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DPPt/HGSS rate my team (pokemon pearl)

AMPHAROS Lv100/Naughty nature
Stats: Moves:
HP=293 charge
Atk=210 thunder
Def=185 discharge
Sp. Atk=266 focus blast
Sp. Def=198

MAGMOTAR Lv100/Quiet nature
Stats: Moves:
HP=301 fire blast
Atk=182 confuse ray
Sp. Atk=308 thunderpunch
Sp. Def=245 flamethrower

FLYGON Lv100/Relaxed nature
Stats: Moves:
HP=322 fire blast
Atk=257 hyper beam
Def=216 dragon claw
Sp. Atk=210 draco meteor
Sp. Def=217

AGGRON Lv100/Hasty nature
Stats: Moves:
HP=272 surf
Atk=269 thunder
Def=355 metal burst
Sp. Atk=146 earthquake
Sp. Def=154

NOCTOWL Lv100/Rash nature
Stats: Moves:
HP=362 fly
Atk=137 roost (going to change it for mirror move once i find a heart scale >_
o..O? huh?

Wow, that's alot of pokemon with the same type move on them. Lets start with Synergy. At least you covered your bases on types. As far as the movesets go, lets change....alot.

AMPHAROS Lv100/Naughty nature
Stats: Moves:
HP=293 charge
Atk=210 thunder
Def=185 discharge
Sp. Atk=266 focus blast
Sp. Def=198

You don't need Thunder and Discharge on this pokemon. I would drop both and put in a Thunderbolt, and Substitute. Power Gem is another option, but it's not effective against ground types, and the only thing you would really need to use it against are bugs.

MAGMOTAR Lv100/Quiet nature
Stats: Moves:
HP=301 fire blast
Atk=182 confuse ray
Sp. Atk=308 thunderpunch
Sp. Def=245 flamethrower

Again, you don't need Fire Blast and Flamethrower. Drop Flamethrower and Fire Blast, and Pick up Overheat. Thunderpunch is a Physical Move, and your S.ATK is 126 points higher than your ATK. An option you could use is Sunny Day/Solar Beam. Your fire moves get stronger, you can 1 turn solar beam, and water goes down in effectiveness.

FLYGON Lv100/Relaxed nature
Stats: Moves:
HP=322 fire blast
Atk=257 hyper beam
Def=216 dragon claw
Sp. Atk=210 draco meteor
Sp. Def=217

There's alot of fire going on with this team. Drop Fire Blast and Hyper beam. You need to decide if you want to keep Draco Meteor or Dragon Claw. If you decide on Draco Meteor try this set. U-Turn, Stone Edge, and Earthquake.

AGGRON Lv100/Hasty nature
Stats: Moves:
HP=272 surf
Atk=269 thunder
Def=355 metal burst
Sp. Atk=146 earthquake
Sp. Def=154

drop surf and T-bolt. Pick up Protect, and Stealth Rock with a Leftovers Item. Maybe even drop Earthquake for Roar

NOCTOWL Lv100/Rash nature
Stats: Moves:
HP=362 fly
Atk=137 roost (going to change it for mirror move once i find a heart scale >_


Bearded Trout Warrior
You don't need Thunder and Discharge on this pokemon. I would drop both and put in a Thunderbolt, and Substitute.
Personally, I'd choose Discharge over thunderbolt... 30% paralysis as opposed to 10%
Given Amphy's speed, I like the idea of paralyzing someone XD

There's alot of fire going on with this team. Drop Fire Blast and Hyper beam. You need to decide if you want to keep Draco Meteor or Dragon Claw. If you decide on Draco Meteor try this set. U-Turn, Stone Edge, and Earthquake.
I'd just like to make the note that with the set you suggested, Bronzong and Skarmory will wall it...
Combining Dragon Claw and Flamethrower gives neutral coverage on all pokemon, even if the fire is a bit redundant. Flamethrower is also likely to do more damage to typical steel type pokemon who have massive defense and low special defense. Earthquake will have a higher power after STAB, but won't neccessarily do more damage.

And a question for Matt: Are you pokemon EV trained at all? The stats on all of them seem rather low if they are.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Sorry ^^;
I didn't mean that to come off as an insult.

