Would it be OK for me to bring in another character?
Hey, I got a quick question: Can I use a fusion here? I'd love to use one of my adoptables as my second character here. :3
Yay! Thank you! Here he is, then~!
Name: Dirk
Gender: male
Species: Reuniclus/Mudkip fusion
Appearance: For the most part, Dirk looks like the average Reuniclus, but he has the coloration, head fin, and tail of a Mudkip.
Gender Interested In: He'd like to find a female that walks on two legs, but he's not very picky.
Crush: He doesn't like anyone in particular... just yet.
Personality: Dirk is a happy-go-lucky guy with a soft spot for anyone or anything he deems cute. He tries to keep a smile on his face wherever he goes, but it doesn't take much for him to break down. Mostly anyone he meets, he trusts on the spot, and he can be as naive as his friend Paxton sometimes, too. Oh, and he loves giving people hugs~!
Other: I adopted him from this batch of adoptables. You can see what he looks like there, too.
Alpha is just aimlessly wondering around the village. He could be anywhere. XD