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Quashie's Spritey-Sprite Shop! (Read First Post, Please~!)

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Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

I am soo sorry your guy's sprites haven't been finished yet. They're almost finished, though. A lot of stuff has been going on, and I haven't had any time.
I'm seriously, seriously sorry.
Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

Done. The hat is off. I'll fix it later.


Pokecomic Central;
I like these. Tell me if you don't like them, please~



I really, really, really love how this came out. ♥

Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

hey Quashie can u make me a zombie infernape please and i really like your sprites they are pretty insane
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Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

Okay. Thanks for the compliment~

Dragoon Flare;
Aha, whoops! ^_^;
I'm sorry, I mixed up your name with BlackAmber.
Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

Quashie,I love the sprites! There's two more i would like to request! A Knight and a King! If you can that would be great!


Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

Very commendable work. I can see you are improving, sprite by sprite. ;)
I would also like to request a Trainer Sprite. If it is too hard don't sweat it. I'm not in a rush, so take your time.^^
Trainer's Template:
Name: Korora
Age: 14.
Hair: Dark Black, up to waist.
Pose: Same as Erika's- Refer to this: http://www.psypokes.com/hgss/trainers/Erika.png
Outfit: Black Turtleneck Jacket- Full sleeves, Unzipped.
Crimson Shirt.
Navy Jeans.
Back Dress Shoes.
Erika's Headband Re-color: Navy Blue.
Expression: Same as the link I have Given.

Thank you very much, if you may or may not do it.~ =3
Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

Okay I Love the Sprites you made so I have a Request
And a Favor The Favor is you post the Sprite of Green without
The Hat.
The Request is that you Make a Sprite of Ruby the Male Player For RUBY/SAPHIRE/EMERALD.
Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

Hey, I really like the splices the best! Keep up the good work!
But can I have a splice ~
a mawile with a misdreavus?
If not thats okay. :) :) :)
Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

Uh... Quashie? Hello? I asked this 2 days ago... Oh well
Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I have eight hours of school, three hours of homework/studying, and two hours of extracurricular activity every day. I sprite whenever I get the chance to. I apologize if that's not fast enough.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

Roslyn4, it's against the rules to rush someone, not to mention rude. Quashie will have seen your request and will do it as soon as possible. As she's said above, she's very busy. Please be more patient in future.
Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!)

I'm soooooo sorry Quashie! I didn't really mean it! :-\ I need read the rules closer!
Plus, you don't have to be the one sorry!
I have a request:

Male Sprite

Age: Late teens, about 17
Hair: Tall, spiked up mess, black (Like Blue's in HG & SS)
Pose: Same as Elite 4 Aaron's
Outfit: Light blue slouch jeans, dark purple t-shirt
Expression: Similar to this smiley: ;D

Sorry if its a bother. Take as long as you want! :D
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Hey Quashie i'm back with another request!

Hair:none to show
Outfit: A black metal Knight chestplate,with metal chinguards that has gold outlining,a pair of grey metal boots,some metal gauntlets,and finally a red cape!
Pose: The same as The boy BW man trainer
Face: Full face covered by a black coloured Knight Helmet
*Any Other Details?: A metal sword with a platinum handle!

If this is to hard for you Quashie,you don't have to do it.
Finally~! <333 If there's something wrong with any of them, go ahead and tell me. I'll fix it as soon as possible!







Pokecomic Central;

(I'm working on your newest request. && Ohmygod am I pleased with myself on the knight.)






Not Bad Criticizing: Green looks Better with a Hat. Ruby's Face and Hat dont seem to Mix well.
My last Request For A little While is a Emo Girl and a Emo Guy Nothing Specific Its up to you how they Look.
Oh,wow Quashie! I guess those requests i'm giving you are making you a better spriter! :) Anyways the sprites are P E R F E C T!!
I love them! I'll give full credit to you!
Hey there Quashie : D
since you commented on my thread I, of course, had to comment on yours :)

I've been admiring your sprites for a while I just never posted anything ^^;;;

First of all.....I LOVE YOUR SPRITES. Especially your zombie sprites :):) totally unique and badass-ness right there~!
revamps could probably use some touching up but they aren't bad at all ^^ the color pallets are fine but I think you could perhaps use some black/darker shades on some of them? ((but definitely not sandshrew cuz he's amaaazing :D))

nuff said

cosplays are pretty sweet :D gotta love the kyogre one especially ♥ ♥
and I'm absolutely SPEECHLESS when it comes to your splices. I love em to death ♥

Your trainers are of course good too ;P I think that the BW girl could use some touch ups but otherwise she looks great : )

maybe when you're not too busy you'd agree to a sprite trade? : D

Keep up the superduper work~~!!
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Hey Quashie I'm sorry i keep requesting so many requests,but I was wondering if you could please make me a mugshot of this trainer? (trainer attached)?