Ampharos @ Wide Lens/Shuca Berry/Something generic
Hidden Power [if it didn't have EVs]
Focus Blast

If it didn't have EVs, Hidden Power should be Dragon type with a power of 70: The most powerful it can be and [in my opinion] the best type for it too. The hidden power will give you coverage on all types that aren't Steel, which Focus blast and Discharge cover. After STAB, Focus Blast and Discharge will have the same power... however, Discharge has a 30% chance of paralyzing and Focus Blast has a 30% chance of missing.. I'm sure you know that means only to Focus Blast things that are weak to it unless you have some reason you really don't want them paralyzed.
Charge is a bit of a filler move.. after you've paralyzed something, charge could come in handy before another discharge. If they'd need two more Discharges before they'd faint anyway, charge and gain a special defense boost instead of just Discharging twice.

Signal Beam is an alternative for the Hidden Power. 10% chance of confusion and grass coverage.
Charge Beam or Substitute could both fill in the place of Charge... Charge Beam may be a second STAB, but won't miss with the Wide lens and is a nice move to finish something off with just a few HP left. 70% shot at raising your special attack.

Magmortar @ Choice Specs/Wise Glasses
Flamethrower/Lava Plume
Confuse Ray

Choice specs will lock you with only one move, but the one move will get a really nice 50% Power boost; meanwhile, Wise Glasses will give all of your attacks a 10% boost, but leave you open to choose which you want.
Flamethrower or Lava Plume for your basic STAB.. Magmortar could use the extra power a bit better, but Lava Plume has a 30% burn chance, and burns halve your opponent's attack power.
Thunderbolt and Psychic for coverage
Confuse Ray is just always nice for lucky wins, and I didn't see much more that could go there.

For an alternate moveset, as RPG Phreak mentioned
Sunny Day
Flamethrower/Lava Plume
Solarbeam [covers water in place of Thunderbolt]

Psychic gives Fighting and Poison coverage, while Thunderbolt will only give flying [and water in case Sunny Day isn't in effect]

Flygon... the many uses for Flygon XD

Flygon@Generic Item/Power herb
Dragon Claw
U-Turn/Stone Edge/Rock Slide/Roost
Draco Meteor

A good wall-breaking set pattern. Three physical moves with STAB, and then STAB'd Overheat/Leaf Storm/Draco Meteor. Attack ormally with the three physical moves, and if they try to send something out with really high defense, Meteor them without any loss of power on your other three attacks.. Your Flygon's special attack isn't as high as its physical, but it's high enough in comparison to pull this off. This set is entirely walled by Skarmory and Bronzong, however.

Alternate set
Dragon Claw
U-Turn/Stone Edge/etc.
Flamethrower/Fire Blast
Flamethrower for the wall/steel breaker here

Aggron @ Focus Sash if Metal Burst/ Shuca or Chople Berry / Leftovers
Iron Head
Stone Edge/Rock Slide
Metal Burst/Thunder Wave

Aggron is really in need of a better nature... Hasty lowers its best asset and exchanges it for something that's really not helpful on it.. Brave, Relaxed, Adamant, or Impish would be ideal for it.
Steel + Rock + Ground covers all pokemon except Bronzong [I think] and you'll have plenty of fire elsewhere on the team to handle him. Ordinarily Aggron would be too slow for Rock Slide's flinch to come into play, but with a thunderwave, every pokemon will be slower than your aggron [unless they've boosted their speed]
Between both paralysis and Rock Slide, your opponent will only have a little over a 50% chance of attacking.
Stone edge and Metal Burst if you want a bit more power and think you can take a hit right for Metal Burst to work. Aggron's HP isn't very high, and it's defense IS high... so Metal burst may not do a lot of damage to physical opponents, and special attacking opponents risk KOing Aggron.

...I'm going to have to ask if you're willing to exchange Noctowl out for another pokemon >>;
It's stats are naturally low just because it's a noctowl; without proper EV training, I don't see it as really being useable competitively.

Weavile @ Muscle Band/Choice Band/Focus Sash if it isn't on Aggron
Night Slash/Sucker Punch
Ice Punch
Brick Break

I'd suggest just starting over with Weavile, it's nature is horrible. The moveset I gave is what you'll be able to do after Platinum comes out. Basic STABs and Brick Break for coverage. Taunt for anything that tries to status you.
Until Platinum comes out, this is the best set I can think of for Weavile:
Weavile @ Focus Sash
Night Slash
Brick Break

Swagger any special attackers or if you can be fairly sure they don't have a ground or fighting attack, physical attackers too. Protect once, and hopefully they'll have damaged themself at least once during that time. Try to finish them off with either Night Slash or Brick Break now.
If you did this with a physical pokemon, you can send out aggron to take the hits now, and as long as they didn't have Ground or fighting, it should take the hit just fine.