• A reminder: If you want to ask an RP thread creator if you can join their RP, do so in private - via conversation or profile messages - or via the thread's discussion thread, if one exists. Do NOT ask if you can join an RP on the RP thread itself! This leads to a lot of unnecessary OOC chatter and that's not what the RP boards are for.

    This is clearly stated in our RP forum rules. If you've not read them yet, do so BEFORE posting anything in the RP forums. They may be found here (for Pokémon Role Play) or here (for General Role Play). Remember that the Global Rules of Pokécharms also apply in addition to these rule sets.
  • Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.

RP Forum Discussion

Doctor Oak

Staff member
NOTE TO ALL: I'm turning this into the general RP Discussion thread. Talk about anything relating to RP here, from ideas for new topics, ideas for current topic, questions and comments on current topics, notable hiatus', or just bitching about people not replying to/joining threads :p

Rant away!

Edited by Linkachu


Ok, here's the deal. Either everyone who can RP, RPs together in at least one topic. (there are now two or three new topics for us to try out) and keep them alive or i'm gonna consider turning the forum into an admin only forum.

I really see no point in people wasting their time posting topics or replies to topics that never get any farther, mostly because they're overshadowed by the Hoenn RP.

It's not fair on the topic posters and it's not fair on the people who DO reply.

On another note, please make topics that you do post - something that people can easily jump into and you should probably be prepared to make sacrifices in the way of some plot-line stuff to accomadate others.

This is stickied, give your thoughts etc but as far as i'm concerned the forum is on probation for the next while. Unless it picks up activity, i see little point in it existing for anything other than the Hoenn RP.

-Freindly announcement by your local land-lord.
I would much rather this forum not turn into the Hoenn RP forum alone. I do wish to participate in RPs, but as Stel and Raichu pointed out, it would be to difficult to work more people into the Hoenn RP, due to the significant plot buildup. So, by making the Hoenn RP the only one around, you'd basically be excluding everyone who wants to role-play in the future. Please reconsider.

EDIT: Also, since you are reminding people to post in the forums as much as possible, wouldn't it make sense, then, to have as much to do at the forums as possible? Or, at least not taking stuff away from it?

EDIT2: Also, with all due respect, this forum is a lot more active than some of the other ones. Does that mean that the TCG forum and the Fanfiction forum should be Admin-only as well?


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Gary, are you saying that the Hoenn RP should be more accessible to others or that the forum in general needs more input? I'm kind of getting mixed feelings here.

Anyways, I agree with TBA. No matter how quiet the RP forum is don't take it away. That'd just cut down on our posters who do want to RP. For all we know they just haven't shown up yet.

I will say, though, that people really have to stop starting topics or replying to topics that they're not going to devote themselves to. Yeah, people are busy - that's understandable - but not replying for weeks without giving a reason is unfair to the rest of the posters who are interested. If you have no idea how to reply, say so. Maybe someone will be able to help you out.
That said, tho, an RP is a team effort. If everyone doesn't try to contribute equally it's hard for it to survive.

I don't think its necessary for everyone to RP in one topic, but if you're interested and join one, stay with it. They're not just everyday topics - they're stories.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Katie summed up my point in the end there. I don't meant that the Hoenn topic should have more people, 'cause that wouldn't work. But unless people DO RP in other topics, all this forum is ever going to be for is the hoenn topic.

Really the same can be said of the other forums here, you must post in them if you wish to get some discussion going here at Pokecharms. Forums only work when everyone contributes. So until we go globally popular and start getting millions of hits a day, the guys that are here will have to start posting more if they want the pokecharms forums to be a worthwhile place to come visit.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
*Pokes fellow RPers... all three of 'emf*

Should the bios topic be main stream characters only, or allow sign-ups as well?

That is all... *Disappears Stel-style*


Former Moderator
Hey.... I'm gonna start RPing too!

I, personally, think that it should be only main stream... I mean, wouldn't a lotta sign up bios just clutter things up?

But that's just my opinion.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
(sigh) Well, considering the fact this thread was about an Idea we had and decided not to implement, and the fact it has become a lair of spambeings, this thread is now officially locked.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Unlocking this. Everyone read what I added to the top post. This'll now serve as the general RP discussion thread. Anymore spam like the stuff that clogged up this thread before and asses get burned.

Anyways, not really expecting any response, but I want to know what kind of RPs people would be interested in joining - Pokemon and Non-Pokemon alike? I don't care what it is as long as it's fun and good and actually brings this board LIFE.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
C'mon people!

