manaphy, aka rain-rest (don't look at me, i didn't name it. i saw it on serebii potw-dp)
ice beam/grass knot
rain dance
item: damp rock ( i don't really know how a rock can be damp, but hey...)
basically, the strategy with this manaphy is to rain dance, sweep, and rest when necessary. the rest will actually act as double-recover, because with manaphy's ability, it'll even get rid of self-induced sleep.
staraptor suffers from 2-same-type-move syndrome, and so does empoleon.
better moveset for empoleon:
brine/surf (depends on how powerful it turns out to be. if it's really powerful in the end, brine. if not quite-so-powerful, surf.)
flash cannon. (more powerful, takes advantage of stab, and empoleon's a special attacker anyways.)
rain dance (to set up for manaphy, or for obvious gains)
drill peck, or something to take care of grass types.
i'd get rid of either manaphy or empoleon, iffin' i were you. 2 pokemon of the same type on one team? not wise my friend, not wise.
i'd also replace giga drain with wood hammer, and replace cut with something else.
maybe crunch?
for staraptor, swap fly for close combat, and you've got it made. otherwise, listen to carmen.