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Ask to Join Smash Bros. Ultimate: Galeon's Revenge. (RP)

Sonic nodded. “Yeah....my head just felt like it was splitting....I’ll be fine....” He said, his voice trailing off. “Can I Just tag along with you?” The hedgehog asked.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Wolf looked at Sonic ''I dont really have a choice do i?'' Wolf say'd. ''But, when my ship is repaired then i will go back to kick Fox's ass'' Wolf say'd serious. But he didnt know if he would actaully do it.
“Ok.” Sonic said. “If he isnt a clone by now...” Sonic thought, jumping off the top of the cave. “Well, lets get a move on!”
Inkling had realized there was no danger, and was looking around. “I’m gonna see if shelters nearby for us.” She said, hearing noises from other people, but not mentioning it as she walked off.
Sonic sighed. “That monster...in the sky....its a fusion between two of the strongest beings. It turns people to stone....and makes clones of them. I was one of those people. I only recently re gained control, I came up here to Dreamland, and I found you. I couldn’t, no, I WOULDN’T leave you. I cant let anyone be taken.” Sonic stared down at the ground, his happy attitude leaving him.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Wolf looked at the air, he saw the monster. ''Wait, it is in the air... I know something maybe, But then i need more people. And i have to repair my ship'' He say'd. ''And dont be sad, Whe will get everybody back''
“No, we wont. You know the newcomers, right? The inklings? Well, probably you haven’t met them, but you know their here. Well, the blue one. Because of that monster...the orange one had to push him off the edge of here. I dont know if he survived, but it scarred the other one. I could’ve helped them, but...I failed.” Sonic said, growling a bit. “I failed them...I wont forget that...”


Previously TheFartingFish1
Wolf sighed, He knew he was bad at cheering people up. ''With every bad story comes a happy end'' He say'd to sonic. He sighed ''Like u also fought Tabuu! and everybody turned into thropies there. And then whe defeated him, so whe can do it again with this sucker''.
Sonic smiled. “Yeah. We can win this again.” He said, looking up. “Thanks Wolf. You really are a good person when you want to be.” The hedgehog looked up at the stars again. “I know we’ll win this.”


Previously TheFartingFish1
''No problem'' Wolf say'd. He smiled a bit, ''And if there are more people here, then whe should meet them. With more people it will be easier to beat the monster. Do you know where they are now?'' He asked, If not, then i can just use the scanning feature of my watch. He thought
“Well...I dunno where Corrin and Mii Brawler are, but there in Dreamland.” He ear flickered towards a noise. “But...the newcomer is around here. Very close. Possibly spying.” Sonic said. Inkling flinched from behind the tree she was hiding, covering her mouth to avoid making noise.


Previously TheFartingFish1
''Well i have a scan feature on my watch, it will show me every living thing in this area. If whe then see something, like Corrin or what hes name is, then whe can walk to him'' He say'd. He already activated hes watch, but not the scanning feature.
Sonic walked towards Inklings hiding spot, grabbing her arm and pulling her out. “Hey kid, Whats up-“ He was cut off by Inkling thrashing around, growling and hissing, while Sonic snickered a bit.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Wolf looked at Sonic ''Well, Looks like you have a scanning thing in your body! How did you know that kid was there?'' He asked. He looked at inkling ''And why was he spying on us?''
“I dunno. I just have good hearing. She was whimpering a little, so I heard her.” Sonic said, and Inkling continued struggling, trying to get away. “She’s a bit jumpy....calm down newbie....”


Previously TheFartingFish1
Wolf walked to Sonic ''Ey kid, What were you doing there?'' He asked to inkling ''If you want to spy, then you shouldnt talk'' He say'd ''Because sometimes they find you and shoot your ship down'' He thought of what happend with the fight against fox. Where when they tried to spy them they made to much noise, alerting them.
Inkling whimpered again, and Sonic set her down. He kept his hand on her arm though. “Newbie, calm down....deep breaths.....we wont hurt you....” The hedgehog said, but Inkling continued shaking and whimpering. She was scared of the two older fighters.
Inkling looked up at Sonic. “But he tried killing me....he made me kill my friend...” She said, and Sonic sighed. “I was under control during that....your safe now.....”


