Okay, in case you've been living under a rock all this time, here's a trailer for Sonic Colors.
Now, I know we have some Sonic fans on here, so I thought, why not talk about it?
Anyway, what are your opinions on Sonic's new game? (Please, for everyone's sake, respect each other's opinion. No bashing about "I prefer the old games" or "This is gonna suck".)
My opinion so far.... IT'S FRICKEN EPIC looking ;D The basic theme park, er, theme for the game gives you a sense of child-like wonder as you behold the wonderful graphics. I'll be honest, the graphics look almost like that of Unleashed for PS3 and Xbox 360, at least to me. Plus, the gameplay looks balanced and looks like it will get your blood pumping with each curve. I especially like the use of colors (hence the name, Colors I guess
), plus that along with Unleash's speed will probably keep me on the Wii for longer than is considered healthy.
However, my one regret about the game is that Griffith will be leaving. To be honest, I know Roger Craig Smith is a great VA, and probably will steal many fans' hearts. Even though I find his Alton Towers voice tolerable, and I know that he will improve by Colors's release, I still find it sad that Griffith, who had grown on me, is leaving (due to the contract being up). Oh well, maybe Tails will sound alittle older
And the music... Let's be honest, when has any Sonic game had bad music? Hardly any right? This is proven again true when you listen to the game's main theme, Reach for the stars. Even though the full song hasn't been released yet, it still suits the game very well (giving it a sense of color but also keeping the coolness that is Sonic the Hedgehog X3). Also, I've heard a few other BG tunes for the game, and so far they seem fantastic ;D Jun Senoe (Sonic Team's main music cordinator) has done it again, and it seems that Cash Cash also fits in well with the game's theme.
So, summary:
Pros: The levels, music, and overall feel to it get's a 4.5 out of 5 for me :3 (but then again, I pretty much like all Sonic games, with the exception of ShtH, but Colors definatly feels like it will be one of my favorites for years to come.
Cons: Griffith will be leaving, but this is only a minor con. Hence how it only takes a .5 off my score.
Okay, now let's hear your oppionions
Now, I know we have some Sonic fans on here, so I thought, why not talk about it?

My opinion so far.... IT'S FRICKEN EPIC looking ;D The basic theme park, er, theme for the game gives you a sense of child-like wonder as you behold the wonderful graphics. I'll be honest, the graphics look almost like that of Unleashed for PS3 and Xbox 360, at least to me. Plus, the gameplay looks balanced and looks like it will get your blood pumping with each curve. I especially like the use of colors (hence the name, Colors I guess

However, my one regret about the game is that Griffith will be leaving. To be honest, I know Roger Craig Smith is a great VA, and probably will steal many fans' hearts. Even though I find his Alton Towers voice tolerable, and I know that he will improve by Colors's release, I still find it sad that Griffith, who had grown on me, is leaving (due to the contract being up). Oh well, maybe Tails will sound alittle older

And the music... Let's be honest, when has any Sonic game had bad music? Hardly any right? This is proven again true when you listen to the game's main theme, Reach for the stars. Even though the full song hasn't been released yet, it still suits the game very well (giving it a sense of color but also keeping the coolness that is Sonic the Hedgehog X3). Also, I've heard a few other BG tunes for the game, and so far they seem fantastic ;D Jun Senoe (Sonic Team's main music cordinator) has done it again, and it seems that Cash Cash also fits in well with the game's theme.
So, summary:
Pros: The levels, music, and overall feel to it get's a 4.5 out of 5 for me :3 (but then again, I pretty much like all Sonic games, with the exception of ShtH, but Colors definatly feels like it will be one of my favorites for years to come.
Cons: Griffith will be leaving, but this is only a minor con. Hence how it only takes a .5 off my score.
Okay, now let's hear your oppionions

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