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Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

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“R- res? W- wha? E- e- eh?” Seth slowly said to himself in Pokémon speech, with a noticeable slur towards the end. He toddled towards Ashton with short, unsteady steps. His eyes appeared to only be about half opened, while his arms started to droop along with his tail.

“I don’t know if I can make it like this... something tells me that this place is getting darker and darker already,” Seth thought, as he almost dropped his bag a split second later.
Aurora walked slowly behind Otis, missing the moment when she escaped into the wood. However, Froslass being attentive as always led the way. Although only speculating, Aurora always believed that Ghost type Pokemon are able to track well human souls and hence Aurora trusted Froslass’ judgement and followed her into the woods. She was close enough to hear human voices now. She picked up the pace and although cautious, she did not want to be left behind. Moreover, being bigger than Otis and presumably older, she felt a slight sense of responsibility. Thats when it struck her that all this time her brother was nowhere to be found. Finally, when Froslass stopped, Aurora caught up with it and found a camp with other human and pokemon survivors. Otis was already talking tot them so Aurora relaxed a little. She knew in the forest, primarily are bug and grass types, so she with her froslass had an advantage.
“Hello...” Aurora said, noticing that Ashton was limping and thinking to herself how lucky she was in the wreck, “I am Aurora. Do you want to sit down? Here let Froslass help you!” She shook Ashton’s hand carefully, to avoid potentially hurting him.
"I bet everyone's family will be so worried about them," Corey sighed. "I hope we can get rescued."
He was impressed that George was going to take on the Johto gym leaders. His sister had been going to do the same. The thought of his sister made him sad. He missed her, but had no idea where she was.
"Okay, let's look for those Pyukumuku," he decided, taking his mind off the subject. He sifted around the sand.
Drampa noticed that both Ashton and Seth were struggling to some extent and gave Cole a concerned look. Cole nodded in response, understanding what his partner was trying to tell him.

He turned around to convey the message to his companions: "If either of you need to rest, Drampa's more than willing to carry you, alright? Both of you are in pretty rough shape - and there's no need to force yourselves." It was then that he noticed Ashton talking to a new person - a girl older than the one they'd met previously, and a Froslass.

He walked over to join Ashton in greeting her. "Oh, hi! Another survivor? My name's Cole. Who are you?"
Name: Alister Blue
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Physical Appearance: 5’ 10” tall - slim but fit - is outfitted in tan cargo pants, leather belt, white t-shirt, converse(high tops), and his dirty old base ball cap.
Personality: Typically quiet. Was raised very strictly by his father(who was a soldier). Loyal and trustworthy.
Pokémon Team: Growlithe, Rhyhorn, Fletchinder

Alister brushed the sand from his hair and sighed as he looked out from over the island from his high vantage point.
He had climbed up to the highest point he could find in hopes that he would find other survivors. At times he had thought he might have heard voices from elsewhere on the island but with the echos and the wind and waves he just couldn’t be sure. So he chose to stay put and, with his Pokémon Growlithe, start the biggest fire they could. Not only to act as a beacon to other survivors but also to keep the wild Pokémon away.
Growlithe nuzzled up under Alister’s arm and he smiled. “Others will come. You’ll see.”
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Aurora noticed Cole and after letting go of Ashton’s hand, let Froslass take over to help him sit down. Froslass’ touch caused a split second of shivers down Ashton’s spine to which Aurora responded with a tiny guilty grin as that always happens. Cole was about her age and a little taller than her - “we will have to be the responsible adults” - Aurora thought to herself as Otis and Ashton, and her brother which she hoped to see here too but did not and consequently felt a little bit down, were all if not much but still noticeably younger than them. “Hello Cole, I am Aurora!” she exclaimed, trying to act confident although without her scarf and in the still slight state of shock it was a little difficult to do, “I am glad there are more survivors. I see you have set up already a sort of camps. Are there any more?”
George woke up... he misses his mom and dad.. he also remembers about his Snorlax he brought along, where had it gone?
George thought

