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Private/Closed Sinnoh League tournament

"Blade communicates telepathically," Aspen explained, "Actually, I think quite a few Gardevoir and Gallade do. I'm surprised yours doesn't. Maybe sometime soon."
" I guess I should try helping too," Sazandora said as he patted Gallade on the head. Gallade gave an expression of happiness at his trainer. " Hey is quite the ladies man when it comes to Gardivior though," Sazandora said proudly.
Aspen gave a smug look to Blade. "Blade mostly thinks he's the funniest Pokemon out there. And sometimes the strongest. Don't get me wrong, he's pretty strong, but he gets a little...cocky."
" Well,I hope we'll be able to prove whose Gallade is stronger in the tournament," Sazandora exclaimed. Gallade looked at Blade and said telepathically," I'm clearly the stronger one," Sazandora stood in awe at his Gallade.,"Hey, let's have a Gallade vs Blade battle,"
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"Nice to meet ya I'm Darcy and this is my buddy sharpwing" darcy replied gesturing to his crobat "I can't believe I have to wait till nere the end of the first round to fight" Darcy huffed while sitting down
David looked at the battle order. "according to this I'm eighth and your thirteenth." He said as he looked at Sam. He studied him a for few seconds. He couldn't help but think that there was something of about Sam. He looked way to feminine. His smooth looking skin, not to mention the fact that he doesn't have an Adam's apple. Was Sam actually a woman? or was he still affected by his hangover.
Chloe started to purr as she felt Riley's lips on her neck. She was awake of course but she didn't want this to end. So Chloe rolled over and gripped Riley tightly putting her leg over his keeping him from escaping. She then started to suck on his neck.
Steven started to walk around the stands. He wondered if he might see anyone he knows. He looked and saw Aspen Conversing with a couple of guys. He let out a deep breath and walked towards them. " Hey Aspen." He said as he took the seat behind her.
He was searching for anything related to masks. " Pick up a new hobby" His Partner Joseph white said. The man looked at him. He didn't want to tell him about his emperor dream. Last thing he needed was to go to theropy.
" It's nothing." He said.
"Well you ready to move?" his partner said. " The chief has a double homicide for us to solve."
Riley grinned as he felt Chloe's lips
on his neck. He ran his hand through her tangled hair before bringing her head up too his and then passionately kissed her. Riley knew that they were already late but he wanted too have this moment with her.
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Sazandora looked at his Gallade in confusion and muttered," Wait, you can talk now?"
Gallade looked at him a communicated with him telepathically," Yes, apparently I can,"
Sazandora then said," Oh, also, be polite, what you said was rude,"
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What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Patrick settled down in the stand to finally watch the first match. Suddenly, Ella appeared. A large smile appeared on Patrick's face. "Finally!" He shouted hugging her.
"It's been so long, how are you?" She asked
"Good now you're here. How are you?!"
"You know, ever since we started going out i've felt happier!"
"Me too!"
They looked at each other, intensely. Patrick felt like he was about to burst.
"You hear about the-"
"Yes! I was so worried..."
"I was so worried about you..."
"Aw...that's nice..." She hugged him again.

Looker and a group of the police force broke down one of the doors entering Jubilife TV. Looker's Croagunk made a clean sweep, getting rid of any unwanted Glameows, Stunkys, Zubats and other pokemon the Galactic grunts had. They made their way to the top and instantly Looker arrested the two fake commanders in control.
"Your coup...ends here!" Looker shouted.
"It's only the beginning!!" One of them cried.
Looker noticed a teleporter saying 'Charon Industries.' His mind was moved around.
"Charon..." Said Looker. "He was one of the Team Galactic chief scientists I let get away many years ago!" He cried. "He must have had some say in this...rebelion...he seems to have built up a business, quite rapidly and silently..." He told his assistants. "Something fishy is going on...that attack...is...not just the first one we've got to deal with..."
An informant ran towards Looker. "Sir! We've just recieved news that Sinnoh Grand Prison has been broken into-many of the guards have been taken out! Prisoners are escaping! He cried.
"Officers, stay here. I'm going to investigate!" Looker shouted before leaving.

