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Sem, you are quite the writer. ^_^ Nice battle that showed off a Magikarp where few are able to do it. Can't wait to read the next chapter!


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Sem, you are absolutely amazing - as I've told you more times that either of us can count :p I am waiting impatiently for more!
Magikarp power FTW Sem after reading this i want to enter a magikarp into the baby cup tournament, i cant wait for the next installment of this great story, Sem you are truly a great writer
...Finally! I threatened your life like 6 times to finish Rin. But I didn't want to rush the awesome battle scene, so I stopped... for now. >=D

Like I said, great writing. I can sure learn a thing or two from you! ;)
Bravo great story!! On a scale from 1 to 100 I giving you a 100, thats the best story I have ever heard. Please keep on writing more, its a very good story. There is no part I don't like, keep writing more please!!! ;D
I love how a brother-sister type relationship is forming between Sem and Fida. Maybe we'll actually get to see her inner thoughts.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
-Chapter 5-

Fida looked away from the bright flash of light that erupted before her, shielding her eyes with her arm. She felt a warm radiance rain down upon her as she lowered her arm and gazed at where the light had been. Vileplume stood before her, looking a bit pleased with herself with not and as icy an expression in her eyes.

"So that's a Solarbeam…" Fida commented and she watched the remnants of photon particles fade away. "Looked pretty good to me… But the PokéDex says that's not your most powerful attack," she looked at the screen again, wanting to know how Petal Dance could deal more than double the power Solarbeam could.

Fida was spending time with Vileplume that morning. Even though she did not consider the Vileplume hers, she wanted to test out a few attacks, and Vileplume agreed to her surprise.

"You're not even my Pokémon and you listen better than Kieran," Fida noted grimly. Though Kieran had been doing much better thanks to Morty's help, there was still some rebelliousness in him.

Sem was off on an errand, leaving Fida alone at the center for most of the day. It was around noon, and it was rather warm compared to the past few days. The few clouds in the sky made Mahogany picture-perfect for a post-card.

"Let's go for a walk, Elvia," Fida suggested suddenly as she was putting Tara's PokéDex away. "Want to come, Vileplume?" Fida asked as she stood.

The Grass-type's expression hardened for a moment, as if going with Fida would cause her to have to move something in some schedule she had. Vileplume reluctantly nodded her head and walked towards the girl.

Fida smiled to herself once she turned around; she couldn't quite figure out the big petal pokémon, but she found her behavior rather humorous either way.

The silvery-blonde haired girl did not have a particular destination, she simply walked, taking in the different sights that the small town did offer.

They were on an open road; businesses on either side of the street, people were about, going their daily business. Fida rubbed her arms as a sudden chill swept her body, a chill that wasn't Elvia's. Before she could suspect anything, it happened.

She saw a flash of red and a flurry of blonde-colored hair, a rush of cool air following close behind. Fida saw a Pokémon stop right in front of them, or so she thought it was a Pokémon, it could've easily been a person in a costume. It had a red body that resembled a dress of sorts; a mane of blonde hair covered all but the creature's purple face, which possessed extremely large, pink lips.

Before Fida could even identify what it was, the creature took a purple hand to her lips and blew a kiss in Fida's direction. Then, with both arms raised, sent a wave of psychic energy at Fida, or, Elvia specifically.

Fida could feel Elvia's presence revolting in response, trying very hard not to succumb, but the attack was too quick and random. The air around Fida seemed to boil as Elvia flashed in and out of view, before finally materializing and falling to the ground with a soft sound that resembled that of a cloth falling to the ground. Elvia did not move.

"Elvia!" Fida screamed and leaned in closer, relieved to find that she was merely sleeping.

"So, how strong are you without your ghost, hm?" she heard a girl say, a girl who sounded quite smug.

Fida stood and looked past the Pokémon that had attacked them to the girl behind it. "Rin…" she glowered at the blue-haired girl.

"Hi!" she waved and grinned all the more as she stood almost triumphantly.

"Sem beat you..." Fida told the girl, surprised the police hadn't caught her, more surprised that Rin would confront her in the middle of town. "You shouldn't be here."

Rin's expression soured and she spat, as if disgusted. "Yes, and I became a laughing stock because of it!" she yelled suddenly, losing her composure with her hands curled to fists at her sides. She blinked and cracked her neck, seemingly causing her smile to return. "But, I get the chance at revenge, see?"

She walked forward and took a lock of the Pokémon's blonde hair and twirled it around her finger while she ran her other hand through the strands. "This is Jynx," she said lovingly as she let the hair fall from her hands. "Did you like her Lovely Kiss?" she bat her eye-lashes innocently.

"What do you want?" Fida asked, taking her turn to add a bit of chilliness to her voice.

Rin blinked again and her innocent smiled vanished, replaced with an indifferent frown that made her look far older than she was. "As I already told you; revenge," she said as she turned away and walked behind Jynx once more. She hopped and spun on the spot, a new smile on her face. "See, if I get you, he'll come along looking for you, and I get my chance!" Her smile turned venomous. "Ready, darling?" She cooed at Jynx.

Fida took a closer look at the Psychic-type, taking note of the large lips and her arms with large hands. Whether she had legs was unknown to Fida, her lower body was completely covered by the red "'dress'. She noticed that the Jynx's hair was actually iced-over in some places, frozen.

Fida looked nervously at Elvia before reaching into her jacket for a pokéball. However, before she could pick out Kieran's ball she felt herself being shoved aside by the massive bulk that was Vileplume. With her petals fully unfurled she took up half of the road.

"Vileplume?" Fida asked, her brow furrowed in confusion. Vileplume did not look back, but simply matched Rin's at first icy stare with a glare as equally cold. Rin was about to hold her nose, in hopes to stop her nostrils inhaling whatever foul stench Vileplume had to offer, but there was none.

"You cannot be serious," Rin exclaimed flatly as her blue eyes darted from Fida to Vileplume. "Jynx has the advantage over Vileplume in both respects. Ice beats Grass, Psychic beats Poison!"

Fida stood firm, accepting Vileplume's help. "I don't care about your advantage."

Rin shook her head in what seemed like pity. "Poor thing…" she sounded almost sorry, but then her face twisted into an expression of glee and a shrill laugh filled the air.

Vileplume did not wait for a command; she was already in action by the time the echoes of the laugh had faded away. All was silent, but Vileplume was obviously doing something by the way she stood.



