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Mira looked up at Seth's name for her, she puffed her cheeks before shooting back, "My name is Mira, and this is Moon-drop." she looked down at the Cleffa. She then blinked before sighing with a roll of her eyes. "And you are?" she eventually asked.
The girl was about to open her mouth to speak when the obnoxious trainer from just a moment before called out to her, beckoning her forward for a battle. At it's mention, Ceto carefully coiled himself around her shoulder, looking nervous. Delilah made a little shushing noise, as a way of reassurance.
No way am I letting that... that- whatever he is...
She scoffed lightly, shaking her head. Without turning around, she waved nonchalantly.
"My name's Delilah," she shouted as she walked, "and I'll pass."
She looked up at Mira's statement. Okay, so, Mira and Moon-Drop. Okay. So there was Mira, Moon-Drop, and Wayne- she'd deduced that from the trainer's shriek of despair, but she didn't recall hearing the shrieker's name. Hm.
What!, where's your fighting spirit that rush you get from a battle, you're a trainer you can't be scared to lose, you can't be afraid of losing even the odds are stacked against you have to at least try." Said Leon "Now Delilah let's fight!"


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"I'm Seth," he said, happily walking away from the man with the Beldum.
Suddenly, Wayne got in Seth's face, flapping and squeaking. He'd been left out.
"Oh yeah. This is Wayne, my partner," Seth laughed.
Wayne nodded, and flew up to blow a raspberry at the Beldum boy. Seth snatched him down before he could start another fight.
Delilah opened her mouth to speak when the man persisted, continuing to yell at her, insisting she battled. She huffed, thoroughly annoyed.
Just... get this over with. Sorry, Ceto.
She groaned softly and turned around, her Dratini clinging to her. The way he said her name made her want to vomit. Legitimately.
"Okay, fine! Just-" she grumbled, stomping over to him. She turned and glanced at Seth and Mira. "I'll be right back..." she muttered lightly, a brief sigh cutting through her voice, as she solemnly made her way over.
"Oh boy..." Seth said. Wayne perched on his shoulder.
Seth watched as Delilah approached the boy with the Beldum and the Ralts. With her Dratini, he was sure she'd put him in his place.
The foggy depths of Enigma Town began to trap her. At that moment Raina knew she had made it to Enigma.
It was more populated than it had been before; the battered old sign was updated and a few homes lined the area.

The town was still barren though, the population couldn't have been over 20.

She looked around and found the small pathway she knew led to Aria's grave.

The grave was still there. A few daisies were planted around it. Raina smiled, remembering her. She dropped fiery red flowers by the grave tentatively.
Yet again the girl took to long she said she would fight but she was hesitant, she wasn’t a true trainer. He needed to get to Enigma Town where the first gym leader was, he had come from sinnoh and was hoping to get all the gyms here. He quickly was surrounded by fog, that was the trademark of Enigma Town.
“God it’s so empty here” he said.
He saw the gym in the distance a speck of orange in all the grey, he headed over there.
Delilah arched her brow as the other trainer just... walked away.
For someone who was very desperate for a battle, he didn't really seem like he was rushing to get in one with her. She pursed her lip, vaguely tilting her head, before slowly making her way back to her new group.
"I, uh- never mind, then." she mumbled sheepishly, a brief flash of confusion dancing in her gaze. "False alarm, I guess."
After treating his Phanpy to the Oran berry and picking some flowers, Shawn continued to Enigma Town. It was misty, or foggy, and Shawn could see Raina going down a small pathway in Enigma. Curious as to where she was going, Shawn followed her. He ended up seeing her at a grave, and looked at the etching on the tombstone. He could barely make out the word 'Aria' on it, and decided to put the flowers he had picked around it.
Mira tightened her grip on the Cleffa, "Some of these trainers really are an odd bunch." she whispered to Moon who nodded. She then continued walking, no point letting anyone slow her down. By now she bet most of the trainer shad already gotten to Enigma town. She drew a steady breath before continuing to walk along the trees.
Dragging her feet slightly, Mira kept her gaze to the floor. Each rock she passed caused Mira to pause slightly, then suddenly one pebble began to shiver. Mira gasped and took a step backwards, she narrowed her eyes before watching the rock jerk upright. It wasn't a rock at all, but a small pokemon with a dirty face. Mira squatted down to make eye contact before smiling at the Seedot who shook his head before attempting to headbutt Mira. But Moon was quick to use protect causing the pokemon to fall backwards, all three of the creatures blinked before the Seedot broke into tears. "I'm sorry!" Mira quickly gasped and she scooped up smaller pokemon.
As Leon made his way to the gym he saw a kid with a Phanphy exiting the graveyard normally he would have challenged him to a battle, but he was in a hurry. As he entered th gym the fog surrounded him, it was even thicker than before. He turned on his flashlight that he had in his bag and headed to the door he saw.

When he walked through the door he saw a trainer.
"You must be Edgar, I challenge you to a battle.”