One of the officers had an earpiece in his ear. "Looker has found and got rid of our stage 1 falsies." He reported. His voice was sent directly to the Masquerader headquarters, for he was one of the corrupt officers.
"Good...good...let him find out that thousands of criminals have been released....that should cause a mental breakdown!" The Leader cried, hearing this information. He recalled the Mask of Metal to his drawring room. The Mask of the Tides stayed at the prison.
Chloe pulled Riley closer to her. " You know." She said. " You could of just slept right here instead of the couch you know." She whispered into his ear. Her eyes then fully snapped open when she realized what time it was. She quickly got up and grabbed her dress as she went into the Bathroom. " Why didn't you tell me it was this late." after a few minutes she walked out of the bathroom wearing a red dress.
( McNeal)
" If you guys want looker gone I can take care of him." McNeal said via headset to the leader. "Plant some hard evidence on him and put him in prison. Or have one of my men take him out." He then shook his head. " unfortunately we have a problem elsewhere." He said.
The mask of Venom walked into the room."I got some of that stuff you wanted," she said as a couple grunts wheeled in the boxes," some bratty kid from the tournament got in my way and I couldn't get it all."
"I was enjoying our moment.", he said as he walked up to Chloe and put his hand on her waist. Then he looked into her eyes. "And don't tell me you weren't enjoying yourself.", he said before he kissed her again. After a few moments, Riley broke the kiss and looked at her again. "I'll try not too make the same mistake tonight.", he said referring to where he was going to sleep.
"Of course I enjoyed it." She said as she put her arms around his neck and kissed him slipping a little bit tounge into the kiss. After a little bit she broke it off. "Now let's go Mr. Champion. I want you to be there when I win." She said with a grin on her face.
Riley wanted to say something about that last part of her statement but decided to leave it. "We're probably really late by now," he said as he walked over to the door and slipped his feet into his sneakers. Then he remembered something as he opened the door.

"Zola!", he exclaimed as saw Zola laying on the wall outside the room sound asleep. All of a sudden, a Pokemon popped out of one of Riley's pokeballs. It was his Rotom-Wash. Riley knew what was about too happen. Rotom loved too play pranks whenever it got the chance. "Rotom...," Riley said sternly trying to stop Rotom. But it was too late and Rotom laughed as it used it's hose too spray a hydro pump on Zola.

Zola immediately prepared a leaf blade and swung at Rotom. However, Rotom was prepared and used volt switch to counter it, which pushed Zola back. Due too the after effects of volt switch, Rotom went back to it's pokeball, which was a good thing.

"Zola, I'm so sorry!", Riley stated as he tried too rub the water off of him. Zola pushed his hands away. "This is what I get for cleaning up your mess?!", he said before noticing Chloe was in the room. "Does she...," Zola managed too say before Riley answered. "Yeah, she knows," he told Zola. Zola shook his head. "So I'm assuming since you two spent the night together, and statistically speaking when a human male and female spend the night, you two must've...," Zola said before he was once again interrupted by Riley.

Riley covered Zola's mouth before he could finish his statement and whispered in his ears. "Shut up! I slept on the couch," Riley stated before letting him free. "Anyways, we have to get to the Tournament. You ready?", he asked Zola. "I should be," Zola said as he stretched his arms before remembering his battle with Vegeta yesterday. "Yeah, I'm ready," he said grinning. "Well, come back in your pokeball for now and get dried up," Riley stated pulling out Zola's pokeball. Zola rolled his eyes before he went in.