George is in deep thought. Most likely will stay this way for a bit.
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Issac nodded and begun to search along with his companions, looking around he searched more and more. Until he saw a small black pokemon with a white tail[?] and pink parts that looked coral.
"" Uh, Corey, is that the pokemon that we are looking for?"" Issac asked
“Oh...” Aurora also lowered her eyes. Making a motion which would usually pull up her scarf but as it was still wet in her bag, she was returned back to reality. Froslass responded to the compliment with a quiet “Lasssss," Aurora added to that: "There are quite many Snorunts where I live, but I was lucky that I was gifted a Dawn Stone for my 14th Birthday which allowed me to evolve it into it... However, don't compliment her too much, after all there is a myth that she kidnaps men which she thinks are handsome," she let out a little laugh. Aurora is not one for jokes but she wanted to divert her attention from the aforemention sad notion.
"Good to meet you, Aurora!" Cole seemed relieved, glancing at her Froslass and thinking to himself that it looked powerful.
"I'm glad there's someone else here who's seems to be experienced as a trainer. Until now I've been trying to protect everyone, but I got a little careless and well... That's the reason Ashton's injured." Cole looked a little downtrodden, but pushed ahead with the conversation anyway.
"There are a few others who have gone back to the beach, where it's safer, but Ashton is in desperate need of water right now and based on these dried up river beds I think there may be a spring nearby. If you'd be willing to join us, that would be a great help! This forest has proven to be quite dangerous so far..."
"I also noticed your Drampa," Aurora responded, "handling a Dragon Pokemon is instantly a sign of skill, so I am glad you are part of our party. We have to act the reliable adult part now..." Aurora stopped for a second, realising again that they are stuck on this island and her brother not being around made her regret her reliable adult words. "Yes I will of cours join you. Forests is where Froslass has no fear." Aurora continued.
Alister squinted at the sun, “a few more hours until dusk.” He said to no one in particular since Growlithe was napping under their make shift shelter. He was hopeful that others may see his fire once darkness engulfed the island. He dropped another pile of wood close to the fire thinking, ‘I guess the forest is to dense to see the fire...’ his thoughts trailed off as he sat next to Growlithe.
“I- I see you also have a trainer... I- I’ll make it blunt. I’m Seth, and I work with well... umm... it’s better if you don’t know. Let’s just say that I’m calling it truce for everyone right here,” Seth calmly said to the Froslass in Pokémon speech.

“I- I know that I should have stayed at that orange building earlier, but a little turtle like me can only stay in its shell for so long. J- just don’t be f- freezing me a- alright?” The Squirtle quietly added before he gently rubbed on the bandaged areas of his shell and left hand once again.
Aurora did not notice the Squirtle initially but she heard a "urtle" adressed at her Froslass. The R logo did not tell her anything (in Sinnoh Team Rocket is only really known to those who regularly read the news), but she was a little sad to see a Pokemon without its trainer.

Meanwhile the Froslass responded with the coldest stare imagineable and let out a "frossssss", translated into Pokemon Speak: "I do not where you come from; but in my region there are bad humans walking around with similar insignia, just yellow Gs... so if you do anything funny you will experience things much worse than a little bit of Frostbite."
Ashton never fully examined the turtle up until now. As he felt like he was dying and his eyes were not very functional, then he noticed the "R" insignia.
"Co-Cole, that's symbol of Team Rocket! I'm from Kanto those gangsters have done terrible things to KANTO!" What was once worry was now pure rage.
"Poliwhirl come out!" He cried.
He didn't move, but him and Poli stared him down.
Corey turned to look at what Issac had found.
"Yes!" he shouted happily. "Those are Pyukumuku!"
He looked around the area more vigorously, knowing that the Pokémon were inhabiting the island. He found a few more of them, gathering them up in his arms gently.
"Do you want to catch them? I didn't bring any Pokéballs," he realised.
Something caught his attention when he looked up. A huge plume of smoke was spiralling into the sky from the mountain.
"Look, someone made a fire! It could be more survivors!" he observed, relieved. "My sister could be with them!"
Cole himself was unfamiliar with the symbol, having been born and raised in Alola, but Drampa had communicated with him earlier that it wasn't a good sign... However, Drampa had also convinced Cole to trust the Squirtle despite this.

Cole turned to Ashton and let him know what Drampa had told him earlier: "I'm not from Kanto myself, so I can't understand the anger you must feel looking at that R, but Drampa knows what it means, and he told me that it's bad. But he also told me that this Squirtle, despite being injured himself, was very concerned for you while you were poisoned. Drampa seems to trust him for this, and if Drampa trusts him then I do as well."

Cole waited to see the boys reaction, hoping that he was convinced.
“Ugh... it seems as if someone’s starting to really hate me. I really wish Selena was here right now. I get that it might have been wrong to break into that store and take some stuff... but I mean, even we gotta pay our bills and stuff in some way,” Seth thought, as he clentched his right hand into a fist as quickly as he could.

“You want a fight pal? We’re in the middle of nowhere, and unless if the boy’s looking for more trouble, then let’s break this right now!” Seth shouted to the Poliwhirl, as his body became outlined with a light blue aura!

