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Ask to Join Smash Bros. Ultimate: Galeon's Revenge. (RP)

Inkling looked up at Corrin with fear. She didn't know what was gonna happen. "Struggle....attack.....give in......do something...." Her mind told her, but she just stayed quiet, trembling and sniffling, trying to decide what to do.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"As if! I'm not letting Inkling be in your hands!" Corrin said then she started running from the Dark Lucas and grimaced lightly. I will keep you safe, Inkling....I promise... He thought


Previously Possibilit
Puffball was soon brought back to life......how? Puffball looked at his....hand arm thing and saw that he was a much darker pink (Pretty much Dark Puffball but was not turned DIRECTLY evil. Kinda good and bad. He's staying on the good side). He went over to Corrin and the Inkling, but little did he know, they thought they he was bad. "Jiggly!" Said Puffball "Puff!". Jigglypuff put a friendly smile over his face and hopped up and down. Even if they attacked, he would not (Mabye).
Inkling continued sniffling, wanting to be let go. "just a little longer......then you can be alright again, everything will be okay...." She thought, before trying to struggle free again a little.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Inkling, please stop....I've got to get you someplace safe." Corrin whispered to the Squid Kid. Please stop struggling. You'll be caught by that kid with the PK move or be turned to stone by that creature. She thought with a worried expression.
Inkling looked up at Corrin, whimpering a bit. "i may as well trust her....but I'll get her to let me go when we get away." She thought, before closing her eyes and staying silent, trying to calm down.
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Inkling's eyes widened, as she turned into squid form, sliding out of Corrin's arms. She ran at the PK Fire attack, then stopped infront of it, shielding as the attack hit her sheild, breaking it. She stood up shakily, seeing stars as she began wobbling, trying to keep her balance. "W-Woom...y..."
DarkLucas smiled, walking over to the stunned Inkling. “Alright, your coming with me.” He said, grabbing her arm and pulling her alongside him as he started walking away.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Inkling!!" Corrin shouted then ran towards Dark Lucas, "Unhand her, fiend!" She gripped her sword tightly as she ran at the child of PK. How could I let myself be so blind? How could I let Inkling be taken away? Her mind thought.
DarkLucas turned around, sighing. “I thought this was gonna be easy....” He pulled Inkling closer to him, grinning. “If you take another step, she’ll die.” He growled, charging up another attack.


Previously Possibilit
Meta Knight flew from the skies, landing straight in front of DarkLucas "Let go of that girl" Said Meta Knight "Now." Meta Knight put his sword in front of DarkLucas "You have 10 seconds to choose" Said Meta Knight "Get punished or let go of the girl. Choose wisely" The bright yellow eyes in Meta Knights mask have vanished. He's serious. (Btw, I have permission to use Meta Knight. @GhostlyCubone11 said. He just has not put it on the board with everyone else)


Previously Possibilit
Meta Knight reflected it with his sword "Choose" Said Meta Knight "Or lose" Meta Knight swung his sword at him, making the sword right in his face. Meta Knight also made sure that the Pk Fire did not hit Inkling.


Previously Possibilit
Meta Knight touched the Inkling "You ok?" Said Meta Knight "That was a rough 5 minutes, huh?" Meta Knight picked inkling up and gave it to Corrin "This is your friend, right?" Said Meta Knight as he placed the Inkling on Corrin's shoulder "Also, take this. It will help with the damage." Meta Knight gave Corrin a Maximum Tomato. "That gives you and the Inkling a bit of health." Said Meta Knight "Also, I'm going to stick around with you guys. Just to make that girl and...you safe".
Inkling whimpered a bit, the stunned condition wearing off. “W....What happened.....?” She asked softly, looking around, until she noticed Meta Knight and freaked out. She pushed away from Corrin and sprayed ink on the ground, and jumped into it. She still was confused about everything going on, and had no idea who Meta Knight was, with herself being a newcomer.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Corrin sighed then nodded to Meta Knight. "I would consider ourselves acquaintances....but Inkling is scared and it is nice to see a fellow Swordsman." She said to Meta Knight then knelt down to the puddle, "Inkling? It's okay......he helped us."
Inkling stayed in the puddle, still to afraid to come out. “What if he hurts us? What if he’s working for the bad guys?” She asked, but it just came out as gibberish, since she was speaking in the inkling language.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Corrin shook her head. "He may look like a bad guy but he's quite friendly...he would be like that Lucas that was here, all covered in darkness if he was a bad guy. But he's not. Come out....If he does attack, I'll protect you." She whispered to Inkling.
DarkLucas stopped, seeing a DarkNess clone. “Hey, it your turn to attack the survivors.” He said, and the DarkNess nodded. “Okay...if you say so...” The DarkNess said, walking in the direction of the others.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Corrin nodded to Inkling then glanced at Meta Knight. "Do you want me to pick you up, Inking?" She asked softly, unsure if she could walk or stand.