Fida looked behind her and ducked as a leaf sliced through the air, filling the air with a piercing ring as it went; a likeness to the sound of thrown knives or shuriken in movies.

Another one came, and then more. Where they were coming from Fida couldn't tell. Small plants rapidly grew up from the ground, offering their leaves to the storm. Blades of grass joined in the flurry and flew towards the Jynx. This was a Razor Leaf if Fida was not mistaken, and a good one.

The Jynx held out her arm and all the razor-sharp leaves bounced off of an invisible barrier that flashed each time it was hit. Before long there was a small pile of foliage in front of the Ice-type.

"It'll take much more than that," Rin informed the two. "Let's get things heated, or, ‘cooled' up! Blizzard!"

Almost at once a revolting howl sounded as a gush of wind raced down the street. Invisible water droplets in the air formed together and froze, allowing themselves to be caught up in the wind. Fida zipped up her jacket and raised her hood as the temperature dropped.

A rush of snow and ice was soon in view, coming quickly towards them. The ground before Vileplume ripped open as roots shot upward, causing an earthy aroma to fill Fida's nose. The roots writhed and ground against each other forming a large, thick wall which Vileplume huddled against, shielding her from the initial blast of the attack. Fida guessed that this was Vileplume's Protect.

Ice gathered on the roots but Vileplume stayed firm, planting her root-like feet in the ground, absorbing any nutrients available. People lined the road, eager to see this new battle and how the girl with the Magikarp fared, despite the fact that Vileplume was not even hers and she hadn't issued on command yet.

The howling died away and the last snowflake twirled after the rest of its snowy comrades. The roots separated from one another and retreated back into the ground. Both pokémon seemed evenly matched despite Vileplume's bad disadvantage.

The Grass-type began to move its large petals, grinding them against each other, and a purple pollen filled the air drifting, towards Jynx.

Rin at once covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve. "Get away from that cloud!" her voice was muffled by the material.

Jynx nodded her head and slid sideways, as if she was on ice. She twirled and slid under the pollen cloud, bending backwards as she did so, causing her icy hair to drag across the ground.

"Ice Punch!" Rin commanded as Jynx went under the cloud.

The psychic twirled once more once she righted herself, gliding around to Vileplume's side with her fist covered in ice. The Jynx was simply too fast, and Vileplume had already implanted itself into the dirt of the road. The fist connected, sending ripples across Vileplume's body and causing her petals to shake. Despite being in obvious pain, the Grass-type retried her pollen-tactic, loosing some of the toxic powder onto Jynx before she could get away.

Both pokémon winced at their respective injuries; Vileplume with a frozen injury on her side, Jynx with the pollen, which was causing painful rashes to spread across her body.

"Hmph, nice trick," Rin spat. "Look what you did!" She pointed at her Jynx with glistening eyes. The Jynx herself had tears in her eyes from the pain the Poison Powder was causing. She looked terribly distressed and whenever she moved. In this moment Vileplume's gaze softened to one of sympathy, but that was all that Rin needed.

"Ice beam!" she shouted triumphantly.

Jynx tears stopped instantly and were actually frozen as she powered up her attack. The three-tendril beam shot out of an icy blue orb of energy, lashing out towards the Grass-type.

Vileplume had no time to throw up another Protect and took the full force of the attack. The ground was torn open as she was forced back several feet.

"Hang in there!" Fida shouted, even as the ice started to entomb the vileplume.

In only moments, all put a single petal on Vileplume's head was covering in ice, completely immobile.

"Ha!" Rin giggled. "You're lucky I didn't make the poor thing go mad with psychic attacks," she said as she covered her mouth, though her hand was not large enough to conceal her sadistic smile.

Fida wanted to say something back, but she could not; she had nothing to say.

Shouts were heard from up the street and both girls turned to see what they were. Several officers were running towards the scene of the battle.

The Ailment's nostrils flared. "No you don't!" she hissed, throwing another Pokéball. The Froslass from before was released. "Don't let them disturb us!" Froslass nodded, immediately firing Ice Beams and Shadow Balls at the police, forcing them to take cover in alleys and inside buildings. Working quickly, Froslass then used Ice Beam to close off the area, creating tall walls of ice.

"There," she grinned. "No one to save you now-"

A loud, resounding crack cut her off. Quickly both girls looked towards Vileplume, who was covered in red pollen that was being produced by the single petal. The pollen reacted on contact with the ice; a chemical reaction of sorts, for the pollen seemed to be causing the ice the melt away. Another petal was free and it too started to produce the pollen. In only a few minutes Vileplume was out of her icy prison.

"Yes!" Fida grinned.

Vileplume ignored the girl's exclamation and looked up to the sun; her body began glowing with a warm light that seemed to fill her energy.

"Aromatherapy and Synthesis," Rin said through gritted teeth. "No matter, Jyn-" but before she could issue another attack command, a vast cloud of yellow spores attacked the Jynx. They landed on her body and grew in size, as if they were some form of parasite; Jynx's eyes began to close a few moments after, appearing to be weakened and tired. After more a few more seconds had passed the spores detached themselves and returned to Vileplume's petals, flowing into the center of the flower.

"And Giga Drain, too," growled Rin. "Enough of this; Psychic! Screw her up so bad she won't know up from down!" spittle flew from the girl's mouth. "Do the same to the girl once you're done."

Vileplume's eyes opened widely and she looked over at Fida; the girl could see immense worry in them.

Jynx's breathing was heavy, frozen strands of hair fell over her face. Slowly she raised her arms, palms outstretched towards Vileplume. Her hair flew back wildly as a blue light took over her eyes and engulfed her hands. The same energy began to envelope Vileplume, whose eyes were closed, desperately trying to fend off the mental attack. Vileplume would have been defeated then, had it not been for the rashes on Jynx's skin.

The Ice-type clenched her teeth in pain, losing control of her attack. The Grass-type wasted no time in un-rooting herself and launched herself at Jynx, root-like arm balled so that it resembled a fist; the same spores from Giga Drain covered it. The Drain Punch connected with Jynx's side and she let out a cry of pain, holding her side as she glared at the large-flower Pokémon.

After retreating Vileplume began to move in a strange way, sliding to and fro and twirling while waving her arms in flowing motions. Faster and faster she went, until it seemed as if she were doing a dance of sorts, the movement soon became rhythmic. dozens of seeds flew out of the center of her large flower and quickly implanted themselves wherever possible, sinking into the earth. In seconds the road was covered in a beautiful carpet of tiny red flowers. One by one each plant let go of its scarlet petals, releasing them into the air.