The turtle Pokémon took in a few loud, deep breaths to somewhat offset the stinging pain. He turned towards Ashton and took another lengthy breath. He swiftly waved his right arm in a vertical motion. Suddenly, a gray, mystical barrier appeared in front of the Squirtle!
"" Okay"" Issac was happy, this was going to be his second Pokemon, before he was going to travel he tried to catch one Pokemon but failed.
One of the Pyukumuku noticed the strangers and just watched them.
"" Chikorita, time to battle!"" When Issac said that Chikorita immediately went to a fighting position, prepared to fight.
"" Use Razor Leaf!"" Issac commanded and Chikorita and sharp leaves attacked the opponent
As Corey continued to dig in the sand, he hit something hard- perhaps a stone? He dug deeper, and found that it was actually a Pokéball.
"Hm," he remarked, "That's strange. How could it have gotten buried so fast if it belonged to one of the survivors?" Maybe the island was inhabited after all.
He put the Pokéball in his backpack; he might need it later on, and Issac's Pyukumuku would be enough to purify some water.
Gligar decided to help Chikorita and used Fury Cutter to lower the Pyukumuku's HP to the point where Issac could easily catch it.
Froslass went in front of Seth to block the Poliwhirl and touched the former with its icy arms. "Froslass!" It said. Now loud and clear compared to the hisses from before. Translated to Pokemon speak: "cool down. I told you not to do anything funny and that Drampa vouches for you. So cool down." Aurora realized the Squirtle's tense expression. She was a little worried but trusted her Pokemon. She meanwhile told Ashton: "there is no such things as bad Pokemon. Just bad trainers who in the Squirtle's case is not here. Calm down."
Issac was thankful for Corey help but maybe he could handle that battle. With a quick movement he picked one the classical Pokeball, red and white. Launching the ball which hit Pyukumuku in the head and the capture process was on.
One,two,three, poff. The Pokemon was caught.
"" I GOT IT COREY!"" Issac yelled happily holding the poke-ball and Chikorita had a smile on her face.
"Aw, well done!" Corey laughed. Chikorita looked really proud of herself.
"Seriously, good job Issac, now everyone will be able to have a drink of water without getting sick," he added.
He looked up at the sky and noted the sun was high in the sky, probably about noon. They had a few hours left of daylight before they had to meet back up with the rest of the group.
"What should we do?" he asked Issac and George. "We could go look for some more Pokémon or food, or we could check out that fire on the mountain."
"I'll do that once that blue thing and the boy do the same! I'd rather not be having to deal with other trouble when I'm already tired here!" Seth screamed in his response to the Froslass in Pokémon speech! It was apparent that the Squirtle struggled to maintain a balance on his two feet.

"That blue thing might be going for something else if it sees the shield, so I guess I'll have to be ready in case!" Seth thought, as he discreetly focused some energy into his right hand.
Alister stretched as he yawned in the shade of his shelter. Growlithe let out a growl as Alister stood to his feet thus ruining Growlithe’s comfortable rest. Grinning Alister said, “Oh don’t fuss at me.”
He made his way over to the fire where he had a piece of flat slate rock over the fire and on top of the rock, simmering in their own juices was a pile of berries and wild greens. “This will do for now, but tomorrow,” he glanced at Growlithe, “We hunt.”
Froslass tried to mediate. By using Destiny Bond and standing in between the two parties. "FROSLASS." Translated into Pokemon speak: "if anyone of you two attacks, you will go down with me."

Aurora noticed the Destiny Bond being active, and immediately shouted to Ashton: "Under no circumstance attack now. Our Pokemon will go down. Calm down. We are on a deserted island and a day has not passed," she said looking at the sun, "do you want to continue like this?"
Drampa watched the conflict escalating between Seth and Poli with a disappointed look on his face.

"We have been on this island for but a single day, yet we have already degenerated into savagery? Yes, it is true that on this island we lack the 'laws' that usually govern us; but one must remember that it was us who created these 'laws' in the first place. If this is the case, then should we not be able to govern ourselves in their absence? I admire Froslass for her dedication to preserve the peace - but I cannot help but feel troubled by the fact that her sacrifice is necessary in the first place. Can we not forgot our differences presently and work together? It would be for the benefit of us all..." Drampa hoped that his words would ease the situation.
Ashton didn't say anything, he just pressed the middle white button on his Pokeball and in a flash of red light, Poli was gone. Energy in Ashton seemed to drain from him, he fell to the ground and his eyes closed abruptly. His face started to turn a darker shade of green.
"Like I said... if the blue thing and the boy can do it, then I'm all fine here! This is like that prisoner and police officer in an outbreak movie all over again!" Seth shouted to the Drampa, as he gasped when Ashton collapsed!

"O- okay... b- be- before I start running and maybe falling like him, does a- an- anyone know the color needed to help that green dude is?" Seth inquired to the Drampa with a noticeably louder tone, as he took a lengthy breath. Several small rings of cleansing water surrounded his body. He attempted to take in every bit of droplet, though it was apparent that he had a difficult time with the aquatic rings.
"What colour?" Drampa seemed puzzled. "Ah, if you are referring to the various man-made medicines commonly used to cure status ailments, then I believe the appropriate colour would be yellow. Do you have a vile in your possession?"

Cole panicked as Ashton passed-out once again. "I see the spring just up ahead! Drampa, help me get him there."

Drampa gently placed Ashton on his back and the group rushed toward the spring to treat him further.
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