"Okay Chloe, I'm ready," Riley stated as he waited in the doorway.
Sazandora wacmtched the battle trying to figure out the battler's strategy. Gallade wooed 2 Gardivoir. Sazandora looked over at Gallade and chuckled. Sazandora looked at his name on the schedule. I'm in the tenth battle, Sazandora thought.
Rita walked into the Tournament battling area and she shook a tiny bit, She waved to Jack and Jess
"Go Jolteon!" Rita yelled as she sent out Jolteon
"Gyarados!" John yelled, Sending out the Snake like Water dragon
"Thunder!" Rita yelled as Jolteon started to run at Gyarados and Shock it
"Quick! Aqua Tail!" John yelled, Gyarados slapped Jolteon into the Wall
"Quick attack!" Rita yelled as Jolteon crawled out of the wall and started to run around the Arena, Gaining speed and then tackling the Gyarados
"Thunder!" Rita yelled as The Gyarados was shocked as much as it could, Fainting it
"Ugh! Go Rhyperior!" John yelled as he sent out a Rhyperior
"Uh oh" Rita said as the Rhyperior used Bulldoze, Some how fainting it
"Leafeon! Razor Leaf!" Rita yelled, Leafeon threw Razor Leafs at the Rhyperior, Weakening it a lot
"Megahorn!" John yelled as Rhyperior dashed forward
"DODGE!" Rita yelled as Leafeon dodged and used Razor Leaf, Fainting it
"UGH! BLAZIKEN!" John yelled as he sent out Blaziken, It ran at Leafeon and used Blaze Kick, knocking it back and fainting it
"Vaporeon!" Rita yelled, Vaporeon looked at Blaziken
"Hydro Pump!" Rita yelled as Vaporeon dashed Forward and hit Blaziken, It jumped forward and used Solar beam, Fainting it
"Ugh.... Flareon!" Rita yelled as she sent out Flareon
"Quick attack!" Rita yelled as Flareon dashed forward and hit the Blaziken, Fainting it
"Oh no! ugh... Roserade" John said as he sent out Roserade
"Ha! Fire Fang!" Rita yelled a Flareon jumped forward and bit Roserade, Quickly fainting it
"I DID IT!" Rita yelled as she jumped up and down with her Flareon
"Ugh...." John sighed as he returned his Roserade
"Hmm... Rita tries to do as much damage as possible," Sazandora murmered. He sat there contemplating the battle between Rita and John. Sazandora returned his Gallade before he did anything crazy.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Looker marched towards the ruined prison. Police officers joined his group as he opened the gates. "We've secured most cells. We've managed to round them up!" One reported to Looker.
"Good. Did any escape?" Looker asked.
"Nope. All good...no need to look..."
"My name...is Looker...thank you..." He said. "I need to assess the situation. And besides...we wouldn't want any of you...lying to us!" He joked and a few of the officers laughed too.
Looker ran into the prison. He knew something was wrong, he couldn't quite put a finger to it.
"The jig is up!" One of the police officers cried. He too was wearing an earpiece linking directly to the Masks.
"Let...him...discover..." The Leader whispered.

Looker turned his head towards the various holes in the prison. He was telling one of the guards how they ought to fix them and then he saw a group of cells empty.
"Who's here?" Looker asked
"Noone...it's...decomissioned..." The guard said. "After the riot, we...had to er..."
Looker didn't buy the explanation. He saw the names 'Galactic Commander Mars, Jupiter and Saturn' engraved onto three of the empty cells.
"Team Galactic members were in these cells! You lied! The others outside lied!" Looker shouted. "Who did this? This obviously not just a riot...someone broke them...out..." Looker turned around and saw that the police officers had all gathered around him.

"Ah yes...Mr Looker...." A man with Blue hair and a young face arrived amongst the police officers. The police officers took off their uniform to reveal that there were, in fact Team Galactic grunts.
"Team Galactic! I should have known. Who are you?!"
"I am Galactic Commander Neptune. I was recently promoted into the Neo-Galactic ranks. I've been ordered to take you!" Neptune shouted.
As the grunts tried to grab him, Croagunk came out of his poke ball and punched some of the grunts across the room. The rest of them sent out a horde of Zubats.
"Poison jab!" The Zubats came to hit Croagunk but he jumped over them and stabbed at all of them, gathered them into a bunch. He launched them across the room and they all fainted.
"Some skills you got there..." Neptune said. "Now it's my turn. Go Floatzel!" A large, bulky looking Floatzel appeared in front of Looker's Croagunk.
Aspen looked in Steven's direction. "Oh, hey Steven," She said. "So, are you in the Tournament?" Meanwhile, Blade was glaring at the other Gallade.