The petals seemed to be caught up in Vileplume's movements, moving as she did. With a wave of her arm as she danced Vileplume sent the sweet-smelling swarm at Jynx, moving at a high velocity like a Razor Leaf attack, only they continued to hit, instead of just hitting their target and floating down to the ground. The swarm moved as if it truly were alive, groups of petals went in while others retreated, all while in sync with the hypnotic dance. Faster and faster Vileplume danced and faster and faster they came, it was soon to the point where it was impossible to see Jinx, and one would probably think she was not there had it not been for her anguished cries filling the air, easily heard since Petal Dance was a totally silent attack.

Vileplume's expression was more apathetic than Fida had ever seen it, and she realized that while beautiful; Petal Dance was a relentless attack.

"Jynx, get out of there!" Rin shouted. "Move!" Rin actually looked distressed. "S-stop- STOP!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, hands clenched into fists at her sides.

Vileplume obeyed and stopped; the petals were caught motionless in the air, as if time itself ceased progressing. The petals soon turned white and fell away; they were being covered in ice and telekinetically pushed away. The sight of Jynx caused Fida to put a hand to her mouth.

"L-look what you did!" Rin yelled; Vileplume looked indifferently at her. Rin looked to Fida and snarled. "You!" she screeched, looking completely mad. She lunged at the younger girl, but was knocked aside by Vileplume's bulk. She landed on the ground with a thud and looked up in disgust at the Grass-type.

Vileplume seemed for a moment as if she were about to walk away from the scene, but a sweet aroma filled the air. Vileplume's petals were giving off another powder, lavender in color.

"What are you doing now?" Rin accused, glaring venomously.

The powder landed on Jynx's body, causing the rashes to vanish almost instantly and lessened Jynx's pain. Another grayish powder was released from the large petals; it made for the psychic's lips and mouth, and soon enough her winces stopped and her eyes closed.

"Asleep…" Fida noted, looking down at Elvia who was stirring now.

"What are you doing?!" Rin stood and began pounding her fists on the grass-type's body. "Leave her alone!" she backed away and yelled for her Froslass to come. She was once again shoved to the ground by Vileplume, who proceeding to look very intently into Rin's eyes. They were transfixed in each other for many moments.

Finally Vileplume looked away and faced Jynx. She held out her arms and closed her eyes. Roots began to come forth from the soil again, large and small, big and thin. Her eyes suddenly began to glow an icy-blue color; ice began to encase the roots as they started wrapping the Jynx in a protective cocoon of sorts. Wrapping around and tightening so that the Ice-type could not be seen.

The roots broke away from the ground and Vileplume's aura faded. She pointed at Rin, motioning to Jynx before walking away towards Fida.

The blue-haired girl was confused, but stood up and silently walked to her Jynx. She returned the Ice-type, cocoon and all, into her Pokéball.

Steam hissed from the other side of the wall and a bright orange glow could be seen, no doubt Officer Jenny and her Arcanine trying to get in.

With a last glance at Vileplume, Rin took her Froslass' hand and vanished through one of the ice walls and into a building, ignoring the scorn of the people around her.

Vileplume waited until Rin was out of sight before releasing more gray power, helping Elvia become more alert. The mismagius' eyes flicked open quickly, and she immediately looked around, body ablaze with ghostly energy.

"It's ok, Elvia," Fida reassured her ghost. Elvia turned to her friend and looked intently at her, before suddenly turning to Vileplume and nodding graciously, a thank you in her eyes.

"Stand back!" came a shout. Fida ducked as a jet of intense flame broke through the wall.

"Where is she?" Jenny asked, peering through the hole.

"Escaped," Fida answered grimly, making her way to the hole in order to get out of the ice box.

"You did a good job," Fida said once they had escaped the crowd of people. Vileplume made no sign that she even heard Fida aside from a bit of glistening in her eyes, but walked on in silence. Fida smiled to herself and looked down at her feet as she walked, though she wished to say more.


"Wow," Sem exclaimed. "That Vileplume is definitely more than she seems…" he said after hearing Fida explain what had happened earlier that day.

"She's kinda soft on the inside I think, she just looks so cold on the outside. I think Rin is sorta like that too," Fida commented.

"That coldness shows up in her Hidden Power too; interesting Hidden Power-type for a Grass pokémon."

"Mmm…" Fida took a sip of hot cocoa as they sat in their room in the center. The light on the small center table was turned on, as it was now dark, filling the room with a soft glow.

Silence dominated the next few minutes as both of them sat thinking about the day's events.

"How did running your errand go?" Fida asked as she placed the foam cup down on a napkin in the table.

"Meh, nothing special. Sableye got hungry on our way back, he's out looking for rocks," Sem took a sip of some warm tea he had. "Went snooping for more stuff on the Ailments."

"Did you find anything?"

"Still got two to take down, no sign of the ones that got beat yesterday, I guess they were arrested."

"You think they'll really leave if we beat them?" she asked.

"We can only hope."


"Wonder if they'll show up," Fida murmured as she leaned against a tree with both hands behind her back. She looked up, squinting at the morning sun as it streamed through the deep green of the leaves; shadows played across her face. They were in a field, far from town so as to not spook the trainers with the police.

"They have to; we can't exactly go looking for them. They're the ones always looking for a challenge: they'll come to us." Sem leaned against the same tree, hands in the pockets of his jacket with Sableye on his shoulder; gem-stone eyes looking brightly about, ears twitching at every sound.

Sure enough, after only a bit of waiting, two figures came into view. Their attire was entirely predictable; one had flaming red hair with orange streaks that was styled up so that it could perhaps be mistaken for flames. Red sleeves came out of the shorter black sleeves and covered his arms. Red shoelaces were barely visible from under the baggy black jeans; a red flame was emblazoned on his shirt. The expression on his well dark-skinned face was far too smug.

The other had medium-length white hair, though it didn't look bleached. His skin was completely pale. White sleeves and white laces with three white Z's on his shirt to complete the look. He didn't look smug or over-confident, but rather calm.

"So you came," Sem stated as he righted himself and stood away from the tree; Fida did the same.

"Sure did," the red one said. "Couldn't pass up the chance of fighting someone who's taken quite a few of our team," he smirked. "Don't think you'll win this one though. The name's Arin."

"Don't get overconfident," the white one said, his voice was cool and soothing. "Do that and I think you'll make the same mistake of underestimating them like the others."