Facial Expression: Smiling
other detals: Folded arms

If you don't want to do this you don't have to,but if you will you can wait for a while because I don't want to delay anyone's requests....

Peace Off



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Pokecomic Central;
I'm still working on both of yours. The knight the most difficult out of the requests I have right now, so... ^_^;; And I'm glad you like them so much!


Emo enough? ^^; I really like them.


This is very ehh, I must admit. It's kind of hard depicting this huge monster-thing on a skinny little girl. Dx

Thank you so much! I like the Zombies a lot, too. To tell the truth, those re/devamps were done really quickly. xD I just needed another banner-thingamajig for my first post. Okay, thanks again~! <33 I appreciate the compliments, especially coming from a talented spriter such as yourself.

Maybe~ :3
Hello me again ;D ;D ;D

Its a girl first

Age: 17
Hair: Dark brown, long straight
Pose: I will leave that up to you
Outfit: Short sleaved white school shirt, black skirt, black leggings, pink soes
Expression: Simple smiley face.

And now a boy

Age: 17
Hair: Short spiked up, brown (not like Blues this time)
Pose: Standing, hands in pockets
Outfit:Long sleeved school shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, black trousers
Expression: Cool, calm face like this smiley: 8) without the sunglasses

Sorry is it's a bother, take as long as you like! :D
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Hey Quashie if u arnt busy id like u to make a splice for me
Other pokemon:Charizard Well i didnt think of any other pokemon to add but if u think of some u can use it
Well there....Emo? :o

Very Harsh yet kinda true I cant tell if the guy is wearing a hat or if that is his hair.
Girl Looks Like she made a pidgey hair Nest no offense... Kinda different then What I expected.....
I know Could you change girls hairstyle To be like a ponytail Because I was gonna use the Girl Maybe for
My Main character of my Fan Fiction Pokemon series on youtube But I dont think I want her to be a main Character

Also I am sorry if this offends you? :-\
Course its Also My Fault for Not Being Specific.
I love your front page layout so much! That must have taken you ages to set up. Anyways, can I please request a Zombie-mon?

Zombie Base: Mothim
Eye Color: White
Blood?: Whichever looks better.
Other Details?: Tattered wings would be awesome.

Thankyou for your time Quashie.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Man, we have so many talented spriters these days :'D

Anyways, I really like your sprites in general, Quashie. Especially your trainer/cosplayer sprites. I have to admit, though, that sometimes I feel the shading's a little off, especially for some of the newer sprites. I dunno if it's because you're rushing because you want to finish these in spite of having a life or something...

The zombiemon creep me out to no end. I mean, they're unique and you do them really well, but every time I look at one I can't help but cringe. I guess that means you're doing them right XD

Your other 'mon sprites, meaning the splices and re/devamps, are pretty good as well. Your splices all seem to flow together nicely, and that makes them just that much more awesome. Some of your revamps, though, still don't really feel much like a revamp; almost as if you've just switched the color pallettes and didn't try to alter their shading to make them seem like they've come from the newer games or something. The devamps, on the other hand, are very nice. ^^

Aaaaaand that's all I have to say about your sprites~ keep up the good work, and don't die under the stress of completing all these requests as well as living through life. ;)
Hey Quash Sorry about my other comment about the Sprites But Can I ask you to make
A mug shot of The Trainer in My Icon. Also May I edit the Emo Girl I decided I dont want to trouble you
being as ur probably full of Requests.

EDIT: Also Could I use your Previous Emo Girl as A refrence so its Easier for me to Change the Editing Emo Girls Hairstyle

EDIT #2: NVM I practiced Editing some other Sprites Try and make them Look Better They Looked Horrible :-[
Well Anyway thanks For Reading This.
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After you looked at my work I just had to check out your sprite thread. Your fusions are pretty much perfect. When I look at them I don't see two Pokemon, just one very smooth sprite.

Your trainers are quite nice too. I was considering making the female Gen V character, but now that I've seen yours I almost decided not to because there is no way I could possibly top that ( but I would still like to try if that’s okay with you). The only problem I can see (which really isn't a problem, more of just an observation) is that the trainer sprites based off of the Parasol Lady and Team Rocket Executive, whose name I can't remember, look almost the same as their ingame sprites.

As far as the cosplays go I can tell very quickly who is what. But who is the red guy on the far right trying to be? It might just be me being unobservant though.

To be honest, I was hard pressed to find any issues with your sprites. Keep up the good awesome work!
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May i request a sprite it's a trainer

Hair: dirty blonde and about eyebrow length
Outfit: black and white zip up jacket with blue jeans
Pose:Can you do it with Gold
Face: brown eyes
Any Other Details: a backpack
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