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Ask to Join Quest To The Raka Region

Lara put her hands up showing she wasn't any harm or anything "My apologizes if I offend you or anything I just wanted to keep on friendly terms that's all I can leave if you want me too if I'm being a bother" she said as she backed up a bit slowly not wanting to mess up anything. "May I ask your name at least young sir?" she asked.
"Thats the rushed version of our history together, but yes we all go way back." Isaac said as he glared at Halt for interrupting him. "I'll tell you the more drawn out version sometime." Isaac said. "Tell the others I'll meet them later okay? I'm not feeling too good right now all of a sudden." Isaac told Halt. Isaac walked back to his room and placed Noivern's Pokeball at the nightstand to keep it safe. He then fell asleep for a little nap so he would feel better.
She waved goodbye to Issac as she was feeling herself tremble from a flashback a while back as her eyes were showing some fear at the moment of it as she closed her eyes placing her hand on her head trying to get that thought out of her head and focus on the present. "-Dang it please get out-" she said in thought.
Halt stood before the girl. "Yea, as he said, I'm Halt. The only decent one here." He noticed a slight disturbance with the aura around him. "Something bothering you? As I said, I'm practicing to be an Aura Guardian. I can sense emotions, sorta." Lucario stepped forward and shrugged. He was naturally good with the aura, so Lucario let Halt struggle sometimes.
She looked to the boy named Halt "Oh no I'm alright just something I remembered oh and my apologizes I'm Lara the owner of the EeveeStar organization and also a researcher and an Aura Guardian that is a very experienced job and your Lucario I assume can sense emotions through the trainer along with words, its a pure Steel-Fighting type as he has just normal damage to flying type but as a weakness of fire and Psychic but over all he is a very fast Pokemon and a handsome one at that you picked a nice well battled Lucario and you treat him very well" she smiled as she looked at the Lucario.
“I’ve known Halt and Quilla for seven years, and Isaac for six,” Kaleb said. “Not THAT long of a story, unless we tell her HOW we met. And Halt, wrong. I could’ve beaten you in Froena if you didn’t flee on the back of your Flygon before we raided you guys. Anyways, I brought Bolt, my Jolteon from Silvalya. Halt, you’ve met him before.” Kaleb looked at the Jolteon standing behind him. Bolt smiled and started running in circles. “He’s a playful one.”
Halt shook his head about Forena. "You know Tes, right? My sister? She was leaving on her own journey and I had to see her off." That was a moment before the raid occured. The part about his sister was true, and Halt knew he could've taken on Kaleb. "How about a 1v1, Lucario vs Bolt? You game?" Lucario's expression turned to a grin at the challenge. Always liked a battle.
“You using mega, then?” he asked. He looked at Bolt, unsure. Bolt nodded. “Alright, let’s do this then. Bolt hopped forward, ready for battle. “No holding back, Bolt!” Bolt looked back at his trainer, determination in his eyes. The pair nodded at each other.
Halt shifted his foot back in perfect harmony with Lucario. Their aura's touched, causing them to bond into battle together. Halt didn't activate the mega yet, but that might be needed. "Bone rush." Halt said blankly. Lucario held his hands loosely, and a large, silver bone grew between his hands. The pokemon spun it around some and held it backhanded to his side. "Come at us."
Rosalina was very intimidated by all the people "I- uh I'm j-just gonna go" she whispered, clutching the straps of her messenger bag and rushing off below deck. Her breathing heavied as she sat down in her room "Agh! Why do I have to be so shy!" She groaned falling back onto her bed.
"Ah..." Before she could even react Rosalina had already disappeared from her field of vision, and Quilla was left staring at the empty space in which the girl once stood. Shaking her head in resignation she brushed aside her thoughts on their new, rather shy companion, Quilla shifted her attention to the battle about to take place. She didn't hold that much anticipation towards the battle, as she thought the winner wouldn't be much of a surprise. Although she couldn't gauge the difference in skill between the two friends and trainers, that wasn't to say she believed they were on-par. Halt's Lucario was an exceedingly powerful Pokemon, one that had been with Halt since it was just a Riolu almost a decade ago, in terms of familiarity as far as she knew Halt and Lucario had much more time together than Kaleb and Bolt. Even without that the sight of the glistening mega-stone that could be seen on Lucario told her it was a Pokemon capable of Mega-evolution, and no such Pokemon would be a push-over even in its base form.

Speaking of Mega-evolutions, her hands caressed Lopunny's Pokeball. It too was a Pokemon who had a mega-evolution and as such could benefit from seeing such a battle. Flicking the center of Lopunny's Cherish Ball, Quilla released her partner, Lu Yu. It's soft, curious eyes met with her own before turning to the duo of Pokemon who were facing off. Her voice quivering with anticipation Quilla whispered, "Watch carefully Lulu, that'll be us someday."