"Pah, we're the best ones in the group though," he responded as he cupped his hands behind his neck.

The white one did not respond and instead introduced himself as "Z." Z stuck out his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

Sem shook Z's hand, remarking how the man was actually not much taller than himself and far too formal and polite to lead a team of hot-headed trainers.

"While formalities are nice, you came here for a reason," Sem started. "And so did we for that matter. You need to leave this town alone. What you're doing is wrong."

"Perhaps to you," Z answered calmly. "I see it as a way to battle and gain more experience as a trainer; you couldn't understand."

"Yes, but now who's challenging you anymore? If we hadn't come along you'd be sitting around bored."

"Other trainers would come along."

"Maybe," Sem narrowed his eyes. A slight breeze licked at everyone's hair and clothes. "In my opinion, a group like you is better off stationed in Goldenrod or Olivine."

"I'll make a deal with you, Sem," he said, knowing Sem's name from talking with his team members no doubt. "Beat us in a double battle, and we'll go."

Sem raised his eyes brows at the leader's straightforwardness. "Deal," he said and shook Z's hand.

"Get ready to lose!" Arin said haughtily with a flashy-white grin.

Sem walked back towards Fida while Z and Arin put some distance between them, making a makeshift field.

"But Sem, I've only ever double-battled once!" Fida whispered harshly at Sem as he neared her. Painful memories crept back into her mind as a result of her recollection.

"You'll do fine, trust me," Sem assured her as he lead them to their end of the field.

"Two pokémon for each person, sound fine?" Z shouted across the expanse of grass and dirt.

"That's fine!" Sem echoed back. He turned to Fida saying, "Don't use Elvia just yet, wait for the second part."

Fida nodded nervously in response and fumbled around for the Pokéball she was searching for; Sem already had his in hand.

"This is it…" Fida thought to herself as their opponents threw their Pokéballs onto the field.
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Amazing chapter Sem. Love how you did the battle scene with Vilplume and Jynx. It is amazing. I can't wait for the double battle to begin now.
Vileplume/Jynx battle was just... godly. It worked really well without the cheesy orders from the trainers (always thought they were :p).

Can't wait for the double battle, Calhoun's time maybe? Who knows :D
Oooh Sem. I just LOVED the Jynx vs Vileplume battle. It was just...wow. I liked the Petal Dance part best, the twirling petals. ^^

So, what will happen to the Vileplume? Just, eventually go its seperate way?
I'm so glad Fida has a Vileplume. They're so awesome and have the best moves and I was really looking forward to seeing her in a battle. :)

I don't really know what else to say, that was kinda it.
Well, that was an epic battle between Fida and Rin :)

And the chapter leaves us at the beginning of yet ANOTHER epic battle!

At any rate, the details and battle descriptions were amazing as usual. I saw two personal favorites get the recognition they deserve as well.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
... how many more epic battles will we see in Rin, Sem? This chapter was, like, awesome, like the others. And Ice-type Hidden Power was awesome, too (I think it was ice-type, was it not? ^^)

And the ending is, like, making me want to read the next chapter even more. I can guess that they're probably the people who induce sleep and burns. Possibly Kieran's battle this time, Sem?


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Amazing, Sem, really amazing.

By the way, how do you come up with your names? Fida, Rin, they're all really good.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
I pick a personality attribute or something that could easily be referenced to them, and then find a name whose meaning is the same or similar. Like Rin is a japanese name that pretty well means cold.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
lol baby names. I used that place when naming the Gym Leaders for my fic.

And your fic is still epicly amazing. I don't know if I've said this already, but your battle coreography is amazing and very fluent. I look forward to your next chapter with the upcoming double battle. If I'm not mistaken Z is the leader, is he not?


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Battle choreography? XD Didn't know I gave it much thought. Anyway, as a treat for you all, final chapter's done. :0

-Chapter 6-

Both Pokéballs split open mid-air, allowing pure white energy to cascade down to the soft grass and form into shapes.

Sem and Fida threw out there own Pokéballs before their opponents could fully materialize. After only a moment there were four pokémon on the field. A massive Pokémon that resembled a bear with white and greenish-fur; it yawned extremely loudly; Fida noticed that a few leaves were shaken from their branches in nearby trees. It was the biggest pokémon she had ever seen aside from Amaro, Tara's Onix, though she was able to recognize this one as a Snorlax.

The other pokémon was something all too familiar to Fida and brought memories of a dark forest and intense flames, and a gunshot. The Houndoom howled and barked at Sem and Fida, expelling a puff of flame that licked at the grass beneath it.

"You gonna be ok?" Sem asked, knowing that fighting a Houndoom could be painful experience for the girl.

"I'll be fine…" she answered. Kieran stood on the grass before her, eyeing both his opponents with his sharp glare. Starmie hovered before Sem, completely still and waiting for a command; its large gem shone a bright teal in the light.

"Flamethrower!" Arin started with a confident smile.

"Thunderpunch the Starmie," Z ordered simply as he stood with his arms crossed.

The Fire-type reared back its head, flames already seeping out of its maw, and then thrust it forward, expelling a powerfully hot stream of red flame that shot across the field at Kieran. Snorlax charged forward, causing the ground the shake with each step, lighting danced across its left fist.

"Dodge, Kieran!" Fida bit her lip as she watched the flow of fire come their way, moving to the side herself for safety's sake. Kieran took flight and spun out of the way of the jet, narrowly avoiding the intense fire. "Mirror Move!"

Kieran narrowed his eyes at the canine as a bubble of dark energy surrounded him. He dove straight back into the fire, causing it to reflect off of the energy and back at the Houndoom.

"Water Gun!" Sem responded to the Thunderpunch. Starmie hovered higher and flipped, pointing a star point at the massive Normal-type and shot a jet of water at the Snorlax. The water thoroughly doused it and caused the electricity to spread painfully across its entire body.

"Take that flame and then counter with Faint Attack," Arin ordered his Houndoom with a sly smile. Fida had forgotten about Flash Fire.

The Dark/Fire-type stood firm, taking the reflected flames with ease, despite their increase in intensity, almost seeming to absorb the fire. The stream of heat ended, leaving the canine perfectly unharmed. The air around it boiled, as if you were looking at the dog through a veil of smoke. The grass withered at its feet - Fida could almost feel the intensity of it.
Jumping to the side, it dived towards its partner's shadowing, vanishing inside of it as if it had jumped into a pool.

