Your Trainers are kind of neat, but some of them (like Wes and Rui) are rough around the edges. In addition, the colors are all eye-burning; I would suggest playing with the colors until you find some nice reduced colors. Oversaturated colors aren't very pretty.
The Pokemon are...Neh. The Flarequine is a Rapidash recolor, Aquatro is a Moltres recolor...Scrapmetal is just WTF XD
Revell's base sprites are clear (Gastly and Darkrai), but if you work at it, it could look really neat. It reminds me of a Chain Chomp.
Now, Sentung...Wow. I didn't see this coming. I like it. But what is it? XD It's like...a Disappear Pokemon. I like that!!
Your sprites need some fine tuning, but you show some promise. Keep it up.