Moss was in his room looking at the ocean. I wonder what Pokemon are in the Raka region, he thought. His Gardevoir, Jasmine, was sleeping on the bed. Moss unlocked the door to his room, opened it, and went out of his room. As he was walking on the ship he saw, a boy and a girl on the battle field. He walked over to see what was going on. A few seconds later Jasmine came over and sat beside Moss.
Rosalina sat up, she pulled out the book she was reading earlier 'Pokemon and where to find them'. The book was old and worn, some of the pages were torn and it was falling apart but she loved this book and would never let it out of sight "I wonder what pokemon my eggs will hatch into" she hummed flipping through the pages.

Just as she spoke she heard a small cracking sound coming from the incubator next to her bed. Her head turned to see one of the eggs with cracks in it, her face lit up as she put down her book and walked over "Wow, its starting to crack!"
Moss was watching the boy and girl and got bored so he went to his room to see one egg glow twice. "Oh my gosh! One of my eggs are gonna hatch soon!" Moss got his very worn out Kalos Pokedex. "Lets see." he scrolled through his Pokedex. "Oh that's what it's going to hatch into. A Doduo!" (I used a randomizer)
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“Alright, you know the drill, Bolt,” Kaleb said. Bolt ran towards Lucario and used Agility, running in circles around it at extremely high speeds before using Double Team as well, boosting its evasion and creating copies of itself. “Guess which is the real one, but you better do it quick, Halt, they can all attack,” Kaleb said. One Bolt used Shadow Ball, a TM move. Another used Double Kick and lunged straight at Lucario. The third used Thunder and sent a huge lightning bolt crashing down straight towards his opponent.
Halt grinned at the show of strategy. "We have our own plan." Lucario threw the bone into.the air causing the thunder to strike it. He then lept up into the air, out of the way of the Shadow Ball and Double Kick. Upon landing, it used a Swords Dance to increase it's attack, and created another bone rush.
The three Bolts began to double team again, creating six more Bolt clones. “Now try this. Bone Rush can only hit up to five times, so you gotta find the real one or pay the price!” The nine Bolts charged at Lucario in a straight horizontal line.
She watched carefully of the battle Halt was in with the young male she didn't know a name to as she smiled as she was writing notes on how to battle properly when her eggs hatched. "-A battle looks so interesting and I have read about them its basically a way to raise your Pokemon to get stronger even by battling with a gym leader but it is just fascinating to watch and he has a mega stone and it can only be used when the trainer and the Pokemon have a very strong bond together-" she thought as she smiled watching the two males battle each other.-
Lucario watched as they changed. "Who said the bone was for attacking?" Halt asked. Lucario waited for the pokemon to get close before vaulting onto the bone. Lucario, instead of falling, held it's position with the bone vertical right before the charging pokemon. The double teams would pass through it, the real would stop. The bipedal pokemon then charged an Aura Sphere to strike the remaining pokemon.
All nine turned to the side and started running in circles around the bone. “I have trained Bolt to fight against all enemies, even when it has a weakness, which doesn’t really appear unless they have ground type moves like Bone Rush.” Three of them lunged into the air, leaving six running in circles.
She kept observing the battle seeing many of there strageties for blocking or avoiding then making a quick counter attack before hand. She wrote down her own strageties that was effective for any Pokemon typing as she looked through her notes making sure she didn't miss anything.-
Halt grinned. "That would have been a smart move against other opponents." Lucario, hanging up on one hand, smashed the other hand into the bone. A Stone Edge attack erupted from the ground, lifting Lucario far above the Jolteons below on the ground. From up above, the pokemon used a swagger, knowing only the real Jolteon would be affected by the attack.
Moss was inside his room looking at the Doduo egg. He faced Jasmine and said, "Do you think it's a Doduo egg? 'Cause my Pokedex is pretty beat up." Jasmine shrugged. The egg glowed three more times. Than, POP! the egg opened and standing there was a baby Doduo. "Gosh! This Baby Doduo is so cute!" he threw a luxury ball and the Doduo went inside.
Click! Click! Click! . . . Ding!
Moss looked at the luxury ball. "Yes! I caught a Doduo."
The nine Bolts all looked away. All of them used Thunder, sending a huge lightning bolt straight at Lucario. They lunged up and used Thunder Fang from all sides, leaving Lucario no room to dodge the Thunder attack.
Lucario looked up at the bolts of Thunder. It threw its arms up, sending a Dragon Pulse directly to the lightningbolts. Then, wielding the Bone Rush, he lept from the pillar, sending it slamming down on the first Jolteon it saw.