"Faint Attack too, Kieran!" Fida said quickly, mentally kicking herself for reflecting a Flamethrower at a Fire-type.

Kieran turned and spun around, changing his course, and dove straight into Starmie's shadow.

"Shake it off, Snorlax," Z said, knowing that the shock was only a nuisance for the large pokémon. "Shadow Ball."

The Snorlax shook its head and shook off the annoyance of the electricity. It leaned back and inhaled; its own shadow came to life and flowed into its mouth. With a loud roar it clapped its hands together and spat the sphere of dark matter at Starmie.

"Get out of the way and use Hydro Pump!"

Starmie answered with a sighing sound and twirled out of the way, zooming across the field with its gem facing the sky, resembling some sort of alien ship that you would see in a movie. As Starmie spun, massive jets of water burst from five of its points, lashing out at the snorlax like enormous whips.

Fida looked desperately for Kieran to emerge from somewhere, they he had only just disappeared. Only a moment more she gasped as she saw both Kieran and Houndoom fly out of the shadows of two of Starmie's Hydro Pumps, both seemed to be in pain as if they had both manage to hit each other while inside of whatever shadow dimension they had been in.

Arin growled. "Howl and get it with Fire Fang!"

Houndoom let loose a mighty howl from its throat as it stood, echoing across the trees and stones, focusing its attack power. It snapped its jaws shut and bared its teeth as fire enveloped each of its teeth and lengthening, causing its mouth to appear more like that of a Seviper or Granbull. Houndoom charged forward with a growl.

"Sucker Punch!" Fida countered, using a move that Kieran had recently gotten the hang of.

Kieran ran towards Houndoom as it came, flapping his wings as he ran and taking flight with a burst of speed. He arched around to the side in order to avoid the dog's mouth and hit it hard in the side with his beak, causing a yelp to break from its mouth and the fire to dissipate.

"Ice Beam," Z said, barely loud enough for Snorlax to hear.

Snorlax opened his mouth as the blue orb formed just inside it. He aimed it at the incoming Hydro Pump and fired. The columns of water froze in place as the ice took over, trapping Starmie in the center a beautiful spiral of frozen pillars that towered the field.

"Rapid Spin out of there!" Sem yelled.

Loud cracking filled the air as the ice began to break, webs of cracks spread across the formation until finally shattering into thousands of piece, Starmie spinning rapidly away.

"Psychic on the ice!" Sem pointed at the falling chunks of frozen water.

Starmie ceased rotating on a dime and held itself in place in the air. Its core shone with a blue aura, as did the ice. The shards were hoisted into the air and poised towards the Snorlax. With a slight moan Starmie sent the storm of ice shards at the large beast, the high-pitched ringing of their velocity rang in everyone's ears.

"Hit the Murkrow back with Iron Tail!" Arin commanded.

Before Kieran could even fly away from the successful delivery of his attack he was smacked powerfully with Houndoom's tail. Kieran was thrown back towards Fida with a caw.

"Out of the way!" Z urged.

Snorlax hopped out of the way of the ice and rolled, making the earth shudder. Fida swore it caused her to jump at least half a foot into the air. The ice shards jammed themselves into the ground where Snorlax was just a moment ago.

"Use Yawn," Z said with the twinge of a smile on his lips.

Once Snorlax righted itself it took a position in the center of the field and yawned loudly. On cue about a dozen bubbles popped into existence. They were a light pink color that shrank and increased in size at random. In the next instant they were sent towards Starmie.

"Pop those things, Kieran!" Fida said confidently, knowing exactly what she was doing.

Kieran shot through the air, popping all the orbs of hypnotic energy and effectively clearing the area of them.

"Insomnia?" Sem asked as Starmie returned to ground level.

"Yep," Fida smiled.

"Clever," Z clapped a few times.

"Aerial Ace, Kieran!" Fida ordered, not acknowledging the comment.

Kieran swooped towards Snorlax with blazing speed, catching the large pokémon right between the eyes with his beak

"Use another Flamethrower, Houndoom!"

Houndoom fired another line of flame at the tiny bird, only this one was much more powerful than even Kieran's reflected blast, powered up by Flash Fire.

"Douse it with Hydro Pump!" Sem said quickly in order to protect Kieran.

Starmie shot a singly jet of water along the column, dousing the fire and filling the air with hissing steam.

"Follow it up with Power Gem!"

Starmie echoed a soft moan as its core shone brightly once more, firing the strange multi-faceted beam at the Fire-type. The Rock-type attack hit successfully, sending the dog flying with a whine.

"Kieran, get ready fo-," Fida started to issue another command, but Kieran ignored her and swooped in on Houndoom with Assurance, seeing his opportunity in the dog's momentary inability to protect itself.

"Kieran…" Fida looked away for a moment to hide her embarrassment; luckily for her the disobeying of her order was either ignored or unnoticed.

"Rock Slide," Z ordered with a slight frown on his face.

Snorlax stomped hard on the ground, causing an intricate maze of cracks to spread across the ground. It stomped again, causing chunks of rock to stick up through the ground in an un-even fashion. Snorlax bent down and, using its massive strength, hurled a large rock at Kieran.

Kieran descended, avoiding the boulder, but soon had to contend with another that was launched at him. More and more were thrown and soon enough Fida had to order Kieran to break through the rocks with Steel Wing instead of avoiding them. The rocks crumbled to pieces when hit with Kieran's hardened wings. One boulder, however, caught Kieran at an odd angle, disrupting the bird's movement. As he struggled to correct himself a final one was hurled at him.

"Payback!" Fida countered.

A faint wall of smoke-colored energy appeared before Kieran just as the large rock was about to hit. It struggled against the wall but was launched back at double the speed in only moments. A massive roar that could've been heard for miles resounded from the field as the rock hit and broke upon Snorlax's body.

"Crunch on Starmie!" Arin said, despite being at a slight disadvantage with the Water-type, though so was Sem. Houndoom struggled as it stood and let loose another howl at the sky before running straight for the purple star, mouth open.

"Thunderbolt!" Sem responded.

Starmie hovered a few inches off the ground, its second star rotated faster and faster until sparks began to fly between points. Starmie ceased rotating after only a few moments and unwound the ring of electricity into a single bolt at Houndoom. The attack hit but it didn't stop the Fire-type - it jumped into the air and latched onto Starmie with what was now a combination between Crunch and Thunder Fang. Starmie moaned in pain as its own electricity coursed back into its body.

"Rapid Spin to throw it off!"