I KNOW a lot of RPers visit this board. Just as much as I know how little any of you actually post.

This needs to be changed. I know from experience that a thriving RP board can make all the difference. Pokeschool is dead, your RPs there will not survive.

Accept it, move on, come here to RP and much more!

For ALL RPers here, I pose the question - Why are you not RPing?

Prof. Cinders

Staff member
Because no topics seem to interest me, and I'm rubbish at making my own. Plus the characters I'm used to using are all, well, really too powerful and Pokeschool-adapted. I know, I know, I could make more characters, but I've got too many really... What would really make me start RPing here, though, would be a contest like Lee's before Pokeschool moved boards. That's what got me really into RPing (well, sort of), and certainly made me look forward to something at the end of the day. Start a contest like that and I'd happily RP more.


Former Moderator
Because I'm working with Katie to make a new RP :wink:

And because the current topics, except for TBA's topic, either died spectacularly, don't interest me, or a admins only (with good reason, but hey).

And because I just wasted a post, essentially repeating some of what Rachy said.

Pikachu has come to Roleplay, time to kick ass and....well you know the rest. Originally I planned on using a character developed at pokechool but now I think it would be better to create a new character. So anyway, expect some RPing from moi ^^


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Well, good to at least hear from the three of you ^^

Anyways, El's on the right track here. If you can't find any interesting topics to join in with, make up your own! I know you all have the skill to do so - even you, Rachel :p Plus, we've got TBA, Stel, and probably a few other members around here who'd love to give one of your RPs a try.

Got an idea? Use it. Whether it be based on Pokemon, some random videogame or Anime, a totally made up world, or, as Alex has shown, something that's not "magical fantasy" at all - doesn't matter. Having an RP forum like this means you can be as creative as you want - considering your creativity isn't blatant godmoding. That just leads to death :twisted:

Doctor Oak

Staff member
As I have no compy right now, I'm kinda screwed for RPing.

I'll attempt to revive my space RP at a later date. In the meantime I wanna see this place become a hive of activity for when I can get back.
I would love to start RPing again! But at the moment I'm a little strapped for time. Just got a huge assignment for my English class. X_x As such, I might be a little limited in my free time until about, oh, the end of the month.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I'm procrastinating, so I'm reviving this thread with a few questions and a comment...

What happened to Hidden Forest and the Hogwarts RP? Those were going good for awhile then just kinda... died... o.O

I'm also planning to revive the Final Fantasy Charms topic in the next month or so. Now that I've replayed FFVI again, the plot is actually fresh in my mind and I have something to work off of... so be prepared xp

Lastly, a few of us were discussing making an RP about superheros or mutants or something, and I'm wondering who'd be interested. Alex said he'd want to make the topic himself, but seeing that he's busy... Anyone else interested in RPing an X-Men-ish topic? I know there was talk of starting one up on KI before the forum move. Why not take that idea and implement it here? :)

That is all I guess. I'm in the mood to see more RPs started around here. People need to be less paranoid about screwing up and just have fun with their topics :p
I'd be happy to join any new RPs going and, if no one minds, I'm interested in reviving the old ones. I've been really busy for the last few weeks and will be for the next fortnight too, due to language oral exams, music exams and tech coursework (oh the joy).

Also, what happened to KI? It is completely dead and there don't seem to be any signs of life. At all. I suppose the main site RPs have a higher priority at the moment, but it would be nice to make it at least as active as it was before the move (and that's not asking very much :p).


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I've been poking Rach about KI lately myself. If you really want your comments about its deadness to be heard, though, you'd be better off posting a topic about it there - or bothering Rach herself ;)

As for reviving older topics, no problem with that at all unless the other participants are against the idea. I mean, life happens. People get busy. Can't really be avoided sometimes, eh? The way I see it, as long as everyone - or at least everyone pertinent - is still willing to RP a topic, it doesn't matter how long its been dead for.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Just bumping to say that I've updated the two RP boards rules... because, with this new wave of posters, it had to be done.

There will be no sign-ups on these boards. They're pointless, mindless, they waste space and drag on for weeks when you could've just STARTED the topic and dealt with them as you go, and what do you think the character bios topic is there for...?

Honestly, I understand that some people are used to RPing a certain way, and that some forums rely on sign-ups to determine if they'll have enough active members. This isn't our way, though, and really... after RPing for the last 8 years, I've never seen them as needed. If you must contact people for extra details, use PMs. That's what they're there for. Otherwise... please try to adapt and don't post sign-ups. They really aren't necessary to make a topic work. What makes a topic work is actually role playing it >>


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Bumping... I seem to be the only one who uses this thread, but meh.