"Fine said Edgar, Shuppet I choose you."
"Go Wartortle."Leon shouted. Shuppet was mainly an attack type Pokémon with low defense Sp. defense and hp.
"Wartortle use water gun then follow up with a tackle."
Bullseye the Shuppet dodged the water gun but got slammed by the tackle.
"Ugh, Haunter go." Said Edgar.
Haunters usually had huge sp.attack so this was going to be harder.
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Mira cradled the Seedot until it stopped crying, "There we go." Mira cooed causing Moon to climb onto her shoulder and look at the grass-type.
"Cleffa!" Moon-Drop smiled and began to converse with the other pokemon who Mira then placed on the floor.
"Hey, why don't you asked him to join us?" Mira's eyes sparkled at the thought of expanding her pokemon team. The pink pokemon nodded, before cocking her head at the Seedot who seemed to hesitate. Then the pokemon broke out into a series of cheers and dances, "Awesome!" Mira grinned before pressing a pokeball against the pokemon's stem.
After releasing the small pokemon Mira held it up, "I'll call you Woody!" she smiled.
"Haunter use hypnosis."said Edgar.
"Wartortle dodge it and use Water gun."said Leon.
Direct hit water gun nailed Haunter.
"Now finish it off Water gun again!"said Leon.
The battle was over and Leon received his first badge, the ghost badge.
Raina saw the familiar white petals of a delicate daisy out of the corner of her eye.

The same boy with the Phanpy was dropping daisies down on Aria's grave.

He reminded her of an old friend. His solemn, subtle features carved out the expression only one other person could match.

Raina tucked a loose piece of red hair behind her ear. She raised her stormy gray eyes up, past the dew dropped leaves and the damp mud. Away from Aria's grave.

Her eyes met the strangers. He looked about 13, 14 tops. She thought about introuncing herself.

"Ah, but I don't want to come off as a creep, stranger danger, amirite?" Raina debated before deciding on just doing it.

"Hey. I saw you back at the trail, correct? I'm Raina, Raina Green." Mentally she cursed at herself.

"What if he knows I was a gym leader, all those years back?"
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"A Seedot," Seth commented, "That's pretty neat. I think it'd be cool to catch another Pokemon. What do you think, Wayne?"
Wayne, the Noibat, thought for a moment, then shook his head.
"Ah, why not?" Seth asked.
Wayne struck a heroic pose. A reminder of the pair's end goal: to be a hero, just like Blaziken Mask. And most heroes used one iconic Pokemon.
"Oh, but wouldn't it be fun to meet new Pokemon?" Seth asked, really wanting to catch another Pokemon at some point.
But Wayne shook his head. He wasn't having it.
Seth sighed, "Oh well. Congrats on the new catch, Mira."
As Leon walked out the gym he felt proud he looked at the odd statues and saw name engraved with many others now that he had beaten that gym he was off to train.

After a while he had his Ralts much stronger than before he excited for when it would become a Gallade. He was also thinking of catching a Pokémon he wanted to catch a Pokémon that could fly, he decide on Pidgeot because it had a mega evolution. He went over to the patch of grass where he was hoping to find a Pidgeotto.

Soon he had found one he hit with a good water gun and it was down to low health he threw a pokeball at and one,two,three clicks. Yes pidgeotto was his.
"I'm going to name you Faulkner, after the gym leader in Johto" said Leon.
With that Leon had his third Pokémon.