In spite of the excruciated pain Starmie was feeling, (that was apparent only to Sem) it began to rotate once more. Starmie hovered closer to the ground so that Houndoom would hit it because of the revolutions, and hit the ground it did, with a strong smack.

"Keep spinning into a Twister!"

Starmie started rotating even faster as its gem glowed with a mysterious new energy. The wind began to pick up and any loose debris was picked up and fell into an orbit around Starmie, who was a purple blur by now. Fida looked up and gasped as she saw a dark cloud above them reach down with a thin tendril towards the Water-type. In seconds it developed into a small-scale tornado and sent spiraling towards the canine. The Dragon-type attack picked up Houndoom and spun it around for a few moments before weakening in power and fading away.

"Houndoom's down…" Sem said with a sigh.

Kieran was on the ground and breathing heavily, before Starmie could offer any help Snorlax fired a Hyper Beam that tore open the ground as it rocketed across the field at the small bird.

"Thunder Wave!" Fida said before she even knew it was over. She knew it would work, since Kieran had been working for a while now perfecting the maneuver, and it was one of few elemental attacks he was capable of learning.

Kieran, who even then sensed his defeat, executed the move in pure spite of the Snorlax. His feathers sparked as he worked to call upon the element. In only seconds a wave of electricity moved across the field under the Hyper Beam as it hit.

Kieran was out for the count, and Snorlax found himself unable to move, and thus was unable to continue in the battle, leaving Starmie the sole one still standing, though its core was faintly flashing.

Fida was relieved, the first round was over, and Sem left standing meant that they had won it. Rubbing her face with her hands she stretched and sig. Looking over, she noticed that Vileplume was not far off, watching the battle unfold.

"Good round," Z acknowledged as he and Arin returned their Pokémon, the latter of whom looked less than thrilled. "Let's start the second and final round." He and the red-haired one pulled out their second Pokémon and threw them out onto the field.

"You won't be so lucky with this one," Arin said, confidence returned to his expression as his Pokémon materialized into a shape that was almost as large as Snorlax.

The light faded and the beast left behind roared and flexed the rippling muscle across its body, spreading its wings as a jet of fire even more intense than Houndoom's shot into the sky.

"A Charizard…" Fida said with widened eyes as the orange dragon looked directly at her.

The other pokémon cast by Z was little more than half the Charizard's height. It was a dark purple in color, darker than Sableye. It had spines that ran along its back and two larger ones on its head, whether they were horns or ears couldn't really be determined. It had piercing red eyes and a wicked grin that could compete with Sableye's.

"And a Gengar," Sem added.

Without any command, Sableye took the field, jumping off of Sem's shoulder and onto the grass, cracking his fingers and joints as he smiled malevolently at his two opponents.

Elvia followed, her presence flowed onto the field and she materialized, hovering before the two and ready to battle.

Sableye attacked without need of a command, sinking into the ground with his white smile ever present and his gaze on Gengar never wavering. Gengar agilely jumped out of the way of the Shadow Sneak as Sableye tried to swipe at it from below. Gengar grinned all the bigger and swiftly launched a Shadow Ball down at the purple gremlin.

Sableye, who was still sticking half-way from the ground, cackled as it saw the attack coming and put up a Protect made up of a mixture of ghost and dark energy; a swirl of purple and black The Shadow Ball was unable to get through, try as it might. It erupted into an explosion of dark matter and clouded both Sableye and Gengar from view. It was only the first move from either two and already the battle was intense.

Charizard let loose another breath of red fire as it vigorously flapped its wings, hoisting it up into the air.

Elvia acted immediately; she rarely needed verbal commands now, since she and Fida were so close mentally. A shivering howl came from behind as once again the wind picked up strongly, traces of ghostly energy floated on the currents. The wind assaulted the airborne Charizard, hindering its ability to fly. Despite the powerful force, the Charizard was able to maintain flight and steadied itself, firing a powerfully hot line of flames.

The Mismagius' eyes began to glow with a blue psychic aura, catching the fire and bending it into a ring around her. The fire spun around her quickly, expanding and retracting as the red hot collar converted to a cold blue. The Flamethrower-turned-Will-o-Wisp was fired back the Fire-type. (Author's note: I wrote this before seeing the Fantina episode :3 )

Sableye jumped up into the air, top of his head aglow with Psychic energy. Gengar dove downwards with a ghostly aura surrounding a clenched fist. The Gengar timed his attack wrongly and dodged off to the side too late, allowing Sableye's Zen Headbutt to get the Poison-type in the side; however, Gengar was still at the perfect angle to land his Shadow Punch.

Sableye went plummeting to the ground as Gengar attempted to steady his floating. Sableye hit the grass face-down with a sickening crunch, his limbs twitched after a moment, and his smile never left his face. A pop was heard as he craned his neck entirely backwards in order to see Gengar. More snaps and cracks sounded in everyone's ears as Sableye moved his limbs and stood, turning his body so that it faced forward like his head. He chuckled, his grin grew all the bigger as he held out his hand towards his enemy, launching a shock wave of dark energy up at the sky that set the immediate area rumbling.

Gengar's own smile did not waver as it glared down at Sableye with its blood-red eyes, unleashing a Dark Pulse of his own. The resulting clash of the Dark-type attacks caused yet another, bigger explosion that forced Charizard, who narrowly dodged Will-O-Wisp, and Elvia to protect themselves as waves of dark energy blew past them.

Fida yelped and ducked down, covering her head as a stray tendril of power rushed by overhead. "This is getting intense," she commented as she stood.

"His Gengar's a lot better than Snorlax," Sem noted as he watched it and Sableye reappear out of the cloud of dust and debris.

As soon as the attack had finished, Charizard rushed forward with another roar, ready to get Elvia with a Shadow Claw.

Elvia's body crackled with blue electricity and fired a Thunderbolt to discourage the Charizard, who leaned away from the incoming bolt and flew around and twirled upward so that it was high above the field. It opened its jaws as wide as it could, exposing a set of sharp teeth. A large ball of flame shot out of his mouth and came falling back to earth like a meteor, more powerful than a Flamethrower, Fida guessed it was Fire Blast.

Elvia was engulfed in a dark aura as shadows flocked to her, forming into a sphere. The Shadow Ball was lobbed up towards the Fire Blast, both powers combined into an even larger orb and expanded and yet another deafening explosion rocked the valley, flocks of bird pokémon fled their trees and filled the sky.