“Nice try,” Kaleb said as one of the clones disappeared. Another lunged and used Thunder Fang, and the others surrounded Lucario with Thunder attacks. They used Pin Missile to overwhelm him as well as Thunder. The eight Bolts surrounded Lucario and all shot Pin Missiles from all sides.
Moss went back out to see the battle. "Come out, Dodo!" and his Doduo came out of it's Luxury ball. "Now, Dodo watch the battle, it will help you see what battling is." Dodo's 2 heads nodded and turned to the battle. Wow, both trainers are very strong, he thought, I wonder who will win and who I want to win. I don't know them but, I like Lucario more so... "Go Lucario Trainer!" he cheered.
She chuckled by hearing the boy cheer for Halt as in thought "-I don't usually do this but they both have great Pokemon so I suppose I will cheer for both-" she smiled again watching the battle go on.
Lucario raised his arms up, causing stone edges to erupt around him, blocking all the Thunders and Pin Missles. "Gonna take more than that." Lucario took the time to slam the ground into an Earthquake, rocking the entire boat about. The floor beneath Halt shifted, but he didn't lose balance.
Kaleb stood completely firm despite the Earthquake. Each Bolt had jumped into the air to avoid it like they did with Croco at Silvalya and during the First War. The eight Jolteon flew towards Lucario, all using Wild Charge. Neither Pokémon had even taken a hit yet, surprisingly.
Lucario knew that the jumping pokemon couldn't stop the momentum of their jumps, so it summoned a Bone Rush. He started spinning it so that the incoming pokemon would have to go through it. "Keep it up, and I might have to actually try." Halt detached the key stone, but didn't activate it.
While the earthquake went on, Moss looked at Dodo (Doduo). The shaking made him topple over onto the edge of the battle field. Moss went to go get him but he didn't want to stop the battle, so he went very slowly picked up Dodo and sat back down. Well, I guess both trainers are almost the same, he thought, so, I'll cheer for both. "Go both of you! Make it a great battle!"
The Bolts all stopped and turned the other way. They all used Shadow Ball and Pin Missile. Shadow Ball flew straight towards Lucario while Pin Missile fell from the air in the form of an airborne attack. “Do your worst, Halt,” Kaleb said. “We can handle it. Double Team again!” They used Double Team, creating sixteen more Bolts. They continued to attack with Shadow Ball and Pin Missile.
Lucario kept spinning the bone club, declecting all but one or two Pin Missiles. "My worst? Here." Halt's expression changed into a serious one and the stone was touched. A Mega Stone around Lucario's wrist activated, sending energy sparks to and from the stones. A white aura enveloped Lucario, causing all the attacks around him to dissipate. The white aura changed into it's mega form, and when releasing, the power of it's aura sent a shockwave across the ship, strong enough to force waves heading to the ship back away. It showed Lucario, but in it's mega form with the blue aura surrounding it. The pokemon reached out with both arms and summoned Bone Rush after Bone Rush, throwing one after another at the Jolteons.
“Good to see you battling for real now!” Kaleb called out. He was mainly trying to antagonize him, it was always kind of fun. The 24 Bolts kept Double Teaming, making as many as 72 Bolts. “You would need some real luck right now to guess which one is real!” All of them ran towards Lucario and used Thunder Fang.
Halt knew what was going to happen. "Yea, but remember. Only the real one has an aura!" It was always something people forgot. Only living things had an aura. Lucario held its arm up to the many Jolteons heading his way, reaching for the aura. To the ones without an aura, a shield of the aura came up as a protect in their way. When it found the real one, Lucario sent three punches, forcing mutiple Aura Spheres in it's direction.
The real Bolt jumped over the first Aura Sphere, and jumped to the side to avoid the second. The third hit him and knocked him back a little. He slid towards the railing, but came to a stop. The clones disappeared as Bolt ran towards Lucario with Wild Charge.

“Let the real battle begin,” Kaleb said. He smiled. ‘I missed this so much,’ he thought to himself.
She raised her arms as the shock wave from Halts Lucario as her hair blew in the process as she could see the Mega Lucario. "-What power so this is the power of mega evolution its fascinating-" she said in thought as she was writing notes down as she was seeing that this battle was getting serious.-
Halt grinned to Kaleb. "The Aura. Nobody remembers the Aura."
Lucario spun around to face the Wild Charge. He summoned two Bone Rushes and charged to the Jolteon. He crossed them into an X and ran in the direct path to Jolteon. Now, it's a game of chicken. (Or Torchic, depending on what world your in)
Bolt kept charging until he was two inches away, when he jumped over Lucario. He landed right behind Lucario and went for the leg with Thunder Fang. He used Detect at the same time to block oncoming attacks. “Try breaking through this shield!” Kaleb called out.