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Reynald's Art

Your art is verey good! I would only sugest working on the humans heads a bit more...They seem...weird to me somehow...

But your pokemon seem almost like the real things! (and you have a program for it...I only have paint so I can't draw things like you can >.> lucky..)
Thanks ^ ^. the heads are just always slightly off. I know snap has suggested guidelines like alot of people and i know that it seems like im making up excuses but i have tried many times to get them to work. And i cant do it. it just doesnt feel right when i draw it out. I know that if i wanted to make a career i should learn but i draw for fun *shrugs* im a game programmer art isnt really my thing lol. But i do try to make the heads look right so thanks for the advice ^ ^

hahahaha thats amusing cause im not really good at drawing animals at all XD. I use photoshop cause its amazing and makes my pictures shine. The sketch versions are terrible sometiems lol

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Hurrumph, took me a LONG time to see that night...

Anyways, well done, Reynald! The color scheme is really good, and the shine's pretty nice, too! Great job!
lol yea sorry about that the I thought the image was at 200 dpi when i was coloring it, so when i shrunk it down to 75 it would be normal size that everyone could see easily, BUT it was already at 75 dpi so the pic was HUGE!!! I thought i shrunk it enough but guess not lol

anyways thanks for the compliment ^ ^

and Terra you do really well for everything being handdrawn
Old pictures but i had a request to post this one.


This picture is about a year old XD so theres ALOT of things wrong with it ^ ^;
The title is Do You Trust Me? and it has alot to do with my comic that would take me forever to explain cause i would end up explaining the whole story XD


This is my version of Reynald for a live action role play I do on the weekends. I didnt paint my hair cause it was a one time thing though I am wearing red contacts, they are just hard to see. They look awesome I could go get a picture if people wanted to see them lol. I got a new spell book for this costume too that really works. well what do you guys think?
Lemme start by first off saying- noyou'rewrong.
I think you're crazy, the hair and the facial expressions are awesome, and the perspective on his left hand (the one threatening your eyeballs) seems good to me. I like the flow of his clothes too, and the background really wows me. Fo' sho.

And I think the costume is adorable x3
Prolly not what you wanted to hear, but whatever Trevor P:
I have to wonder where you got that shirt- I was looking for one for a halloween party but failed. Epically.
Shame it was a one-time thing, that sounds like it'd be a lot of fun to do :3

Good on you for posting new stuff and all :B[/size]
NOO your wrong XD
but im glad you like it lol

No no no I use the costume constantly whenever I can
Its just I was using the costume for that one day so I didn't see the need to dye my hair for it lol
It is alot of fun to do cause I can be the angry Reynald and its soo much fun to threaten everyone XD

thanks alot
I was just wondering if you could draw my character Rain (the first drawing I posted earlier) in your style, cuz I really like it^^ It's alright if you don't want to but I think Rain would look cool drawn by you.
Wellll I have a few ideas if you want to add something more.. She could be playing guitar or fire could be involved (lol, in her other story (not the Pokemon version), she's pyrokenetic).. ^^ That would be pretty cool.
Yay another Fire person ^ ^

Reynald can control all the properties of fire its fun XD.

alright ill see what I can do
Here you go Rain sorry for the wait
I had to get someone to scan the friggin picture lol


and the second one is a side character for my comic. Yes he looks alot like Aldareon from my first post. I wanted to use Al but couldnt think of a way to and I had a side character named Mori but no look for him so i smashed the two together and viola you get Mori

[size=8pt]These are great Reynald, I love the nonchalaunce about Rain's pose in the first one. It looks comfortable, though somehow the hand looks slightly awkward to me. I can't quite put my finger on it though :/
But other than that, I really like the effects on the hair, it looks very soft.

And Mori is wonderful, I love how casual the grass-in-mouth thing is.
This is great stuff, and such a huge improvement from the older stuff in your DA gallery. Kudos :B[/size]


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
So, I've had your art topic open for a couple of days because I originally looked at it Too Late At Night for coherent comment. I usually like to give proper feedback and constructive criticism rather than "w00, that is really good!" fangirl squee. But I'm tired again today, and am trying to shut down my extraneous tabs so I can reboot this computer. So... I'll just say that I love the way you combine the trainers and Pokemon into a pose, so it looks natural. Your Teddiursa is the second cutest thing ever, with Gad & Mari being top.

I may have a commission for you but I'll leave that until I've found a suitable picture. No rush :).
Heh thank you for the compliments on my art, I really appreciate it when people give me that kind of criticism, even if it isn't always good criticism ^ ^;;. But if you want me to draw anything, just ask I love drawing for people. I know Kita wants me to draw her a picture so if you did ask it would have to be after hers ^ ^
no and I apologize I will get that one done too I have been kinda busy juggling like three programming classes and working on a final project for class which if I dont do I dont pass the class ^ ^;; so yea I have been kinda out of it.

Im Sorry I didnt get it done.
glad you like my artwork and sure I can do that request ^ ^

btw what is your hair and eye color its kinda hard to tell

to AE and Kita:

I got your guyses pics drawn i just need to scan them and color so expect them sometime soon ^ ^
awesome :D You're getting better and better!!
something that struck me as weird..the one for Pat...the connection between the pants and the shirt...I don't know...the hip on the left side is kind of.....strange..plus the hand in his pocket...it looks like the sleeve and the pants are...connected? It doesn't really show the fact that there is a hand, basically I'm saying there's no 'bump' to show that the hand is indeed there.
otherwise I love 'em!
heheh thanks for the compliments ^ ^

I know hands in the pockets are not exactly my forte but im working on it ^ ^;;
Cant believe my eyes :o Beautiful pictures, they look awesome.

I believe you're still taking requests? Could you make me one? I've made a "guide" for you. No rush, just take your time :D
Hey your really good at drawing and if you are can you draw a picture of a wolf/human(stands and dresses like a human but looks like a wolf) with dark brown hair and drak brown eyes please?
WOW holy crap I nearly forgot this site existed. Ive been slammed with work and programming. I made a game XD its not great but it was fun to make.

As for the request I really am sorry that I havent been on in like 2 weeks. Ill get them done as soon as I can.

Ae: yea I should be able to do that no problem itll take me a bit like I said but college is ova like tmorrow so i will be able to work ^ ^

Stevie: Thanks for the compliment I work hard on them. As for your request, I should be able to get it done is there anything extra other than whats in the guide that you want?

Wolfnoid: Wow...I should be able to do It I havent drawn something like that in awhile but I will Try so NEVER FEAR!!!

lol thanks for letting me know you guys care, I am going to start redoing the magus comic pages so I think I will make a separate thread for them when I get started so start looking for that ^ ^