As soon as the smoke cleared it was apparent that both attackers had taken damage, but Elvia was already ascending to the level at which Charizard flew and shot another Thunderbolt at the dragon, hitting it. The Fire-type hissed in pain and began falling to earth as its wings refused to function due to all the spasms. It landed with a loud crack as the ground split beneath it.

Gengar rocketed down at Sableye once more, eyes burning with the black aura of Night Shade.

Sableye gave a hoarse laugh of sorts and he fell backwards into his own shadow as soon as Gengar was near the ground. An instant later Sableye bounced out of Gengar's shadow; claws outstretched and caught the Ghost-type on its underside. The Gengar's smile turned into a frown in its pain and hit the ground, but was up in not even moment's time and rushed forward with Payback, sending Sableye flying several meters back towards Sem.

"You're doing well, Sableye!" Sem shouted.

Sableye looked back; a painful sounding snap cracked the air, with a look that said, ‘of course I am.' His smile was toxic as he flexed his fingers, causing the dark energy required for Payback to come to life in his own hand.

The purple imp rushed forward as Gengar had, but Gengar easily jumped aside once more; Sableye snuffed out the attack and growled, firing a Power Gem attack in agitation. The unexpected attack clipped the poison-type in the shoulder; its smile briefly turning to a frown once more as it flew back.

Gengar outstretched its hands towards Sableye and a slow, calming hum filled everyone's ears. Sableye's ears twitched as it used Detect and threw up another Protect to escape the sleep-effects of Hypnosis.

Charizard had just gotten up and, using its powerful hind-legs, launched himself at Elvia with jaws open, poised to snap down on the mage-Pokémon.

Blades of grass and the leaves of trees rustled as they were overtaken by ghostly energy and volleyed at the in-coming flame-pokémon in the form of a Magical Leaf. Charizard expelled the smaller flame of an Ember to reduce the attack to ashes and sank its teeth into Elvia's body.

Fida's Mismagius emitted a high pitched scream that she focused on turning into a Screech as the clouds immediately above her darkened. The white clouds gathered together and condensed, quickly turning black and ominous. When Elvia had ceased her cry of pain a flash was seen only for a moment as a massive bolt shot down from the sky, as if the heavens had cast down a javelin. The Thunder made contact with the biting Charizard, sending it soaring far across the field as it moaned in open revolt of the pain. Elvia didn't dither and forced her way into the Charizard's mind, attacking it with her thoughts.

After Sableye's protect had gone down he cupped his hands together, a yellow-orange ball grew in between them. Sableye lobbed the Confuse Ray at the now grounded Gengar, who sunk into the ground, narrowly avoiding the confusion-inducing effects of the otherwise harmless sphere.

Gengar rose up out of the ground right in front of Sableye, grabbing the dual Ghost/Dark-type by the neck as he did so. Sableye did not struggle, instead stayed limp as a ragdoll in Gengar's grasp as a green power began to take hold of him. Gengar used Giga Drain to steal Sableye's power and restore his own health. Sableye still did not struggle as his stamina was eaten away, he simply stared straight into Gengar eyes with his own, large, unblinking gemstone-eyes with an un-wavering, spine-tingling smile that seemed to suggest that Sableye enjoyed the feeling of his strength leaving him.

Gengar's own smiled seemed to get slowly turn into a frown as Sableye kept up the behavior, and was startled when the gremlin began to laugh. It was a choked laugh that sounded rather painful that in of itself, but it continued, turning into a maddening cackle.

"Come on…" Sem uttered impatiently, slightly worried.

"What is it?" Fida asked quickly, diverting her eyes only a moment from Elvia and Charizard.

"This is the longest he's ever waited to use Astonish," he whispered.

Finally Sableye threw back his head with a crunch and his laugh turned to a cross between coughing, wheezing, and an insane giggle. Gengar's grip loosened as it stared uneasily at the complete and utter lunacy of Sableye.

That was all he needed.

Sableye kicked away the hand that held him and scratched at the Gengar's face. Jumping up into the air while Gengar moaned in agony, Sableye aimed his head down at Gengar with yet another Zen Headbutt. The Gengar choked as Sableye dug into its gut and leapt away. Sableye was panting, but did not seem the least bit worried and in fact began to glow with a strange blue aura. In only seconds Sableye looked much better, as if he had healed himself.

"Good, he used Recover," Sem sighed as his gaze shifted briefly over to Fida's battle.

Charizard was up, lightning sparked across its body as it held its head, attempting to fend off Elvia's mental assault.

"Fida, let's switch."

"What?" she looked at him with her gray eyes. "Why?"

"They won't expect it, we could finish it now, both of them are weak, but so are we. We can't risk losing."

"Right," Fida nodded her head and looked towards Elvia, conveying her thoughts.

At once the Mismagius ceased her Psychic attack just as Sableye rushed across the field towards the dragon that towered above him more than Gengar did, who was just rising from being hit in the stomach.

Elvia took control of the other ghost's body using Psychic and repeated the process of laying siege to its mind. Just as Sableye jumped into the air toward Charizard's head, hand cackling with electricity, Elvia lifted Gengar high into the air, and just as Sableye's fist connected Elvia forced the gengar down onto the ground.

Silence emanated through the arena for a few long seconds.

A crash signaled that Charizard had fallen, emitting a mournful cry as it smacked against the ground.

"And that's it…" Sem sighed.

"We did it," Fida murmured as Charizard was reluctantly called back.

Clapping was heard, Z had just returned Gengar and was walking towards them.

Elvia made herself unseen once more and her presence enveloped Fida as Sableye appeared in Sem's shadow and scampered up to his trainer's right shoulder.

"That was well, done," Z said smoothly.

"Does that mean you're leaving?" Sem asked, mouth forming a hard line.

"I suppose it does," Z admitted rather aloofly. "Perhaps we shall go down to Goldenrod, hopefully we'll find good trainers such as yourselves," he faced Sem still, but his eyes shifted down to Fida. Elvia's presence thickened. "And you're especially good for one so young."

Fida nodded but remained silent, unsure whether to take the compliment.

"Come, Arin," Z ordered as he turned around on his heel. Arin had stayed where he was and only moved when Z had reached him, and they walked away, disappearing into the trees.


"Thank you so much for all your help," Nurse Joy said with a smile as she handed Sem and Fida their Pokéballs.

They were in the lobby of the center as Joy faced them from behind her usual place behind the counter. It was early afternoon now, though Sem said that they could get a bit of a start on the next part of the journey instead of leaving the next day.

