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Ask to Join Royal Eevees 3.0


Previously Dark Hydreigon
"Is Ralph like you, or goody two-shoes?" He asked Mist as they were almost at Free Spirit Castle after a long hour. "And can you tell me more about Bleak?" He added.
Ralph saw Jay and facepawed. "Really?" Ralph asked in annoyance. "Ugh, I'm gonna go annoy Allie just because I can." Ralph mumbled, walking off to find Allie.

"Ralph is different then me. He is mean at times, stubborn, and a bit rude at times, too. Although he has a caring side that he let's few people see. Bleak? Bleak is a little Eevee who seems to be filled with energy and bounces a lot." Mist said. "Ow!" Garth yelped when he tripped over a tree root. He quickly got up. "I'm okay!" Garth said quickly.


Previously Kyubi~
On her way inside the castle, she spots Ralph walking. "I-It's Ralph!..I don't know if I should talk to him or not..b-but..I want to.." She said to herself. She started to walk towards him in the distance.
Bleak helped the servent. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah. But king Sunny isn't gonna be happy," Jay mumbled. They carried the remaining dishes to the kitchen.
"Allie!" Ralph called as he searched for Allie. He did not notice Kimo walking towards him. Ralph went into a room of the castle and looked around before going into another room and looking around.


Previously Dark Hydreigon
The trio of Eeveeloutions arrived at Free Spirit Castle. "So this is Free Spirit Castle huh?" He said with a sigh. "My paws ache from all the walking." He said with discomfort
"Don't worry, they have guest bedrooms so I'm should you could rest your paws in one of them." Mist said, smiling. She heard Ralph calling and ran towards where she thought she heard him. Garth ran after Mist, then noticed Kimo. "She's kinda cute..." Garth thought with a blush. He shook his head and ran after Mist.


Previously Dark Hydreigon
"Mist where are you going in such a rush!" he said as shadow chased both of them. Shadow tripped and fell over due to his tired legs. "AGHH" Shadow said as he collapsed.
"Ralph! Its me, Mist! Where are you?" Mist called for Ralph. "Bleak? Are you here?" Mist called for Bleak next. Garth noticed Shadow trip and walked over to him. "You okay, Shadow?" Garth asked Shadow, offering a paw to help Shadow to his feet. Mist seemed to not notice them.
From the training grounds, Allegra could hear the calls of both familiar and unfamiliar voices, but she wasn't entirely sure whether they were calls of distress or not. Just incase, the Umbreon kept her armor on as she quickly padded toward the front gate of the castle, noticing an unusual bunch of Eeveelutions. Narrowing her eyes, Allie leaped inbetween the group and the castle, a nearly unhearable growl emanating from the depths of her throat. "Who are you and why have you come here?" she asked the group, thinking they were not as friendly as they were.
"Huh? Oh, I guess Ralph hasn't told you about us. I'm Mist, that's my brother, Garth, and that's Shadow." Mist said cheerfully, pointing at herself, then Garth, then Shadow. "I'm a friend of Ralph's. Me, Garth, and Shadow came to visit for awhile." Mist said. Ralph heard Mist talking and walked up beside Allie.
With the news fresh in her mind, Allie backed up a few steps, sitting on the ground so she could use her paws to remove her helmet. "Oh, Arceus, I'm sorry! I didn't know you were friend of his!" As she spoke, the Flareon that was brought up walked over to her side, causing her to look at him and perk an eyebrow up. "You never told me about them!" she repeated, losing any attitude she might've gained once Bleak smiled up to her. With another grin, Allie held a paw out to the young Eevee prince. "Hey there again, Bleak!" she greeted, chuckling quietly to herself.
"Its okay!" Mist said with a smile. Ralph rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Heheh, sorry. I was going to but I guess I forgot." Ralph said. He looked at Mist. "Hiya, Mist." Ralph said. "Hi! Me, my brother, and our friend Shadow came to spend the day!" Mist said happily. "But only if its okay with you." Mist said quickly, knowing Ralph could become angry or annoyed quickly.


Previously Kyubi~
Kimo goes to sit on a chair in another room. "J-Just what was going on..?" And who was that eeveelution that ran by me..? I feel so confused.." She said to herself. "Well..I guess compared to others, I'm nonexistent..hehe.." She giggled a bit.


Previously Dark Hydreigon
Shadow stared at Bleak, for being so jolly. With a blank. "Greetings Ralph, Bleak, and agitated Umbreon who was very threatening .". "Where's the guest room, I need a rest." He said as he got up.
Ralph motioned towards Allie. "That's Allegra." Ralph said. "Follow me. I'll show you to a guest room." Ralph said, standing up and walking into the castle. Mist looked around, and noticed Garth was gone. "Garth? Where did you go?" Mist called for Garth. Garth had snuck instead the castle while no one was looking.


