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DPPt/HGSS Rate my team?

Articuno- NeverMeltIce
Careful Nature

Mind Reader
Sheer Cold
Ice beam

Heatran- Miracle Seed
Brave Nature

Fire Blast
Magma Storm
Solar Beam
Flash Cannon

Ludicolo- Leftovers
Serious Nature

Leech seed

Palkia- Lustiorius Orb
Hardy Nature

Hyper Beam
Spacial Rend

Gengar- Silk Scarf
Bashful Nature

Destiny Bond

Swampert- Soft Sand
Lax Nature

Hydro cannon
*deep breath*

in game? it's fine, i guess. nothing can really stand up to articuno to begin with, so...


everything is wrong. heatran is generally banned from official comp. you will get bashed for using it. same for palkia.
articuno is an okay choice, but give it icicle plate instead, get rid of blizzard, and give it hail, or something else.
also, you might get in trouble for the OHKO moves. might wanna switch out mind reader and sheer cold, too.

heatran? see previous statements.

ludicolo, give it double team. you might get bashed, but only by the netbattlers, really. you could swap protect or attract for it, it's up to you.

palkia, see previous statements.

gengar, here's a better moveset that i use quite often, and btw, nightmare works on ALL pokemon, as long as they're asleep. and give it wide lens as an item.

shadow ball (for those pokemon with insomnia)
dream eater

use hypnosis, nightmare, and dream eater until it's down.

swampert, give it another item. period. lax nature, i'm not so sure about.

hydro cannon: get rid of it for waterfall. swampert's a physical attacker.
EQ: good move, keep it.
counter: i suppose this could work, but i've never really used this move effectively before.
endeavor: this is better suited for faster pokemon, like swellow. put in avalanche instead; swampert won't be outrunning anything.