Previously Possibilit
"Your'e a Dragon, right?" Said Meta Knight "Flying is much faster than walking." Then Meta Knight showed his wings. "Come." Said Meta Knight "No time to waste". Meta Knight flew a few feet, glancing back at Corrin, waiting. Meta Knight noticed a shadowy figure behind Corrin "watch out!" Said Meta Knight as he flew a fast speed. Meta Knight soon began to fight DarkNess slashing his sword at DarkNess (Should be called Darkness..get it?). After the fight was done, Meta Knight grabbed Corrin who was grabbing Inkling "As I said, no time to waste." Said Meta Knight "Hold onto the girl, we have to get out of here. Dreamland would be a good place. King Dedede and Kirby could help us" as they flew into the skies, heading for Dreamland.
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Inkling started freaking out again, flailing around. “Come on! Why do we have to do this all the time!” She yelled, not wanting to be touched. “Well, this is the last time....” She thought, shutting her eyes and clinging to Corrin.


Previously Possibilit
After a few minutes, they arrived in dreamland. All the colorful things and creatures excited them. "This is Dreamland" Said Meta Knight "You can do whatever you want, I'll get King Dedede." Meta Knight flew off to a large castle, leaving Inkling and Corrin alone in the colorful land.
Inkling immediately pushed away from Corrin, looking around. “Woah.....its so colorful!” She said, her eyes sparkling with amazement as she started running around, exploring.
Robin and Richter were walking side by side to Dreamland, taking their sweet time. Robin looked around in awe. "Sure is pretty around here..Much more colorful than Ylisse." He smiled as Richter looked around as well, seeming pensive. "Huh." He rubbed his chin until a Waddle Dee walked up to him.
Inkling had wandered off from the others, ending up on the whole other side of Dreamland. She heard voices and hid behind a tree, peeking out at the others, seeing two new people. She decided to stay hidden, unable to tell if they were nice or not.
Robin kept looking around until he suddenly stopped. "I think we're being watched." Richter turned to him.
"How do you know that?"
"I'm a tactician. I know this kinda stuff." Richter scoffed and turned to pet the Waddle Dee.
Inkling continued watching quietly, staying quiet as possible. “They seem dangerous.....well, if I’m quit, I can just watch silently, and they wont know.” She thought, smiling to herself. She was too shy to come out, but was amazed at how many different people were in Smash.
Robin smiled and closed his tome. "How many people do you think are here?" Richter shrugged. "I heard something around 70."
"Woah. How do you think they all got here?" Richter shrugged again and rubbed the back of his neck. "This whole place is just confusing."
Inkling heard them, and her eyes widened. “70? That’s a lot....what if that monster attacks....?” She thought to herself, stepping back to hide herself from sight more, stepping on a stick, making a loud snapping sound. “Uh oh...” She thought, covering her mouth to stop herself from making a sound.
DarkNess walked back to DarkLucas. “Well, I tried. They have another friend now.” DarkNess said. “Well, lets try again soon.” DarkLucas said, nodding to the other clone.
Inkling sat down behind the tree, panicking. “Oh god...I’m gonna die....just stay silent....” She thought, shutting her eyes. “They wont find you if your quiet...”
Robin quickly turned to the source of the sound. "Hey, c'mon out." He said, a little tired sounding. Richter also turned to the sound with confusion.
"C'mon," he sighed. "We're not here to hurt you." Robin looked in the direction where the sound came from and put away his tome while Richter silently watched.
Inkling took a deep breath and peeked out from behind the tree. She was still scared, but she knew if something bad happened she could just find another hiding place.