Previously Dark Hydreigon
"Agressive Umbreon." He muttered to himself. Shadow followed Ralph into the castle. "Lot of Pokémon in this castle huh?" Shadow noticed Garth, but ignored him.
Once Ralph informed her that was going to be told about the newcomers, Allie laughed out loud, moving out of the way of the others. She did not hear Shadow's name for her. "I'm gonna go finish my training!" she called back to the others, padding back to the grounds she had come from.
"Eh, sorta." Ralph said. He stopped at a door and pushed it open, pointing inside. "There's a guest bedroom. Make yourself at home." Ralph said before running outside to Mist and Allie. Garth looked around, and then began wondering around the castle. He peeked into a room and saw Kimo. "Um, hi? I'm Garth." Garth said shyly, walking into the room. He wondered why he felt shy, but shrugged it off,
"I'm Garth. I'm visiting Free Spirit Castle with my sister and our friend. What's your name?" Garth asked. "Yeah, might be a good idea, even though dad probably won't care." Ralph said to Bleak. He watched as Mist ran from place to place, calling Garth's name. Ralph snickered. "Stupid Leafeon probably went home." Ralph thought with a smirk.


Previously Kyubi~
"I-I'm Kimo.." She said. "I'm a servant to Ralph..but I don't stand out much so yeah..b-but it's nice to meet you Garth." She said while giving him a warm smile.
Garth smiled at Kimo. "Its nice to meet you, too." Garth said. He heard Mist calling him. "I gotta go, my sister is calling me. Maybe we could talk some more later, if we happen to run into each other?" Garth asked, not realizing he was beginning to blush.
"Bye, Kimo." Garth said, smiling and waving at Kimo before running off to find Mist. "Garth! Where were you?" Mist asked when Garth got back. "I met someone." Garth said plainly. Ralph frowned and growled. "I hoped he went back to Floral Waters Castle... But I guess he didn't. Dang it." Ralph grumbled, although no one heard him.


Previously Dark Hydreigon
Shadow walked into the guest room and dropped onto the bed. "Finally, something soft.." he said to himself in relief. He stretched his legs out and curled up to take a nap.
"So what do you want to do?" Ralph asked Mist and Garth. Garth noticed it was starting to become cloudy. "Looks like we're in for a drizzle. We can't do anything outside, that means, since you hate cold water, especially rain." Garth said, staring up at the sky. Ralph quickly glanced up at the sky before walking inside the castle, followed by Garth and Mist. "Maybe we could look around the castle? There are some parts of the castle in which I have not been." Mist suggested. Ralph nodded, deciding that was what they would do.
As the sky became dark with clouds and upcoming rain, Allegra finished her training session and headed back into the castle to get her armor off. Through the long halls, the Umbreon walked, into her sleeping quarters, where she removed all of her armor, before heading back into the hall and noticing the group from before. "Hey!" she called to grab their attention, padding over to them all with a smile on her face, "there you guys are! Just finished up with my training!" Once she stood with the group of Eeveelutions, her smile widened, and she looked each of them over. "What're you up to now, huh?" she inquired, tilted her head in wonder.
"I was going to show them around the castle, since neither of them have been in some parts of the castle. Wanna come too?" Ralph asked Allegra. Mist smiled and jumped up and down happily, as if she was an excited child. "Come with us come with us!" Mist chanted happily, jumping around Allegra. Garth grabbed Mist's tail, making her stop jumping. "Ignore my sister." Garth said.


Previously Kyubi~
"Oh..it's raining.." Kimo said to herself. She decided to leave her room and explore around the castle for a bit more. She sighed to herself. "Hm..w-where to go first?" She wondered. The castle seemed so big to her as she left her room to explore.
Allie laughed a bit too loudly as the Vaporeon called Mist began to jump around, much like Bleak did before, and tell her to join them. Looking over to Ralph, she shook her head in an attempt to stop her laughter and told him, "tagging along wouldn't hurt, right?" Another Eeveelution stopped Mist's jumping by sticking her tail to the floor with a paw. At this sight, Allegra lifted a brow, pursing her lips. "Nah, she's fine, m'dude," she told the guy, waving her own paw in front of her for confirmation. "Where do you guys wanna go first, anyway?"
Garth shrugged, then let go of Mist's tail, allowing her to continue jumping around. "Maybe the towers because I've never been in one of the towers here before." Garth said. "What Garth said!" Mist cheered. Ralph rolled his eyes. "He'll probably get dizzy going up the stairs or end up throwing up due to being high up." Ralph said, smirking as Garth growled at him, obviously annoyed. Mist stopped jumping and frowned. "No fighting!" Mist whined.


Previously Kyubi~
Kimo wanders off into the main hall of the castle. "I-Is this the main castle..?" She said to herself. "I need some guidance around here.." She thought to herself. She continued to look around to see if anyone was there.