(Mask of Fairies)
The Mask of Fairies walked outside the arena, waiting to strike and steal some Pokemon. People thought she was weak just because she wore pink and her partners were all Fairy Type Pokemon? Well, she would fix that real fast.
"Nope." He said looking at here. " I'm here for moral support for my sister." He then showed her his Camera. " And taken pictures of the Pokémon trying to create my own national Dex." He then looked at her. " So when are you battling?" He asked.
"I'll be back." Drew said to Sam as he started to walk. He had to make sure to get Poli for the first round. As he started to walk to the Pokecenter he walked passed a women in a lot of pink. 'Damn that's a lot of pink.' He thought. Though the other thing he noticed was her mask. ' he said a silent Curse as he walked towards the masked woman. ' why does there always have to be a damn problem at the tournaments I'm in.' He thought
" Excuse me ma'am." He said to her with his southern charm. " Where did you find that there mask at." he said.
Aspen looked at the list. "I'm up soon...Looks like I'm fighting someone named Ray."
(Mask of Fairies)
The Mask of Fairies looked at the Trainer that had approached her. "Somewhere," She lied easily, "Why?"
" Cause I do say that it mighty purty (pretty) on ya." He said using southern hick persona. He took a couple of steps closer to her secretly taken out a small ring as he continued to talk. " Now I do recon that your the most beautiful lady I've seen in a good time. will yo do me the honor of having lunch with me." He was close to her now. Not too close that he looks like a creep but close enough that he could touch her.
Steven looked at her. " Well I wish you luck in your coming battle Ms. Aspen." He said trying way to hard to be formal.
Aspen grinned. "Thanks! With my history in these League Tournaments, I'll need it!" She said, clearly remembering, but not in an 'I hate that moment, I hope that person died' way.
(Mask of Fairies)
The Mask of Fairies smiled sweetly. She could turn her charm on when she wanted or needed to, and apparently she didn't even need to for this person to come right to her. "Okay," She said.
David gently touched her hand as the ring encircled her wrist locking it to the one on his wrist. " David Winters International Defense Force. Your under arrest." He said dropping his southern hick persona entirely. " Now come along Mask I have some questions for you?"
"Hey the perliminaries are most likely going to end at night." He said looked at her. He did his best to keep the red out of his face. "If you want a human escort along with your knight over there." He said nodding towards blades. "I'll be more than happy to go with you."
Lex watched the opening match. He could tell that this was going to be a good year. His phone rang. " Hello?" He asked. " Mr. Connor." A masculine voice said. " We found the truck abandon. We belive they were waiting for another one."
" Keep me updated." He said.
Callum had been listening too the situation going on at the ruined prison. The leader seemed too be enjoying this and would probably love too see Looker being taken out of the picture. Callum had too make sure the Leader had protection when he was in the open. But then again, the leader should be able to handle any dangers himself.

After having some breakfast at a nearby restaurant, Riley had finally arrived at the stadium and as he went inside, he was surrounded by reporters asking countless questions about his chances in the tournament, his past experiences, and his relationship with Chloe. After that was done, Riley headed for the stands. "The battle has already started!", Riley stated through the noise in the stadium as he tried too find some seats. He looked ahead and saw Steven and Aspen together with some open seats nearby and headed over too them. "Hey Steven, Aspen!", Riley said as he looked at both of them. It looked like he had interrupted something as he noticed Steven's face had a shade of red. "I'm just going too sit down. Sorry!", Riley exclaimed as he sat down.
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Steven shook Sazanora's hand. "I'm not. I'm not a trainer I take pictures and hopefully one day My photographs will be in the national Pokedex." He then looked at the boy. " I'm sorry I don't believe we met. What's your name?"
"Well it looks like its my battle now" Alex commented to Joe "I'll be back"
Alex walked onto the battlefield, his Arcanine by his side. He looked across the arena to his opponent.
"Arcanine huh?" the other trainer asked "Alright then, go Quagsire!"

"Your move" Alex said, smiling
"Quagsire!" the trainer shouted "Use Mud Bomb!"
"Extremespeed!" Alex shouted, and Arcanine sped out of the way, a massive ball of mud hitting the spot he had just been. Then he sped towards the Quagsire, knocking it backwards.

"Idiot!" The trainer shouted "Muddy Water!"
A massive wave of brown water sped towards Arcanine, too fast and too much to dodge. "No! Arcanine!" Alex shouted as Arcanine was swept away

"Yes!" the other trainer shouted, and Quagsire walked to the seemingly fainted Arcanine "Now!" Alex shouted, and Arcanine leapt up, using extreme speed and fire fang, never giving the Quagsire time to recover and slowly chipping away at its health until it was beaten.
"Yes!" Alex shouted "i won!"
Callum sat at his office desk as he looked at the mounted tv on the wall showing the tournament. "It's time," Callum stated as he looked at his laptop and typed something onto it.

