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Ask to Join RWBY: Origins (Contains Violence)

"Well, I could tell what your Semblance was quite easily. Must like the forest, you'll have a huge advantage over us. What do you think'll happen to the others? I mean, a few of them can probably use their Semblance, but what about those guys with nothing. Hey, Crystal? How're you gonna get down?"
"Sort of." Kathleen replied as she noticed the person sky as talking about. She was looking worriedly down the cliff where they will all jump off of. "Well I dont think we have meet. My name is Kathleen!" She said to the person as sky called her out.
Crystal heard Sky's question and turned around, walking away from the cliff's edge to where Sky and another person was standing. "Well, I was planning on using this broadsword-edge attachment to catch a tree and slide down." She activated her gauntlets and pulled up the broadsword edge. It was just that: the thick point of an old broadsword. "I found a broken broadsword a while ago and made it into this attachment. It's heavy, but really durable and dangerous."
"Yeah, but not on the cliff. Trees don't really like growing on the side of a cliff, so the odds of you getting one aren't all that high."
She chuckled a little bit. "From that statement, I have a feeling you don't know how they get you out in the forest." Suddenly, she could hear Ozpin shouting out, "All students, meet at the cliff's edge! The exam will start in five minutes!" She looked back at Sky. "Well, we should line up. See ya!" She walked over to where Ozpin said to.
"Cya in the forest. Maybe we could team up. Or are we put into teams? I don't have the faintest idea how this works" Sky walked over to the cliff's edge, and gave his wings an invoulentry shake at seeing the height. Better make a reason for that in case somebody spots it.
Ivan was nearby when Ozpin told all the students to line up at the cliff edge, "well here we go.... I wonder who ill end up with" he thought to himself as he walked over
"All students, meet at the cliff's edge! The exam will start in five minutes!"

Topaz thought, doing a final check on his gear. The plates over his bodysuit were shined, his scabbards were tight, and his swords could smoothly shift. He went over the plan in his head for the last time. Let's do this.
'Yes!' Kathleen though as she head tword the headmaster, 'finally we can start!' She hurried next to the group of students starting to group together. 'I wonder who my partner would be?' She though as she scanned the crowd.
(Hey, I think that everyone that's gonna be online at this time now is on, so should we start?)
Sky looked at Topaz, remembering something. Right, after the exam, I need to interrogate him. I've gotta find out what he meant when he was talking about the Fall Maiden
Well, he noticed me. Now, I need to this very carefully. Sky pulled out a tiny tube, about as big as his thumb, and aimed it towards Topaz's back. He shot it, and a tiny black circle propelled itself through the air, and stuck to his back, instantly digging itself into the armour, but not enough to be felt, and camoflauged itself against the armour, perfectly copying the part it had covered. Sky exhaled, releived nothing had gone wrong.
Topaz felt the strange device latch onto his back. The metal plates slightly shifted with the impact. He knew what had just happened, but decided that he would take care of it later.
Sky then noticed something had gone wrong. Damnit! There was way too much pressure, I can see the plates moving from here! I'll have to think of something else. He's leaving it for now though. Bad move, bro. Sky quickly tapped something on his wrist, and the little bot dug straight through the armour, patching up the hole with the stuff he dug up. It then latched to the underside of the shoulder plate, and stayed there. He can't get it off now, not when the exam's about to start. He has to keep the armour on.
Prism was walking towards the cliff. It was almost time. He checked to make sure his claws were fastened securely to his belt. They were. He made sure his plates weren't in danger of falling off. Thankfully, they weren't going to fall off anytime soon. He looked out at the forest. It was dense with trees, and he felt confident he could survive the fall. He switched over to Yellow, increasing his sense of perception. With it activated, his eyesight was sharper, and he could hear much better. He heard a small click, and saw a small black object headed towards... well, he didn't know the guys name but he was wearing a bodysuit. He ignored it. There was more important things on his mind. With his enhanced eyesight, he looked for a landing spot in the forest. There! He could see a slight hiccup in the tree line. A clearing in sight, Prism switched to Red, and he felt a surge of strength. He was ready.
(That is an awesome Semblance)
Turning round, Sky spotted a person he hadn't seen before flickering from yellow to red. Following the direction he was looking, he spotted a tiny patch of light. He turned on his optics, and looked down at what he could now see as a clearing. He looked back at the new guy, suprised. "Hey. Nice to meet you. I'm Sky. I'd like to know, how in Remnant did you see that clearing?"
"Semblance. In simple terms, I switch stances to grant me different abilities." Prism said to Sky. "It also allows me to change how I fight quickly and efficiently." He stretched out a hand. "My name is Prism. Prism Blackwell. Could I ask how you can see it?" Prism asked.
Sky shook his hand. "Simple. I saw you were looking at something, followed your line of vision, and used the optics in my suit to zoom in."
"Optics? You must be smart." He grinned. "Are you going for that clearing?" Prism asked, wondering. He had a gut feeling that this man would be the sort of person he could work with. "Right now, I'm Red, which means I have a boost in physical strength and endurance." He paused. "What's your name?" He asked.
"The clearing's worth a try, but you never know. Could just be natural. So I am going for it. And the name's Sky. Wonder if we'll be in the same team."
"How're you gonna get down? Just go grey and drop like a rock? I can use these." Sky extended his wingsuit, "but I don't know how you could get down"
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"I will not 'go grey'. I will soar until I hit the ground. If I hit a tree on the way down, poor tree. The endurance granted to me by my Red semblance will get me through. I've experienced worse." Prism answered.
"Increase my agility, and not much else. I've yet to test the limits of my semblance, and it will be a while yet before I do." Prism answered to Sky. "You don't know how far a Beowolf can throw you. Or hard." Prism said.
"Yeah, I do actually. I ran tests. They can throw pretty far. Like, launching over mountains far. The agility can help though. I think we need a way to be on the same team, because we can work well together. Hey, how about a simple solution. I just glide down to you when you land. I can control the suit fully, so we just need to make eye contact and we'll be good. So, how about it?"
Ozpin made sure that everyone was where they needed to be. He double-checked with Glenda that the relics were in place. Then he stepped foreward and started his second speech to the hopeful candidates of Beacon.

