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DPPt/HGSS Rate my Diamond Team

I don't think my team is that good, so could you tell me better movestets for my pokemon ect.

Lv. 100
Hp: 243
Attack: 198
Def: 256
Sp Atk: 245
Sp Def: 312
speed: 122
Dark Pulse
Shadow Ball (I want to get rid of shadow ball or dark pulse but for what...?)
Dream Eater

Infernape (my starter)
Lv. 100
Focus Sash
Hp: 309
Attack: 243
Defence: 174
Sp Atk: 217
Sp Def: 181
Speed: 283
Stone Edge
Close Combat

Lv. 100
Adamant Orb
Hp: 335
Attack: 314
Defence: 248
Sp Atk: 358
Sp Def: 232
Speed: 209
Dragon Pulse
Flash Cannon
Aura Sphere
Earth Power

Lv. 76
Water Absorb
Hp: 352
Attack: 136
Defence: 163
Sp. Atk: 176
Sp. Def: 169
Speed: 102
Ice Beam

Black Belt
Hp: 294
Attack: 263
Defence: 202
Sp Atk: 259
Sp Def: 185
Speed: 210
Aura Sphere
Dragon Pulse

Roserade (currently a budew)
Natural Cure
Wise Glasses
Energy Ball
Sluge Bomb
Shadow Ball

That's my team at the moment, if you have any improvements plaese tell me. Note: when i edit my pokemons movesets etc. i will change them on this post to save me having to write out my entire team again when I edit it.

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Lets see...never you two of the same type of attack on one Pokemon. So...

Infernape Doesn't need Brick Break and Close Combat. Stone Edge or U-Turn works well as a replacement over Brick Break.
Empoleon doesn't need Hydro Pump and Surf, especially when it has a Jolly Nature.Use Physical attacks on Empoleon.

Empoleon@Splash Plate
Jolly Nature
-Stone Edge
-Drill Peck/Aerial Ace
-Earthquake/Swords Dance

That's a good set there.
Waterfall provides STAB.
Drill Peck/Aerial Ace hits Fighting-Types.
Stone Edge hits Fire-Types.
Earthquake hits Electric-Types.
Swords Dance can make your moves hit harder.

Lucario has the same problem, It doesn't need Close Combat and Aura Sphere. Drop Close Combat for either Extremespeed or Water Pulse.

Diagla looks fine and Roserade could hold the Wise Glasses.
Spiritomb can use both, but drop Shadow Ball for Silver Wind or Shock Wave. If you have Hidden Power Fighting, it works as well.

Hope that helped.
Thanks Platpi, but my empoleon has a higher special attack (257) than attack (220), so It's special attacks will do more damage. If I give my spiritomb shock wave, then even if it's super effective it'll just do the same amount of damage as shadow ball. Also would it be better to give spiritomb shock wave (like you said) or charge beam?
Shock Wave won't have the same power because Shadow Ball stil gets STAB bonus, boosting its power to 145. The only reason I mentioned Shock Wave was because Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse Have Idnetical Coverage. Now that I look at it, It could use Water Pulse. Or a whole load of Status Moves. And Spirittomb can't learn Charge Beam.

Now for Empoleon:
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
-HP Ground/Flying

The reason I used Physical moves is that it has a better Physical Movepool than Special. The moves listed before are its entire Special Movepool other than Flash Cannon.

Hope that helped.
Thanks again Platpi, but I've got two things I need help with.
1. How do you change the type of Hidden Power.
2. For Infernape, should I deleat brick break or close combat for stone edge?
1. Most unfortunately you can't change Hidden Power's type
2. If you want more power, delete Brick Break for Stone Edge. If you prefer not lowering Infernape's defenses, delete Close Combat for Stone Edge.
You can find those in the Pokemart like building in Celestic Town between the hours of 8 am and 3:59 pm; just talk to one of those people. You can also pick up the Choice Specs and the Blackglasses in the same building from 4 am to 9:59 pm and during the night hours respectively.
Thanks, ive got the black glasses and wise glasses now. Also, I've got a bold natured lapras, but I dont know where to ev train it. I'm giving it evs in defence, hp, and a bit in sp atk, and i'm currentlytraining it on a trainer with 2 slowbros (slowbros evs = 2 defence) at level 58 and 60 (Im having to switch with my other pokemon to beat them). So if you know where any trainers are with pokemon wich give me def/hp/sp atk evs PLEASE tell me where.
There are a couple of trainers south of Veilstone who use Gengar and Alakazam who could help with special attack. There's also a female cooltrainer west of Veilstone who uses an Alakazam.
Thanks for all your help about evs, ill have no problem now!
Now, (i need yet MORE help) about my pokemons items, i want to change infernapes item (charcoal) and lucarios item (black belt). im going to give infernape the focus sash (leaves you on 1 hp if you are going to be KOd, when on full hp), and lucario ... maybe bright powder? (if i can be bothered to get enough bp) But I dont know where to get the focus sash; on serebii.net it says its in route 221,i looked but it wasent there.  :( If you know were the focus sash is, or if you know any better items please tell me.
There should be a house on the route somewhere. Fond the house and there should be a man inside. If you show him a Pokemon that is equal to the level he asks for, he'll either give you a Focus Sash, An Expert Belt, or a Black Belt. He'll give one away everyday. What he gives is random though.
I've been thinking of putting a Metagross on my team. I don't know who he will replace (probley dialga if I can get Metagrosses stats good enough). I've bred an Adamant Beldum this morning, so I want to ask want you think.

Metagross @Leftovers (if I can get another one)
Evs: Atk 252, Def 216, Hp 40 (I hope thats right... I want mosterus attack, and pretty good defences)
Clear Body
-Meteor Mash
-Zen Headbutt
-Hammer Arm

Meteor Mash and Zen Headbutt for STAB attacks. Earthquake and Hammer arm because of thier high power and good coverage.

Thats my future metagross. I mainly wanted to know if the evs were correct. Also should I (Sorry if this belongs in my "I need help with ev training topic") ev train my Metagross when he is a beldum up untill he runs out of evs, or wait untill he is a Metagross (at level 45) and then ev train him. I know this sounds really Idiotic, but I just want to check.