I've explained this to Stel, and now to Sem, but I'm sorry for leaving the rest of you wondering why the hell I haven't been replying. At the moment, I just don't have the time to properly RP anymore. It goes deeper than that, but I'll save you the rant.

As much as I hate screwing over topics, don't wait up for me. The System I feel the worst over because its such a great topic, and I might strive to reply to that one over all else (sorry to my other threads). I'm hoping that the rest of the members of the thread are still remotely interested in it, because even though I haven't been replying I still love it.

But yeah. I'll leave it at that. Sorry again, but you won't be seeing much RPing out of me anytime soon =/ If people want to discuss this further, you can PM me, otherwise that's about all I can say on it for now.
Murr...I only wish I could RP. As of the moment, Journey's my only one...although I can't say how much time I'll definitely be able to commit to posting what with attempting to bump my GPA up to 4.0 and struggling to improve my artwork enough to attend a comic-con somewhere in my future.

Nonetheless I have several ideas swimming lethargically in my mind - they'll probably remain there unless I can figure out who all is still active. And is, at the same time...er...competent?


Katie's latent, along with (I believe) StellarWind due to lack of characters...or soemthing like that...Daxx - I'll hafta see about him...dunno about how enthusiastic about my ideas Sem or El would be...


Ah well.
-casts these thoughts aside and focuses on making my character a SHIRT to go underneath his mantle-
Stupid clothes, delaying any pictures/ chapters of a story I might write.
Hey, I would love to RP! It's just that 1.) Hardly any people are around 2.) There's a limit to how many people can be in a roleplay and usually that limit is filled by the time I get there and 3.) most of them I'm really not intrested in. I know, I usually like the adventure and fantasy RPs. :p But I like the pokemon one too! ;D
uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhuuuuuuu.......yeah, just a concern, all the real RPs are out of date... for instance, the one titled 'New Time, New Take' I didn't see the date, and I wasn't suprised to see it not up for three months... just i didnt't notice that before... and it got me thinking: "Most RPs are WAY old, and haven't been posted in for like, 2-3 months..." so umm, i was wondering... can some one PLEASE make an RP that is really good and, you know, NEW. I know the concept is suprising, but it's time for change. :-\

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
All the 'real' RPs have been dead for ages due to lack of interest, the original posters leaving, or simply circumstances getting in the way.

RPs don't generate themselves, you know. If you want something new that badly, YOU make it. And make it decent, or it's going to get nuked ALONG with you.
I would like to know the answer to the above question aswell. And if yes, would like to revive/restart these RPs:

Government Utilization of Super Powered Forces


The Nexilis Saga - Roleplay Edition

Both are excellent RPs and really enjoy the Government Utilization of Super Powered Forces one.


I'm really frustrated by this board. Only 2-3 people are actually RPing. Other than that, the entire board is pretty much dead. It just seems like RPs die soon after they start. Most of them don't even have more than 1 page of posts. The other most recent RP hasn't been posted in for almost a week, and it appears that it's died. Even the fan fiction board is more active than this. It's like this board has completely vanished. It makes me sad because I want to RP. And before you say "Make your own RP and make it good," I have no skill at writing a plot to start something. I elaborate on ideas, not make them. TT_TT
Come on! You people have no hope! As a newbie hoping to get up to 80 posts to get one of LoN's siggies, I will make an AWESOME RP. It needs a good sroy though.... Any ideas?
You simply want posts to get a signature? That is at once both amusing and deeply saddening. Also, if you cannot come up with your own ideas for an RP, how can you make one, for they run on the ideas of those involved, not merely the basic start point.

However, should you post a decent enough looking one, I'm sure people will give it a look.
I don't ONLY want it for the signature, I want it for closure....I feel like if I don't get at least 100 posts, I'm not really contributing to the site.

And I'll take that advice. I just hope people will care about the post.


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Blue Mew, remember, quality over quantity. I've been here two years, and look at my post count. It doesn't make me any less a part of this site - I do a lot of lurking :p
LOLZ ok sorry! Anyway, I can only think of poems so far.....GOD DAMN GET IT IN YOUR HEAD ROXANNE! *hits head* Well, there is one story, but it's not very human-related.....heh.


Former Moderator
Blue Mew, so far in this thread you have done very little but attempt to boost your post count. I advise that you actually try to put some content into your posts before you end up with a more severe punishment than what you have already received.

Write your reply...