He walked over to the group that had formed he saw that she had a new Pokémon a seedot that would be good training he thought so he said
"You with the Seedot I challenge you to a battle.
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Shawn turned to Raina.
"Uh, well... I'm Shawn Jackel. I-I mean..."
Shawn wasn't very good at talking to others, and deep down he knew it. He'd usually rather keep to himself than talk to others. The Phanpy, HIS Phanpy, ran around in a circle, and was full of energy.
Shawn looked down and smiled at his own pokémon, and tried to pick his Phanpy up as if it were a Rockruff. To him it seemed like he was taking care of a Rockruff inside of a Phanpy's body for some reason, since it had a lot of energy.
He decided to continue what he said earlier.
"...It doesn't really matter, does it? This is um... my Phanpy. For some reason when I was little, I nicknamed him Way. He's got the energy of a Rockruff, i-it seems."
His kind-of shaggy brown hair blew a bit in the wind.
Seth quickly exited the area, careful to avoid the aggressive boy who was again challenging strangers. Wayne was just annoyed at the boy, and flew at him, screeching.
"WAYNE!" Seth yelled, trying to catch up to the small bat. He snatched him out of the air before he could reach the boy.
"Noi..." Wayne growled.
"Wayne, you would get destroyed against him," Seth warned.
"Bat," Wayne pipped, offended.
"I'm sorry, but it's true," Seth whispered, "That kid is tough. We need to train before we ever go against him."
Than, an idea popped into Seth's head: he could train at the gym! The boy had run off to it. Maybe if they battled the gym, they'd get stronger. But it was all the way in Enigma Town. Seth wanted someone else to travel with. But everyone seem occupied...
Seth and Wayne would have to brave it alone. They began the walk to Enigma Town.
Mira looked up at the call of a trainer. Oh no, he was talking to her. She took a deep breath- it would happen eventually, she knew it would be cowardly to decline. She stroked Woody before standing with a firm nod, "Let's go then! How about a 2 on 2?" she offered.
Mira winced at the size of Leon's pokemon. He already had another second stage pokemon? She looked down at Woody before letting the little creature step out ahead of her. Then, before she could react, Faulkner's body crashed into Woody's and the Seedot was sent flying backwards. "Alright buddy, stay strong-" she comforted her pokemon, who was on the verge of tears, "Let's try bide, hold in there!" Mira cheered as the Seedot got back onto his feet and dodged the drill-peck.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Reminder that our rules demand posts to be at least one paragraph long. These one liners have got to stop. We realize that in order to progress the plot shorter posts are sometimes needed - but one liners are still unacceptable.
Woody took the tackle head on, it was sent tumbling backwards. "Come one, we can't give in like that!" Mira exclaimed, the Seedot winced and found it's feet causing the girl to grin. But a second later Woody fell. "It's my fault, I shouldn't have made you battle so early." Mira whispered tot he fainted pokemon who she sucked bakc into it's ball.
"Moon-drop won't be so easy to defeat!" she declared as the Cleffa jumped out ahead of her.
Faulkner slammed the little Pokémon and sent it rolling down, but it got back up again "Dang it when will you faint!" He shouted then he saw the seedot fall down and it didn't get up. The girl then threw out her Cleffa. He kept Faulkner in and told him to use Aerial Ace.
The cleffa gulped and tensed slightly at Faulkner's diving figure, however, Mira was used to Moon-Drop and she could think a lot quicker. "Dodge it, and use charm!" Mira commanded as the fairy type bounced out of the way of Faulkner before blinking innocently and letting out a whimper.
Faulkner charged at the Cleffa known as moondrop but was dodged the Cleffa used charm which gave Faulkner a much lower attack stat. "Faulkner use Tail Whip then follow up with drill peck." He said encouraging Faulkner. He saw Faulkner shake his tail feathers at the Cleffa then charge while spinning his beak.
The Cleffa looked back at Mira for further instructions before being hit in the side and sent flying backwards. "Oh no!" gasped the young trainer as she watched her pokemon struggle to stand. "Alright Moon-Drop, we're still in it!" she cheered and grinned when the Fairy type found her feet, "Quick now, use sing!" she yelled out. Moon-drop took a deep breath before beginning her lullaby and closing her eyes.
Direct hit he had nailed the Cleffa and had sent sent it flying. He waited for it to get up and attack but soon it began to sing "Faulkner cover your hears!" Leon said but it was late Faulkner was asleep he just had to hope that he could last long enough to wake up.

After a while the Cleffa hadn't done anything and Faulkner woke up. It seemed pure luck, "Faulkner use Aerial Ace and finish it off!" Said Leon
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Mira hesitated as she thought of an attack, then her opponent's pokemon woke up. Muttering a curse under her breath, she grimaced before commanding, "Dodge it, use Encore!". The Cleffa bounced away from Fualkner's attack before clapping with a grin.
The Cleffa dodged his attack and used encore, bot that it really mattered for Aerial Ace was Faulkners strongest attack. "Faulkner use Aerial Ace and don't stop till you hit it!" Shouted Leon
Mira knew her Cleffa wouldn't be able to make much of any sort of damage with the moves she had previously been using. "Moon use Copy Cat!" she called, it was dangerous though. She had planned to force Faulkner to use Ariel Ace so that Moon-drop could copy it, but she wasn't sure if the fairy type was ready for such attacks. Yet a spark of determination took home in the small pokemon's eyes snd she jumped up before aiming at the Pidgeotto.
As Faulkner dived for the Cleffa it used Copy Cat and began flying towards him. "Faulkner dodge it" Leon shouted, but it was to late the Cleffa slammed in into him sending Faulkner flying back. Faulkner had a dazed look in his eyes when he stood up, then fell down again. "Wartortle go!"
Mira's eyes grew wide with surprise when the pidgeotto fainted. "We did it!" she exclaimed and watched the Cleffa dance around in circles. But then, Leon sent out his wartortle, Mira had seen the pokemon absolutely smash Seth's team and honestly she was kinda scared. "Alright then, let's use pound!" exclaimed Mira with a pointed finger and Moon began bouncing towards the Wartortle.
The Cleffa began bouncing towards Wartortle but it was moving fairly slowly. "Wartortle use withdraw then water gun!" Wartortle began advancing towards the Cleffa and then the Cleffa had a burst of speed and nailed the Wartortle with a pound. "Shake it off Wartortle and hit the Cleffa!" Said Leon
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Raina nodded to the boy.
"Okay. That makes sense." Truth be told, she could give less of a fuck. Raina felt bad for feeling this way, but she had to progress on her journey and stop dwindling on the past.

Raina tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear and headed off on the muddy, foggy trail.

Mystery clouded the air as she sped walk through the tufts of silver fog, waiting to see what would happen next.