"Well, glad to help I suppose…" Sem's sentence turned into a bit of a mutter at the end, as if he were unsure.

"Hm?" Joy inquired.

"Don't agree with their methods, but they struck me as an odd bunch," Sem explained as he zipped up his bag. "Maybe a bit misunderstood…" His voice trailed. "But at least they're not causing trouble for you, Nurse Joy, that's what's important."

"Agreed," the nurse said rather relieved. "Well, you two have a good journey."

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," Fida said as she bowed her head, her single pony-tail split over her neck. As she straightened out her sweater she asked, "Have you seen Vileplume?"

"No…" Nurse Joy shook her head. "Last I saw her she was on her way to see you two battle."

"She sort of disappeared after we were done…" Sem recalled.

"Oh well…" Fida frowned a bit.

They both waved one final time at the nurse and left the center, heading towards the eastern gate of Mahogany that would lead them to Blackthorn.

As they left the gate and started down the route they noticed a rustling in the nearby plants. They looked just as Vileplume stepped out, though she tried to act as if they had run into each other by chance, again.

"Hey!" Fida smiled. "Thought I wouldn't get to say goodbye."

Vileplume's cold stare melted a bit, though it hardened once more and she nodded in a somewhat hesitant fashion.

"Guess I should actually release you, huh?" Fida said as he pulled out Vileplume's Pokéball. "Guess this is goodbye," she sighed, but before she could press the button Vileplume hobbled over as quickly as she could, shaking her head. "What?" Fida asked.

"Finally she admits she wants to join you," Sem chuckled.

Vileplume stared at him with a murderous intent.

"Is that true?" Fida asked, somewhat amused.

Despite her death-glare, Vileplume looked at her and with certainty nodded yes in reply.

"Yay!" Fida's smile grew bigger, exposing her white smile, but before she could return Vileplume to her Pokéball she was interrupted yet again.

"Hey! You!" she heard a familiar voice shout at them from behind.

Sem, Fida, and Vileplume turned, only half-surprised to see Rin behind them. She seemed a bit different, mostly due to the fact she wasn't wearing her Ailment uniform, though her clothing was still dark. Her icy-blue hair fell neatly down her back and over her shoulders. She also didn't seem totally intent on picking a fight.

"You better hurry if you wanna catch up with your group," Sem informed her.

Rin's composure hardened. "I know that, idiot," she sneered. "If I wanted to follow them at all that is - I'm not affiliated with them anymore." She walked a few steps forward and raised her nose, making her seem like a pompous royal talking about a group of peasants. She then lowered her nose after a moment, wearing an easy-going grin now. "Going to do some traveling on my own for a bit."

"Oh, really?" Sem questioned with his casually indifferent expression.

"Yes, really," Rin frowned.

"And why tell us?"

"I-I… w-well," Rin's expression turned to one of uncertainty as she bit her lip, looking away from the group. She turned cold as ice a second later and said coolly that, "I simply owe an apology; can't I be decent enough to issue an apology?" she glared harshly. "A-and…" her frozen eyes softened once more. "I need to say thank you…"

"What?" Fida asked.

"I'm sorry for being such a pain and being, well, and being not very nice," she blurted. "And I need to say thank you to Vileplume, for helping Jynx," she whispered as she bowed her head to Vileplume. "We can't really go into the Pokémon Center, so I'm thanking her for taking care of Jynx for me…"


Rin regained her composure, placing a hand on her hip she leaned to one side. "So, you can accept it or not," she glowered with her piercing eyes.

Vileplume returned the stare and two of them stood facing each other as if they were bitter enemies; Fida was sure the temperature dropped. They seemed to similar at this moment in time, each trying so hard not to be kind to the other.

Finally Vileplume's eyes looked on Rin with sympathy and she nodded.

Rin's hard expression crumbled once more. "Thank you," she repeated. She stepped back and waved. "Maybe I'll see you guys again." With that she walked off and walked away quickly, no doubt wanting to get away from the police.

"There is more to her…" Sem commented as they turned around and began walking.

"She's nice deep down, you can tell," Fida said with assurance. "I got a new Pokémon too." She smiled at Vileplume as she recalled her to her Pokéball.

"Tara would be proud."

Fida's own eyes softened as she looked at the ball. "Yeah, she would," Fida acknowledged as she put Vileplume's ball away.

"Have a name for her?" Sem asked, looking at her as they continued walking east.

Fida furrowed her brow, thinking hard about it, and considering all the events that had happened in the past few days.

"Yep," Fida said suddenly, finding a name that made perfect sense to her. "Rin."
Aaaand there we go. All done. ^^ Hope you all enjoyed it, thanks for the comments. Expect the next fic to pop up sometime soon.
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...Where to start?

The battle description was beyond awesome. I really loved the battle between the two grinning ghosts. But all of the Pokemon involved were awesome. Then there was the ending: Rin is total win and I hope we see more of her, but Fida naming her Vileplume, a grass type, after the icy Rin is really cool (no pun intended). It was the personality that mattered.

All and all, excellent work, Sem ^^
Great work Sem! Had to love how chaotic the battle came off, with all the switching back and forth between the individual battles really brought out how intense and fast the battle happened. Great and simple ending for this nice extra chapter with Fida and Elvia. Glad to hear we can expect more from you. Keep up the good work! ^_^
I now utterly can't wait for the next installment! :D Rin seems cool, now that she's in the team for real now... and I just realised what I said there. *shot*

I totally forgot about Snorlax when I was thinking what Z would use, interesting choice.

And I now do actually have a renewed love for Vileplumes, thanks to this. So thanks to you too, a great read.
That was perhaps the most awesome piece of fiction I have read out of anything pokemon-reltaed so far. It was just...*needs a better vocabulary* The battle was beyond epic, and for a second there I thought Rin was going to ask if she could join Sem and Fida XD The Vileplume being named Rin was a sort of surprise, but in a way, it does make sense. [size=1pt]And I was SO expecting Z to use Snorlax. lol[/size]

And right now, I really want Sem's Sableye...or a pokemon/Sableye just like it. He's AWESOME

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
... holy crap. That was, like, one of the most intense battles ever. And the ending was awesome. Though the name Rin for Vileplume was kinda expected for me. ^^;

I'm just glad that they all lived happily ever after.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Just an update. I've finished going back through Rin. It was changed up nicely. Added police involvement so that it actually makes SENSE. Gods. Why did you let me get away with that? Shame on all of you.