Riley felt a strange stinging in his head. It reminded him of that time in Hoenn. He hastily got up and walked back into the inside of the stadium.
"Oh, sorry, I'm Sazandora," Sazandora sighed,"I just want to be the greatest master of them all." Sazandora looked at his watch. He looked back up at Steven and said," Hmm, pictures, I might try that someday,"
(Mask of Shadow)
The Mask of Shadow stood over a building watching over the city. He clenched his fist as he felt his power flow through his host's body. "Time to see what I can do," he said as he jumped off the building.

"So, I heard that a lot of security has been sent to the stadium due too what happened in Hoenn," a security told his partner handing him some coffee. "I think we'll be able to handle ourselves. Ever since Team Galactic, no one else has tried too invade here," his partner said before sipping on his coffee. "Don't jinx us!", the guard said chuckling.

"Hey guys.", one the security guards said walking up too him. "Hey...", he said before stopped. The guard who had said "hi" dropped too the floor reveling a man with a mask. "Security must be slow today because I took the rest of the security of this muesum.", the mask stated. Both of the security guards pulled out their pistols and started to fire at him. The bullets just went through his body. "Been there, done that.", the masquerader said before he swiftly moved towards the two guards. He grabbed the guard's hand with the pistol and shot his partner in the head with it. "Wh-what are you?!", the guard asked in fear. "I am the shadow of this world...and your death!", he stated before shot him in the head.

"Report," a voice said through a communication device. The masquerader picked up and spoke into it. "Clear," he said before throwing it on the floor breaking it.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Aqua jet!" Neptune cried as Floatzel covered himself in water and launched it's body at Croagunk. Croagunk fell to the ground but got up again. Looker ordered him to begin a series of chops and jabs towards the Floatzel. Many of the hits missed but some of them managed to force Floatzel to it's feet, before being pushed back again. "Aqua tail!" Floatzel's watery tail spun round at the ground. Croagunk hopped into the air each time the tail came around. Then, he grabbed Floatzel's tail before unexpectingly launching the Floatzel a floor up by spinning him round. Neptune looked up and saw that his Floatzel had fainted. Instantly, the Galactic grunts surrendered.
Daniel clapped as he walked towards the team Galactic grunts and looker. " Wow you guys are incompetent." He said. " That's just one man and you guys surrender because your leader lost?" He snapped his finger as a hundred Red Scarf soilders appeared They pointed their guns and had their pokemon looking at the Galactic grunts and looker. " I on the other hand will not be surrendering today. "
Drew walked into the interagtion room where the mask was at. " I know this isn't what you where thinking about when I said lunch but it'll have to do." He said as he slid her a garden Salad and a bottle of water. " What mask are you." He said beginning his interrogation.
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Sazandora looked back at the stadium to watch the battle. He pulled out a tiny notebook and started to take notes. He wasn't going to loose in the Pokémon league without a fight!

(Mask of Venom )
"Alrighty, then," Mask of Venom muttered. She walked out of the room gesturing for her grunts to follow her.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Are you people from that one branch of the army I've been hearing about?" Looker asked Daniel.
"You idiots!" Neptune roared. "This all part of our plan!!"
"Again! Giving away what you're trying to do!" Yelled Looker, as he started handcuffing them,
Daniel looked at Looker and laughed. "If you think we're apart of the IDF you have another thing coming." He grabbed looker by the collar. " kill the rest." He said to his men. " Now officer we're going to have a long conversation."
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Sazandora murmured,"I was born and raised in a region far from here." A tear slid down the side of his cheek."I hade to leave my very first Pokémon back in Lumiose city," Sazandora said," But when I get Greninja back on team, I'll stand a much better chance at winning!"

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"What do you want with me?! I wasn't part of this mess. I was trying to stop it!" Looker cried. The horde of Galactic Grunts started to run but their lazyness was shown when their pace dramatically decreased. Neptune, meanwhile had recovered from an attack by Looker's Croagunk. He had one more trick up his sleave. A Froslass hovered from floor to floor. It came through to the floor they were on and a large puddle of ice appeared on the floor as the Froslass drifted into the room. A beam of ice came from it's mouth.
(Mask of Fairies)
"Why should I tell you? You're just going to throw me in jail anyway," She spat at Drew, with a harsh edge to her voice. He thinks I'm just going to GIVE UP my information? She thought, How stupid can someone be?