Previously TheFartingFish1
Wolf didnt know much about what happend before he crashed, only the things Sonic told him ''Really kid, hes nice now. Otherwise he wouldnt help me. He really hates himself for what happend to him. He wants to fix it now, Trust us'' He say'd, Looking at sonic for a moment and then back at Inkling
Inkling stayed quiet, but was still shaking. Sonic let go, patting her head. “See? Your ok....I’m not gonna hurt you...not now, not ever.” He said, and Inkling nodded. “Ok....”
Inkling shrugged. “I was out for a walk, and I saw you guys. I wanted to go over, but I got scared, and I hid. The longer I hid, the more afraid I got....so I just stayed quiet until Sonic found me...”


Previously TheFartingFish1
''Out for a walk? Do you know where... Um what was hes name again... Cornflakes is?'' He asked ''Also you didnt have to be scared, in these kinds of danger whe should all team up and help eachother, Like if that monster wasnt hear then i wouldnt spare sonic from my blaster, but because that monster is here now, i did'' Wolf say'd to inkling
“Corrin. And she’s a girl.” Inkling said. Sonic snickered a bit. Until he realized. “Wait, what!? You were gonna blast me!?” Sonic yelled, and for once, Inkling smiled. “Your funny.”


Previously TheFartingFish1
Wolf looked at Inkling ''Sorry, I cant renember names that well...'' Wolf looked at Sonic ''Yeah, what else did you thought i would do when i had a blaster to your face? give you a birthday cake?'' Wolf say'd a bit annoyed, But also laughing a bit


Previously TheFartingFish1
''But ok, I'm gone climb a tree, look if i can see somebody from above'' Wolf said, While putting hes claws in a tree. He started climbing the tree. On the top he only saw some tree's, Grass, The sun and the monster.
Sonic stepped back with a growl. “Cake?” Inkling said quietly, and Sonic burst into laughter. “Your the most innocent fighter in here.” Sonic said, and Inkling nodded. “Yep!”
“Nothing...nothing...” Sonic said, while Inkling just looked confused. “Lets just go find the fish, or some berries or fruit from trees. Lets just get food, overall.” He said.


Previously TheFartingFish1
''I'll climb another tree to find berries, you guys can fish!'' He say'd while he started climbing another tree with hes claws. When he was on the top he saw some berries, Slashed them of with hes claws and grabbed them when they fell on the floor.
Sonic nodded, grabbed Inklins hand and running to a river. “Ok, lets do this!” He pulled out a bag, dipping it in the water, watching fish swim into it. Inkling looked at him with interest.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Wolf kept climbing tree's and slashing berries of them. ''That should be enough'' He say'd, after getting atleast 30 berries. He grabbed them all and putted them in hes pockets, and some in hes hands. He walked to the river where Sonic and Inkling were catching fish, ''Hey guys! I got some berries, did you guys get anything?''.
“Almost!” Sonic said. “Can I try?” Inkling asked, and Sonic nodded. “Hold the net!” He told her, and she grabbed onto it, while Sonic let go. “Good luck kiddo!” He said, patting her back. Inkling lost her balance, falling into the river. “Shoot, kid!” Sonic yelled.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Wolf saw how Inkling fell, He tried not to laugh, but he couldnt hold himself. ''Hey kid! Are you ok?'' He asked, while putting down the berries on the ground so he could help Inkling. Wolf walked to inkling and offerd hes hand.
Inkling grabbed onto Wolfs hand, climbing up of the water. “C-C-C-Cold....” She whimpered, and Sonic sighed. “Sorry kid....I forgot you cant be in water....” Sonic said. “I g-g-g-got...the b-b-b-bag....” She said, holding up the bag, which was moving. “Oh, you caught some! Good job!”


Previously TheFartingFish1
''You cant be in water and you still grab the bag? You really are a brave kid arent you?'' Wolf say'd ''You can give the bag to sonic. I will make a fire for you'' Wolf say'd. Wolf started to walk back to the tree's, Climbed a tree again and slashed at the tree a couple of times. After some tries some sticks fell on the ground. He grabbed the sticks, Putted them on the ground and grabbed hes blaster. He shot at the sticks, setting them on fire ''Here little one!'' He say'd to inkling.
Inkling smiled, and Sonic laughed, taking the bag. “I know Corrin swore to protect you, but. Will too.” The hedgehog said, then knelt down to her height. “Wolf will too, hes just too cool to admit it.” Inkling giggled a bit, then walked over to where Wolf was, sitting down.