I will tell the story that I tell everyone, because I find it hilarious:
Spring semester of this year, I was in Bio II. It's a fairly basic class, with an obvious prerequisite of Bio I. Now, let me first say that Bio I is the only one of the two required for gen ed. So if you're sitting in that Bio II class, chances are you really enjoy biology.
So one day, we were discussing the evolution of multicellularity using Unirans slime molds as the example. You know, the little fellas who usually subsist as individual cells, but also have a form in which they join as one organism in order to further propagate/eat more/be awesome. Basic premise of evolution, right?
Someone actually raised their hand, and asked, and I quote: "If they, like, couldn't think yet, then how did they decide to get together?"
Uhm. What? Seriously? Did this girl just ask if these cells... had conscious thought? Yes, because they -obviously- have the complexity and differentiation to be considered conscious. >>;;;;
I understand this type of question if, say, you were not a bio major, and were not interested in biology at all/hated biologists and just wanted to make them wring their hands and tear their hair out in shame. Or if you were in high school, maybe. But in college, in a second level class? Really? If I were that professor, I would have laughed, then pointed her out of the class, because obviously something's not quite right there. He actually tried to explain the concept to her. He really, really tried. I commend him for that, as he has infinitely more patience that I would have XD