*blows away the dust gathering around*
I really didn't want to make a third sprite thread, so I decided to just find my uber old sprite thread and revive it...
Anyways, so it's been forever and I haven't updated this topic in more than a year, but decided that, hey, since it
is winter, might as well.
Just started spriting again because, a few weeks before school ended for me, I happened to get a request through PM, asking for a Girafarig prevolution. And so, with my rusty spriting skills, my laziness, and my overall lack of talent, I somehow managed to muster this:
Which is really bad compared to some of my other sprites (and don't get me going about comparing it to the other spriters' works), but I'm somewhat satisfied with it considering the amount of time it took me to make. And yes that is a completely scratched tail so give me a break guys. D:
And some other sprites I made during this one-year period (from latest to earliest):
A really bad conductor I made when I was b-o-r-e-d
Mini Lyn
Aaaaaaannndddd this is an attempt to mix Lyn and Shiny together.
And of course these were
all made last year because school suddenly got in the way and I hate overly-competative schools with a passion.
Don't shoot me for reviving such an old thread...