Leah woke up atop a snow-covered mountain near a cave. She was hesitant to walk inside, but she sensed something in there. Like it was drawing her to it. She stepped inside and looked around. There were markings on the wall, kind of like what you would see in prehistoric homes. Drawings of everyday life in a sequence all throughout the walls. There were pictures of giant beasts, Leah had never seen anything like them before. Then she saw something that made her scared for her life. A big skull with crossbones on it. And an arrow pointing in the direction she was heading. She turned to head back, only to find there was a wall closing in on her. She wasn't sure what to do now. She wished Elijah was here to help her, he'd know what to do. She figured the only way out was to keep heading down the path, so that's what she did. 5 minutes later, she came across two huge doors. She tried to push it open, but it wouldn't budge. She reached for her Pokeball, but they were gone. She didn't have any idea about where she was, and she was terrified.
She looked backwards, and the wall was still closing in on her. if she didn't get out, she would be crushed. She hit the cave walls hoping that they would break, but alas, they didn't break either. She needed help, and just like Elijah, her help came. Out of nowhere and Alolan Vulpix appeared. "Uh, hi there?" She said. The Vulpix didn't pay any attention to her. instead, it just tackled the door down. "That works, I guess." She pet the Vulpix on the head and walked in. The room was filled with Books, it was just like the Library in the Old Chateau. One Book titled, "Secrets" was laid out on the table. She walked over to it and opened it to the first page. There was a warning written in Red ink on it. It read, "Those who dare read this book, will perish soon after finishing". She looked up to see that the library floor was disappearing all around her. She hopped up on the table to keep from falling. The Vulpix ran over and jumped into her arms to keep from falling. "I guess you're real, unlike everything else here." She said. Vulpix didn't seem to understand. The edge of the floor was reaching them. Finally, there was no floor left. Leah and Vulpix fell into the Black Void below.