allow us to get a grasp on locations, so there won't be any "AND THEN HE RAN TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD" type stuff. I do need suggestions on some other locations, due to the lack of anything at the right of the map. I myself, feel that a tentacleraep jungle should be included, but I'll wait for other ideas :'D The photos are a little large, but bear with me.
Left End of the Map
Here is where the West Side of our world is. One can see that the Black Airship has made its home on this end, branching outwards from there. They take up residence high above Oricos' Cemetary, an ominous graveyard, home of the Joker. Nearby is the neighboring country of Gerbolia, where one can find many gerbils as its native residents. Secad and Fi are known to be the diplomats between Gerbolia and the Land of Charms. (I'm making exposition up here, but if Secad could give me a bit more about Gerbolia, I'd gladly put it in. Cause right now there's nowhere to go in it :x) Gerbolia could become a potentially to the effort, or possibly side with one of the factions of Black or White. To the South, one can see their first glimpse of The Charming Sea (Name pending). Of notable interest at the western end is the Isle of the Asian Trio, where three girls of odd stereotypical persuasion tend to reside. Around the whole ocean, although most often frequenting the Isles, one may encounter THE GREAT FAIL WHALE. A phenomenon of its own, it is a benevolent FAIL and carries a tea party upon its back. If one is ever to enter the GREAT FAIL WHALE, one may find temporary residence inside a castle in it's mouth. A little girl from the Isles is said to find her home here from time to time. Moving on.
Bottom Middle End of the Map
Most of the Southlands are comprised of the Charming Sea, which has a few more notable places. The Frozen Island and The Elements are known to be harsh Islands of Ice and Stone, respectively. They are well-known as a fine training spot under the perpetual snow and thunder of each. Sem and Tailon generally visit each most often, respectively. (Why yes, there is an anchor coming from a thundercloud. That's because ANCHORS ARE AWESOMMMMMME
![Devil >:D >:D](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Naughty.png)
) Traversing the sea is one lonely pirate ship, The Black Clamperl. Captained by Freta, this ship frequents the Port (Which is not there yet need some naming for that :x) with important goods from outside realms. It may or may not occasionally deal in passenger passage, as well, for a price. At the edge of the land and sea, a large cliff towers over the shore. Simply titled The Cliff, it has a beautiful view of the city and the forest. It is known that Dark Soul occasionally makes trips up here. To think or something, nobody really knows. Down The Cliff, one passes through The Glitter Forest and around The Fabulous Lake. If you can't guess who has named them that, then it's your problem. Here, we enter the city.
Charms City and the Surrounding Area
'Charms City, in most of its glory. Mostly drawn out the places of note, but I suppose I could add more. At the right end of town are the residential areas, where most members lay their head to rest in their own homes. On the left would be the Art District, filled with RPs, PRPs, Sprites and Art Shops. Sort of like Aero's. Now, at the busy market, there are a number of places. The one that stands out the most is the arena, where members may duke it out as they see fit! There's always enough room, because otherwise, there wouldn't be! With this sound logic, it's always a fun place to see. Anchored next to it is the Charmsian Airship, manned by our good friend RX. It has a market and lots of other things, but more importantly, it is anchored (CAUSE ANCHORS ARE AWESOME YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) safely to the ground. Tun's sprite shop is also found to the side of it, currently closed down. Tun now runs it as a resting lounge of sorts, like a Chatroom. Easily the tallest building in the City, The Emotional Skyscraper towers even above the clouds, reaching into rainbows and auroras. Ethan takes residence up here, and runs a free transportation system as well. He creates rainbows that lead to different lands, such as Dwayna's home planet, Terrater. One simply hops through the opening and slides down a twisting and turning rainbow that crosses the sky to their destination. In this way, Ethan spreads love to all ♥ Going up the skyscraper is usually the problem, being as tall as it is. There's usually seven rainbows that end in clouds that head up to the top, though. Ethan's recently been away, around right before the Black and White factions arrived. His two friends, Tangrow and Tangrelle, hadn't dropped by in a while, so he's been worried. (So I wrote a lot about the Skyscraper, I could have written the same for everywhere else, but it's not my stage, so I have no right to supply more on the status of the person and the stage.)
The Barren East
(Here's where I need suggestions on places, guys. I'm utterly low here.)
Currently, much of the East is left alone. The White Airship found its way there, and placed itself there shortly, claiming the land. Above, though, one can find a long-Dormant Volcano. Blazikid heads up there from time to time for god knows what reason, and it is known that Toru lives at the Temple placed upon it. The Temple of The Earth Goddess was moved there by the Goddess herself when Toru decided to move into the Land of Charms. She, along with many people like Stel and Alex, help hold The Great Charmsian Barrier. It was an ancient Barrier, erected at the time of the land's forming. It keeps the line between Charms and Noob-Man's Land, where the scum and improper of Charms is thrown too, along where the rest of the terrible lowlife of the internet. If the Barrier was to come down, all hell and godmode would break out.
And...that's all I have so far! Anyway, friends, on the subject of the first scene, we still are in need of 1-2 more for the Charmsian Cavalry (Shiny, Karu(I asked him in chat) and possibly Brendan seem to be on it so far) and then possible one more of the Black cavalry (Seeing as Aero has taken up a spot there.)
Anyway, questions, comments on my sillily drawn map? c:
(Also, Dway, I was thinking the White Ship would be floating around Terrater, with Terrater being above Charms, but since it's yours, I need your go or not for it. :>)