Name: Joseph Parker
Hero Name: Spyder-Byte
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home Universe: Earth-136
Appearance: Joseph normally wears a loose-flowing and thin blue jacket with a red shirt underneath and blue track pants with black shoes and fingerless gloves. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes with light skin. His blue and red watch is fairly inconspicuous, a large dark green screen across the middle. When Joseph activates the Spyder-Byte program, the watch covers his body in a hard-light hologram. His "suit" is almost entirely red, with dark blue elbow and knee pads as well as a dark blue belt line and eyes. The Spyder-Byte "suit" also has a dark blue fingerless glove/boot pattern on it. The eyes have vast lines of 0s and 1s moving behind them.
Personality: Joseph is a nerd in every sense of the word. He loves computers, he loves AI, he loves holograms, he loves TECH. He's a Tony Stark-level genius despite being a kid, but in his world what would normally be super-advanced and super-expensive tech is made by the general public all the time. He tends to nerd out when it comes to any sort of technology, but may try to make unwanted improvements... Joseph likes being a superhero, enjoying the thrill of battle, but doesn't like actually hurting people. Instead, he likes to outwit and trick his opponents.
Backstory: From a young age Joseph was destined for greatness, being the son of the revolutionary tech creator Desmond Parker. By the age of 14, Joseph had created his first AI, who he decided to call Penny Parker and treat like a sister. Joseph was inspired by old-age comic books to become a superhero, and decided to adopt the mantle of the Spyder. With some hard work between him and Penny, he managed to create a watch capable of completely encasing him in a hard-light hologram he could expand and change at will via mental impulses. He and Penny attempted to become Spyder-Byte to stop criminals, but Joseph's eager attitude about the situation made him slip up, allowing one of the criminals to escape. This criminal went on to gun down a nearby driver for her car. This driver was none other than Mary Parker, Joseph's beloved aunt. Now realizing the true weight of what exactly the job he had wanted entailed - not just stopping criminals, but saving lives - Spyder-Byte took down the criminal quickly. Spyder-Byte took on the job with new vigor, this time with the people in mind.
Powers: The Spyder-Byte suit allows him to summon various expansions and attachments at will. This includes transforming his hands into solid blocks he can use like sledgehammers, creating extra Iron Spider-like arms, making his "Spyrewall" shields, and of course his famous web shooters - though these shooters are actually lines of coding. Penny Parker, Joseph's personal AI, is capable of predicting opponent's movements after observation and analysis, and can make precise calculations and searches in an instant.
Equipment: Aside from his holo-watch, which Spyder-Byte uses to summon his suit, he has an earpiece and thin headband that allow him to communicate with Penny and mentally manipulate the hologram respectively. He doesn't take anything else.
Friends: Penny Parker (AI companion, best friend)
Family: Jessica Parker (mother), Desmond Parker (father), Brian Parker (uncle), Mary Parker (aunt, deceased)
Enemies:, Arcade, Screwball, G0BL1N, Virus
Other: Spyder-Byte was created because I wanted a SpiderSona

Fun fact, when I was first drafting the idea, I was calling Joseph Holo-Spider. Think I got the better name.