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Reia's {Pokemon} Sprites ~BEWARE OF RANDOMNESS!~

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Pssh. Nothing. When /I/ see the color red, I think of blood. =D And this one time in 1st grade when I was accused of being a vampire.
No no, I mean I want different kinds. One from you, one from Nacho, and some more from other people. Just like how you're requesting Squirtle fusions from various people, I'm request Typhlosions from various people! =D
I'm going to put them in my siggy, as soon as I remember where we go to put the,.. =/ Or I could just get all the Typhlosion sprites and put them as one image and put them in my siggy! =D Yeaaah!

And here's the Gardevoir Ice Cream Pop. But the eye really annoys me, it doesn't seem right... ={

I'm going to put them in my siggy, as soon as I remember where we go to put the,.. =/ Or I could just get all the Typhlosion sprites and put them as one image and put them in my siggy! =D Yeaaah!

And here's the Gardevoir Ice Cream Pop. But the eye really annoys me, it doesn't seem right... ={


Aw, man. That image makes me smile from ear to ear. It's a nice, simple design... Although, I think to make it look more like an ice cream pop you should do without the outline. Just big, colored shapes, like in the example. If you've ever seen Danny Phantom, then you'd know they have pretty thick outlines on that show.
Yeah, I watch Danny Phantom from time to time. But I still don't get what you're saying, I'm too distracted right now.. Listening to music..
I know who he is, he's also Danny Fenton when he's human. He likes a girl named Paulina, but also his best friend Sam. His other best friend is a techno-geek named Tucker, and he's got a halfa Uncle who's jealous of Danny's Dad for marrying Danny's mom who he likes. xD

No, I'm not a vampire. x3 But I bit this teenager's neck when I was five because he called me inferior to him. He thought since I was only in 1st grade that I wouldn't know what he meant, but I was a smart 1st grader. >:3
BUMP, and I decided to give Walkies a try. =D I only made me, though. You expect me to do a bunch of people my first try? THINK AGAIN! >=D


Okay, so I said I'd never wear anything dress-related. Eh. I guess I would once in a while, especially when I'm too lazy to sprite pants onto the walkie. xD Yes, that is a skull necklace. Yes, I know I'm smiling. Yes, that's what I'd look like if I had just had a good day. Yes, I'm getting tired of saying 'yes' so stop interrogating me! D=
Nah, Mine was only a simple edit of Dawn. I only changed the hair, colors, clothes, shoes, took away the hat, and added a Skull necklace. But /you've/ made more complicated sprites, like the one in your siggy. He has pants, a belt, and gloves. He was probably harder to make than my simple walkie. (:
I made another Walkie! 8D


And Reia has a strange feeling that Gardevoir Master will like this. xD

So any comments/criticism about the Walkies? Be harsh when criticising, I'm going to try and make mine the best I can! >:3
Me? Do walkies? Hmm.. I dunno. I like doing simple ones, but I could try I suppose if people want them so much. xD But I'm better at doing girl walkies than boy walkies, I think.
That girl's hair is impossible, Reia. IF that's the girl from Hard Knocks academy, and I'm pretty sure it is.

I like your sig. =]
You BET she is! xD I just changed the color of her uniform. Most of the images i make like that, are just Anime characters that have been edited in some way. ;D
XD, I'm good. I just watched that gigantoid marathon a while ago, so I recognised her.

I like your sig alot. I made two of the three, XD.
xD Yes, I know you made two of the images there.

And if you're so good at recognizing the characters, who was the Anime character I edited to make these?:


Of /course/ he had a crush on her, the only time he /doesn't/ crush on a girl is if they're like Ash's age. xD

She's the girl who gave him his Vulpix, she was a Pokemon massager person or something.
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