"Now that everyone is here and accounted for, I will begin expaining the details of this trial. There are two rules: The first person you meet eyes with will be your partner for the rest of the trial and one of your teammates for the next four years AND there are live Grimm thriving inside the confines of this forest, so the next rule isn't as simple as it sounds: don't die. Oh, and one more thing, we're going to launch you into the forest. Quite literally. I bid you good luck." Ozpin stepped back as he had the first launch pad activated.
Topaz just so happened to be standing on that pad. The adventurer flung off, activating his semblance. He did this so that the various aspects of his costume wouldn't obstruct his view. He had to do this perfectly. He flew quite far from the cliff, aided by his plates practically turning him into a human javelin. He spun in the air when he fell towards the tree line, breaking out of his dive. He grabbed one of the branches, swinging fully around it twice before flying up and forwards above the trees once more. He started to hop on the tops of the trees, directing himself with his compass. He figured out where he would be, and climbed a particularly large tree. He saw the river in the distance, and hopped down. He grabbed a branch and flung himself backwards, hitting the tree with just enough force to stretch it backwards but not crack it. Figuring out just how far he would need to travel, he relieved his weight from the ancient pine. The tree flung him towards the river like a slingshot.
Prism braced himself for launch. He was taking careful aim, or what aim he could in this situation. As the pad launched him, he jumped, increasing his momentum. As he soared towards the targeted clearing, Prism saw the approaching tree line. Preparing himself, he placed he arms in front of his face. His arms, covered in durable metal, absorbed most of the impact of the trees, before landing on a tree trunk. He shoved himself forward, with comparable momentum to Topaz's slingshot jump, yet he needed no boosted momentum from trees. His semblance did the work for him.
Kathleen glanced at the many students. One of them will be her partner and 2 others will be with her for the rest of her time here. 'I got this' She thought as the students started to fly in the air. The platform left her feet as she was flung off the cliff. "Batter up." She called as her bow transformed into a sword. Seeds erupted from the sword as she hit with the flat part of her sword. Almost instantly, vines went around her waist as the also attached themselves to trees, flinging her forward. Kathleen made landing spot in the trees, by transforming her sword back and using a fire-dust arrow on the trees. She branced herself as she barrel-rolled onto the grass. "Yea! Made it!" Kathleen called as a growl made her regret her choice of spot, "oh hello!" She said as she turned to face the ursa.
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Ray was the next one to be flung by the pad he was standing on. While in the air, he changed his dust slots to contain two fire dust tube in each gauntlet, deployed his cannons, and fired them downward creating two jet of fire that allowed him to fly around at hight speed around the forest and eventually landed on the ground without burning a single thing. "Now, lets get those relics." He said to himself.
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Ivan was Shot next, soaring through the sky over the trees with his trident in hand. His eyes shot here and there looking for a good landing spot, he saw a tree in the distance that he was flying at and decided it will do. 'landing in three, two, one' he thought to himself as he sunk his trident points deep into the trunk and held tight onto the pole, he looked down from the tree top and decided that it would be ok for him to jump. Ivan transformed his Trident into its gun form and landed gracefully on his feet, "ok, i have landed, now to find a partner, get a relic and hopefully avoid any Grimm" he said to himself as he started to walk around.
Gale was then shot into the air. She spun in the air and dove into the trees, bouncing off of them and propelling herself. She shall was flying behind her and she slowed herself down by making a slid from ice dust.
Crystal looked at everyone else getting launched. She realized that she would be next and activated her gauntlets to the Broadsword attachment. She was launched and started flying towards the tree line. She had her arms out and started leaning towards a sizable tree in front of her. When she was about 15 feet away. She flipped so that she was parallel with the tree. She punched the tree, and the broadsword edge stuck into the thick bark. She slid down a bit and stopped about 10 feet above the ground. She retracted the blade and climbed the rest of the way down. Now to find a parnter, she thought as she started walking through the forest, switching attachments until she had two sturdy knives above her knuckles.